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Playable Awakened Faction (Spoilers)

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Palawa Joko, leader of the Awakened is dead. Ignoring possible possession of Aurene the Awakened are without a puppetmaster. Without Joko the Awakened are proved to be capable of independent and intelligent thought, equal to the living. Joko used that to his advantage to seduce Elonian-living, but those awoken against their will could still partly resist Joko. See Koss for a perfect example. Without Joko to force Awakened to be evil, we have the possibility of a friendly faction that could be playable.


I would 100% buy an expansion on this feature alone, and I get that new races are a big deal to make. People have been asking for Tengu, Koda, Quaggan, etc for a long time, but Awakened are more humanoid firstly. Secondly, they have a much better story reason to join us. I fully expect there to still be evil awakened, doing Joko's will with him gone(that human guy we made mad in PoF,) but friendly awakened like converted Sunspears or Koss could lead their faction with us against the dragons.

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Well, I like to think that the Commander is techinally an Undead. During the newest episode when he/she explains that the Scarab Plague only affects humans (for some reason), if he/she is a human, then it is also said by them that they can't be affected by it, because they already died once. This is something I'm planning to bring up during the Forum Chat. :D

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If we get a new race, I'd like to see those bird people from the original story added. They are in the early sylvari story (maybe others too), and they have a presence in Orr as well. They could slip right into the ranks easily. I'm honestly not sure what happened to them in the rest of the story, they just kinda disappear. I had forgotten about them until I started leveling a new sylvari revenant, and playing through the main story from the beginning.

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Just make them a race that starts from lvl 80 or something. They are basically reskined humans so the armor arguements are thrown off the window.


Well i guess they would have to make cultural armors. Ehh worth the development time if they bundle them with something that u pay for.



Still dream of the day we get tengu tho.

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Just make them a race that starts from lvl 80 or something. They are basically reskined humans so the armor arguements are thrown off the window.


Well i guess they would have to make cultural armors. Ehh worth the development time if they bundle them with something that u pay for.



Still dream of the day we get tengu tho.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> If we get a new race, I'd like to see those bird people from the original story added. They are in the early sylvari story (maybe others too), and they have a presence in Orr as well. They could slip right into the ranks easily. I'm honestly not sure what happened to them in the rest of the story, they just kinda disappear. I had forgotten about them until I started leveling a new sylvari revenant, and playing through the main story from the beginning.


Thing is tengu have some art which depicts them very similar to humans, with the addition of feathers and such. Bit overall they are pretty human like so easier to fit armor on.


And imho cooler looking.



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Should they ever give us a new race, it has to be Tengu at this point or else ppl will be very mad with ANet.


I couldn't care less about xenophobic birbs and would rather have them develop the existing races more that haven't seen much light in the last 6 years, i.e. Charr and Norn, but the "New Race NAO!!!" threads won't cease until we get the Tengu and everyone and their grandmother can be a Samurai/Ninja.

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Plus there are many leaderless risen wandering around since we killed Zhaitan. Similar to the Awakened. So a new "undead" race which could be tamed as pets by necros. Could be some interesting master/slave roleplay as well as cooperative gaming if you're tied to another player! ;-)

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> There wont be new races, theres no way to for them to be connected to the main story(Destiny Edge, Orders, Pact, Zhaitan, etc).


That's not a problem. If they were actually going to do a new race, it'd probably have a different story that would double as the expansion's story. For all the older ones, they'd simply say you're seeing past events and have you appear as a human. They'd only need to connect it with the current commander and friends, which would either mean breaking up the team prior, or putting them into a position where they have no choice.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > There wont be new races, theres no way to for them to be connected to the main story(Destiny Edge, Orders, Pact, Zhaitan, etc).


> That's not a problem. If they were actually going to do a new race, it'd probably have a different story that would double as the expansion's story. For all the older ones, they'd simply say you're seeing past events and have you appear as a human. They'd only need to connect it with the current commander and friends, which would either mean breaking up the team prior, or putting them into a position where they have no choice.


Or say you are seeing past events and have you appear as whatever race you was added. being forced to play as a human for a very long story like the original is a huge mark for me.

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One of the problems with having the Awakened as a PC race is that there can't be any more of them made now. (Unless Aurene does it, at which point she'd also have the power to command them.) We also know their bodies can fall apart over time and need repair, the basic ones were often patched with just tar and bandages.


I think it would be more interesting to see most of them gather up and decide to leave for Orr. Turn it into a true kingdom of the dead.


Now, that's not to say that no new playable race could come out of this... but that might be better as a topic for another thread.

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But undead/awakened is not a race... it is a condition... of sorts. When you say they look human it is because they ARE human... undead for sure, but still. Also the wakened isn't just humans. At least not anymore. There is asura too... and some charr (Olmakan) out on the frontlines in Kourna.

So as I see it the undead, be it risen or awakened is not a coherent race. I don't really see the appeal personally either... especially with tengu not being playable (yet?)

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> But undead/awakened is not a race... it is a condition... of sorts. When you say they look human it is because they ARE human... undead for sure, but still. Also the wakened isn't just humans. At least not anymore. There is asura too... and some charr (Olmakan) out on the frontlines in Kourna.

> So as I see it the undead, be it risen or awakened is not a coherent race. I don't really see the appeal personally either... especially with tengu not being playable (yet?)


I've always thought the same about WoW. The undead race only has human figures, but literally anyone who dies can become undead. Where are the undead elves and orc etc? Anyway, the awakened would be too strange to make a playable race in GW2. If we do get some new race, it needs to be something unlike other games, like the charr, sylvari, and Asura are very different from anything in other games, even if they have some of the same background.

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