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Taimi should probably die.

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Can't stand that Taimi would die! Plz!! For an asura she is higher than the averrage, and definitely worth more than Phlunt! I'm very impressed, she is the proof that beyond the height you can still perform great things... I have enough of seeing characters dying... In a world of ninetailed fox, floating airships, laser cannons, golems, low gravities, dragons.... Don't tell ME that you CAN'T create BIONICS, IMPLANTS and PROSTHESIS for Taimi! We even have peacemaker medics able to tell you if your life if compromised or not! I don't understand that such an advanced society, they can't cure any disease..

2 others options: transfert mind into golem, and if it's possible, awake her, some joko's generals have the power of awakening, but I don't know if being awakened prevent you from disease...

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I think you as the commander should barely manage to save Aurene but when you get back to Taimi's nest she dies anyway. Taimi loses her mind deciding that now that her disease is getting worse and Aurene is gone that it is all the commander's fault so she jumps into Scruffy and starts attacking the commander. Once beaten she flies off. Meanwhile it turns out that Aurene merely passed out so you go out to find Taimi, following a trail of bits that have fallen off Scruffy only to find that she initiated the oxygen purge and died like she was supposed to in Fahranur. You could even make it so they have a little dialogue between them where the commander tells Taimi that Aurene is ok and Taimi does believe her and she then dies, having Aurene show up just a moment too late to prove it to Taimi she's ok. It'll jerk many tears and sell many Taimi's Outfits.

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Honestly speaking, I hope Taimi doesn't die. We all have our opinions on the matter, but I kinda got used to her being around, chatting to me over a communication device, blabbering on about useful or useless information and keeping me company when there weren't any other characters around to accompany me through the story. She's one of my favorite characters at the moment, and one of the few I feel were properly fleshed out. Besides, the story needs one of those nerdy types of characters that goes out of their way to explain all the scientific jargon, and honestly an Asura character seems like the most suitable to fit that role.


If anything, I'd say ANet is sometimes over-eager when it comes to killing characters. Character deaths if done right can add a lot of emotion to a story, or give it a certain amount of weight, but killing off interesting characters just because you're trying to create an impact can often do more harm than good. Killing off a character just because some people don't like them is the worst choice out of the lot, because you can never please everyone and there will always be someone hating something.


*SPOILER ALERT* On that note, I was also kinda triggered by the idea that Blish might have died, mostly because he's also a very interesting character whose story I felt we didn't explore properly yet. He's also a very unique character given his unusual circumstances, and added another dimension that I felt has not been explored among the rest of the commander's companions. That being said, I have this strange feeling that Blish didn't really die. We never actually got confirmation that he did, and it stands to reason that if his personality was uploaded to a golem, there might be back-up copies, or he might have transmitted his personality to another host before we lost contact with him (there are various possibilities when it comes to what essentially amounts to magical software). I'm kinda hoping he's still alive, otherwise it will just be another case of killing off an interesting character for the sake of shock value, which might not be to the benefit of the story.

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I wouldn't want.to see Taimi kick off. If you stop to think about it, she's DW's conscience. Without her, we would be running around smashing Elder Dragons putting Tyria in even more danger. Primordus and Jormag wouldn't be sleeping. Kralkatorik would be even more powerful (possibly) and Elona woud be a smear.


Taimi's work has kept this mess from getting far, far worse. If she were to kick the bucket, it's obvious we would simply resort to our previous, and far more destructive, measures.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Tora.7214" said:

> ~snip~ I know they said that her condition is terminal ~snip~


> But again, I truly do not know the answer: Have we said her condition is **terminal**? I cannot recall it, but I'd like to know the answer to the question from your perspective.




Actually, Taimi confirmed it herself in the cutscene.

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Permanently killing off Taimi would pretty much ruin the story. There are numerous ways she could avoid a perma-death. Even Braham, who I wished a fiery, burning death on numerous times, was redeemed. His redemption came, not from the story, but the voice actors ad-lib of the "Ka-Braham" line for me. My only interest in him sticking around now is the voice actor, and what he may "add" to his lines.

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Taimi isn't going to die any time soon, this is her getting nerfed.


