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NA PvP vs EU PvP


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There is all this talk about how NA has no legendary tier while EU does.


I'd love to see some streamers or top player from both sides create accounts on the other server and stream/record their progress...

Can the top EU players reach legendary on NA? Can the top NA players make it on EU?


And yes... ping might be an issue, but a lot of us (NZ here) have to live with that...


Would be nice to see such streams.

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They can VPN over and get good enough pings to play fps games so not much of an issue in an mmo.


Honestly I've played both sides it's the same stuff. Where everyone else is has a huge effect on reaching the top ratings. This is done to prevent 'infinite climbing' as mmo players think they should be able to climb indefinitely. Which while true a god player could reach the cap they will be hit with hugely diminishing returns once over the player ranked #2. Having a rating gap between 2 servers that don't draw data from each other is pretty much irrelevant due to this. There have been games in the past with NA/Eu splits that one side only had gold players while the other had the equivalent of legendary tier ratings. Are they any different in skill? Not really. If the servers deciding rating gains were merged the legendary tiers from the one server would eventual mix into the gold ratings from the other with the top legend matching the top gold and so down through the tiers. It would take a while to sort itself out but that would eventually be the result.

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From what I hear EU pvp is way ahead of our NA WvW/PvP. From what I gather it has a lot to do with the general approach to the game between the two continents. The US having a more consumerist society, if we don't like the current state of the game, we tend to spend the 30-50$ price for another game a lot easier than our EU counterparts. So in a way EU server beat us NA servers just based on willingness to play the game. Your average NA player (including myself) prefers to play a limited amount of time and balance the scales with a humble purchase at the gem shop vs EU players being more willing to grind out the difference.


Bottomline if I could get less 150 ms playing on EU, I'd be playing on EU. The fact that the US has much, much worse internet connection overseas makes me stuck on US. @"Curunen.8729" plays on the US from the UK and gets better latency than me in Florida.


I understand why EU has better players overall(you guys have better latency/player commitment than our peeps on NA).

Half of us NA players wish we could compete with EU's best, not to prove who's better but to get a proper challenge.

I can't remember the last time I fought a Mesmer of equal skill that made me actually break a sweat and fight for my life.


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I have an account on both regions. EU is declining slowly but it's still okay. NA is an absolute trainwreck on the other hand. People with top 100 legend titles prioritize bosses over capture points and say "but it's 25 score". Bunker firebrands push 1v1s. It feels like hotjoin


Only time it actually feels like ranked is when I meet EU players who migrated there for the easy titles (and there are many of them).

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> @"Curunen.8729" plays on the US from the UK and gets better latency than me in Florida.


Baseline latency can be a bit misleading, because your average latency can be ok, but the problem is when you play across a continent it is often more volatile so you can get more lag spikes, higher lag spikes and more packet loss.


Also the UK is pretty much 'best case', it is not typical in that it is firstly geographically closer to the east coast of the US than most European countries and secondly it is one of the few countries that has direct cables to the US, so a guy from say Poland for example will typically not only have worse baseline latency simply being further east in Europe, but also will have extra hops at least one of which will be an extra major hub (more if they get routed more indirectly) which will mean more chance of packet loss, spikes, etc.


And all that is on the basis of someone with a good fast connection, not someone in a village still on copper cable 6 miles from the exchange.


Which is exactly why games have different servers for different continents.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> I hate to break it to you, but sadly in the US all we got is copper cables (aka coaxial lines are still a thing). I’m sure that has a lot to do with how bad the latency is for everyone that isn’t on the East Coast.


Which doesn't alter the points I made, nor is it quite true, the US does have residential fibre optic, it simply has less coverage than most European countries.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > I hate to break it to you, but sadly in the US all we got is copper cables (aka coaxial lines are still a thing). I’m sure that has a lot to do with how bad the latency is for everyone that isn’t on the East Coast.


> Which firstly changes nothing I wrote, and secondly isn't quite true, the US does have fibre optic, it simply has less coverage than most European countries, for instance in Rhode Island there is 84% coverage.


