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New Maps, Metas, Etc.

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Of course this entire topic is highly subjective. Having said that ...


In My Opinion


HoT maps were revolutionary in their design and are arguably the best set of maps in GW2 to date; however, that does not inherently make them the best game-play maps. There are reasons why HoT maps were nerfed and why there are continued calls to nerf them further. PoF maps were designed with this history in mind and the extreme backlash that came from the HoT release.


PoF maps have had their own points of contention and as the S4 maps have come out we see a gradual decrease in difficulty. Personally, I thought Sandswept was in a nice spot -- it had areas that were easier than others. Both it and Kourna don't have the over-aggressive AI that chases players all over the map. In this, I believe that ANet listened to the complaints of PoF.


We cannot know the true population of any of the maps. Only ANet has those metrics. They can see if VB/AB/TD are indeed as popular as many of us advocate. They can see how prosperous the Istan meta is for players. They can also see the activity on the PoF maps versus HoT and DT/SW and use those metrics to guide their design intentions going forward.


As a very casual player, I despise the HoT maps, especially TD, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the quality in them nor would I ask for changes in those maps which clearly have their following. There are plenty of other maps for me to wander through.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > I do love me some good boss fights like Amala tho.


> The boss from the Fractal?



Probably means the open world version, which as an open world boss could be /tad/ bit more challenging. Shes basically a large HP target because she lacks damage.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Of course this entire topic is highly subjective. Having said that ...


> In My Opinion


> HoT maps were revolutionary in their design and are arguably the best set of maps in GW2 to date; however, that does not inherently make them the best game-play maps. There are reasons why HoT maps were nerfed and why there are continued calls to nerf them further. PoF maps were designed with this history in mind and the extreme backlash that came from the HoT release.


> PoF maps have had their own points of contention and as the S4 maps have come out we see a gradual decrease in difficulty. Personally, I thought Sandswept was in a nice spot -- it had areas that were easier than others. Both it and Kourna don't have the over-aggressive AI that chases players all over the map. In this, I believe that ANet listened to the complaints of PoF.


> We cannot know the true population of any of the maps. Only ANet has those metrics. They can see if VB/AB/TD are indeed as popular as many of us advocate. They can see how prosperous the Istan meta is for players. They can also see the activity on the PoF maps versus HoT and DT/SW and use those metrics to guide their design intentions going forward.


> As a very casual player, I despise the HoT maps, especially TD, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the quality in them nor would I ask for changes in those maps which clearly have their following. There are plenty of other maps for me to wander through.


I agree with pretty much all of this, although I do think they need to downgrade the champs at most hero challenges to veterans. The content is just too old to justify making it that much more difficult to unlock elite specs in HoT vs PoF.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> as an open world boss could be /tad/ bit more challenging

She could, but mechanic whise she's still amongst the best things we've got thus far as pretty much everything else OW has to offer either boils down to being a gigantic DPS dummy or a series of mini games.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> I don't understand why people insist that we need SW/Istan-style metas on every new map.


No one said that. They simply served as examples for _finished_ metas. The current one is obviously unfinished and originally designed as a triad assault.


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.


Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.


@OP i honestly suggest bringing a sustain build or some kind of sustain equipment for at least the trap portion if you are having trouble. personally made it through all the traps with my zerk weaver without dying, forgot to do the little markers on the wall and then had to go /back/ which is where i encountered issues with traps not allowing me to go back, which i found weird.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.


> Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.


> @OP i honestly suggest bringing a sustain build or some kind of sustain equipment for at least the trap portion if you are having trouble. personally made it through all the traps with my zerk weaver without dying, forgot to do the little markers on the wall and then had to go /back/ which is where i encountered issues with traps not allowing me to go back, which i found weird.




The game is advertised as an mmo first and foremost it should make sure its mmo aspects are as good as they can be before anything else.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.

> >

> > Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.

> >

> > @OP i honestly suggest bringing a sustain build or some kind of sustain equipment for at least the trap portion if you are having trouble. personally made it through all the traps with my zerk weaver without dying, forgot to do the little markers on the wall and then had to go /back/ which is where i encountered issues with traps not allowing me to go back, which i found weird.

> >

> >


> The game is advertised as an mmo first and foremost it should make sure its mmo aspects are as good as they can be before anything else.


Iv been playing since se2 so if they redid te story before that then excuse me but i dont xare whats the format the story follows. Outside of it the core gameplay in a mmo should be group based activities.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:


> Iv been playing since se2 so if they redid te story before that then excuse me but i dont xare whats the format the story follows. Outside of it the core gameplay in a mmo should be group based activities.

