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Benchmarks issues

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I started to play this around two weeks ago and I'm quickly getting into end game stuff as a revenant. After a lvlin to 80 and putting effort to it I'm told I wasted my time as I'm not going to be accepted in end game stuff due to poor numbwrs showing up in benchmarks for reve class?

I don't really understand this, my class seems to be doing just fine and I'm being told because my numbers on a stationary golem done by someone else might affect my chances to get on parties?

Why is this in every game?...

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Some people just want fast and safe clears. Bursting down bosses after 1 and 3 broken bars can mean difference between smooth clear and wipe. It's not always the case, but it's group content after all; if groups wants to clear fast there's no need to play something ineffective when there are much stronger builds to play. Make your own lfg group with your own requirements and you'll see the difference.

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First off, the first area you might run into issues is in fully optimized, organized groups which try to push the limit of what is possible in raids and/or fractals in pve. The second group would be PUG groups which try to emulate the first group (and more often than not fail). Neither of those group of people will be a target for you to join. Your best approach is to find a guild and play with people you know and/or like to hang around.


That said, revenant are fine damage wise to clear all content and have certain specialized builds required on certain raid bosses.


All other content in this game is simply to easy to matter what you play. Simply put, you can't have any experience how your class performs until you actually hit something challenging enough to force you to adapt. By your own admission, you haven't yet. No, open world HoT and PoF is not challenging.


Here is my recommendation though from how you composed your question:


- Don't strive to emulate highly devoted players unless you want to emulate the effort and work they put into the game. The amount of casual players who get concerned about what ultra high level static pro elitist players think or do is mind boggling to me. The amount of casual players who try to emulate this performance while failing is even worse

- this is a MMO, class balance changes often. Play something you like

- this is a MMO, find other players to play with (in form of friends and/or guild mates) and 90% of all issues regarding other players go away

- this is a MMO, stop measuring how satisfied you are according to what other people say

- people try to optimize by reducing time invested until rewards or increasing chances of success. It's in the very nature to strive toward a perceived optimal group


**TL;DR: play what you enjoy and start making friends in this MMO (actually this is good advice for any MMO) and you won't have any issues.**

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First off: the revenant is very good in end game if u play the condition dps build. Its a bit harder to gear but its absolutely worth it and imo (as a rev main) much more fun to play.


I'm gonna be honest here, people who think classes like the elementalist and druid are the only acceptable classes are typically not very good at the game as they demonstrate a, clear lack of understanding of the game as a whole. You really wouldn't want to run with these people anyways. There are *some* exceptions to that, sadly (keep construct raid boss) butt they are few and far between.


Revenant brings some good group play to any party: a ferocity buff, really good cc, high dps (38.6k under perfect circumstances), alacrity/ might, and group lifesteal.


Don't let people tell you otherwise about the class.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> Hi,

> I started to play this around two weeks ago and I'm quickly getting into end game stuff as a revenant. After a lvlin to 80 and putting effort to it I'm told I wasted my time as I'm not going to be accepted in end game stuff due to poor numbwrs showing up in benchmarks for reve class?


Because you play with people who are not your friends. Your friends might not mind your low dps or mind but not be willing to admit that. But with pugs you are expected to pull your own weight, not to be carried. And if you do 10k dps in a place where something else would do 20k, you're not pulling your weight.


> I don't really understand this, my class seems to be doing just fine and I'm being told because my numbers on a stationary golem done by someone else might affect my chances to get on parties?

> Why is this in every game?...


Your class is doing less fine than other classes. And... it's not 'someone else'. It's 'players who have much more expertise than you'. Or me. On actually anyone who doesn't delve into what's most effective on a given class. If 'someone else' from, like SC or dT, does a given dps, there's but a tiny chance that you can top it. By 100-200dps. That's why a build with 30k dps is objectively better than a build with 10k dps when it comes to dps.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Revenant/herald was too powerful in nearly all aspects of the game, so it was nerfed hard until it was removed from all aspects of the game.

> Renegade is fine in PVE, meta in many encounters and close to the top of the benchmarks.


Was it tho? Dps meters werent nearly as used back then and the numbers rev could pull (around 29-30k) are blown out of the water by half the roster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Revenant/herald was too powerful in nearly all aspects of the game, so it was nerfed hard until it was removed from all aspects of the game.

> > Renegade is fine in PVE, meta in many encounters and close to the top of the benchmarks.


> Was it tho? Dps meters werent nearly as used back then and the numbers rev could pull (around 29-30k) are blown out of the water by half the roster.


Well to be fair, you can't compare the old herald from the 4-4-2 meta with weaver from today either. Heralds were taken for AP, massive cc, on demand access to prot and facet of nature for the chrono.

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