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Is Beetle Mount worth it?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Undoubtedly most people want the mount and went for it first thing once they got on the map. To want it to be harder to get because it’s hidden or locked away because you would prefer to farm Spirit Shards, which you can farm on any other map where you have full masteries, is a bad idea as it inconveniences the many while not being particularly useful to the few.


I don't want it to be harder, I want it be optional. Not forced to get as soon as you done first chapter of ep4. E.g hidden until you go talk to Blish and confirm that you want it.



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To me, I think it's very much worth it. It's free and only requires 3 collections, only 1-2 thing out of all the collection were annoying but not that bad. Did it mention it's free? So thats nice and I spent all my saved gold on other things. xD


The beetle is utterly adorable - he gives you thumbs up and dances around with just makes me love him even more.


At first it's a little hard to handle and get used to, but then again I was like that with ALL the other mounts. But boy once you get used to it it's fun, I've been going to different maps (both core and PoF so far) just to race around and enjoy all that speed. My computer does have trouble loading the maps fast enough and gives me some lag, but then again that just my crappy computer.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Undoubtedly most people want the mount and went for it first thing once they got on the map. To want it to be harder to get because it’s hidden or locked away because you would prefer to farm Spirit Shards, which you can farm on any other map where you have full masteries, is a bad idea as it inconveniences the many while not being particularly useful to the few.


> I don't want it to be harder, I want it be optional. Not forced to get as soon as you done first chapter of ep4. E.g hidden until you go talk to Blish and confirm that you want it.





I don’t think you’ve thought your suggestion through. Do you actually think that many will want to go to a brand new map just to farm Spirit Shards???


The vast majority want the mount. The very few who don’t aren’t being reasonable to ask that it be tailored to their non interest.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> I don’t think you’ve thought your suggestion through. Do you actually think that many will want to go to a brand new map just to farm Spirit Shards???


> The vast majority want the mount. The very few who don’t aren’t being reasonable to ask that it be tailored to their non interest.


I don't think you know that spirit shards are from exp per expo not per map unless ofc you have unlocked all of them, then you get from any expo/core. Having 262 i was forced to get that mouth ( that in my opinion is redundancy, no practical use outside of Kourna and even this one is questionable) and farm exp + mastery. I don't like being forced into redundancy. I find it waste of my time.


So to answer your question: No beetle, is not worth it, soon enough that map will be dead and hardly any of those that got beetle will use it



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> > I don’t think you’ve thought your suggestion through. Do you actually think that many will want to go to a brand new map just to farm Spirit Shards???

> >

> > The vast majority want the mount. The very few who don’t aren’t being reasonable to ask that it be tailored to their non interest.


> I don't think you know that spirit shards are from exp per expo not per map unless ofc you have unlocked all of them, then you get from any expo/core. Having 262 i was forced to get that mouth ( that in my opinion is redundancy, no practical use outside of Kourna and even this one is questionable) and farm exp + mastery. I don't like being forced into redundancy. I find it waste of my time.


> So to answer your question: No beetle, is not worth it, soon enough that map will be dead and hardly any of those that got beetle will use it




Spirit shards are such a nothing reward that can be easily farmed otherwise. I hardly think people will hang around on that map just to farm Spirit Shards as it’s not a reward that really motivates most people. If you don’t want the mount then ignore it. Just go to the map and play. Do the events and get any other rewards the map offers. Leave when you’re done. You may be a few Spirit Shards short at the end but pop a few tomes and get them that way if it’s important to you.


“hardly any of those that got beetle will use it”

Your opinion because you’re not interested in it. Not borne out by the people who are enthused by it and who are making race tracks.

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> @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Dont be lazy, just finish the collection, it doesnt take that long.


> Just got to lvl 80. Just started on Living World 2. Will I encounter any spoilers along the way if I decided to get the beetle mount at this moment in my case?


You’ll need to do the first part of the story line on that map at minimum so of course there will be spoilers from jumping into the story at that point.

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> @"Jay.3409" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > First of all, it's free, you have just to do 3 easy collection, it's also the fastest mount on plain grounds.


> then spend days of grinding for inscribed shards... sure u get to be in a big group.. have fun and maybe meet new people..... but pve so boring ;(


It's not boring. I think a more accurate word you're expressing is "frustration" from having to farm the inscribed shards. The fact is, it takes less than 2 hour to get 50 shards. Some people are doing the long route. That's the frustration.