Yeah, so, that's the point of this thread really. Story mode is solo. I will agree with you that all other content should probably be designed with group-play in mind without discounting those who desire to run it solo. The issue that the OP is presenting is that the story (re: solo) content difficulty doesn't seem to be tuned for solo play.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:


> > Iv been playing since se2 so if they redid te story before that then excuse me but i dont xare whats the format the story follows. Outside of it the core gameplay in a mmo should be group based activities.

> Yeah, so, that's the point of this thread really. Story mode is solo. I will agree with you that all other content should probably be designed with group-play in mind without discounting those who desire to run it solo. The issue that the OP is presenting is that the story (re: solo) content difficulty doesn't seem to be tuned for solo play.



A big chunk of the op thread is complaining about ppl asking for mera events and saying maps should be based on solo play and story exploration.


Story is instanced and disconnected from the actual world. Actual maps shoupd be balanced with instanced story missions in mind.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > The game is advertised as an mmo first and foremost it should make sure its mmo aspects are as good as they can be before anything else.

> Without a story line for progression, I believe that the game would die very quickly.



Nobody said drop te story line but hot had a solo (agrueably not the best in terms of tunning) story while the maps based on group play.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.


> Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.


While it is "solo-friendly" it is also a "multi-player-game", Neither of which requires the entire game to work in either way. And I think it is perfectly fine that the game has content for either, and think it would be wrong if everything was forced to work solo or multiplayer only.


And technically the only thing they changed in the entire Personal Story to make solo-friendly was the very last story mission, which is the Story Dungeon of Arah, nothing else was changed to make solo friendly, since everything else could already be soloed up until that point. (the NPE changes was mostly about other things)




The main "problem" here is that the combat/build system is made to reward players for learning/improving themselves. Such a system will always have this problem, no matter what. Even if they started adding 10 different difficulty sliders to every story/dungeon/fractal/raid, you'd still have players complaining it was too easy/hard.


ANet just have to set a certain difficulty for things, that they feel is correct. OBVIOUSLY the players will never agree with this, ever.


ANet could also decide to just make all Story Group Content, it's their game they can do what they want. And while that might make a lot of people very angry, it might be the smart thing down the road simply to end this discussion once and for all. Group play also lessen the impact of weaker players thus all over making it easier to complete, people are still going to solo it, but more for the challenge.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.

> >

> > Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.


> While it is "solo-friendly" it is also a "multi-player-game", Neither of which requires the entire game to work in either way. And I think it is perfectly fine that the game has content for either, and think it would be wrong if everything was forced to work solo or multiplayer only.


> And technically the only thing they changed in the entire Personal Story to make solo-friendly was the very last story mission, which is the Story Dungeon of Arah, nothing else was changed to make solo friendly, since everything else could already be soloed up until that point. (the NPE changes was mostly about other things)


> ---


> The main "problem" here is that the combat/build system is made to reward players for learning/improving themselves. Such a system will always have this problem, no matter what. Even if they started adding 10 different difficulty sliders to every story/dungeon/fractal/raid, you'd still have players complaining it was too easy/hard.


> ANet just have to set a certain difficulty for things, that they feel is correct. OBVIOUSLY the players will never agree with this, ever.


> ANet could also decide to just make all Story Group Content, it's their game they can do what they want. And while that might make a lot of people very angry, it might be the smart thing down the road simply to end this discussion once and for all. Group play also lessen the impact of weaker players thus all over making it easier to complete, people are still going to solo it, but more for the challenge.


They tried difficult maps with HoT, the backlash was absurd, and we still see threads on how hard the content is in PoF. The playerbase regardless of if its a large or small vocal majority/minority has decided that the open world and the story is to be solo friendly and Anet has gone along with it. Dungeons are soloable nowadays too due to powercreep and conditions actually being useful.


I would love to see some kinda intermediate group content between fractals and raids. saddly i dont think there will ever be that.


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But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.


This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".




And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.


I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.


Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).




And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.


Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.


> This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".


> ---


> And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.


> I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.


> Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).


> ---


> And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.


> Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.


Id rather hot left intact and instead pace core gw2 better si as you lvl up and explore world gets mlre dangerous

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.

> >

> > This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".

> >

> > ---

> >

> > And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.

> >

> > I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.

> >

> > Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).

> >

> > ---

> >

> > And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.

> >

> > Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.


> Id rather hot left intact and instead pace core gw2 better si as you lvl up and explore world gets mlre dangerous.


Amd now woth hot being 3 years old and pof being harder than core but easier than hot i think they can go back to the hot style without much backlash.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.

> > >

> > > This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".

> > >

> > > ---

> > >

> > > And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.

> > >

> > > I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.

> > >

> > > Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).