Note how she said that some times it's so bad she can't even think. That's them telling us that from now on, there will be times when Taimi isn't going to be in any shape to help us. If she's having a down day, we'll have to look elsewhere for help. Trying to force herself to work at those times might even hasten along her end, and I'm pretty sure the Commander wouldn't ask that of her (though they may have to force her to not do it to herself). Taimi ex Machina is no longer a reliable option.


> @"Xerxes.2468" said:

> Who would take her spot, doing all the researching and planning, Lord Faren?


Braham, actually.


Now, hear me out on this. There are three people in DW that Braham is actually close to. Rox, the Commander, and Taimi. Taimi is the only one he would really need to feel protective of, though. And now, right when he's beginning to realize what everyone means to him, he's told he's going to lose her? Her science isn't giving her the answer, nor is traditional healing, and the gods are gone. But the Spirits? Yeah, they're still around, and it's time for someone to remember that. In fact, one was a renowned healer, Owl. But Owl was lost when it flew right into Jormag's jaws to buy time for the norn to escape. Lost... but maybe not dead...


It's time for Braham to remember what it really means to be a norn isn't "talk big, get drunk, and hit things". The spirits offer advice and wisdom for all sorts of things. It's time for Braham to start listening to them, learning from them, and passing along what they tell him. When Taimi's not there with science, Braham (and Rox?) can provide a more mystical answer. And eventually, he's going to want to go after Owl, in the hopes of saving Taimi. Finally, going after Jormag for the right reasons.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Tora.7214" said:

> ~snip~ I know they said that her condition is terminal ~snip~


> But again, I truly do not know the answer: Have we said her condition is **terminal**? I cannot recall it, but I'd like to know the answer to the question from your perspective.




It is implied by stating it is in remission. This is usually only reserved for terminal diseases, mostly cancers. The common cold is never refered to as "being in remission".

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There are some serious semantics being thrown around here lately... so here's some more!


"Terminal" is not the same as "fatal". Terminal means the condition will not go away or get better; that it will persist until the patient dies. Fatal means it has caused or is causing the death. Usually "terminal" conditions progress into "fatal" ones, such that the two have become interchangeable in common parlance. However, with proper treatment it is entirely possible for someone to live their life with a terminal condition and die of "natural causes". (Though, there will always be doubt as to whether the patient would/could have lived longer without the condition; an impossible question to answer).

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While I still hope they let her die with dignity, here's a thought...


What if, after she passes, her "spirit" or ghost lives on without disability but cut off from the mists? Then we'd have the benefit of her expertise without the specter of her demise... Ok, I know it's a long shot, but it beats the "put her consciousness into Scruffy."

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Even Braham, who I wished a fiery, burning death on numerous times, was redeemed. His redemption came, not from the story, but the voice actors ad-lib of the "Ka-Braham" line for me. My only interest in him sticking around now is the voice actor, and what he may "add" to his lines.


Uhm, voice actors don't write the dialogue, though. ;)


Anyway, he was redeemed by his development between ep 3 and 4, and it was about time. The writing is excellent at this point, and for the first time, I trust the writers with the story and future decisions. (I hope I didn't just jinx it! ;) )

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> There are some serious semantics being thrown around here lately... so here's some more!


> "Terminal" is not the same as "fatal". Terminal means the condition will not go away or get better; that it will persist until the patient dies. Fatal means it has caused or is causing the death. Usually "terminal" conditions progress into "fatal" ones, such that the two have become interchangeable in common parlance. However, with proper treatment it is entirely possible for someone to live their life with a terminal condition and die of "natural causes". (Though, there will always be doubt as to whether the patient would/could have lived longer without the condition; an impossible question to answer).


That is incorrect. Terminal illness is an incurable disease that cannot be adequately treated and is reasonably expected to result in the death of the patient. A terminal illness is fatal.



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maybe if/when she dies, everyone is mourning at her deathbed, then someone starts saying "i can still hear her voice", then several people starts saying the same thing, then realize her voice its coming from Scruffy, having "done a Blish" making everyone had a near heart attack, turning a sad moment to a funny one in half a sec because Taimi refrained from telling them because she herself didnt knew if it was gonna work and didnt wanted to raise their hopes.


dark i know, but not un-gw2-ish

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