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Market suffering without fresh crafting tasks

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How about some craftable cosmetic infusion? The effect could also stack up so people would have a reason to craft several of them for their char. And if too many of that specific infusion get crafted, they can just release a new one with a different effect and players can start crafting again.

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The market doesn't care if mats are plentiful or not. Only people with excess mats care. In contrast, people with crafting interests are in great shape now because of the drop in prices.


I'm not against ANet adding or increasing existing sinks for mats to make the economy more vibrant and interesting. But that's different from insisting that low prices are, by themselves, a problem.


Let's also keep in mind that any attempt by ANet to adjust sinks will be met with intense criticism from the community. Some will complain about the higher prices, others will complain about how there still aren't enough sinks. It's nearly impossible for ANet (or any company) to get the perfect mix of supply & demand, especially since our interests are fickle.

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I hope that ArenaNet refrain from messing with crafting recipes anymore, I still believe that their ham-fisted changes made to "fix" leather prices are some of the worst things they've done to the economy (and for the record I profit from those ham-fisted changes every day).

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Rather than having repairs for ascended armor be a sink, Legendary and Ascended armor/trinkets should be allowed to be "enhanced" by spending materials to "gild" or "embelish" or "etch." These would be based upon current crafting professions at level 500.


This "gild/embellish/etch" would be a temporary enhancement, and could be based on time and/or damage received/dealt.


The bonus could be something small like 2-3-5% additional stats, or perhaps a stacking 1% chance to proc an interesting effect (based upon the gild/etch/embellish chosen per piece).


Anyways, this gives players an ability to min/max even more, but doesn't force players to spend materials on a sink if they don't want to. It also provides additional sinks through customization.

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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> Rather than having repairs for ascended armor be a sink, Legendary and Ascended armor/trinkets should be allowed to be "enhanced" by spending materials to "gild" or "embelish" or "etch." These would be based upon current crafting professions at level 500.


> This "gild/embellish/etch" would be a temporary enhancement, and could be based on time and/or damage received/dealt.


> The bonus could be something small like 2-3-5% additional stats, or perhaps a stacking 1% chance to proc an interesting effect (based upon the gild/etch/embellish chosen per piece).


> Anyways, this gives players an ability to min/max even more, but doesn't force players to spend materials on a sink if they don't want to. It also provides additional sinks through customization.


Oh believe me if this was implemented you better be joking in thinking it wouldnt be forced upon players to do for certain content. 2-3-5% adds up on each piece of equipment, and spread that out among 5 players.

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The idea that our market needs to be driven by legendary grinds is a bit erroneous. While those large sinks might bring value up a little, most players don't care to do them, and they're one-shot economic movers.

They're also a terribly boring grind.


What we need are *consistent* and *flexible* material sinks that have a consumable purpose. Not to say some cosmetics or more permanent items don't contribute as compelling rewards, but those require additional oversight and resources to create.


Rather, use a once/day vendor to give consumable rewards for trading in stacks (100? 250?) of material in exchange for unique currency or RNG loot containers (ex: magic wrapped bundles or whatever they're called). With a sufficiently diverse grab-bag of items that can pop out (wvw xp/track progress, pvp track, mystic coins/clovers, boosters, etc) there would be a good chance of it being useful.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> > Rather than having repairs for ascended armor be a sink, Legendary and Ascended armor/trinkets should be allowed to be "enhanced" by spending materials to "gild" or "embelish" or "etch." These would be based upon current crafting professions at level 500.

> >

> > This "gild/embellish/etch" would be a temporary enhancement, and could be based on time and/or damage received/dealt.

> >

> > The bonus could be something small like 2-3-5% additional stats, or perhaps a stacking 1% chance to proc an interesting effect (based upon the gild/etch/embellish chosen per piece).

> >

> > Anyways, this gives players an ability to min/max even more, but doesn't force players to spend materials on a sink if they don't want to. It also provides additional sinks through customization.


> Oh believe me if this was implemented you better be joking in thinking it wouldnt be forced upon players to do for certain content. 2-3-5% adds up on each piece of equipment, and spread that out among 5 players.


Do you know how many players easily run t4 fractals without food? Hell, my guild makes fun of people that feel the need to spend gold on food/utilities for them.


The only game mode where this would ever become required is serious GvG in WvW and Raids. And I am fine with letting these hardcore players take on more of a role in correcting the market.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> The game threw a good chance at making this market long-term stable away by not copying something to the original DAoC idea of permanently destroyed armor. That is, you can only repair it **so** often, eventually it will need replacement.


> If the whole item-system is built around this, it creates a constant, never-ending need for more crafted items.


Yes, i would love to have my legendary and ascended armor sets to be destroyed to please TP players and market manipulators. HAhahaha What a great idea!



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> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> Yes, i would love to have my legendary and ascended armor sets to be destroyed to please TP players and market manipulators. HAhahaha What a great idea!


> (No.)


I love how you even quoted the line you then promptly didn't read before writing your "witty" reply.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > Yes, i would love to have my legendary and ascended armor sets to be destroyed to please TP players and market manipulators. HAhahaha What a great idea!

> >

> > (No.)


> I love how you even quoted the line you then promptly didn't read before writing your "witty" reply.


I dunno, i feel the same way about having stuff get destroyed after a certain amounts of uses.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > Yes, i would love to have my legendary and ascended armor sets to be destroyed to please TP players and market manipulators. HAhahaha What a great idea!

> >

> > (No.)


> I love how you even quoted the line you then promptly didn't read before writing your "witty" reply.


