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Taimi should probably die.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:


> Nah, those threads were far more energetic.


And probably not in a good way...


New as I may be to the fandom but there are two things that I am already quite exhausted of.


1) Seething hatred for certain characters (and by extension people who LIKE the character they don't like)

2) Character deaths that hold no meaning.


I am still not over Trahearne, and Taimi has been my favorite ever since Season 3, feeling like the only character who fully supports and has the commander's back while everyone else is just up in the air. It's hard for me to have ever imagined so many people hating a child character who tries her best with her intellectual gifts to actually make an impact (without her credit being Phlunted from her) but yet... here we are. People demanding the outright death of a child character who's been a fine assistance to the commander, has been going through her own struggles, and genuinely cares for the commander and trusts them.


>! And despite what I know from the recent chapter, I really hope there is some way of saving her. I am so tired... No more pointless character deaths. Trahearne's death was in vain mere chapters after his murder. And if she does really have to die, then give her some recognition for the work she's done that the Arcane Council can't take from her!

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> @"Luckster.4076" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> >

> > Nah, those threads were far more energetic.


> And probably not in a good way...


> New as I may be to the fandom but there are two things that I am already quite exhausted of.


> 1) Seething hatred for certain characters (and by extension people who LIKE the character they don't like)

> 2) Character deaths that hold no meaning.


> I am still not over Trahearne, and Taimi has been my favorite ever since Season 3, feeling like the only character who fully supports and has the commander's back while everyone else is just up in the air. It's hard for me to have ever imagined so many people hating a child character who tries her best with her intellectual gifts to actually make an impact (without her credit being Phlunted from her) but yet... here we are. People demanding the outright death of a child character who's been a fine assistance to the commander, has been going through her own struggles, and genuinely cares for the commander and trusts them.


> >! And despite what I know from the recent chapter, I really hope there is some way of saving her. I am so tired... No more pointless character deaths. Trahearne's death was in vain mere chapters after his murder. And if she does really have to die, then give her some recognition for the work she's done that the Arcane Council can't take from her!


I personally dislike Taimi, not so much for who she is but rather for how she is used by the writers. Hate is entirely too strong of a word to describe my feelings for the character, but her use in the game has rendered the story all but unenjoyable for me. As someone whose background in RPGs is character driven pen and paper gaming, for the first time I have begun ignoring game lore and story and focusing purely on the mechanics of gameplay...due to the writers' use of characters such as Taimi (but not her alone).

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I like Taimi's character and voice actor enough to want them to stay around in some form. The way I have been piecing the puzzle together could be wrong, but I hope I'm close. Taimi could hear the word "love" from her little robot buddy who clearly wants her, and she could save her mind to be put inside a Scruffy suit. Keeping her voice and mind around for fans and the story help for the Commander sounds best to me. I would like her to become a new fixture in the guild halls, where we can access her machine that lets us fight virtual enemies. World bosses, dungeon bosses, desert giants, and others could be new guild missions to defend our guild hall from being attacked. When a story instance needs her, she's always just a radio link away still, but with way more help and range.


Taimi could also (as Scruffy) help as some sort of hero or henchman such as we had in Guild Wars one days. Newer players could hear the heroic stories that we lived through for years as they level their toon and learn the land and lore of the game. This would give the voice actor a lot of work, and the fans would appreciate the new position of respect for the character. Killing off characters works when you make it work correctly. As a fan of the game as a whole, I don't like the idea of Taimi dying. An evolution of the character should set a tone for all of the other characters to step their game up with her departure and would let them evolve as well.

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Now practical question: if ArenaNet decides to let her die... who will be the next GW2's mascotte? The one used to sell the Branded Elder Dragon Muffin.

Rytlock again? Scruffy 2.0 is not cute enough to attract people to GW2, unless ANet is planning to put her into one of those pinky cat golems with moustache.


I have nothing against her. Actually the only time that I disliked her, was

>! at the end of that chapter when she activated that portal in Rata Novus, when she got mad because she felt treated like a child (when Braham hit with the head that column - I forgot which episode).

However, yes, Asura are the GW2's super-heroes. It would be nice to have a Norn MacGyver sometimes, for a change.

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Everyone keeps talking about Taimi ending up like Blish but there is another option. We're down a god. Maybe in defeating/fighting Kralk Taimi somehow takes on some of that power like Kormir did after killing Abby in Nightfall and takes Balth's place. It could be with a similar gift like Kormir received or with a device she makes herself to absorb it so it can't go into another dragon. She would become the god of enlightenment or knowledge or something. It would be a much better ending for her after being the brain behind every solution the save the world. Or she absorbs just enough to be healed but that just feels cheap.

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> @"Ambika.6257" said:

> Everyone keeps talking about Taimi ending up like Blish but there is another option. We're down a god. Maybe in defeating/fighting Kralk Taimi somehow takes on some of that power like Kormir did after killing Abby in Nightfall and takes Balth's place. It could be with a similar gift like Kormir received or with a device she makes herself to absorb it so it can't go into another dragon. She would become the god of enlightenment or knowledge or something. It would be a much better ending for her after being the brain behind every solution the save the world. Or she absorbs just enough to be healed but that just feels cheap.

