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When was the last server update for NA?

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Oh you sweet summer children.


Mag has gone down before, and all it will take is for one of the old commanders to raise the flag and then mag will rise again. There is a big difference between the band wagon bads that joined after mag was in T1 and true maguuma players.


The last time it happened mag went all the way to T1 and sent BG crying and running to eotm like scared rabbits. If any of you corpse jumpers think you seen the last of Mag you are sorely mistaken.


Currently there is house cleaning as all the fairweathers are leaving to greener pastures. Following Mal and his crew in the belief that that will make them good. In time you will see.


I cannot speak for the guilds that transferred to fa, but I assumed they were just looking for Action during their play time. Everybody will come back once the flag is raised.


I'm not even on mag currently, just waiting for the flag

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From a guy who automates things for a living, I would suggest doing audits of server pops MUCH more often. Mag has been dead for weeks, YB has been shedding people for weeks and they are high pop and full respectively. This system was supposed to stop the bandwagoning, but it just encourages it more. Alliances CANNOT come soon enough!

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> @"Immortal.1543" said:

> From a guy who automates things for a living, I would suggest doing audits of server pops MUCH more often. Mag has been dead for weeks, YB has been shedding people for weeks and they are high pop and full respectively. This system was supposed to stop the bandwagoning, but it just encourages it more. Alliances CANNOT come soon enough!


What if they bandwagon between alliances... :dizzy:


The linking does not stop bandwagon, it is just a first aid against populations decline. Dev also said that it doesn't account for coverage population, just using overall populations.


People will always bandwagon simply because it make them feel good, to beat servers that lack comparable amount of dedicated wvwers. That feel good will then come to a stop when they meet old "Very High" or "Full" servers. Then we will see if they will start tanking or what inorder to tank back to lower tier to beat servers to make them feel good again. Bandwagon is just a reflection of certain human natures of seeking good feeling and not good match.


Lets be real here, there isn't any wvw guilds that willing to spend 6 months to train newbies to become good anymore. Bandwagon is the easiest way to get above average players.

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > RIP JQ.


> Yeah, not falling for that one again


Yea man, it's almost as though one server is able to empty out into another server and still classify as two servers. Whatever are these people talking about? Don't make much sense yo

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Boy.. by the time alliances arrive, we're just going to have 2 huge alliances battling it out... and people want the alliance cap higher.. lol.


I'm not sure having a couple mega-alliances is actually all that bad a thing. WvW just doesn't have enough NA players to keep 4 tiers really active anymore. We've been due for server consolidations for some some time now.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Immortal.1543" said:

> > From a guy who automates things for a living, I would suggest doing audits of server pops MUCH more often. Mag has been dead for weeks, YB has been shedding people for weeks and they are high pop and full respectively. This system was supposed to stop the bandwagoning, but it just encourages it more. Alliances CANNOT come soon enough!


> What if they bandwagon between alliances... :dizzy:


> The linking does not stop bandwagon, it is just a first aid against populations decline. Dev also said that it doesn't account for coverage population, just using overall populations.


> People will always bandwagon simply because it make them feel good, to beat servers that lack comparable amount of dedicated wvwers. That feel good will then come to a stop when they meet old "Very High" or "Full" servers. Then we will see if they will start tanking or what inorder to tank back to lower tier to beat servers to make them feel good again. Bandwagon is just a reflection of certain human natures of seeking good feeling and not good match.


Imagine you're a guild that enjoys playing organised / coordinated. How do you enjoy WvW outside of pug hours? You can go to any server you like but if it's not "stacked" you'll find pugs yet none of them will play coordinated with you.


You can either do 10 man raids with 40 pugs not listening, or you can move to a server with other players with a similar mindset. So people move to other players with a similar mindset. You can tell me to train them but, they won't come voice, they won't reroll, they won't run any builds and they won't push with us. How do you teach pugs anything if they plain refuse to listen yet insist on following you every raid? Who's really looking for free bags?



> Lets be real here, there isn't any wvw guilds that willing to spend 6 months to train newbies to become good anymore. Bandwagon is the easiest way to get above average players.


I remember sitting on a newbie server for 6 months with a pretty large core of good players and dedicated commanders. It was a wonderful experience full of newbies telling us how amazing their scepter eles and longbow rangers are. 6 months later? The majority of pugs was still playing exactly the same, mostly because as soon as you try to tell them to do something the answer is "No, I can do whatever I want" and recommending other players to do the exact same.


I'm sure you can think of a few servers where the vast majority of players won't listen, won't join you and won't improve a lot even if you go there and raid daily with your 15 man group. And every time your 15 man group isn't raiding? They have absolutely nothing to do; which isn't sustainable or fun for most guilds either.


You can't improve players who refuse to do a single thing you ask of them. They believe they know better, or at least are entitled to do whatever they please. Stacking is the result of most servers being unfun to play on, play with or lead on for more hardcore / veteran WvW players. But you can keep blaming the guilds for doing it; even tho both on EU and NA there are several servers which pretty much every veteran guild avoids.

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That's nothing more than a justification you give yourselves. You still just steam rolling other servers that have more pugs. Which is more fun - steam rolling or equal fight?


Also, I remember tagging up for 6 months straight 8 hrs per day and once ranger majority squad become meta squad. I guess your so-called dedicated commanders an't that dedicated.


If you want to steam roll people, just say so, we are all very open about it and accept your decision.

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