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Don't Play on the First Day!

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I personally never get frustrated when there are bugs on the first day, I've come to expect it. Playing on day one is still fun because of all the people out and about along with reading the funny complaining comments in chat. I plan on playing through the story a few times on different characters anyway so whether I play on day one or day 14 makes no difference except, less bugs the longer you wait.

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> @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > >

> > > > We actually did. Once.

> > >

> > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > >

> > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > >

> > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> >

> > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.


> Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.


> Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch. I often read about the "poor performance" of the Anet Servers.... It's strange I never experienced them myself. I had maybe 3-4 disconnects since PoF and I play everyday.


> If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen Computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;) I'm personally fine with increasing the system requirements for this game, but I can understand people that cannot afford a new system. That's where you could argue that Anet performed worse than other developers. They don't have a offer for older systems. I personally had performance issues since the release of the Istan Map. After I posted a detailed description of the problem with many other players the problem was fixed within some weeks. That was great work of the Dev-Team. I personally have more positive experiences with Anet than negative ones.




> "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."


> Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spend money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed, they actually give it to your for free. A game always lives from the support of the community. I once knew a guy in another game that reported every single tree or stone that clipped or was in the air. Devs appreciate help you just need to help them to get problems under control.



The thing is, this "server issue" is not just one person, it is basically everyone who attempts to enter the story instance. And even those who do enter very quickly get kicked. There is a bug, one Anet has acknowledged and is working to figure out and fix.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We actually did. Once.

> > > > >

> > > > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > > > >

> > > > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> > > >

> > > > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.

> > >

> > > Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.

> > >

> > > Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch.

> > >

> > > If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."

> > >

> > > Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spent money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed

> > >

> >

> > It's not free. You bought it with PoF.


> No you bought PoF.. ANET push out updates, patches etc as part of their budgeting plans.. its a risk they probably have to take to keep the game fresh and enticing, and ya know, a way of adding coins to the coffers through the development cycle.Then again even if it was included in the price.. it's still a pretty kitten good value for money, even if you gotta go smell some fresh air for a few hours while they try to iron out bugs.

> If you honestly expect patch day to be a disaster, do as others have said, give it a miss and try tomorrow cos it would save having to bring your torch and pitchfork. If like me on the other hand, you still feel it's worth the risk then take a deep breath and login in, but expect to encounter bugs and disconnects.

> I don't think ANET has a stellar record of patch quality either, but then again we don't get 2,3,4 day maintenance sessions, we have only had 1 major rollback since launch iirc and patch day issues do tend to get sorted in a reasonable timeframe.

> I have been critical of ANETS QA many times in the past, but actually when you compare it to other MMO's, its not really any different.. not an excuse, but proves that MMO's are beasts that are hard to tame, even after patches go live. In fact just fixing a bug can cascade new bugs or even old bugs to reappear.. it's a fickle thing that I am glad I am not part of.


No you bought PoF along with this Living World season. Good luck playing it if you don't have Path of Fire and good luck playing the next one if you don't have the next expansion.


I'm sorry you can defend this all you want but this release was already delayed for polish and the game is now in quite a sorry state since earlier today. Not just in regards to the story no one can do but the overall game is unstable.

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> @"Hellbore.1473" said:

> Just popped back in just to see and I'm met with this scene...![](https://i.imgur.com/U4GCNSF.jpg "")

> ...also take a look at the LFG posting for Kourna lol ;)



> P.S. literally as I posted new build B)


> P.P.S. aaaaannnndd we're back ladies and gentlemen to the network error hour....![](https://i.imgur.com/dKthscz.jpg "")



Last time they had errors like this it lasted until around 6 PM Eastern Time. I suspect it will be resolved this evening or tomorrow morning.

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> @"Hellbore.1473" said:

> Word to the wise, don't play on new release day and expect it to function as designed. I've been here long enough to know how this kitten works... WAIT at least a day or two so that Arenanet can iron out dem bugs that should have been taken care of by the QA team. I know that sounds harsh, and I understand there are many variables and unknowns when dealing with a live environment. BUT, I been experiencing that same errors and bugs with every single release. Every. Single. One. Multiple threads can attest to these facts (I will not bother to link, I dont care enough say what you will). Again, if you do not want to deal with the frustration, just wait to play on any other day except release day. As of right now I've wasted more time logging and relogging then actually playing the episode.


