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Vabbi vs Magumma


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Maguuma would get rekt. They would maybe be top 4 EU server regarding fighting, same applies to JQ and BG. I played against all and its just difference in individual player, guild and commander quality.


> Would be interesting. Vabbi is ultra pin reliant so I think Mag might do pretty well.


Actually this is completely wrong, Vabbi players have been trained to cloud left and right of the tag and play as agressive as possible and to single target inside lord room. Also they run rev heavy, not necro heavy, meaning you don't have range advantage either. Also the commanders are way better at surviving than commanders like coco because they have better players in their party and GvG experience. Thats the thing, you just can't do anything against dwarf rev superspeed firebrand comp. Every dragonhunter, pinsnipe mesmer, ranger, thief, toolkit engineer etc just are useless because they will push in on first push every time and destroy everything 1200 radius around them. Basically the fight will be over within first stab rotation and thats it, your pinsnipe did nothing. Maguuma would lose 20 players on first push, after this every single Vabbi player knows the fight is over and spreads to kill everything around them, meaning you cant really gank the backline either.


Literally on Vabbi, the commander could stand on SM walls safe from commander focus and tell people to push and they would, because they can actually get 60 people consistently on discord if theres actual fights during the matchup.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > Maguuma would get rekt. They would maybe be top 4 EU server regarding fighting, same applies to JQ and BG. I played against all and its just difference in individual player, guild and commander quality.

> >

> > Would be interesting. Vabbi is ultra pin reliant so I think Mag might do pretty well.


> Actually this is completely wrong, Vabbi players have been trained to cloud left and right of the tag and play as agressive as possible and to single target inside lord room. Also they run rev heavy, not necro heavy, meaning you don't have range advantage either. Also the commanders are way better at surviving than commanders like coco because they have better players in their party and GvG experience. Thats the thing, you just can't do anything against dwarf rev superspeed firebrand comp. Every dragonhunter, pinsnipe mesmer, ranger, thief, toolkit engineer etc just are useless because they will push in on first push every time and destroy everything 1200 around them.


I just spent an entire month playing on vabbi almost every day. I saw 4 genuinely good commanders and a bunch of terrible ones and pugs who wouldn't come to a callout unless there was a pin. They also all tended to just stick on pin every fight regardless of what was happening it was like playing with bots a lot of the time. The commanders also tended to rage quit after even a few wipes.

The only impressive things to me were how willing people were to get in coms and how good the 50 man blobs were at getting their damage in one place. Other than that I don't think there's anything anyone on vabbi is doing that someone on na isn't doing as well or better. Also every server I fought against while on vabbi reminded me of fighting the worst servers on na with the exception of Whiteside ridge and one group on fsp who just happened to be from na.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I just spent an entire month playing on vabbi almost every day. I saw 4 genuinely good commanders and a bunch of terrible ones and pugs who wouldn't come to a callout unless there was a pin. They also all tended to just stick on pin every fight regardless of what was happening it was like playing with bots a lot of the time. The commanders also tended to rage quit after even a few wipes.

> The only impressive things to me were how willing people were to get in coms and how good the 50 man blobs were at getting their damage in one place. Other than that I don't think there's anything anyone on vabbi is doing that someone on na isn't doing as well or better. Also every server I fought against while on vabbi reminded me of fighting the worst servers on na with the exception of Whiteside ridge and one group on fsp who just happened to be from na.


Haha yea, Vabbi is kinda snoozefest atm, even I left that place to a pretty bad server because there was no good fights to be had anymore. But as I said, the players will come during matchups that have actual fights. Which unfortunately means only WSR these days and even that would be snoozefiesta this linking because only Primetime tag that WSR seems to have is Kill closed raid.


But ye, all the good commanders are kinda on hiatus on EU, waiting for alliances I hope. Theres some others that tag up to farm enemies but they quit after losing a few times.


But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:

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LOL, all this posturing over Vabbi/Mag in a dead game mode where the vast majority of even vaguely competent players have left and only a handful of addicts remain.