Gods are usually taller than human beings, so Taimi-goddess would become like... a "simple" Norn, supposedly. Hmm, hard to imagine, but in the end, why not. We would remain without a god of war though, she can't be it.

About Taimi-"golemized", she said that she only talked about her disease to Blish, hoping that he could find a way to extend her life... so this does seem quite a hint. Although she said "I hoped that he could" iirc, so maybe it wasn't possible in the end.


EDIT: crazy idea. Gorrik said "...But I saved him". So he made a copy of Blish. He will put Blish's memory into a new golem, bigger and more powerful, together with Taimi's mind. So we will have a new super-intelligent golem with a double personality.

It wouldn't look cheap to re-use the same trick used for Blish and it wouldn't change much for us, since we always talk to her through an intercom.

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> @"Ambika.6257" said:

> Everyone keeps talking about Taimi ending up like Blish but there is another option. We're down a god. Maybe in defeating/fighting Kralk Taimi somehow takes on some of that power like Kormir did after killing Abby in Nightfall and takes Balth's place. It could be with a similar gift like Kormir received or with a device she makes herself to absorb it so it can't go into another dragon. She would become the god of enlightenment or knowledge or something. It would be a much better ending for her after being the brain behind every solution the save the world. Or she absorbs just enough to be healed but that just feels cheap.


The "cheap" part is her being the source of, "every solution to save the world."

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Couple of personal thoughts:

> * I like Taimi and think she adds a lot to the story. I find her character interesting, her dialogue amusing, and her personality quite charming. As a whole, I think she enhances and propels the story in valuable ways.

> **I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition.** I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)

> **I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing**, of "**kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it** or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, '**strengthens the story**' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!


Erm.... :astonished: Reading this after the latest story

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Yeay.

> I got my wish.


Yeah wow. I was fairly sure it was curtains for her, but oh boy the way she went... Straight through! I had visions of that scene in Maniac where the dude gets blown in half by a shotgun blast, obviously ANet wouldn't show gore but it was heavily implied. I almost feel bad for wishing her dead. Almost.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > * I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)

> It's my understanding that she has brittle bone disease, at least that's how I always took it, probably because I have a friend who has that. He can "walk" sort of, but he needs a wheelchair to function, like she needs her Golem. It takes very little to literally break him, he once broke a finger by doing basically nothing. If it was a rib instead it could puncture his organs and kill him. So while the disease itself isn't terminal it's incredibly dangerous and could easily cause the person to die. Also, if it were to degenerate more, the possibility of that happening becomes more likely. Especially when she keeps putting herself in the middle of dangerous situations, like she does.


Wait.. wait. Taimi has brittle bones, she puts the player character in dangerous situations which we survive against all probability, our player character has visions and an aversion to underwater combat?


I see it now. LS3/4 is based on M. Night. Shamalayan's 'Unbreakable'. Taimi is Mr Glass and we're David Dunn.





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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> The "cheap" part is her being the source of, "every solution to save the world."


Where is this coming from? If we're being honest, what has she actually done? For most of HoT, LS3, and PoF, she walled herself up in the dragon lab and was limited to providing small bits of intel (but mostly comic relief).


Her actual contributions, though? There was the device to modify waypoints so that Mordremoth would stop targeting them in LS2 and the modified Omadd machine to pit Jormag and Primordus against one another in LS3. Note that the latter would have destroyed the planet, so I'm not sure it really counts (or, if it does, "Spencer" really deserves the credit for Taimi's accidental discovery of the prismatic nature of magic). Her only contribution in LS4 was her past connections to Blish and Gorrik that allowed the player to bring them into the fold.


Don't get me wrong -- I actually like her character. In particular, as stated before, she's really the only teammate that hasn't abandoned the player at one point or another. However, she's hardly the font of problem solving people make her out to be.


If you want to peg any of the player's companions as a deus ex machina in recent history, my pick would actually be Kasmeer. Not only was she able to find a way to break Lyssa's mirror to reveal Balthazar, but she was able to disguise your party well enough to take over an army that could be used to fight the forged.


Think about that for a moment. The first requires that we believe she could overpower an artifact made by the god of illusion and do so with a plan she came up with in a matter of minutes. The second one requires we believe that either generals who have been alive for centuries in a world full of mesmers would not have countermeasures to expose someone trying to impersonate a high ranking officer or that Kasmeer is just so good that such countermeasures are useless.


That's not to say I disliked the story -- I'm more willing to suspend disbelief to have fun than others seem to be, so I largely gave Kasmeer's contributions a pass as they happened. But now that we're talking about characters' inexplicably large contributions to the story, she's pretty high on the list, though still below Trahearne allowing the player to kill Mordremoth.





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