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EDIT: ANET staff publicly representing company should be held to their own standards

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Vash.2386" said:

> > People keep mentioning that it was her personal twitter feed as if it was a private feed.

> >

> > It was not her private feed. There is a big difference personal and private.


> You can have a personal public twitter. Her Twitter account is not provided by Anet, which makes it her personal account. If it’s public, which it is, is also fine she can still say what she likes. It’s the fact her personal account is affiliated with working at Anet that’s the problem, and means she needs to hold herself to higher standards when using her personal public account. You can’t post about where you work and what you do, then basically trash talk others who want to have a constructive conversation with you because “it’s my personal account”. No honey. You’ve got a company to represent at that point.


Her latest media post (July 1st at this point) talks about how she enjoyed working on the dialogue for Long Live The Lich with a youtube video compilation.

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Next time I see someone post a critique of the story in guild chat or map I know exactly what to write:


"Be careful with criticizing the story! It could be claimed that you are only criticizing the story because that developer is a woman, which would be sexist, and then have the accusation published on twitter to all the developers follows. From there you are going to get death threats and harassment, so its not worth it. Criticism is not allowed in GW2."

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I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind. In fact, her behaviour on twitter today strongly suggests a personality disorder of some kind; seeing personal attacks and insults where there certainly weren't any.


Nobody in their right state of mind would go and toss around sexists comments and remarks like that, especially directed at the community of their own game. Yes, it's insulting and infuriating, but in this case it is us who should be embarrassed for making fun of a clearly sick person. We are supposed to be the better people, and forgive and understand, and hope they get the treatment they seem to be in need of. Not make fun of it, get insulted and throw her into the mud, demanding apologies and declaring boycott on the entire company. Would you do that to a person with tourette's, who simply can't stop shouting profanities at you because of their illness? I hope not.

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On a more serious note. The professional response would have been to take the criticism into account and answer to the opinion. "We have tried to X but Y led us to the decision that Z, which we implemented and are very happy about." The dev could have argued with her expertise in the field, her experience in the industry, the metrics only ANet has(while not going into details of course). Instead she opted for an angry remark implying that the players/partners gender had anything to do with why she was criticised.


I've read through what's still there on reddit and twitter and for me nothing in the players original post indicates anything about either his or the devs gender. It was a reply to an open article and wether or not you agree with either side of it doesn't matter, a person may state an opinion, preferably in a productive and positive matter, and as an author you may or may not react to it as you see fit. The dev has drawn the false conclusion that she was being criticised because of her gender and reacted in a harsh and , from a PR perspective, clumsy and unwise matter.

Devs get lots of shit, all the time, for everything they do. You will always find someone on the internet to disagree with. Your hard work that makes it into the game may satisfy some, but you'll always ruin someone elses day with it in MMO developpement. It is why we have this strange communication with ANet, and other companies, where all the communication has to be sifted through various departements before you can release something. That's why we don't get ETA's anymore, because the interweb is all in the dev's faces when it hits ETA+1d. That's why everything is so cryptic and silent until a trailer gets released, because the forums are ablaze if they set any expectaions. Also I can imagine that the last few weeks were hell at the ANet HQ, the release must have been stressful and the backlash of the community after it was a downer as well, for sure.

But you need to stay professional at all times on an account associated with your company. While I disagree with how that particular communication went down, let's not grab the torches and pitchforks.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind.


I'm gonna stop you right there and link this(You will need to open the whole thread feed), here she talks about another forum user using idioms, and disregards valid discussion because reasons:



In reference to a comment made in this forum post:



So, this is clearly not the first time it has happened, but it also seems that men, and even just the word "sexist" is a trigger for this Dev.

It basically boils down to, she can't take constructive criticism, and pulls the "You sexist" card out wherever she can to defend herself instead of having a proper discussion.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind. In fact, her behaviour on twitter today strongly suggests a personality disorder of some kind; seeing personal attacks and insults where there certainly weren't any.


