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So... a question about the new beetle mount

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Don't trust any information that is not directly from ANet. Be it here on the forums or in game. That is no matter how believeable it sounds.

I learned this during the wait before GW2 release and still playing GW1. People would keep "knowing" about some release date and then get angry when that did not happen, when in truth ANet never stated any realease date, but the one we got. Up untill then the official statement was "when its ready".


Guessing and speculating is not the same, it can be fun.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> >

> > > Take it easy there. While I don't pretend to speak for @"Just a flesh wound.3589" , I very much doubt that it was anything more than what amounts to a canned phrase. Modern languages are filled with such things, and it's never a good idea to treat them as if they are to be interpreted literally. (That is, I strongly doubt that @"Just a flesh wound.3589" meant "Someone who is definitely beyond any shadow of doubt obviously for sure a man".)

> >

> > Well, that is a little sexist here because not every man fits in that role! I'm no kitten I just respect others and their identities/or whatever after triggering too many of them unintentionally.


> It’s a phrase. It’s excessive formality to show a lack of respect towards the ideas of the unknown person. It’s masuline because the sex of the person is unknown. Since the English language doesn’t have a neuter then male is commonly used.


> Don’t read so much into it.


You can both claim to be correct, but also know that there's two definitions/uses of the title; of course there's the one that most people are familiar with and that's using it do address a person of the male gender, but the other, less widely known but also quite common is the one where it's just used to describe and unknown individual just as Flesh did, in this case it doesn't describe the person as being male, female or what ever, it's just a word to describe a non-delineated speaker. Personally speaking, if someone gets triggered or offended because of that, the problem is definitely theirs and not mine...as I use an age delineation between Miss(younger than me)/Ma'am(older than me)[all purely based on appearance, and since I can deal with 100's of different people on a daily basis, they have to live with it).

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I also can't believe it but I saw nobody else in the conversation questioning it so I though it must be a leak but the only leaks I found are related to the map and some story coming from China.

> Oh, don't say "Mr" as they could be "Mrs" or something else not gender related. Thanks


Found the person trying to derail the thread

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