Newsflash - the quality of the overall WvW playerbase is the lowest it has ever been and that includes these two servers as "best fighting servers", that alone is hilarious, players who want fights aren't even playing this game, because it is has been trash in that regard for a long time, if you think you are a "fight player" and still playing, then wake up and smell the coffee, because you're just another PvE hero like that dev said.


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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> LOL, all this posturing over Vabbi/Mag in a dead game mode where the vast majority of even vaguely competent players have left and only a handful of addicts remain.


> Newsflash - the quality of the overall WvW playerbase is the lowest it has ever been and that includes these two servers as "best fighting servers", that alone is hilarious, players who want fights aren't even playing this game, because it is has been trash in that regard for a long time, if you think you are a "fight player" and still playing, then wake up and smell the coffee, because you're just another PvE hero like that dev said.



Disagree. You're entitled to your opinion but I think you're just being too negative. I understand the negativity but I think you're overselling it.


I'm one of those remaining "addicts" and I consider myself to be extremely competent when it comes to this game. I also still love this game almost 6 years in and I still have a lot of fun playing it and I do consider myself to be a "fight player" because I still love fighting other players in GW2. You can be a snob and say the combat in this game is bad but I think it's actually pretty good compared to the alternatives. Sure the format of WvW is stale and the balance is constantly a little off and the siege culture is real but the combat is still leagues ahead of every other MMO I've tried. It's also easily accessible to new players in a way that every other MMO I've ever played were not because there's no giant gear treadmill to constantly keep up with which means that new players can get in on the action pretty quickly which means the game mode is constantly being revitalized.


I don't think the game is dead. In fact I think it's still pretty active, especially when compared to the MMO alternatives. I've seen games where almost no one at all was playing them, like Wildstar. That's a dead game. GW2 is certainly not as popular as it was a few years ago but that happens with every game over time. People get tired of it and move onto things that are more novel. That being said it could always be better.


I'm not saying that Vabbi wouldn't be fun to fight. I'm just saying that I think there are still some really good players on both servers and I think it would be a really fun week even though I'm fully aware it will never actually happen.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:


Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.


In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:


> Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.


> In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.


<.< >.>


A lot of NA's coverage went to EU. Your Seph's Ngs/MGR (now ded I think)/PA/Kazo blob


Vabbi does have crap coverage though.


P.S. I think NA just has Cloudfly/Xushin ktrains though. Maybe the elusive AHMA that someone complained about.



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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:

> >

> > Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.

> >

> > In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.


> <.< >.>


> A lot of NA's coverage went to EU. Your Seph's Ngs/MGR (now ded I think)/PA/Kazo blob


> Vabbi does have crap coverage though.


> P.S. I think NA just has Cloudfly/Xushin ktrains though. Maybe the ellusive AHMA that someone complained about.




coverage? what's that? we alt f4 when enemy logs off

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:

> >

> > Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.

> >

> > In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.


> <.< >.>


> A lot of NA's coverage went to EU. Your Seph's Ngs/MGR (now ded I think)/PA/Kazo blob


> Vabbi does have crap coverage though.


> P.S. I think NA just has Cloudfly/Xushin ktrains though. Maybe the elusive AHMA that someone complained about.




The vast majority of the sea pugs are still on NA and PA/KAZO play EU prime. It's crazy how dead EU was during NA. It's like 10 people could easily flip everything. OCX was probably the same way.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:

> > >

> > > Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.

> > >

> > > In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.

> >

> > <.< >.>

> >

> > A lot of NA's coverage went to EU. Your Seph's Ngs/MGR (now ded I think)/PA/Kazo blob

> >

> > Vabbi does have crap coverage though.

> >

> > P.S. I think NA just has Cloudfly/Xushin ktrains though. Maybe the elusive AHMA that someone complained about.

> >

> >


> The vast majority of the sea pugs are still on NA and PA/KAZO play EU prime. It's crazy how dead EU was during NA. It's like 10 people could easily flip everything. OCX was probably the same way.