> Nobody in their right state of mind would go and toss around sexists comments and remarks like that, especially directed at the community of their own game. Yes, it's insulting and infuriating, but in this case it is us who should be embarrassed for making fun of a clearly sick person. We are supposed to be the better people, and forgive and understand, and hope they get the treatment they seem to be in need of. Not make fun of it, get insulted and throw her into the mud, demanding apologies and declaring boycott on the entire company. Would you do that to a person with tourette's, who simply can't stop shouting profanities at you because of their illness? I hope not.


1. No one is making fun of her or picking on her. That would do nothing constructive.

2. To dismiss this behavior as mental illness (which it isn't, unless you consider every social justice warrior/radical feminist to be mentally ill) is likely quite insulting to the many people who actually struggle with mental health issues and yet somehow manage to not spew hate at people for constructive criticism.

3. This is not a one-time mistake. She demonstrates consistency of behavior. Sure, this might be the first time she has blown up at a GW2 fan, but it is very clear from her twitter that she supports a lot of hateful activities including kicking people out of restaurants because you politically disagree with them or doxxing CEOs of companies that do business with US immigration control (she actually retweeted a link to said doxxed email addresses).

4. Even if she has a personality disorder, why does that justify what she did? Why should ANET retain her as an employee or why would she be publicly representing the company after what has occurred? How is it in ANET's best interest to employ someone who does these things?

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind.


> I'm gonna stop you right there and link this(You will need to open the whole thread feed), here she talks about another forum user using idioms, and disregards valid discussion because reasons:

> https://twitter.com/MMOINKS/status/1014235938099040256


> In reference to a comment made in this forum post:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45897/spoiler-final-instance-be-my-guest


> So, this is clearly not the first time it has happened, but it also seems that men, and even just the word "sexist" is a trigger for this Dev.


Thanks for the new info, I actually didn't know about that comment either. Looks like this is a recurring problem then.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind. In fact, her behaviour on twitter today strongly suggests a personality disorder of some kind; seeing personal attacks and insults where there certainly weren't any.


> Nobody in their right state of mind would go and toss around sexists comments and remarks like that, especially directed at the community of their own game. Yes, it's insulting and infuriating, but in this case it is us who should be embarrassed for making fun of a clearly sick person. We are supposed to be the better people, and forgive and understand, and hope they get the treatment they seem to be in need of. Not make fun of it, get insulted and throw her into the mud, demanding apologies and declaring boycott on the entire company. Would you do that to a person with tourette's, who simply can't stop shouting profanities at you because of their illness? I hope not.


I think assuming someone's frame of mind or mental health based on vague comments on a social media thread would be quite irresponsible. I also don't think it's appropriate to write off someone's behavior to such causes simply because that behavior does not coincide with our own expectations or ideals. Not only does it seem condescending to people who suffer from genuine mental illnesses (because we'd essentially be stereotyping them or creating a sense of expectation regarding their behavior), but it's also very presumptuous and in some cases, can redirect responsibility for a person's actions away from them and towards a phantom perpetraitor.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind.

> >

> > I'm gonna stop you right there and link this(You will need to open the whole thread feed), here she talks about another forum user using idioms, and disregards valid discussion because reasons:

> > https://twitter.com/MMOINKS/status/1014235938099040256

> >

> > In reference to a comment made in this forum post:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45897/spoiler-final-instance-be-my-guest

> >

> > So, this is clearly not the first time it has happened, but it also seems that men, and even just the word "sexist" is a trigger for this Dev.


> Thanks for the new info, I actually didn't know about that comment either. Looks like this is a recurring problem then.


