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In your opinion, do any changes need to be made to Demon?


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In your opinion, do any changes need to be made to Demon? For me, Demon is becoming my favorite legend for both melee and support. But some things I feel are grandfathered from the old design that was scrapped awhile ago.

energy cost may be a issue for me as well for some of the abilities. And the duration for some things are a little small for the energy cost.

Some abilities I would prefer had some more impactful effects, such as Banish. Also feel Unyielding could use an additional effect.

I love Embrace for stun breaking, but would be nice if I had more usefulness for the conditions taken. Some of the traits could use a new more interesting mechanic that isnt grandfathered from the old design.


But what do you all think?

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Provide life siphoning off of either stacks of Torment, or a percentage of Torment's damage. Also, reduce energy costs for all utility skills, reduce energy costs/eliminate cooldown for weapon skills, and/or start off with 100% energy.


Might be considered OP by some, but it's better than the state current Rev is in.

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I don't leave home without Mallyx (condi herald). So yeah i got a few things to say about that one:

In no particular order:


* I would like resistance sharing to be more skillbased. Opportunities for more resistance for allies rewarded for making a good play.

* Replenishing despair is trash, especially compared to two really good alternatives on it's tier

* Stunbreak would fit better on unyielding anguish - you stunbreak and leap away, even leaving a chill/torment behind (perfect for chokepoints)!

* Embrace the Darkness should make Rev as a whole (not just skills' pulses) immune to blinds when active.

* Banish Enchatment granting bit of energy for successfully ripping a boon



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banish enchantment - refund half the skills cost if boons are removed

UA - applies one stack of stability to yourself when used

EtD - remove one condition per pulse

reduce skill costs slightly


a review of some of the traits would be nice too like replenishing despair and bolstered anguish which serve no purpose in any build. pulsating pestilence was a positive change.


also a big undertaking but, renegade being useful for anything at all besides a passive damage buff would help a lot.

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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> banish enchantment - refund half the skills cost if boons are removed

> UA - applies one stack of stability to yourself when used

> EtD - remove one condition per pulse

> reduce skill costs slightly


> a review of some of the traits would be nice too like replenishing despair and bolstered anguish which serve no purpose in any build. pulsating pestilence was a positive change.


> also a big undertaking but, renegade being useful for anything at all besides a passive damage buff would help a lot.


I would like Unyelding to corrupt boons per pulse if it keeps it's current energy cost.


Also would like a way to convert torment effecting the Rev into healing to go along with one of the traits that apply torment to self..

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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

>pulsating pestilence was a positive change.


If you mean the patch notes stating the trait would transfer instead of copy condis, then no, Pulsating Pestilence was not changed. It's still just copying and it will likely take another couple balance patches before anet gets around to making it actually work that way.

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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> banish enchantment - refund half the skills cost if boons are removed

> UA - applies one stack of stability to yourself when used

> EtD - remove one condition per pulse

> reduce skill costs slightly


> a review of some of the traits would be nice too like replenishing despair and bolstered anguish which serve no purpose in any build. pulsating pestilence was a positive change.


> also a big undertaking but, renegade being useful for anything at all besides a passive damage buff would help a lot.


Bolstered anguish allows power builds to keep their foot in the door for the corruption line. Strangely unfortunate its hard to keep any number of conditions on you in WvW though with all the easy aoe cleanses everyone else brings.


If I were to change it I would make it a temp buff on receiving conditions,

Bolstered Anguish: Increased bonus damage whenever you receive a condition. +4% power/condi damage for 5 seconds. 5 stacks maximum. Refeshes on reapplication.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > banish enchantment - refund half the skills cost if boons are removed

> > UA - applies one stack of stability to yourself when used

> > EtD - remove one condition per pulse

> > reduce skill costs slightly

> >

> > a review of some of the traits would be nice too like replenishing despair and bolstered anguish which serve no purpose in any build. pulsating pestilence was a positive change.

> >

> > also a big undertaking but, renegade being useful for anything at all besides a passive damage buff would help a lot.


> Bolstered anguish allows power builds to keep their foot in the door for the corruption line. Strangely unfortunate its hard to keep any number of conditions on you in WvW though with all the easy aoe cleanses everyone else brings.


> If I were to change it I would make it a temp buff on receiving conditions,

> Bolstered Anguish: Increased bonus damage whenever you receive a condition. +4% power/condi damage for 5 seconds. 5 stacks maximum. Refeshes on reapplication.


This last change would be awesome.


“Yup cover me in condi’s but the more you hurt me, the more I hurt you...”