Having coverage at a specific location does little, if the hub where ANet servers are located doesn’t have it. I’m pretty sure the servers are in Richmond VA. I moved from Fl to NC right next to the VA border. Guess what, my latency is still 64ms. And I’m barely 300 miles away from the servers.


Case and point.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > I hate to break it to you, but sadly in the US all we got is copper cables (aka coaxial lines are still a thing). I’m sure that has a lot to do with how bad the latency is for everyone that isn’t on the East Coast.

> >

> > Which firstly changes nothing I wrote, and secondly isn't quite true, the US does have fibre optic, it simply has less coverage than most European countries, for instance in Rhode Island there is 84% coverage.


> Having coverage at a specific location does little, if the hub where ANet servers are located doesn’t have it. I’m pretty sure the servers are in Richmond VA. I moved from Fl to NC right next to the VA border. Guess what, my latency is still 64ms. And I’m barely 300 miles away from the servers.



You claimed all the US has is copper cables, you were wrong, the US has about 25% fibre optic coverage.


> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Case and point.


There is no point, because whether you have fibre optic or not, it doesn't change that performance from Europe to NA is typically worse for the reasons I pointed out earlier, which again is exactly why game companies go through the hassle of having datacenters on different continents.


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Im from the US, living in the EU, and have played WvW in both for a while. For me, EU is most certainly better. Not sure about PvP talent, but by attitude towards the game and other players. More cooperative, and not so much “Hey look at me” or “me first” attitude.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Im from the US, living in the EU, and have played WvW in both for a while. For me, EU is most certainly better. Not sure about PvP talent, but by attitude towards the game and other players. More cooperative, and not so much “Hey look at me” or “me first” attitude.


Still tryin to change that.

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A large group of players (or any large group of people), performing the same activity, under the same conditions, will have the same standard distribution. The idea of players on one continent or another are better or worse, is statistically impossible. Unless, you claim that people living in NA or EU are much more intelligent and/or educated than the other group, which is flat out false.

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Maybe I can answer this with fresh air...

I'm an EU player, usually I was placed among plat1 and plat 2 in EU ending up always in plat1 for last seasons.

I was transferred to Mexico and donated this account to my wife, meantime I created a new one F2P in NA where I landed last season in plat 3.

I'm answering from her account, my old account.

What I can say about the change: In terms of personal skills you can find good players in both regions (I'm not a good player, but enough to validate whether someone knows what they are doing or not).

All my match-ups (1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, team fights) were in some sense equally difficult in both regions even when considered same level plat2 vs plat 2. I couldn't feel much difference in terms of player skills.


Main differences:

- Population in PVP for EU seems much higher, in NA sometimes I was matched with ppl (and sometimes same ppl over an over) that were clearly not in the same rank I was. You could notice this out of curve guys running around. It happens much more frequently than in EU. (even that EU population has been reduced lately)

- Map awareness and rotation awareness is much higher in EU... This is what really makes the difference. Even good skills players in NA seems to miss map awareness what makes the game sometimes unbearable and these small mistakes are some sort of game changing... Like good FB helping me far when I'm stalling 1 vs 2... Mirages that think they can kill whole teams by themselves, teams going far and not protecting the other points... Or situations where I could stall 4 ppl far even if I gave them the point way earlier than that... Things like this would NEVER happen in EU at same division.

This part of community playing is completely missing in NA. I fell like NA plat is comparable to gold EU in terms of game awareness, even if the single players have better personal skill than a EU gold player... it's really weird...


My feeling is that NA needs to improve in these terms, and I also think that this is the reason for the missing Leg in NA, cause sometimes for the more that you did an amazing game, your team is just overcome by rotations and luck cause you create too many openness.



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> @"lLobo.7960" said:

> There is all this talk about how NA has no legendary tier while EU does.


> I'd love to see some streamers or top player from both sides create accounts on the other server and stream/record their progress...

> Can the top EU players reach legendary on NA? Can the top NA players make it on EU?


> And yes... ping might be an issue, but a lot of us (NZ here) have to live with that...


> Would be nice to see such streams.


Hey bro, I'm from NZ also and I have recently started streaming - I'm currently top 10 have been up and down. Feel free to watch me and I can give you some advice if needed.



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