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Petey ROCKS!

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I'm sorry to all the nay-sayers, but Petey rocks! And rolls. and rolls and rolls.


I picked it up this afternoon and then two hours just vanished as I tooled around Wayfarer Foothills, Lion's Arch, Divinity's Reach, Queensdale, Kessex, and a few others. I'm starting to get the hang of drifting, which is surely going to increase the number of things I crash into, at least for a while.


I even checked the animation if you ride it in "walk" mode, but I'm not going to spoil it for you.


I am seriously impressed with the job the Anet crew did. @"Gaile Gray.6029" please pass on my congratulations on a excellent job.


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I agree. The beetle is a total joy to roll around on and I've spent tons of hours just hitting sick jumps across the whole world. That said, after a few days of constant use the start with 0 endurance thing is really starting to grind on me a little bit. Starting at half endurance, or with an endurance regen boost, or some other feature would help dramatically. I totally get why they don't want Petey to blast off as soon as you hop on and agree with that decision, but in its current state of starting at 0 it really feels awkward and a little clunky waiting for what feels like _sooo_ long for that first round of endurance.

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Are there naysayers? I know the episode has divided the community, but I've seen near universal adoration for the mount


My only nag is I struggle to get a dye to colour as I want as they often go green or luminous. But in general it is a great little mount. Seen some really fun uses across the wider game like the community driven DR races etc

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Are there naysayers? I know the episode has divided the community, but I've seen near universal adoration for the mount


> My only nag is I struggle to get a dye to colour as I want as they often go green or luminous. But in general it is a great little mount. Seen some really fun uses across the wider game like the community driven DR races etc


I've seen some fairly negative comments about the collections, and some criticism because of things like the endurance starting empty. I think most of them have failed to grasp that the essential theme in driving Petey is "management of speed", and if, for example, it was affected by hills as little as the Raptor is(1), it wouldn't be as distinctive.


(1) The Raptor *is* affected by steep up-hills. See, for example, the slope leading up to the north of the low area between the Jaka Itzel village and the poison mushroom cave to its west.


EDIT: sorry, meant to add that with really strong red colours, the shell gets a sort of red-to-purple shading effect. The look of it makes me think of a TVR sports car I saw one time which was a softish colour at the red end of pink, but which shaded through magenta almost into purple around the edges, depending on the angle at which you looked at it. Very fitting for Petey. He just needs a "go faster" stripe somewhere.

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> @"Bottles.2095" said:

> I agree. The beetle is a total joy to roll around on and I've spent tons of hours just hitting sick jumps across the whole world. That said, after a few days of constant use the start with 0 endurance thing is really starting to grind on me a little bit. Starting at half endurance, or with an endurance regen boost, or some other feature would help dramatically. I totally get why they don't want Petey to blast off as soon as you hop on and agree with that decision, but in its current state of starting at 0 it really feels awkward and a little clunky waiting for what feels like _sooo_ long for that first round of endurance.


^This. If you're just joyriding with no particular goal in mind, then of course the beetle is awesome. The high speed roll and drift work great and are really fun to use! But actually playing the game like you normally would? Not so much.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Are there naysayers? I know the episode has divided the community, but I've seen near universal adoration for the mount

> >

> > My only nag is I struggle to get a dye to colour as I want as they often go green or luminous. But in general it is a great little mount. Seen some really fun uses across the wider game like the community driven DR races etc


> I've seen some fairly negative comments about the collections, and some criticism because of things like the endurance starting empty. I think most of them have failed to grasp that the essential theme in driving Petey is "management of speed", and if, for example, it was affected by hills as little as the Raptor is(1), it wouldn't be as distinctive.


> (1) The Raptor *is* affected by steep up-hills. See, for example, the slope leading up to the north of the low area between the Jaka Itzel village and the poison mushroom cave to its west.


> EDIT: sorry, meant to add that with really strong red colours, the shell gets a sort of red-to-purple shading effect. The look of it makes me think of a TVR sports car I saw one time which was a softish colour at the red end of pink, but which shaded through magenta almost into purple around the edges, depending on the angle at which you looked at it. Very fitting for Petey. He just needs a "go faster" stripe somewhere.


Oh the collections are completely naff, but you soon forget about them when you get the mount and start zooming around, flying off cliffs with exuberance and crashing gloriously into every wall when you first get it. Even without the learning, it's still great fun to mess around with.

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I'm not very good on it yet, and don't have all the abilities yet, but I used him on an alt earlier today to drive quickly to a zone next to the one I was in (because I'm WP stingy) with the rocket booster and it was pretty neat. I think it'll find it's place. It's a completely different mount than the other 5, which is great. I wonder if they'll run out of ideas? Maybe the next will be underwater? Maybe the next expansion has lots of underwater stuff, and the first little underwater revamp was the beginning of that! :o

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