The ironic thing is, she's posted stuff about relieving stress, and that she's started to do yoga and meditation etc to promote self awareness and mindfulness to combat this stress. But this behaviour was brought upon herself, because she's chosen to act this way. It's a lose lose situation, and she's still accountable for her actions, stress or no stress. If only she'd have taken her own advice to ignore people, rather than spark a flame by retweeting Deroir directly with the caption" Today in being a female game dev: Allow me--a person who does not work with you--explain to you how you do your job."


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She also made xenophobe/racist comments on her **public** social media the day before. So the excuse about the 4th of July and not being "in her right mind" is pointless.


A person with such a toxic, sexist and xenophone/racist behaviour shouldn't represent a company. And yes, she is representing Arenanet by having her social media account as public and adding "ArenaNet Narrative team" to her bio.


As a woman, spaniard and gw2 player I feel really offended and dissapointed about all of this. I didn't expect a company like ArenaNet support this kind of behaviour (as I saw that other dev is defending her).


To be honest I expect Anet to do something about it, at least a public apologize.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind. In fact, her behaviour on twitter today strongly suggests a personality disorder of some kind; seeing personal attacks and insults where there certainly weren't any.


> Nobody in their right state of mind would go and toss around sexists comments and remarks like that, especially directed at the community of their own game. Yes, it's insulting and infuriating, but in this case it is us who should be embarrassed for making fun of a clearly sick person. We are supposed to be the better people, and forgive and understand, and hope they get the treatment they seem to be in need of. Not make fun of it, get insulted and throw her into the mud, demanding apologies and declaring boycott on the entire company. Would you do that to a person with tourette's, who simply can't stop shouting profanities at you because of their illness? I hope not.


I really don't think whether she was in the right frame of mind or not justifies her current behavior. Also no one as far as I can see has been outright attacking her and have either been critiquing her or are taken aback by her responses. I personally wouldn't support any individual attempting to make any personal attacks towards her, another dev or any individual for that matter. If anyone has been toxic at this point, it would be her and her following.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> 1. No one is making fun of her or picking on her. That would do nothing constructive.

> 2. To dismiss this behavior as mental illness (which it isn't, unless you consider every social justice warrior/radical feminist to be mentally ill) is likely quite insulting to the many people who actually struggle with mental health issues and yet somehow manage to not spew hate at people for constructive criticism.

> 3. This is not a one-time mistake. She demonstrates consistency of behavior. Sure, this might be the first time she has blown up at a GW2 fan, but it is very clear from her twitter that she supports a lot of hateful activities including kicking people out of restaurants because you politically disagree with them or doxxing CEOs of companies that do business with US immigration control (she actually retweeted a link to said doxxed email addresses).

> 4. Even if she has a personality disorder, why does that justify what she did? Why should ANET retain her as an employee or why would she be publicly representing the company after what has occurred? How is it in ANET's best interest to employ someone who does these things?


1. Not here, but the three Reddit threads for example are full of pretty unconstructive comments right now, and I think that should be enough.

2. I'm not dismissing it as anything; I'm simply telling how it is. To put your entire company in a bad light with impulsive social media comments like that, putting your job in jeopardy, and generally just insulting your entire customer base in a fit of rage isn't rational. You either _have_ to be mentally unstable or just very, very stupid to do something like that. It's nowhere near any normal person's sensible behaviour.

3. This could also support the theory that we are indeed dealing with a mentally unstable individual here; stable people rarely go picking fights without much reason to do so, and they usually can tolerate and respect people with different views up to at least a politically correct level. Again, this looks like mental instability to me.

4. It doesn't justify anything, but I wanted to get people thinking. If someone starts furiously shouting at you, maybe we should think about it for a second before we start responding to hate with blind hate. I'm not talking about people who want to talk about this constructively, but rather about those mean Redditors and the like, who instantly take the 'eye for an eye' -stance here. It's not all black and white. As for Anet, I personally don't think they should keep her on as an employee after this lashing out, but I think it's silly to judge the entire company based on this and start declaring boycotts. Maybe they should have been more careful examining this dev's background before hiring her, but what's done is done.


> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> To be honest, I think assuming someone's frame of mind or mental health based on vague comments on a social media thread would be quite irresponsible. I also don't think it's appropriate to write off someone's behavior to such causes simply because that behavior does not coincide with our own expectations or ideals. Not only does it seem condescending to people who suffer from genuine mental illnesses (because we'd essentially be stereotyping them or creating a sense of expectation regarding their behavior), but it's also very presumptuous and in some cases, can redirect responsibility for a person's actions away from them and towards a phantom perpetraitor.


I know something about mental illnesses, and I wasn't trying to underrate anyone's struggles with mental problems. But as I mentioned above, pulling off something like this dev did (lashing out on their own customer base, spreading accusations without merit, getting completely furious about a polite criticism) screams mental imbalance to me, and should be quite obvious to anybody. It's not really an expectation or ideal, but a definition of a normal person, I think, that we can all agree on. When you work in the game industry and represent a company, you simply don't do something like that. You should have the patience to withstand criticism, and lashing out like that is nowhere within the 'expectations or ideals' set on a mentally stable person. Let's say a store cashier would suddenly start furiously insulting you over some ridiculously small matter. Would you be happy to call them crazy? I would definitely assume they're not completely in their right state of mind at the moment.

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> @"rrusse.7058" said:

> I really don't think whether she was in the right frame of mind or not justifies her current behavior.


It justifies it as much as tourette's justifies shouting profanities at random people. I think justify is the wrong word here; the right one would be _explains_. Someone who is unstable and irrational could do something like that and not be able to help it. I honestly doubt someone completely in control would start pulling off stuff like insulting the entire fanbase on a whim.

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I would like to add that talking about personal health does not create a constructive environment for discussion and for the topic of this discussion it is rather irrelevant. If those post on twitter constitute a violation of developer conduct then that is what we should focus on.


Is the tone and language that this developer is using to talk to the game community acceptable or not? If not then Anet as a company and Gail as community leader need to step up and address the situation so that both developers community feel that it is safe to carry constructive discussions about the game.

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I’m on team Jessica.


That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”


“option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options”... Not even bioware, and their $100,000,000,000,000,000... stories, cut scenes, and dialog options can accomplish what the “rando” wants... Does “rando” expect the devs at Anet to create “meaningful” “branching dialog options” for every single player’s personality or each individual players’s RP character? Ridiculous expectations.


...I’d be annoyed too. And especially considering the abuse game developers face, I’d probably react the same way.


“Rando” quote for context...


“Really interesting thread to read!


However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design; (1 of 3)


When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)


But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), (3 of 4 cause I count seemingly...)


then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG.


Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread! (End)”


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The company I work for has us go through a training and compliance that our views, albeit personal when not "on the clock", still reflect against our company (read: if negative, sexist, etc.).


This Anet "dev" is the problem and not a voice for solution.


Edit: And PF's (an artist fro ANet) said she didn't ask for his (the streamers) opinion... yet she makes a public tweet. What type of crazy world are we living in that people make those types of remarks?

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:


> It justifies it as much as tourette's justifies shouting profanities at random people. I think justify is the wrong word here; the right one would be _explains_. Someone who is unstable and irrational could do something like that and not be able to help it.


I see your point. I do like and agree with your point that there is too much "eye for an eye" on other parts of the internet right now on this topic. People get their pitchforks and think that turning them on either her or the company is the answer and it just isn't. Something definitely needs to be done and said officially on this however.


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I’m on team Jessica.


> That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”


> “option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options”... Not even bioware, and their $100,000,000,000,000,000... stories, cut scenes, and dialog options can accomplish what the “rando” wants... Does “rando” expect the devs at Anet to create “meaningful” “branching dialog options” for every single player’s personality or each individual players’s RP character? Ridiculous expectations.


> ...I’d be annoyed too. And especially considering the abuse game developers face, I’d probably react the same way.


> “Rando” quote for context...


