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Whatever happened to Glint's baby from Eye of the North?


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As some GW:EotN players may recall, there was an instance where you had to defend Glint's baby from waves of attacking destroyers. Do we know whatever happened to this baby dragon? Did it get the [Chuck Cunningham](http://happydays.wikia.com/wiki/Chuck_Cunningham "happydays.wikia.com/wiki/Chuck_Cunningham") treatment or is there some sort of time loop thing going on and what we're seeing is actually an actor switch a la [bewitched](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wsmAijrDEsk/VOAZqw08jgI/AAAAAAAAIWE/luhwtgkMr_E/s1600/Dick%2BYork-Dick%2BSargent.jpg "2.bp.blogspot.com/-wsmAijrDEsk/VOAZqw08jgI/AAAAAAAAIWE/luhwtgkMr_E/s1600/Dick%2BYork-Dick%2BSargent.jpg")?

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In Living World Season 2's ["Return to Camp Resolve"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Return_to_Camp_Resolve#After_talking_with_Logan "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Return_to_Camp_Resolve#After_talking_with_Logan") story instance, Eir and our character speculated whether the first scion of Glint, named Gleam by human bards, would've survived to the present day or not. Here's the relevant bit of the written, optional dialogue you could have with Eir:


> **Pact Commander:** What if she [Glint] had offspring? Would it also be our ally?

> **Eir:** There's no way to know. It depends, I suppose, on who raises it. There's an old human legend that says she had a hatchling hundreds of years ago. Some humans found it and protected it.

> **Pact Commander:** Is it still alive?

> **Eir:** Unlikely, I think. Gleam—that's what the bards call it—hasn't been seen, and we have no proof the stories are even true. They live so long, it's possible we won't see it in our lifetime.


There's been speculation in the community that Gleam may have been the mysterious individual with a distorted, deep male voice who gave Glint's egg (Aurene) to the Master of Peace in the vision seen in the ["Hidden Arcana"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory) story instance in Season 2. Ogden gave us a rather cryptic answer when we tried to question him about what we'd seen:


> **Pact Commander:** I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> **Ogden:** Fear not. He did not steal it. He was given custody of it.

> **Pact Commander:** By whom?

> **Ogden:** You know. You witnessed it, didn't you?

> **Pact Commander:** Not clearly.

> **Ogden:** Then you're not meant to know just yet. All things in their time.


Makes you wonder if Gleam may play a part in Path of Fire, doesn't it?


Here's to hoping Odgen will stop being elusive and will finally give us some answers, especially because he can now be found at the Order of Whispers "tavern" in Lion's Arch so he should at least play a part in the prologue in PoF before we travel to Amnoon. ;)

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> As some GW:EotN players may recall, there was an instance where you had to defend Glint's baby from waves of attacking destroyers. Do we know whatever happened to this baby dragon? Did it get the [Chuck Cunningham](http://happydays.wikia.com/wiki/Chuck_Cunningham "happydays.wikia.com/wiki/Chuck_Cunningham") treatment or is there some sort of time loop thing going on and what we're seeing is actually an actor switch a la [bewitched](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wsmAijrDEsk/VOAZqw08jgI/AAAAAAAAIWE/luhwtgkMr_E/s1600/kitten%2BYork-kitten%2BSargent.jpg "2.bp.blogspot.com/-wsmAijrDEsk/VOAZqw08jgI/AAAAAAAAIWE/luhwtgkMr_E/s1600/kitten%2BYork-kitten%2BSargent.jpg")?



This is straight from GW1 wiki:


> This Baby Dragon is one of Glint's offspring. You must protect it in order to receive a Cloth of the Brotherhood for hero armor upgrades in the challenge mission Glint's >Challenge.



>Its name is revealed in Guild Wars 2 to be Gleam.


And the confirmation that it is the same one from gw2 wiki:

>Gleam is the name given by bards to Glint's baby dragon that was attacked by destroyers in 1078 AE and defended by humans and the Brotherhood of the Dragon.

>Gleam has not been seen in modern times, nor is there any proof of its continued existence. > @Celebane.9813 said:


I am also sure that I remember Gleam being referenced as male, but I am unsure as to where I saw that. I think it's either somewhere in LS2 or in Tarir. Could also be in Edge of Destiny, can anyone confirm?