This is YOUR opinion, and you are entitled to it, but not everyone always have the same problems and not all bugs can be found by QA teams because QA teams can't possibly test every possible things that players might do...you should know this as well. I personally have experienced few of these bugs on roll out days, certainly not as many as people post about, so you should at least advise people their mileage may vary because again, not everyone will experience these bugs, even the ones that appear to be game wide. The other problem by telling people to wait, if no one plays when an episode is released those bugs won't be found until 2, 3 or more days after when people do start playing...so I think though your thought was in the right place, it's ultimately up to each individual whether or not they want to log in and play on patch day.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if they used their time to buy better servers and stable ones for ones instead of making new mini's that make no sense we might be playing right now instead of complaining about their lack of quality control.


It has nothing to do with the servers, since they don't own them, the use AWS(Amazon Web Services) servers. Also, in case you've never worked in QA or played anything during testing phase, unless you have 10's of thousands of players testing it's IMPOSSIBLE to test every conceivable thing that players might attempt, which is usually the reason that bugs pop up, because players are doing something that no one thought they would or could do, it's just a physical limitation of testing with real humans.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We actually did. Once.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.

> > > >

> > > > Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.

> > > >

> > > > Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch.

> > > >

> > > > If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."

> > > >

> > > > Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spent money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's not free. You bought it with PoF.

> >

> > No you bought PoF.. ANET push out updates, patches etc as part of their budgeting plans.. its a risk they probably have to take to keep the game fresh and enticing, and ya know, a way of adding coins to the coffers through the development cycle.Then again even if it was included in the price.. it's still a pretty kitten good value for money, even if you gotta go smell some fresh air for a few hours while they try to iron out bugs.

> > If you honestly expect patch day to be a disaster, do as others have said, give it a miss and try tomorrow cos it would save having to bring your torch and pitchfork. If like me on the other hand, you still feel it's worth the risk then take a deep breath and login in, but expect to encounter bugs and disconnects.

> > I don't think ANET has a stellar record of patch quality either, but then again we don't get 2,3,4 day maintenance sessions, we have only had 1 major rollback since launch iirc and patch day issues do tend to get sorted in a reasonable timeframe.

> > I have been critical of ANETS QA many times in the past, but actually when you compare it to other MMO's, its not really any different.. not an excuse, but proves that MMO's are beasts that are hard to tame, even after patches go live. In fact just fixing a bug can cascade new bugs or even old bugs to reappear.. it's a fickle thing that I am glad I am not part of.


> No you bought PoF along with this Living World season. Good luck playing it if you don't have Path of Fire and good luck playing the next one if you don't have the next expansion.


You actually have to pay for the LW content seperately if you dont log-in, in the timeframe it was released. Doesn't matter wether you bought PoF before or after the release of the LW Episode. You just get it for free if you log-in in the timeframe ;) Others also have to buy all episodes in case they're new players.


Everyone should take Bloodstealers Post by heart and try later.


Your 30E petrol money don't keep the car running forever. If you consider that I bought GWEN for exactly the same price years ago at release... even Nightfall... Factions.... and GW1 was much simpler to develope. It's actually too little money imo. Unfortunately professions with mainly intellectual property aren't very valued. If you call a plumber you can easily pay for two hours 200E.


Now think about your 30E again, from the pov of a scool kid or teenager it might be much.... But not if you consider how much living costs in general. The value for the money(playtime and fun) is a bargain at GW2. As Bloodstealer suggested it's not an optimal situation, but certainly Anet didn't intend to ruin the patch with a bug. It just happens. I for my part will try tomorrow again and hope the Developers will be able to go soon home to their families. There are actually human beings working on the game, and what I really miss is a bit empathy for them. You cannot play a game, but it's actually their job and they've to fix it fast.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > if they used their time to buy better servers and stable ones for ones instead of making new mini's that make no sense we might be playing right now instead of complaining about their lack of quality control.