Probaly ppl have jobs and have to sleep but just maybe.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > > But as I said, Mag would be maybe 4th strongest server after Vabbi, WSR and maybe Riverside. Every other server has been abandoned by their guilds and fight commanders :disappointed:

> > > >

> > > > Meh I think it might be closer than you think. Either way I think it'd be fun to find out though I know we never will.

> > > >

> > > > In terms of PPT ofcourse no EU server would even have a chance at keeping up with probably even the t2-t3 NA servers, particularly a server like Vabbi but in terms of fights I think it would actually be pretty fun and competitive.

> > >

> > > <.< >.>

> > >

> > > A lot of NA's coverage went to EU. Your Seph's Ngs/MGR (now ded I think)/PA/Kazo blob

> > >

> > > Vabbi does have crap coverage though.

> > >

> > > P.S. I think NA just has Cloudfly/Xushin ktrains though. Maybe the elusive AHMA that someone complained about.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The vast majority of the sea pugs are still on NA and PA/KAZO play EU prime. It's crazy how dead EU was during NA. It's like 10 people could easily flip everything. OCX was probably the same way.


> Probaly ppl have jobs and have to sleep but just maybe.


I understand that I'm not blaming them I'm just presenting an observation. EU coverage is generally pretty bad compared to NA and Vabbi coverage was atrocious outside of EU prime.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > Maguuma would get rekt. They would maybe be top 4 EU server regarding fighting, same applies to JQ and BG. I played against all and its just difference in individual player, guild and commander quality.

> >

> > Would be interesting. Vabbi is ultra pin reliant so I think Mag might do pretty well.


> Actually this is completely wrong, Vabbi players have been trained to cloud left and right of the tag and play as agressive as possible and to single target inside lord room. Also they run rev heavy, not necro heavy, meaning you don't have range advantage either. Also the commanders are way better at surviving than commanders like coco because they have better players in their party and GvG experience. Thats the thing, you just can't do anything against dwarf rev superspeed firebrand comp. Every dragonhunter, pinsnipe mesmer, ranger, thief, toolkit engineer etc just are useless because they will push in on first push every time and destroy everything 1200 radius around them. Basically the fight will be over within first stab rotation and thats it, your pinsnipe did nothing. Maguuma would lose 20 players on first push, after this every single Vabbi player knows the fight is over and spreads to kill everything around them, meaning you cant really gank the backline either.


> Literally on Vabbi, the commander could stand on SM walls safe from commander focus and tell people to push and they would, because they can actually get 60 people consistently on discord if theres actual fights during the matchup.


Are you sure about the Rev heavy and not necro heavy? Last time we played Vabbi the whole area was red with circles.

One thing they do great is push, they are not backing down easily where the other servers get a bit scared to go trough. I wonder how they will do if next week they get deso or wsr. Hope someone is streaming from vabbi then.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> LOL, all this posturing over Vabbi/Mag in a dead game mode where the vast majority of even vaguely competent players have left and only a handful of addicts remain.


> Newsflash - the quality of the overall WvW playerbase is the lowest it has ever been and that includes these two servers as "best fighting servers", that alone is hilarious, players who want fights aren't even playing this game, because it is has been trash in that regard for a long time, if you think you are a "fight player" and still playing, then wake up and smell the coffee, because you're just another PvE hero like that dev said.



How long are you banned for?


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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > Maguuma would get rekt. They would maybe be top 4 EU server regarding fighting, same applies to JQ and BG. I played against all and its just difference in individual player, guild and commander quality.

> > >

> > > Would be interesting. Vabbi is ultra pin reliant so I think Mag might do pretty well.

