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Thoughts on combining chill + slow

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So here are my 3 reasons why:

1. The movement speed decrease is good, but redundant with cripple. Add cripple to professions that need it with the change since kiting is very important to staying alive.

2. The -66% recharge debuff isnt that strong unless its over a long duration / spammed.

3. Slow is practically non existent. It is a great debuff and can help quite a few professions stay alive that need it, if it was more widely available.


Here is what I imagine the new chill looking like:

Chill (or something entirely new)

-50% skill recharge, -50% attack speed (maybe even down to 33%)


Obviously some chill uptime would have to be looked at, probably only reaper would see some nerfs in that area. Weakness + chill too.

This new change would help (assuming cripple was added to them):

Multiple ele builds (staff, frost aura)

Condi rev

Axe ranger

Some engi builds (mortar and nades lol, crosses fingers for new meta)

Necro alot (def tune down the chill + weakness uptime)


Alright so am I crazy or does this sound like a good idea to anyone else?



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No,leave those be where they are.It's just a nitpicking,chill is fine and strong if used properly and slow is supposted to be some kind of above average condition.There are many other things that need to be balanced,especially on PvP,but chill is not one of them :).

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Hmm, I can see some advantages to this, mainly in reducing the number of conditions total (thus helping cleansing a bit). Those three (Chill, Cripple, Slow) already share a lot of the same roles/uses, and Chill basically does the same as the others just a bit better but generally with less duration. So in many ways/situations they become interchangeable.


So either combining into 1 (chill) or 2 (slow and cripple, and rather stack them together in those cases that used chill) could work well enough.


Probably a bit more work than it is worth though, unless it was part of a larger condi/boon clean-up.





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A chill duration nerf on reaper would also be a damage nerf along with a potential lifeforce generation nerf would translate into additional damage nerf plus defense nerf.


Is reaper really so powerful that it needs multiple offensive and defensive nerfs?


Lots of mobs spam chill.


Have you actually thought this through?

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