> > >

> > > ---

> > >

> > > And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.

> > >

> > > Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.

> >

> > Id rather hot left intact and instead pace core gw2 better si as you lvl up and explore world gets mlre dangerous.


> Amd now woth hot being 3 years old and pof being harder than core but easier than hot i think they can go back to the hot style without much backlash.




You are probably right on that, it would create much less backlash now than it did back then.


but at the same time, we still got players that hate HoT and practically refuse to set foot back in it.


ANet would probably be better of designing an expansions with 50/50 or at least a more gradual content difficulty, so part of each map are easy and parts are hard. That way they'd still get some of the more casual players to try or do parts of it, and hopefully start grouping more actively to finish the harder parts. Make all the expansions at least interesting enough that all players can find something they can do/enjoy in each.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Go play a single player game if you want a solo firendly experience.

> > >

> > > Except, this game is solo friendly, is advertised and such, and people should expect it to live up to its advertisement, especially when it comes to the story, and especially because ANET *REDID* the entire Core story to be done solo.

> >

> > While it is "solo-friendly" it is also a "multi-player-game", Neither of which requires the entire game to work in either way. And I think it is perfectly fine that the game has content for either, and think it would be wrong if everything was forced to work solo or multiplayer only.

> >

> > And technically the only thing they changed in the entire Personal Story to make solo-friendly was the very last story mission, which is the Story Dungeon of Arah, nothing else was changed to make solo friendly, since everything else could already be soloed up until that point. (the NPE changes was mostly about other things)

> >

> > ---

> >

> > The main "problem" here is that the combat/build system is made to reward players for learning/improving themselves. Such a system will always have this problem, no matter what. Even if they started adding 10 different difficulty sliders to every story/dungeon/fractal/raid, you'd still have players complaining it was too easy/hard.

> >

> > ANet just have to set a certain difficulty for things, that they feel is correct. OBVIOUSLY the players will never agree with this, ever.

> >

> > ANet could also decide to just make all Story Group Content, it's their game they can do what they want. And while that might make a lot of people very angry, it might be the smart thing down the road simply to end this discussion once and for all. Group play also lessen the impact of weaker players thus all over making it easier to complete, people are still going to solo it, but more for the challenge.


> They tried difficult maps with HoT, the backlash was absurd, and we still see threads on how hard the content is in PoF. The playerbase regardless of if its a large or small vocal majority/minority has decided that the open world and the story is to be solo friendly and Anet has gone along with it. Dungeons are soloable nowadays too due to powercreep and conditions actually being useful.


> I would love to see some kinda intermediate group content between fractals and raids. saddly i dont think there will ever be that.



Their biggest mistake was rejecting what worked in HoT along with what didn't. We wouldn't be having multiple discussions per week regarding event design and replay value in PoF if they had listened to what players were discussing since PoF was announced.


HoT was and is polarizing. Love it or hate it. But that doesn't mean that it's ALL love or ALL hate. Many players recognized that having ONLY big meta maps with large group events was not appealing to many casual, solo players. Others recognized that a return to core-Tyria style events would produce the same boring gameplay that makes the core game unappealing.


The answer is obvious and many of us asked for exactly this: Do both! Couldn't we have spared a couple of maps for chain events and big map metas to balance out these empty expanses of meaningless one-off events? And while Tangled Depths might have been a little extreme for the vast majority of players, did EVERY map in PoF have to be a flat plain with some cliffs on it?

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.

> > > >

> > > > This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > >

> > > > And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.

> > > >

> > > > I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.

> > > >

> > > > Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > >

> > > > And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.

> > > >

> > > > Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.

> > >

> > > Id rather hot left intact and instead pace core gw2 better si as you lvl up and explore world gets mlre dangerous.

> >

> > Amd now woth hot being 3 years old and pof being harder than core but easier than hot i think they can go back to the hot style without much backlash.

> >

> >


> You are probably right on that, it would create much less backlash now than it did back then.


> but at the same time, we still got players that hate HoT and practically refuse to set foot back in it.


> ANet would probably be better of designing an expansions with 50/50 or at least a more gradual content difficulty, so part of each map are easy and parts are hard. That way they'd still get some of the more casual players to try or do parts of it, and hopefully start grouping more actively to finish the harder parts. Make all the expansions at least interesting enough that all players can find something they can do/enjoy in each.


And we have ppl that dont hate or like hot and they dont set foot on it either. Its format and rewards are just not worth caring.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game.

> They're not active because people enjoy the content, they're active because they give a disproportionate amount of loot for the effort required.


U mean every other zone gives dirt for the effort it requires, hot requires some effort and it rewards you accordingly.

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