> It has nothing to do with the servers, since they don't own them, the use AWS(Amazon Web Services) servers. Also, in case you've never worked in QA or played anything during testing phase, unless you have 10's of thousands of players testing it's IMPOSSIBLE to test every conceivable thing that players might attempt, which is usually the reason that bugs pop up, because players are doing something that no one thought they would or could do, it's just a physical limitation of testing with real humans.


lol virtually everyone is getting booted back to LA. This isn't some small esoteric glitch like people clipping under the map in Fortnite using shopping carts.


This is "corrupted save files in New Vegas" tier.

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I'm just baffled by how these massive issues weren't caught before launch. It's not like you have to do a very specific, obscure thing to trigger the bug - you just get to a certain point and the quest straight up stops working. I was under the impression, since the game allows people on different patch versions to be logged in at the same time, that the dev team could have live-tested this with just a handful of Anet employee accounts running through the episode.


Then again, I know almost nothing about programming or running an mmo, and fully admit I could be totally wrong about the ability to live-test this sort of thing. Feel free to correct my ignorance.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Hellbore.1473" said:

> This is YOUR opinion, and you are entitled to it, but not everyone always have the same problems and not all bugs can be found by QA teams because QA teams can't possibly test every possible things that players might do...you should know this as well. I personally have experienced few of these bugs on roll out days, certainly not as many as people post about, so you should at least advise people their mileage may vary because again, not everyone will experience these bugs, even the ones that appear to be game wide. The other problem by telling people to wait, if no one plays when an episode is released those bugs won't be found until 2, 3 or more days after when people do start playing...so I think though your thought was in the right place, it's ultimately up to each individual whether or not they want to log in and play on patch day.


I get your logic mate, this post was meant to try and elevate some of the frustrations people are having. Just wait until tomorrow if you dont want to spend more time waiting to play the episode than you will actually playing it.


As I said in that post, I understand the realities of working with a live environment, to many variables and unknowns... But its kind of a hard pill to swallow after being told that the episodes' delayed release was on the account of making sure these types of situations would not arise upon release day.


Again, I agree with you that people's experiences will vary (depending on if your lucky or not). But after seeing scenes like this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/WQHMvKY.jpg?1 "")

I tend to lean towards the train of thought that there is indeed quite a few people that are experiencing exactly what I am experiencing...

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We actually did. Once.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.

> > > >

> > > > Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.

> > > >

> > > > Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch.

> > > >

> > > > If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."

> > > >

> > > > Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spent money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's not free. You bought it with PoF.

> >

> > No you bought PoF.. ANET push out updates, patches etc as part of their budgeting plans.. its a risk they probably have to take to keep the game fresh and enticing, and ya know, a way of adding coins to the coffers through the development cycle.Then again even if it was included in the price.. it's still a pretty kitten good value for money, even if you gotta go smell some fresh air for a few hours while they try to iron out bugs.

> > If you honestly expect patch day to be a disaster, do as others have said, give it a miss and try tomorrow cos it would save having to bring your torch and pitchfork. If like me on the other hand, you still feel it's worth the risk then take a deep breath and login in, but expect to encounter bugs and disconnects.

> > I don't think ANET has a stellar record of patch quality either, but then again we don't get 2,3,4 day maintenance sessions, we have only had 1 major rollback since launch iirc and patch day issues do tend to get sorted in a reasonable timeframe.

> > I have been critical of ANETS QA many times in the past, but actually when you compare it to other MMO's, its not really any different.. not an excuse, but proves that MMO's are beasts that are hard to tame, even after patches go live. In fact just fixing a bug can cascade new bugs or even old bugs to reappear.. it's a fickle thing that I am glad I am not part of.


> No you bought PoF along with this Living World season. Good luck playing it if you don't have Path of Fire and good luck playing the next one if you don't have the next expansion.


> I'm sorry you can defend this all you want but this release was already delayed for polish and the game is now in quite a sorry state since earlier today. Not just in regards to the story no one can do but the overall game is unstable.


