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any up coming changes happening soon ?


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In terms of 2vs2, Swizz style tournaments , and balance patch ?


Has any information been discus lately or recently @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" ? I beleive last time we spoke, some of these things were being worked on still(2 months ago), and wanted to know how things are going currently with them. Any official news that can be shared with us?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> Yes.....they have **several departments working right now on new mount skins**...on other hand if you mean pvp changes...yeah..they're planning to release a balance patch where they knock off 1-2s from from mirage/scourge condi aoe spam...that should make the game more balanced


How many people do yo think work on GW2? Give them a break...

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > Yes.....they have **several departments working right now on new mount skins**...on other hand if you mean pvp changes...yeah..they're planning to release a balance patch where they knock off 1-2s from from mirage/scourge condi aoe spam...that should make the game more balanced


> How many people do yo think work on GW2? Give them a break...


I remember either pre HoT release or a bit after, devs mentioned there were around 200 employees with 120 working on expansion. I think number still holds, considering GW2 is a large game and is propsperous.


In addition, lack of devs (which again, does not seem to be he case) is not an excuse. I paid money for the game and for continuing support. I do expect anet to be making a decent profit, but trying to cut quality to increase profits is not acceptable. I would not go as far as saying that anet is doing this, but the quality of content and the quality improvements, like class balance, have been severely under whelming since PoF release.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> How many people do yo think work on GW2? Give them a break...


a game with this many players?

a lot. many times more than is needed to get pvp right

the problem is the management doesn't really give a damn about the players, so all resources are assigned to things that directly make money in the short term. like mount skins

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> @"otto.5684" said:

>... I paid money for the game and for continuing support.


Oh step off it. You paid for the game, the continuing support was not part of the original price. This is a F2P game which you have *by far* gotten your money's worth out of already compared to any other $30 or $60 game...And if you *haven't* gotten your money's worth out of it, then you haven't been playing long enough to have a worthwhile opinion.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> >... I paid money for the game and for continuing support.


> Oh step off it. You paid for the game, the continuing support was not part of the original price. This is a F2P game which you have *by far* gotten your money's worth out of already compared to any other $30 or $60 game...And if you *haven't* gotten your money's worth out of it, then you haven't been playing long enough to have a worthwhile opinion.


The expansions are NOT free. I paid for the expansions. Part of the money is for continuous support of the game and additional content. I did buy gems during HoT with real money, cuz I was satisfied with the product. With PoF I would not give anet an addition cent. Their performance in terms of quality has been seriously lacking. I also bought the most expensive version of PoF based on HoT reputation. I most definitely will not for the next expansion, if I even buy it at all.


So if you think that anet has no reason to continue providing content and fix issues, think again. This how MMOs lose players and eventually go out of business.


And to be fair, anet does patch the game periodically. The quality with and since PoF has been significantly lower than before.


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why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.


can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.


> can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.


Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> >

> > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.


> Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.


You are missing the point though and I feel that your example in this case is irrelevant. The person you are replying to wants to invest in the game and mentioned above that they paid for the base game, expansions (even bought the more expensive versions), and gems to support the game. They also indicated they did this because they were happy with the state of the game and wanted to support Anet. But the quality to them has gone downhill and so they no longer wish to support Anet in that manner.


This is bad for all of us because they need our support to continue the game and we need their support to keep our interest. In a way it's like a symbiotic relationship. Anet owes us as much as we owe them **_IF_** we want the game to continue and flourish.


The reason people get this way is because they care for the overall health of the game and it appears to be going in the wrong direction in some ways. Communication has always been a weak point for them and it hurts everyone involved.




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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> >

> > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.


> Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.


What about you give people **legitimate marketing and not lies?** then maybe those people would not come here to spend THOUSAND HOURS

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> > >

> > > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.

> >

> > Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.


> What about you give people **legitimate marketing and not lies?** then maybe those people would not come here to spend THOUSAND HOURS


What lies?


> @"Roquen.5406" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> > >

> > > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.

> >

> > Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.


> You are missing the point though and I feel that your example in this case is irrelevant. The person you are replying to wants to invest in the game and mentioned above that they paid for the base game, expansions (even bought the more expensive versions), and gems to support the game. They also indicated they did this because they were happy with the state of the game and wanted to support Anet. But the quality to them has gone downhill and so they no longer wish to support Anet in that manner.


> This is bad for all of us because they need our support to continue the game and we need their support to keep our interest. In a way it's like a symbiotic relationship. Anet owes us as much as we owe them **_IF_** we want the game to continue and flourish.


> The reason people get this way is because they care for the overall health of the game and it appears to be going in the wrong direction in some ways. Communication has always been a weak point for them and it hurts everyone involved.