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Hey guys, for those seeking help, here's a faster way to get the 50 inscribed shards you need.


Instead of farming Kourna Caches, doing Kourna Dailies, Heart Vendors and the Moon Fortress Meta which would take a very long time. All you need to do is have two of your level 80 toons do the 5 hearts for 50 shards. Do it once, repeat on a second toon. Buy the portal scroll for 1000 volatile magic to get your other toons to Kourna.


Even faster if you pick the two fastest and easiest hearts to complete using 5 level 80 toons.


If you have 10 level 80 toons on your account, pick the one fastest and easiest heart.


But you do also have to do the Meta for the collection and that'll get you an additional 6 shards. I did this event in between doing the hearts.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> The title says it all.

> What does the beetle give you that other mounts can't do (other than break through walls).


Incredible speed. Once you get it I recommend using it in the northern area of the new map for practice because it was basically made as a beetle practice range. The speeds you can reach on that thing is insane and once you practice it a bit it becomes so much easier to figure how to reach and maintain high speeds.

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> @"Jay.3409" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > First of all, it's free, you have just to do 3 easy collection, it's also the fastest mount on plain grounds.


> then spend days of grinding for inscribed shards... sure u get to be in a big group.. have fun and maybe meet new people..... but pve so boring ;(


At worse, 2 days. There are 5 heart vendors that sell 5 shards. Assuming you use no other method of acquisition it is just 2 days of heart vendors.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Undoubtedly most people want the mount and went for it first thing once they got on the map. To want it to be harder to get because it’s hidden or locked away because you would prefer to farm Spirit Shards, which you can farm on any other map where you have full masteries, is a bad idea as it inconveniences the many while not being particularly useful to the few.


> I don't want it to be harder, I want it be optional. Not forced to get as soon as you done first chapter of ep4. E.g hidden until you go talk to Blish and confirm that you want it.




It's not mandatory. You don't have to get the beetle. Yes, you'll still be told to talk to Gorrik and Blish and that will unlock the first collection. But there's nothing that says you HAVE to finish it. So far as I know, the only things "locked" behind the beetle are:


- A few achievement points and one mastery point for finishing the beetle collections, which took me only a few game hours spread over two days. Waiting on the world boss timer for the Mk II was the only significant delay I had.

- One mastery point and one POI on the map, both of which you can get when someone else with a beetle knocks the door open for you.


Like me. I spent like an hour the other day just knocking the mastery point open over and over to help people. Because you know, some of us actually like to be helpful instead of complaining about everything not being our specific way.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> It's not mandatory. You don't have to get the beetle. Yes, you'll still be told to talk to Gorrik and Blish and that will unlock the first collection. But there's nothing that says you HAVE to finish it. So far as I know, the only things "locked" behind the beetle are:


If you unlock the collection, you can't *use* mastery points on the Beetle masteries, but you can't channel XP into Spirit Shards either. That might not matter to some people, but it's a thing you have to include in the analysis.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Why are people so resistant to do this collection?


Because you can't earn experience towards the mastery while doing the collection as it's not unlocked until after it's done. It's kitten-backwards from all the other mounts. They all give you a rental until you qualify for the real mount.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Why are people so resistant to do this collection?


I cant speak for others, but I dont like the mount.


Doing busywork when the outcome is not desirable? No thank you.


Would you do the collection if the result was something you disliked, such as deleting one of your characters?

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It's fast, it's cool but the initial delay is too long and kills the fun most of the time. You rarely use it after a point, the endurance bar should start as half-full at least.

It has its downsides to balance its speed already. Dunno why the nerf was needed, everyone can get it and use it. It was fun while it lasted.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Why are people so resistant to do this collection?


> I cant speak for others, but I dont like the mount.


> Doing busywork when the outcome is not desirable? No thank you.


> Would you do the collection if the result was something you disliked, such as deleting one of your characters?


If I get to pick the character.


Goodbye key runner. I hardly knew ye. /sob

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I restate, dont be lazy and finish it. It does not take long. And theyve mentioned they are considering what to do in easing the pain points of using it. But they are intentionally having the charge delay to not having it displace other mounts.


Not doing something that you do not want to do, or which has an undesirable outcome, is not laziness.

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