Oh yeah? What is the part that i "didn't read"? Do you mind pointing it out?

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Wondering that myself. I took a year to make Astralaria and would be LIVID if it were to be destroyed to make a material sink. I don't care that the skin would be saved. Right now it's very handy as both my warrior and mesmer use it.


That said they should introduce a couple New trinket slots and up jeweler to 500. Ingredients could be one of those scribe recipe type things. Ten nested items requiring ALL the common things.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> The market is saturated with most basic mats. Look at the quantities available for purchase using external tool (game limits to 99,999).

> (Recently: Silk is nearly worthless along with Mithril and Silver.)


There is already a solution for that in game : sell your nearly worthless mats to NPC


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That is> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> Oh yeah? What is the part that i "didn't read"? Do you mind pointing it out?


> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Wondering that myself. I took a year to make Astralaria and would be LIVID if it were to be destroyed to make a material sink. I don't care that the skin would be saved. Right now it's very handy as both my warrior and mesmer use it.


I said, importantly, *if the whole item system were built around it*. Obviously the way our **current** item system post-release works (Ascended, Legendary weapons and armor, super-rare unique-skin drops) wouldn't work in such a context.


However, at release it wasn't **too** far from a setup which could be done with degrading gear, either. We had the legendaries who would have had to be transformed into something like a special sigil which transfers hit/draw/shiney effects, and obviously when a weapon breaks or you stop using it because of wear and replace it you'd need some way to get the sigil out of it.


But other than that? Exotics were never really pricey to craft, and we didn't have Ascended gear back then. It was all just about runes/sigils and the odd fine crafting material like blood because zerker > all. Could have transformed that into a system where crafted exotic gear is the alpha and omega, with a steady if slow need to replace gear as its condition worsed as durability gets repaired time and time again due to damage.


Nowadays, I agree, can't do it. Or rather it'd be a lot of efforts, because of ascended gear with agony resist in it :anguished:



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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> There could be room for a new system based on sinking abundant materials into repairs.

> There would need to be some minor changes to accommodate it but this is how it could work:

> - Weapons and trinkets can now be damaged in the same way as armor.

> - In order to fix these, you can use repair canisters as per usual

> - if players want to fix _Ascended_ quality gear at an anvil, it will cost them 1 token per item repaired.

> - tokens can be crafted and dropped into material storage to be used like currency.

> - there are 3 types of token which use different materials to create - gold/silver for trinket tokens; leather, metal, cloth for armor; wood and metal for weapons.

> - tokens cost a very small amount to craft - eg. 1 metal ingot + 1 plank for a weapon "token"; 1 gold or silver ingot for trinket tokens.

> - tokens are tradable to accomodate for people who don't craft.


> _Just an idea for utilizing some extra materials for those who already have ascended gear without absolutely breaking the system._

> .

> .

> Another idea would be to have gold or silver plating on armor or weapons which rather like an infusion, **slightly** changes the appearance of that item and wears down over time (eg. needs to be replaced once a month) Cost would be something like 200 gold or silver ingots.





I would quit the game if a system were put into place where I was required to pay other players to keep my gear from breaking.

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> There is already a solution for that in game : sell your nearly worthless mats to NPC


So, who will continue to run PoF or do other end-game events if those are the worst value drops in the game ? For some reason, we used to be upset about AB multi-loot. Ecto prices must have been an excuse for some other reason.


[Hint: listen to the sentiment for the most recent map that gives little to no reward in fact. both exp and drops]


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> @"Carighan.6758" said:


> That is> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > Oh yeah? What is the part that i "didn't read"? Do you mind pointing it out?


> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > Wondering that myself. I took a year to make Astralaria and would be LIVID if it were to be destroyed to make a material sink. I don't care that the skin would be saved. Right now it's very handy as both my warrior and mesmer use it.


> I said, importantly, *if the whole item system were built around it*. Obviously the way our **current** item system post-release works (Ascended, Legendary weapons and armor, super-rare unique-skin drops) wouldn't work in such a context.


> However, at release it wasn't **too** far from a setup which could be done with degrading gear, either. We had the legendaries who would have had to be transformed into something like a special sigil which transfers hit/draw/shiney effects, and obviously when a weapon breaks or you stop using it because of wear and replace it you'd need some way to get the sigil out of it.


> But other than that? Exotics were never really pricey to craft, and we didn't have Ascended gear back then. It was all just about runes/sigils and the odd fine crafting material like blood because zerker > all. Could have transformed that into a system where crafted exotic gear is the alpha and omega, with a steady if slow need to replace gear as its condition worsed as durability gets repaired time and time again due to damage.


> Nowadays, I agree, can't do it. Or rather it'd be a lot of efforts, because of ascended gear with agony resist in it :anguished:




Oh yeah i read that, i wasn't making fun of you or your post necessarily, it's just that the general idea of breakable gear triggers me very much. *archeage flashbacks*

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The single best thing they could do for a material sink that would get the market going again is decorations for personal housing that can be crafted by scribes. This would not only cause many more players to level up that crafting profession, but it would create a long-term resource demand since people would try to perfect their home instance. Even cooler would be if everyone had a private home-area within the larger home instance with no npcs where they could set up a bed and a reading chair or something just like a real house.

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If it is truly a market-based system, then the price does reflect the value of each of the mats.


Seems to me to be a good way to make money; buy cheap mats, craft items people are buying, and make a profit.


Or use it like the stock market; buy low now in hopes the prices will rise enough to sell and make you money.

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