Love it. Make it so ArenaNet.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > banish enchantment - refund half the skills cost if boons are removed

> > UA - applies one stack of stability to yourself when used

> > EtD - remove one condition per pulse

> > reduce skill costs slightly

> >

> > a review of some of the traits would be nice too like replenishing despair and bolstered anguish which serve no purpose in any build. pulsating pestilence was a positive change.

> >

> > also a big undertaking but, renegade being useful for anything at all besides a passive damage buff would help a lot.


> Bolstered anguish allows power builds to keep their foot in the door for the corruption line. Strangely unfortunate its hard to keep any number of conditions on you in WvW though with all the easy aoe cleanses everyone else brings.


> If I were to change it I would make it a temp buff on receiving conditions,

> Bolstered Anguish: Increased bonus damage whenever you receive a condition. +4% power/condi damage for 5 seconds. 5 stacks maximum. Refeshes on reapplication.


This was my idea originally.


I would make a buff that affects both replenishing despair AND bolstered anguish, each based on stacks gained on recieving conditions.


The thing is the buff is needed since the whole reason they got rid of neta mallyx wad because of the anti group synergy. Allies cleansing you made you weaker and anet didn't want that.


Another problem though is that replenishing despair directly competes with the "resistance on demon skill use" trait, although its meant to make the corruption line variable without demon stance. Which is fine but replenishing despair needs a buff to the healing in addition to being based on buff stacks instead of number of condis.


I would also rework the "torment on resistance application" gm trait too to involve being based on the new stack buff. Make it so that you gain additional resistance and inflict torment in AoE on elite skill usage with duration and number of stacks increasing based on buff stacks (ex if u have 5 buff stacks, gain 5s of resistance and inflict 10 stacks of torment in AoE)

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I would love to see Embrace the Darkness change to something like this:

- keep the stat boost like it does now

- instead of pulsing torment, it pulses blind and chill.


This would still synergize with other traits (Abyssal Chill) for a condition build while also providing some nice defensive utility that would work for both a power build as well as condition.


Keep in mind that I usually play pvp, but I think changing Embrace the Darkness to pulse blind and chill instead of torment would provide a lot of utility for a variety of builds. Defensive and debilitating conditions for both a condition and power build. Synergy with other traits for a condition build. Pulsing breakbar damaging conditions for pve oriented gameplay.


(On a separate note, I miss the functionality of how Unyielding Anguish worked in the beta. I was fun to create an area that teleported foes outside of it.)

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IMO people are getting way ahead of themselves. OP was referring to the demon legend as evidenced by him talking about the utility skills yet people are already proposing changes for the corruption trait line lol. I know this goes hand in hand before anyone reacts but still.


Going back to the original point, i would love to see banish enchantment have a range increase at least. Many have also brought it up in the past, add an evade frame on UA!!!

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Personally, I'd prefer seeing Embrace The Darkness pulse the pain absorption affect, where it steals conditions from allies and grants yourself resistance per pulse. The condi absorption will happen every second, but the resistance will pulse every 3 seconds to let enemies corrupt/strip it to punish the rev.


Then adjust Pain Absorption to be more like Consume Torment, but instead of health, it grants energy (2 per condition) and resistance (.5 seconds per condition). Unlike the heal skill, it removes the conditions, just in case the Mallyx can't handle the risk/reward of stacking conditions on themselves.


Then adjust Banish Enchantment to be 1 boon removed and 1 stack of condition per condition on the player (reduce to 1 stack base and 1 boon base).


Then adjust Unyielding Anguish: On FIRST impact: applies blind, torment (1 stack), confusion (1 stack), and chill. (no analog to demonic miasma unfortunately). After that, it only pulses chill unless you have enough conditions on yourself. Every 2 conditions on you grants an extra condition from the first impact, capping out at 6 conditions enabling all 4 again.


Boom, risk reward mallyx utilities.

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> @"aceofbass.2163" said:

> IMO people are getting way ahead of themselves. OP was referring to the demon legend as evidenced by him talking about the utility skills yet people are already proposing changes for the corruption trait line lol. I know this goes hand in hand before anyone reacts but still.


I mean, its not unreasonable. With the way this class was designed, each trait line has a legend it is inherently connected to (with the exception of invocation). In this case, corruption and demon stance.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> In your opinion, do any changes need to be made to Demon? For me, Demon is becoming my favorite legend for both melee and support. But some things I feel are grandfathered from the old design that was scrapped awhile ago.

> energy cost may be a issue for me as well for some of the abilities. And the duration for some things are a little small for the energy cost.

