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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > > > >

> > > > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> > > >

> > > > Illegal? I understand who you are replying to, and what they said, but the situation still had nothing to do with actual law. They were employees acting like kitten. More so Price since from what I saw of the other guy, crap was tame. I don't know if you know how businesses work, but normally you don't want employees attacking your fans/customers unprovoked. Also censor yourself? no. Just don't act like an kitten for no reason in this case. Unless the person is naturally an kitten, then yes, self-censor.

> > >

> > > Yeah but they weren't acting as employees. Remember those were their personal accounts. My point isn't that she wasn't acting noxious, my point is that it should have no bearing on her employment. And also if someone didn't put it on reddit, most people wouldn't be offended by it because they wouldn't have known about it. Because what is said between individuals should sometimes just stay between individuals.

> >

> > No.. sorry your incorrect imo.

> > When someone openly advertises their workplace publicly and then puts out material that is absolutely work related then by their own choice they are putting themselves and the company into the public eye.. by offering out her pro tip AMA she decided, no one else, to put herself on the clock.. what ensued was a lack of professionalism and an abhorrent attack on a respectful community member, a content partner and a person who less than 24hrs previous was calling this person a God, someone he admired for her work.

> > Simple fact is she let both herself down and the company in the way she acted and the things she decided to accuse the poster and similarly ANET of.. and continues to do so reading some of here journo interviews.. which hopefully no one in their right mind would take seriously knowing her history.


> As you may have admitted in the end, it's more about her than what she said, isn't it? No really, I've gotten to the point of feeling that her most dedicated haters are all about what she is or said before than really what she did now. But that aside, I can talk about my work in my free time, can't I? It didn't put her on clock, because she wasn't paid for it. Yes, she has acted noxiously, but tbh who cares? She's a prickly person, sure, but the only reason we're having this discussion is because someone popularized it. Otherwise I doubt her twitter followers would have cared (probably because they know her). You do realize that what you're saying is that nobody basically has free time, they're always the company employee, that nobody really has any privacy, because they have to keep representing. And I'm pretty sure this works for politicians, but why should it apply for ordinary people.


> Have some wisdom, please, this all can turn against all of us, eventually.


I'm sure the 13k followers she has know her...….. Really what she said in those tweets was asking for people to talk. it's twitter, it's a public forum, there is no private on there unless you set it as so. You if you start to talk about your work publicly, and who you work for, you instantly represent that company, ask anyone in HR or PR, I know a guy who got sacked for slating the place he worked for on Facebook, he even had his store managers as his friends on Facebook.


If you want your free time to be private, don't accept people from your work place as friends on Facebook/twitter or what ever else. Leave who you work for out of your bio, that way you don't represent anyone. You can be free from your job when ever your not in work, it's quite simple to do. I do it. I don't talk about my job, on the internet, I might give my job description, but not who I work for, and I most certainly do not put my views on my job on the internet for people to discuss and tell me how to do it/have feed back and talk about it. when I'm home I'm not in work, I'm not going to make that choice to put my self out there unless I'm in the right mindset for it, and it's in work time.


Bottom line is, she messed up. She pulled the sexism card when there was non. at lease not from what I saw in his post. Since being let go she has tried to make it about the fact she is a woman, she's ignoring the fact a male college who supported her abuse of someone who was just talking and being very polite about it, got fired as well. So yeah it must be all about her being a woman(!)


I don't know a single thing about her, I don't I'll admit that, nor did I have a clue who she was till all this happened. But as my first impression of her, she comes across as not a very nice person, I know we all have bad days, but if you're having a bad day, the internet is not the best place for anyone, and she found that out the hard way.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > She was wearing ANet’s emblem when she tagged her account as an ANet dev and posted a discussion about her work. At that point she was repping ANet and anything she said reflects on them also. Just like anything you say while at work reflects on your employee. She cursed at and insulted customers of her job while repping ANet and she got the same punishment as you would get if you cursed and insulted customers while repping your job.

> >

> >

> > Despite what many people have said this is not a given, I've seen plenty of examples of rude customer service not even being punished let alone sacked.

> >


> It would depend on exactly what happened. In this case she refused to take “I apologize” (twice) and “I’ll go away” as an answer and let the situation end. Instead several hours later _after_ he apologizes and leaves she posts again and further insults the guy. (Then goes on to curse another guy, sneer at male “hurt manfeels” (an extremely sexist remark putting down men’s feelings) and tell everyone who can read her twitter that she doesn’t have to pretend to like her customers, implying that she dislikes the gw2 community).


