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What are you doing to enjoy Kourna and Beetle?

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> Once I unlocked the beetle, I left Kourna and never looked back. I’m _really_ having fun doing core-Tyria map completion with the beetle, though. It has freshened up an otherwise stale task. I love blasting through the maps—topography permitting.


Map completion in core Tyria! Of course! We've found the beetle's purpose! LoL

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I finished this map asap to get beetle and finish story and got my mp's ( most of them) .

One of them locked is behind a grinding collection,which is .... yeah .... i dont know .... i will work slowly on it maybe im not sure. Meta is just an amazing hp sponge golem, which is not really funny tbh and i dont want him to become pure cancer like one hit attacks or mechanics overload like certain fractals *cough*... There isnt much that holds me on this map, which i dont mind tbh.


Beetle... well currently im going around with him and trying to test it and to see , if it's really a bad thing for raptor or jackal , if this thing gets buffed. Current state: Nope not in the slightest. It's still get 2-3 shooted easily. It's just can speedboost and lose it also as quick as it gained speed. On some maps you just cant use it and you are better to go with raptor or jackal , however i saw alot of peoples driving around with beetle without speedboost or so and complaining how op this mount is , while other ppls are blasting through them with raptor or jackal.

For my taste it really needs full endurance :I and faster endurance regeneration, but oh boy ... peoples really fear that a mount that can pull and leap over long gaps or a mount that can pass through portals , provide some barrier and controlling dodging , while climbing hills with ease could die , because of a beetle that is slow as fuck uphills, got a shitty engage skill, cant be used in tight areas or in crowded areas , can't dodge any attacks so it can get as quickly as dismounted as you mounted up on it and cant be used over water and loses speed rather quick once it hit something or you turn left or right really is able to kill a raptor and a jackal ? :D please guys :^)


Anyways a bit off topic , well what i do are fractals , hot metas , daily gatherings , chatting with peoples , meeting new peoples , doing raids, doing dailies , craft stuff , work on upgrading my 23 characters to asc gear and maybe one day making all full legendary ( which i highly doubt lmao ), switching and playing my classes , collecting map currency and testing new stuff on my characters or driving around with my beetle for further results and testing or messing around with other mounts.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Not a lot, actually. Running around doing achieves and farming mats, and once I get the zone mastery done, I'll probably go off to other things. Nice to meet my Herald, finally. But I feel overall that this episode was rushed (the ridiculous number of bugs shows that) and the story definitely could have been written better. It seemed like they were in too big a hurry to reach a conclusion, in both story and coding.


> Also, let's face it: until the game mechanics change such that all-out offense with full Berserker and Viper stats isn't the dominant paradigm, there's not much they can add to make extended play in a particular zone more desirable to get gear. Seriously, go to Quantify and Metabattle and look at the meta or highly recommended builds; except for a few specialists (Druid Harrier healer, Chrono Minstrel tank, etc.) the "best" character builds are all high-offense core game or HoT stats, mostly Berserker and Viper. Until that changes, there's no point spending a lot of time in the LS4 zones to farm gear except for Fashion Wars sake, because very few "optimal" builds use PoF stats. Viper doesn't come on PoF gear and Berserker gear can be acquired more easily elsewhere. Minis? Please...I have more important things to do with 105K karma, which also is a ridiculous amount when you think about it.


> Long delay and big hype for a middling result. The beetle is fun in its place, and that's about the best I can say about it.


That should be if rather than until and a very big if at that. If they wanted people to diversify they wouldn't have added specs that free people from bringing any defense.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > Once I unlocked the beetle, I left Kourna and never looked back. I’m _really_ having fun doing core-Tyria map completion with the beetle, though. It has freshened up an otherwise stale task. I love blasting through the maps—topography permitting.


> Map completion in core Tyria! Of course! We've found the beetle's purpose! LoL


Slalom around the main circle of DR at warp speed is pretty fun. Plus there's a lot of stairs and ramps there.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Since Kourna dethroned Sandswept Isles for worst map title I just don't play it at all.



I think Sandswept is the best LS4 zone so far. It has interesting characters (Blish) and the Olmakhan add a new dimension to the Charr experience; I'd love to see them become an option in character creation. It's the only one I still bother visiting. Kourna is a letdown after a long delay and a lot of hype, and I never got the point of Istan at all.



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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Since Kourna dethroned Sandswept Isles for worst map title I just don't play it at all.

> >


> I think Sandswept is the best LS4 zone so far. It has interesting characters (Blish) and the Olmakhan add a new dimension to the Charr experience; I'd love to see them become an option in character creation. It's the only one I still bother visiting. Kourna is a letdown after a long delay and a lot of hype, and I never got the point of Istan at all.




I'm only talking about map and design (events, rewards and overall feel) not the story. Istan is at least rewarding, with events every other minute. Sandswept only has the specimen chamber and only the build up event to the specimen is worth doing at all.

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