> Some abilities I would prefer had some more impactful effects, such as Banish. Also feel Unyielding could use an additional effect.

> I love Embrace for stun breaking, but would be nice if I had more usefulness for the conditions taken. Some of the traits could use a new more interesting mechanic that isnt grandfathered from the old design.


> But what do you all think?


I play sPvP so my perspective is biased towards that game mode. I think that most of the skills are fine, but the elite is horrible for sPvP, I made [this somewhat long post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39583/change-the-function-of-embrace-the-darkness "this somewhat long post") about it, take a look.

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Mallyx's biggest problem is the insane extent in which it's hard-countered by Scourge, Support FBs, and (to a lesser, but still worth mentioning extent) Breakers.


Little changes like giving i-frames to UA or lowering the energy cost of PA or BE would obviously help, but not enough... And it's fine to have hard counters, I guess... But the problem is that the classes that totally negate and kitten all over Mallyx also happen to be some of the most popular solo-queue classes due to their ease of play/effectiveness ratio. As long as Scourge/Supp FB/Breaker remain so broad-spectrum strong and easy to execute, Mallyx will have a real rough time, because honestly, Mallyxrev is actually still pretty good in the 1 of of every 300 games you come across that don't have a Scourge/FB duo in it.


As I mentioned in some of the other threads like this, it's tough to fix, because any buffs to Mallyx that would actually let them compete against Scourge/Supp FB would leave them INSANELY op against other classes. The best idea I can think of would be to make the resistance applied by Pain Absorption on yourself not be a boon, so you could actually contend points vs Scourges. Would this be too strong against other condi classes? Probably. Another idea is to make the additional resistance applied by PA in team fights stackable instead of increasing its duration--similar to how you can stack multiple stabilities to protect against multiple cc's, this would protect against multiple boon strips/corrupts.

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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > In your opinion, do any changes need to be made to Demon? For me, Demon is becoming my favorite legend for both melee and support. But some things I feel are grandfathered from the old design that was scrapped awhile ago.

> > energy cost may be a issue for me as well for some of the abilities. And the duration for some things are a little small for the energy cost.

> > Some abilities I would prefer had some more impactful effects, such as Banish. Also feel Unyielding could use an additional effect.

> > I love Embrace for stun breaking, but would be nice if I had more usefulness for the conditions taken. Some of the traits could use a new more interesting mechanic that isnt grandfathered from the old design.

> >

> > But what do you all think?


> I play sPvP so my perspective is biased towards that game mode. I think that most of the skills are fine, but the elite is horrible for sPvP, I made [this somewhat long post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39583/change-the-function-of-embrace-the-darkness "this somewhat long post") about it, take a look.


I actually like the Elite. Its the best part second to probably Pain Absorption

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> As I mentioned in some of the other threads like this, it's tough to fix, because any buffs to Mallyx that would actually let them compete against Scourge/Supp FB would leave them INSANELY op against other classes. The best idea I can think of would be to make the resistance applied by Pain Absorption on yourself not be a boon, so you could actually contend points vs Scourges. Would this be too strong against other condi classes? Probably. Another idea is to make the additional resistance applied by PA in team fights stackable instead of increasing its duration--similar to how you can stack multiple stabilities to protect against multiple cc's, this would protect against multiple boon strips/corrupts.


The idea that mallyx will dominate if it was buffed enough is not correct and we have proof for that. In the end of HoT cycle (more like after the first 2 patches) condi rev used to deal much more damage in PvP and yet it was not competitive either. Granted, it was not as terrible as it is now. But there is a reason it was not competitive.


It is not a strong solo. Most of the damage is aoe targeted and easily avoidable. It has some serious cast times. It’s mobility is okay, but you cannot really escape combat, or do much to chase targets. It’s only advantage back in the day was the damage was done quick, so if you landed your damage, it would quickly annhilate targets, if the condis left uncleansed. But thanks to the condi duration nerf, in Dec 2017 (which somehow rev ended up being the biggest loser), it’s only strength is gone.


Even if I can somewhat maintain 100% resistance uptime, I would lack the damage and sustainability necessary to succeed in a team fight. And I would only do well in smaller fights against mirage and scourge.


In order for condi rev to be competitive it needs couple of things:


1. Less susceptibility to boon removal/corruption, particularly losing resistance.

2. The entire mallyx utilities energy costs need to be re-examined.

3. Slightly improvements in sustainability.

4. Faster cast times on mace 2&3 and UA.

5. Major damage improvements. Getting back to pre Dec 2017 patch is minimum (and honestly would not happen).

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