No you bought PoF.. LW has been in game a lot longer.. a lot.

You have to access LW in the month it launched and that grants free access.. otherwise hand over some coin.

If however LW runs onto PoF maps then of course you need to purchase it to play them. That is just toed into game progression... it would still be available to you to commence for free.. carrots and donkeys is all.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I'm just baffled by how these massive issues weren't caught before launch. It's not like you have to do a very specific, obscure thing to trigger the bug - you just get to a certain point and the quest straight up stops working. I was under the impression, since the game allows people on different patch versions to be logged in at the same time, that the dev team could have live-tested this with just a handful of Anet employee accounts running through the episode.


> Then again, I know almost nothing about programming or running an mmo, and fully admit I could be totally wrong about the ability to live-test this sort of thing. Feel free to correct my ignorance.


A few is not the same as a few hundred thousand, but who knows the why's and wherefore's.. give them a day or two and much of the issues would of likely been sorted.

Its annoying but hey there are worse things in life.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > I'm just baffled by how these massive issues weren't caught before launch. It's not like you have to do a very specific, obscure thing to trigger the bug - you just get to a certain point and the quest straight up stops working. I was under the impression, since the game allows people on different patch versions to be logged in at the same time, that the dev team could have live-tested this with just a handful of Anet employee accounts running through the episode.

> >

> > Then again, I know almost nothing about programming or running an mmo, and fully admit I could be totally wrong about the ability to live-test this sort of thing. Feel free to correct my ignorance.


> A few is not the same as a few hundred thousand, but who knows the why's and wherefore's.. give them a day or two and much of the issues would of likely been sorted.

> Its annoying but hey there are worse things in life.


Indeed - who knows if this worked fine with just a few accounts running it, but the massive volume of players eagerly jumping in could have done something nearly impossible to predict without actually releasing it to us. Also, I agree there are totally worse things in life lol... I'm really, really inclined to always give Anet slack because of the fantastic uptime we have in the game at nearly all times. I'm even relatively unaffected by the move to AWS servers, which I hear has hit some others pretty hard.


I always log in on launch day. If absolutely everyone stayed away for 1-2 days, all that means is that these errors would be encountered and fixed 1-2 days later, I think.



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > I'm just baffled by how these massive issues weren't caught before launch. It's not like you have to do a very specific, obscure thing to trigger the bug - you just get to a certain point and the quest straight up stops working. I was under the impression, since the game allows people on different patch versions to be logged in at the same time, that the dev team could have live-tested this with just a handful of Anet employee accounts running through the episode.

> >

> > Then again, I know almost nothing about programming or running an mmo, and fully admit I could be totally wrong about the ability to live-test this sort of thing. Feel free to correct my ignorance.


> A few is not the same as a few hundred thousand, but who knows the why's and wherefore's.. give them a day or two and much of the issues would of likely been sorted.

> Its annoying but hey there are worse things in life.


This gave me an idea. They should have something separate from the live game where people could log-in to stress test upcoming content updates. We could call it a Public Test Realm or Public Test Server I dunno I'm not good with names. I think that would be a really good idea and catch this stuff before it borks the actual game but maybe it's a dream.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> This gave me an idea. They should have something separate from the live game where people could log-in to stress test upcoming content updates. We could call it a Public Test Realm or Public Test Server I dunno I'm not good with names. I think that would be a really good idea and catch this stuff before it borks the actual game but maybe it's a dream.


I'd sign up for it in a heartbeat. However, I know in some other games where a smaller dev team is working hard to keep things running, even when players in a test server report bugs, they often go unfixed before launch anyways. So perhaps all a test server would do for this game is allow the players to complain more loudly, which nobody needs lol.



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So let me get this straight the day the dev say the patch is coming out is not the day i should expect to play the new content? like wtf! than tell the dev not to tell me the day they release the patch isnt the day you will be able to play the content. Like im so glad you guy are ok with being told one thing and expecting something else and if the game is broke release a statement that says the new content had to be pushed back rather than having people like me wait around for a fix that clearly will not come today i mean how some fucking perspective

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