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> @Fluffy.6058 said:

> well his most likely chilling with the brotherhood of the dragon, like how his Mother was chilling with the forgotten ones if i recall right


The Brotherhood of the Dragon has essentially been replaced by the Zephyrites (and the Forgotten by the Exalted). It is entirely possible that Gleam is holed up somewhere pulling the proverbial strings of the Zephyrites, though. We might find out with that Zephyrite-esque settlement we've seen in Path of Fire shots.

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This does bring up a question in my mind. With Tarir and the exalted being created after Gleam was born, was Tarir really only made with a single scion in mind? If i recall from let's plays, there was an entire NEST of eggs that Glint had, and with two confirmed hatches (Gleam and Aurene as of Season 3), is it really reasonable that out of what may be dozens of eggs, only two hatched? At the very least, I hope if we visit Glint's Lair again (in a different manner than season 2) that there's something explaining why only one egg was in the care of the Zephyrites and why it wasn't quite a few.

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Tarir was created as a minor portion of Glint's legacy and plan. As is Aurene (and possibly Glint), but the Exalted are established to protect it all. So we'll be seeing them outside of Tarir in the future.


> 14 "Glint's legacy is far more than just her offspring, and you must protect it all. The legacy's potential will only be realized in the fullness of time when all its pieces have developed and become defined in response to the world around them."




As for the dozen other eggs, we were told (quite a few times) that the one which Aurene came out of was the last one intact. This implies that the rest got destroyed at some point in time - likely similar destroyer assaults as the one we stopped in Eye of the North that had succeeded.


> PC: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> Ogden: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.


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That's Gleam addressed, but what about our other "sparkling" dragon friend in this region - Shiny?? (Got to love these dragon names...)


Shiny hatched from Goren's pet rock in the Hidden City of Ahdashim, and we will be around that neck of the woods. Shiny was described as a confused Saltspray dragon - and we have not seen any of those in GW2 as they are mostly found over the Jade Sea in Cantha. That makes Shiny both lost & confused...

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Shiny's fate is completely unknown at the moment. We know he (do we even know it's 'he'?) was last placed in the Hidden City of Ahdashim, but haven't heard anything since. Shiny could be anything from having died fighting Joko's forces, departed Ahdashim for realms unknown, gone rogue and died fighting Elonian forces before Joko's conquest, or still lairing in the Hidden City.

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> Gleam didn't have a voice actor, so it can't be an actor switch. We do know Gleam is out there somewhere because Aurene was "Glint's second scion". That means the first one is still out there somewhere, but where we have no idea. Probably having tea with Evennia.


That Aurene is the second scion doesnt guarantee that Gleam is still alive. In fact, I cant even imagine a thread of relation.

Do you have an older brother or sister? What if they died, would you suddenly become the first child?


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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @Yadovid.5863 said:

> > He's E.

> > _Body is 3 characters too short._


> Marjory's encountered E in person, or someone who claimed to be E. Didn't get a good look at him, but it does seem enough to narrow E down to male human or close to.


> Gleam could be the one giving E orders, though.


Some dragons (DnD ones for example) can disguise themselves as humans, or other creatures. Maybe GW2 dragons can do that too? At least the ones with mind magic.


(I doubt E is Gleam, but it's an interesting idea.)

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > Gleam didn't have a voice actor, so it can't be an actor switch. We do know Gleam is out there somewhere because Aurene was "Glint's second scion". That means the first one is still out there somewhere, but where we have no idea. Probably having tea with Evennia.


> That Aurene is the second scion doesnt guarantee that Gleam is still alive. In fact, I cant even imagine a thread of relation.

> Do you have an older brother or sister? What if they died, would you suddenly become the first child?


By "out there", I could have also meant that he is a corpse with his bones bleaching in the desert. I never said he was still alive, just that he existed and wasn't forgotten by the writers.


As for Shiny... man, I had completely forgotten about that. Especially as I had initially chosen Goren over Norgu since my main at the time was already a mesmer, and I didn't think I needed an extra mesmer at that time. It's entirely possible that the "saltspray dragons" as mentioned above are either a completely separate species from the elder dragons, just like kimono dragons are not "actually" dragons but just a type of lizard, or they could be a lesser dragon species, not as powerful as actual dragons.

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