> If she had stopped with her first response then I very much doubt she would have lost her job, but she had to continue to sound off and offend over a period of hours while posting under a tag proclaiming her to be an ANet dev. It wasn’t a one time post of frustration but several posts over hours. The extended time period means she had lots of opportunity to cool off and reconsider, but she didn’t. Continuing after she had “won” and gotten an apology was bullying, not frustration.


One thing to consider is we saw this occurence, a single event. But how many has she been forced to endure at work, at home online, eventually you hit tilt, and redline. She said as much when she said "..not in my space not here". The more I think on this, the more I have come to realize, the entire matter was over reacted to, mistakes were made on all sides. Nothing was learned, or taught, all parties were just punished. All in all, a bad day that got progressively worse, nothing was served, and much was lost.

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> @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> > > > > Second, I can't refute your claim on specific laws in France, even if it sounds unlikely to me. But in Norway, you need to issue at least two warnings (IIRC) before you're allowed to fire someone, one of which needs to be in writing. There's a lot more to it than that, also. So, just to be clear, this sort of thing would most definitely be illegal over here. True, we don't know what happened behind closed doors but MO presented it a certain way in his post and that's what I'm going off.

> > > >

> > > > Do you know how many other warnings she got before being fired? Was there ANY reason at all for MO to tell us about any other such warnings? No there wasn't. You are assuming she's been fired only because of that twitter post, but judging by how hateful the rest of her twitter posts are I'd imagine she already got multiple warnings in the past.

> > >

> > > He referenced this event and nothing else, so that's how Anet chose to present it. I'm simply taking the statement at face value. At this point it would probably be wise to revise the statement if there was more to it. It's very possible to do this without going into specifics. Until then I feel it's fair to assume they were fired because of this specific incident.

> >

> > I don't think "revising" the statement would make any kind of sense. What internal company deals are going on shouldn't be made public in any way.


> It already mentions specifics, though. It should have just been a vague "two employees were fired, 'nuff said" if they followed that reasoning. But it specifically references the statements made. In other words, they already talked about internal stuff. They could obviously mention other incidents if there had been any other incidents. But they didn't, so it's a safe assumption that there wasn't. I'm assuming this, you're assuming that. Only assumptions, either way, and without them there's nothing to discuss.


No it's not. They only gave the instances that we **know about**. There was zero point to talk about things that happened in the past, or behind closed doors. We agree that we assume different things of the same statement though.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Lanhelin.3480" said:

> > There are lots of native speakers here, so I have a question. In a face-to-face communication if one wants to say "one", one would say "one" and not "you", right? Because Deroir wrote in his Twitter conversation with JP:

> >

> > "When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)" - could it be possible that JP took all the yous in this sentence personal and not understood them as "one" like Deroir most likely meant?

> >

> > "When you want ... then yes, by design you are extremely limited ..." - What would my design be? To be a woman, ofc. And JP as a story writer most likely is much more sensitive with words and wording than people who do not work with language that way.

> >

> > Couldn't this just have been a big misunderstanding?


> One might use the word one in place of you but it to me feels awkward and it’s something I would only use if I was being very precise and needed to separate (generic)you from (personal)you. However it would be a prior decision for reasons and not something I would do offhand if I was just talking. If I was asking Deroir’s question I doubt I would use one instead of you.


> I doubt though that was the issue. Whether he had used one or you I think she would have been offended by a man questioning her on something she considers Dev narrative theory 101.


Yeah, the only people I know to use the word "one" in the place of "you" or "I" are members of British high society/Royal Family. Most of the time you is a generic term, and when convercing on the internet, I always assume it is being used in a generic way, or there would be a lot of argument.



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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"MorrisG.3681" said:


> > Second, I can't refute your claim on specific laws in France, even if it sounds unlikely to me. But in Norway, you need to issue at least two warnings (IIRC) before you're allowed to fire someone, one of which needs to be in writing. There's a lot more to it than that, also. So, just to be clear, this sort of thing would most definitely be illegal over here. True, we don't know what happened behind closed doors but MO presented it a certain way in his post and that's what I'm going off.


> Australia requires 3 written warnings.