> >

> > Actually this is completely wrong, Vabbi players have been trained to cloud left and right of the tag and play as agressive as possible and to single target inside lord room. Also they run rev heavy, not necro heavy, meaning you don't have range advantage either. Also the commanders are way better at surviving than commanders like coco because they have better players in their party and GvG experience. Thats the thing, you just can't do anything against dwarf rev superspeed firebrand comp. Every dragonhunter, pinsnipe mesmer, ranger, thief, toolkit engineer etc just are useless because they will push in on first push every time and destroy everything 1200 radius around them. Basically the fight will be over within first stab rotation and thats it, your pinsnipe did nothing. Maguuma would lose 20 players on first push, after this every single Vabbi player knows the fight is over and spreads to kill everything around them, meaning you cant really gank the backline either.

> >

> > Literally on Vabbi, the commander could stand on SM walls safe from commander focus and tell people to push and they would, because they can actually get 60 people consistently on discord if theres actual fights during the matchup.


> Are you sure about the Rev heavy and not necro heavy? Last time we played Vabbi the whole area was red with circles.

> One thing they do great is push, they are not backing down easily where the other servers get a bit scared to go trough. I wonder how they will do if next week they get deso or wsr. Hope someone is streaming from vabbi then.


Vabbi players are not scared of pushing, whereas those on other servers are. This is what makes the rest of EU bad.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Blue.1207" said:

> > Mag is dead, 4 "major" guilds transferred because ANET can't link worth a kitten.


> I'd pay to send them back to Mag tbh, team chat isn't even funny, it's just non-stop people trying to be an edgy 12 yr old.


I called it, the Mag players on FA will kill that server.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"Blue.1207" said:

> > > Mag is dead, 4 "major" guilds transferred because ANET can't link worth a kitten.

> >

> > I'd pay to send them back to Mag tbh, team chat isn't even funny, it's just non-stop people trying to be an edgy 12 yr old.


> I called it, the Mag players on FA will kill that server.


Most those guys aren't mag players. Just bandwagon players. He's probably talking about boars who never stops talking in team chat. Glad we've taken out most the trash.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > Maguuma would get rekt. They would maybe be top 4 EU server regarding fighting, same applies to JQ and BG. I played against all and its just difference in individual player, guild and commander quality.

> > >

> > > Would be interesting. Vabbi is ultra pin reliant so I think Mag might do pretty well.

> >

> > Actually this is completely wrong, Vabbi players have been trained to cloud left and right of the tag and play as agressive as possible and to single target inside lord room. Also they run rev heavy, not necro heavy, meaning you don't have range advantage either. Also the commanders are way better at surviving than commanders like coco because they have better players in their party and GvG experience. Thats the thing, you just can't do anything against dwarf rev superspeed firebrand comp. Every dragonhunter, pinsnipe mesmer, ranger, thief, toolkit engineer etc just are useless because they will push in on first push every time and destroy everything 1200 radius around them. Basically the fight will be over within first stab rotation and thats it, your pinsnipe did nothing. Maguuma would lose 20 players on first push, after this every single Vabbi player knows the fight is over and spreads to kill everything around them, meaning you cant really gank the backline either.

> >

> > Literally on Vabbi, the commander could stand on SM walls safe from commander focus and tell people to push and they would, because they can actually get 60 people consistently on discord if theres actual fights during the matchup.


> Are you sure about the Rev heavy and not necro heavy? Last time we played Vabbi the whole area was red with circles.

> One thing they do great is push, they are not backing down easily where the other servers get a bit scared to go trough. I wonder how they will do if next week they get deso or wsr. Hope someone is streaming from vabbi then.


The trick isn't to stack scourges, but to actually use your skills properly and coordinated. Most of the time vabbi DPS charts more power than condition damage. It also depends on which server we play against, but in my experience almost all servers die to random cleave damage anyways. It's only the stronger blobs that don't just bend over and die. Also keep in mind that from what i've seen, vabbi plays more support classes & firebrands than any other international server. I think german blobs can sometimes compete, maybe WSR too.


We had the magswag on vabbi a while and frankly it was fairly mediocre. Decent pugs, but that's hardly praise nowadays. Then again we had them during a completely dumb overstacked link, so everything was rather dead regardless.

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