> “Really interesting thread to read!


> However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design; (1 of 3)


> When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)


> But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), (3 of 4 cause I count seemingly...)


> then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG.


> Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread! (End)”



Uhm...the discusion is not, wether or not a branching narrative can be achieved in an MMO.


Also, let's not go for teams, it's not a competition and it's not about teams or sides.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I’m on team Jessica.


> That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”


> “option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options”... Not even bioware, and their $100,000,000,000,000,000... stories, cut scenes, and dialog options can accomplish what the “rando” wants... Does “rando” expect the devs at Anet to create “meaningful” “branching dialog options” for every single player’s personality or each individual players’s RP character? Ridiculous expectations.


> ...I’d be annoyed too. And especially considering the abuse game developers face, I’d probably react the same way.


> “Rando” quote for context...


> “Really interesting thread to read!


> However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design; (1 of 3)


> When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)


> But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), (3 of 4 cause I count seemingly...)


> then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG.


> Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread! (End)”



The heart of the issue is that Jessica uses the sexist card.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> “option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options”... Not even bioware, and their $100,000,000,000,000,000... stories, cut scenes, and dialog options can accomplish what the “rando” wants... Does “rando” expect the devs at Anet to create “meaningful” “branching dialog options” for every single player’s personality or each individual players’s RP character? Ridiculous expectations.


The issue isn't so much about who is more correct or what is feasible anymore and the discussion has warped into being about something else now due to the devs response. Like you, I would agree that right now Jessica is correct with the way the story has to be conducted. In a world where there is unlimited resources and time I'd love to see a game where the PC is exactly the way you want them to be but only in a perfect world.



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I’m on team Jessica.


> That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”


> ...


Are you criticizing the argument of the "rando" person because he is male or female, and are thus just doing a thin wailed sexist comment? Can you prove it?


That is what this discussing is about. Not the pro and con of the different forms of personalized story telling, but rather if the comment itself was sexist. If the rando were employed by Anet and just now accused you of being sexist on social media and you may end up receiving death threats, would you think thats acceptable behavior?


The artistic merits of using different techniques for personalized story telling is relevant for a discussion about personalized story telling. I wish that was what we were discussing, but its rather irrelevant for the person being accused on social media for sexism.

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> @"Belorn.2659" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > I’m on team Jessica.

> >

> > That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”

> >

> > ...


> Are you criticizing the argument of the "rando" person because he is male or female, and are thus just doing a thin wailed sexist comment? Can you prove it?


> That is what this discussing is about. Not the pro and con of the different forms of personalized story telling, but rather if the comment itself was sexist. If the rando were employed by Anet and just now accused you of being sexist on social media and you may end up receiving death threats, would you think thats acceptable behavior?


> The artistic merits of using different techniques for personalized story telling is relevant for a discussion about personalized story telling. I wish that was what we were discussing, but its rather irrelevant for the person being accused on social media for sexism.


I don’t care about any PC mumbo jumbo here, or anywhere else... I commented on the catalyst of the argument, so stick to that and don’t assume anything else.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > I wish people would stop picking on her already. It should be crystal clear and obvious to every normal person that during the time when those tweets were sent, this dev wasn't completely in her right mind.


> I'm gonna stop you right there and link this(You will need to open the whole thread feed), here she talks about another forum user using idioms, and disregards valid discussion because reasons:

> https://twitter.com/MMOINKS/status/1014235938099040256


> In reference to a comment made in this forum post:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45897/spoiler-final-instance-be-my-guest


> So, this is clearly not the first time it has happened, but it also seems that men, and even just the word "sexist" is a trigger for this Dev.

> It basically boils down to, she can't take constructive criticism, and pulls the "You sexist" card out wherever she can to defend herself instead of having a proper discussion.


Man... she really is a horrible person. To think someone can be so vile and sexist over some harmless and polite constructive criticism is absolutely ridiculous.

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