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Massively OP "The roller beetle: Excellent mechanics, but watch for motion sickness"

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This is the second column from Massively OP on the issue of mounts and motion sickness.








"The roller beetle: Excellent mechanics, but watch for motion sickness"


"Sadly, I do have to point out that the speed, tricks, and airtime comes at a cost: I started to feel fairly heavy motion sickness after 5 or so minutes of rolling around on the beetle’s back. I do suffer from motion sickness quite easily, however, so I’m interested to see how the general feedback goes throughout the episode’s launch window. The first iteration of the raptor made me feel awful too and that was fixable, so I’m holding out hope that this mount can also eventually be enjoyed by those with delicate tummies like me. The development team admitted that the roller beetle was a massive design challenge: The experience would be dampened if tiny, normally inconsequential terrain details such as a little rock or lump slowed him, which was a huge undertaking to get right. I feel that the team did get the balance right on this one, which is a fantastic achievement."


My thread on the topic...



Info on motion sickness...



I know the team is dealing with server issues, but this is an extremely important topic that some in your player base would like to have addressed because of health concerns and enjoyment of the game.



Thank you!



Edit- I have not experienced motion sickness while gaming until GW2 mounts. And to give you a comparison of my tolerance level to movement in gaming...


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There’s a few pointers you can take upon yourself to alleviate motion sickness while gaming, such as adjusting graphics and screen brightness, shortening play times, being in a well lit area while gaming, adjusting your ingame camera to maximum distance / Field of view / height (this helps by slowing how quickly you perceive the movement), and even over the counter anti-nausea medication, Trying to locate a fixed point (usually your characters bum in mmorpgs!) to focus on also helps.

Honestly, I think the only thing Anet did to the mounts was stiffen your character while mounted. Their actual movement seemed to have no change.

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There's a graphic slider that helps with that ("motion blur power"). By default it is set far to the right, which creates a "blur" effect when moving at high speed (currently most easily noticeable with raptor, this is probably what happens with beetles as well). Turning it far to the left seems to help a lot (at least for me).


The Massively OP article author probably didn't adjust it and had it to default.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I know the team is dealing with server issues, but this is an extremely important topic that some in your player base would like to have addressed because of health concerns and enjoyment of the game.


We wont know how it plays out till they fix those connectivity issues.

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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> Man if this thing causes motion sickness that means it’s AWESOME!!!! LOL

> 100% sign me up. This sounds like it’s gonna be the bomb


Any MMORPG mount that can break 130 mph (see the description in the second linked article) has something going for it.


That said, the top speeds of the cars in ArcheAge are about 30m/s, a hair over 65 mph, and that's plenty fast on the dirt tracks that make up most of the game's roads. At that speed, the cars are only barely controllable. It remains to be seen how easy it will be to control the beetle at full whack.

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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> @"Steve The Cynic.3217"

> Lol, true, it’s gonna be fun to try that’s for sure


I've seen them running around DR, and what I noticed is:

* Its "quiescent" speed is similar to the Raptor's full speed.

* And suddenly it sort of hunches down and the speed builds, and then my Raptor might as well be painted on the ground for all the hope I have of catching it.




Too bad I have to do horrible things like going to work.


> @"Brother.1504" said:

> > @"Nivik.2961" said:

> > Man if this thing causes motion sickness that means it’s AWESOME!!!! LOL

> > 100% sign me up. This sounds like it’s gonna be the bomb


> Motion sickness. Wow. Next Gen 3D gaming.


Yeah, Next Gen 3D gaming: Barfing On The Keyboard.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Who still uses a keyboard?! :p


People who prefer precision.


> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Edit- I have not experienced motion sickness while gaming until GW2 mounts. And to give you a comparison of my tolerance level to movement in gaming...


I am used to quick motion due to a long history of playing first-person shooters. I have not experienced motion sickness in any game (including GW2), but that might be because I always deactivate head-bobbing and motion blur (and any game where these cannot be deactivated I do not play).


GW2 has a slider to deactivate motion blur, I recommend people to use it. Also, don't fixate your eyes on your character but on what's in front of you. That should do the trick.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Nivik.2961" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217"

> > Lol, true, it’s gonna be fun to try that’s for sure


> I've seen them running around DR, and what I noticed is:

> * Its "quiescent" speed is similar to the Raptor's full speed.

> * And suddenly it sort of hunches down and the speed builds, and then my Raptor might as well be painted on the ground for all the hope I have of catching it.




> Too bad I have to do horrible things like going to work.


> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > @"Nivik.2961" said:

> > > Man if this thing causes motion sickness that means it’s AWESOME!!!! LOL

> > > 100% sign me up. This sounds like it’s gonna be the bomb

> >

> > Motion sickness. Wow. Next Gen 3D gaming.


> Yeah, Next Gen 3D gaming: Barfing On The Keyboard.


Every self respecting gamer shouldn't have a problem with that. A bucket prevents the keyboard from getting dirty. Keep your pc clean ppl

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > Motion sickness. Wow. Next Gen 3D gaming.

> > >

> > > Yeah, Next Gen 3D gaming: Barfing On The Keyboard.

> >

> > Who still uses a keyboard?! :p


> Well, lacking a neural interface so I can just jack in, I need *something* to enter passwords...


I was actually referring to "Next Gen 3D Gaming" with VR being on the verge and stuff, but apparently nobody got the joke.

My bad, I guess.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > > Motion sickness. Wow. Next Gen 3D gaming.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, Next Gen 3D gaming: Barfing On The Keyboard.

> > >

> > > Who still uses a keyboard?! :p

> >

> > Well, lacking a neural interface so I can just jack in, I need *something* to enter passwords...


> I was actually referring to "Next Gen 3D Gaming" with VR being on the verge and stuff, but apparently nobody got the joke.

> My bad, I guess.


Who needs VR headsets if you can jack in?

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lol @op play Skyrim with a VR helmet. THAT gives motion sickness. I never had issues but the first time walking fully in a 3D world with the input controller I felt like WHOAAA. Totally sick!


Anyway, what annoys me the most is that you start without endurance; you think twice if you take this mount, be cause it is very slow without it and without going downhill. And it takes ages to fill up. Why do that? I really would love to use it but it is - especially for short distances - completely useless compared to the jackal and the raptor.


That said, I love the mechanics. I haven't levelled it fully though. Probably today.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> There's a graphic slider that helps with that ("motion blur power"). By default it is set far to the right, which creates a "blur" effect when moving at high speed (currently most easily noticeable with raptor, this is probably what happens with beetles as well). Turning it far to the left seems to help a lot (at least for me).


I tried messing with that slider last night, and it made absolutely NO difference to what I could see when Raptoring around, nor to the occasional beetle cranking past me. (I have my graphics set to "Best Appearance" on a machine with 4K and an NVidia 1080Ti.)

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > There's a graphic slider that helps with that ("motion blur power"). By default it is set far to the right, which creates a "blur" effect when moving at high speed (currently most easily noticeable with raptor, this is probably what happens with beetles as well). Turning it far to the left seems to help a lot (at least for me).


> I tried messing with that slider last night, and it made absolutely NO difference to what I could see when Raptoring around, nor to the occasional beetle cranking past me. (I have my graphics set to "Best Appearance" on a machine with 4K and an NVidia 1080Ti.)

Oh, trust me, there is a massive difference. For me, it's a difference between a comfortable play and a heavy vertigo after a minute on raptor.

Or at least there was a difference when that slider got introduced, which was around launch i think (i know the initial beta event didn't have it yet, and it hurt _a lot_). I haven't messed with that setting since.

Originally, at least, with that setting to the right, whenever you moved at higher speed (which included raptor at normal, and was even more pronounced at raptor forward jumping), there was a distortion effect (a blur) of everything around the mount (that was probably meant to simulate high speed visuals). With the slider to the left, so such distortion occured.

That made a major difference, at least for me.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > There's a graphic slider that helps with that ("motion blur power"). By default it is set far to the right, which creates a "blur" effect when moving at high speed (currently most easily noticeable with raptor, this is probably what happens with beetles as well). Turning it far to the left seems to help a lot (at least for me).

> >

> > I tried messing with that slider last night, and it made absolutely NO difference to what I could see when Raptoring around, nor to the occasional beetle cranking past me. (I have my graphics set to "Best Appearance" on a machine with 4K and an NVidia 1080Ti.)

> Oh, trust me, there is a massive difference. For me, it's a difference between a comfortable play and a heavy vertigo after a minute on raptor.

> Or at least there was a difference when that slider got introduced, which was around launch i think (i know the initial beta event didn't have it yet, and it hurt _a lot_). I haven't messed with that setting since.

> Originally, at least, with that setting to the right, whenever you moved at higher speed (which included raptor at normal, and was even more pronounced at raptor forward jumping), there was a distortion effect (a blur) of everything around the mount (that was probably meant to simulate high speed visuals). With the slider to the left, so such distortion occured.

> That made a major difference, at least for me.


I'm not saying you're wrong about it for you, but for me, today, it makes no difference at all to what I can see.

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