You seem to be blind to the bigger picture here. There are plenty of people who are very satisfied with the state of the game. I'm one of them - sure I think that there may need some balance tweaks here and there, but I know that there are people who *don't* want the same tweaks that I do, and are happy on their own end of that spectrum.


Of course the people who feel unhappy for whatever their personal reasoning is are going to be extremely loud on the forums. That doesn't make them the majority, nor does it make them right. The vast majority of happy players will never even come to the forums, because they have nothing to complain about.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> > > >

> > > > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.

> > >

> > > Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.

> >

> > What about you give people **legitimate marketing and not lies?** then maybe those people would not come here to spend THOUSAND HOURS


> What lies?


> > @"Roquen.5406" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.

> > > >

> > > > can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.

> > >

> > > Because some people have this weird sense of entitlement and I like to point out that they are playing a game that cost $60 ($120 if you also purchased the original when it was $60) for THOUSANDS OF HOURS. I wonder how many hours they got with the same $60 in something like Call of Duty or Devil May Cry or whatever other new game where the standard price is $60.

> >

> > You are missing the point though and I feel that your example in this case is irrelevant. The person you are replying to wants to invest in the game and mentioned above that they paid for the base game, expansions (even bought the more expensive versions), and gems to support the game. They also indicated they did this because they were happy with the state of the game and wanted to support Anet. But the quality to them has gone downhill and so they no longer wish to support Anet in that manner.

> >

> > This is bad for all of us because they need our support to continue the game and we need their support to keep our interest. In a way it's like a symbiotic relationship. Anet owes us as much as we owe them **_IF_** we want the game to continue and flourish.

> >

> > The reason people get this way is because they care for the overall health of the game and it appears to be going in the wrong direction in some ways. Communication has always been a weak point for them and it hurts everyone involved.


> You seem to be blind to the bigger picture here. There are plenty of people who are very satisfied with the state of the game. I'm one of them - sure I think that there may need some balance tweaks here and there, but I know that there are people who *don't* want the same tweaks that I do, and are happy on their own end of that spectrum.


> Of course the people who feel unhappy for whatever their personal reasoning is are going to be extremely loud on the forums. That doesn't make them the majority, nor does it make them right. The vast majority of happy players will never even come to the forums, because they have nothing to complain about.


This is correct... I was happy playing team queue until the forum peeps had it removed and since then its all Ive bitched about ...


Ive seen too many friends leave the game because of this change and to be honest I may leave too as my active friends list has gone down from about 30 to 3, theres no point to MMO if you play alone.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> In terms of 2vs2, Swizz style tournaments , and balance patch ?


> Has any information been discus lately or recently @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" ? I beleive last time we spoke, some of these things were being worked on still(2 months ago), and wanted to know how things are going currently with them. Any official news that can be shared with us?


We've made some good progress on some of the underpinnings of swiss. I hesitate to give a date, as I expect it's still a ways away.


We've been holding off on special tournaments until we get some some additional tournament support to allow for more teams. We plan to push some of these changes live soon. We'll make an announcement when we do, however if it goes right, you shouldn't notice a difference in most circumstances.


The mid-season balance patch is coming soon.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > In terms of 2vs2, Swizz style tournaments , and balance patch ?

> >

> > Has any information been discus lately or recently @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" ? I beleive last time we spoke, some of these things were being worked on still(2 months ago), and wanted to know how things are going currently with them. Any official news that can be shared with us?


> We've made some good progress on some of the underpinnings of swiss. I hesitate to give a date, as I expect it's still a ways away.


> We've been holding off on special tournaments until we get some some additional tournament support to allow for more teams. We plan to push some of these changes live soon. We'll make an announcement when we do, however if it goes right, you shouldn't notice a difference in most circumstances.


> The mid-season balance patch is coming soon.


Any chance of getting a preview of that mid season balance

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Hiki.9310" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The mid-season balance patch is coming soon.

> >

> > Yay! I'm hoping for Renegade buffs.


> Lol no buffs could salvage that spec.


Im really hoping it gets some buffs. Such cool profession skills (on sb) that Ive wanted always to try out but havent because of the current profession state. Crossing fingers!

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> why does everything on the forums become an argument..... like this topic wasn't even attended to be a bash or some silly argument over buying the game.


> can some of ya'll bring it down a bit? Post like above is how the devs decide not to comment on anything.


They are trying to increase their forum rating so they can be a top 10 forum argument winner because the forum is its own game mode.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> The mid-season balance patch is coming soon.


I'm happy for a upcoming balance pass (sometimes they're my favorite update since I can try new things when they're good meaty ones)


But out of curiosity why are they midseason now is that how long it takes and you guys push it out as fast as you can? Or is there actual design reason you guys push it out mid season now?


(I hope ranger mh dagger gets love in pvp one can wish I suppose)

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