Same here in Germany (as posted a bit earlier), but the third one is already the termination, so actually it's 2 warnings. Also, you can (but not have to) decline that warning and dispute it. If you poker too high and fail, you gotta pay the cost of the trial, so if it's a clear case, you should accept a warning. Of course, it depends on severity, but "firing" means to leave immediately and without compensation. I am sure they get/got something, because the word "fired" has never been used. Just "not with the company anymore".


Looks like Denmark and Australia have sane labour laws. But as said before, even though I am wildly guessing, that at least the guy (forgot the name) did not just leave without anything. Even his Twitter does not say "I am fired" or "I need a job". The first tweet of him was about people wishing him to have a happy jobhunt or that EA hires "despicable" people and should try it there. That's too hazy in my experience.


Whatever, I am done with that topic now, but I think it's the right way that no moderator stopped it nor that Mr. O'Brien came back to pour more gas into the fire with further statements. Told Mrs. Grey once that shutting down these threads will flood them all over the internet uncontrollable, but having it here to die out is much better.



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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > > > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Illegal? I understand who you are replying to, and what they said, but the situation still had nothing to do with actual law. They were employees acting like kitten. More so Price since from what I saw of the other guy, crap was tame. I don't know if you know how businesses work, but normally you don't want employees attacking your fans/customers unprovoked. Also censor yourself? no. Just don't act like an kitten for no reason in this case. Unless the person is naturally an kitten, then yes, self-censor.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah but they weren't acting as employees. Remember those were their personal accounts. My point isn't that she wasn't acting noxious, my point is that it should have no bearing on her employment. And also if someone didn't put it on reddit, most people wouldn't be offended by it because they wouldn't have known about it. Because what is said between individuals should sometimes just stay between individuals.

> > > >

> > > > No.. sorry your incorrect imo.

> > > > When someone openly advertises their workplace publicly and then puts out material that is absolutely work related then by their own choice they are putting themselves and the company into the public eye.. by offering out her pro tip AMA she decided, no one else, to put herself on the clock.. what ensued was a lack of professionalism and an abhorrent attack on a respectful community member, a content partner and a person who less than 24hrs previous was calling this person a God, someone he admired for her work.

> > > > Simple fact is she let both herself down and the company in the way she acted and the things she decided to accuse the poster and similarly ANET of.. and continues to do so reading some of here journo interviews.. which hopefully no one in their right mind would take seriously knowing her history.

> > >

> > > As you may have admitted in the end, it's more about her than what she said, isn't it? No really, I've gotten to the point of feeling that her most dedicated haters are all about what she is or said before than really what she did now. But that aside, I can talk about my work in my free time, can't I? It didn't put her on clock, because she wasn't paid for it. Yes, she has acted noxiously, but tbh who cares? She's a prickly person, sure, but the only reason we're having this discussion is because someone popularized it. Otherwise I doubt her twitter followers would have cared (probably because they know her). You do realize that what you're saying is that nobody basically has free time, they're always the company employee, that nobody really has any privacy, because they have to keep representing. And I'm pretty sure this works for politicians, but why should it apply for ordinary people.

> > >

> > > Have some wisdom, please, this all can turn against all of us, eventually.

> >

> > Totally incorrect.. its all about what she said whether it be in her latest outburst to deroir or previous attacks resulting in here being released .

> > She may think she is defending something but there is a time, a place and actual issues that warrants it.. this attempt at respectful open dialogue did not and only paints JP with the very substance at which we know are very real issues in society today no matter what your political preferences are.

> > You like JP are trying to take something and plaster it over something completely harmless.. fact there was no ground or cause for JP to act like she did and say what she said other than for effect and perhaps a bit of "hey look at me" and its backfired on her... actions have consequence and its not the first time that lesson was given by all accounts.

> >

> > As for repping ANET.. yes when she decided (no one else) to continue her AMA work by adding her own pro tip addendum to it whilst openly advertising she is an ANET dev on her Account she put herself on the clock to discuss with the community, work related content.. there is simply no argument to that and that is why her unprofessional, disrespectful and darn right obnoxious rant session caused the uproar and landed her in ANETS's and MO crosshairs.. it's that simple.

> > As a company owner I would of taken the exact same view and also called that meeting... what we of course don't know, as I have said previously, is what went down at that point and whether there were already some undercurrents which caused the decisions to fire her to be made.. heck we don't even know if that's actually what MO wanted from all this.. except some one side gamerjourno rubbish that JP rushed to push out.


> Ah I see you tend to ignore the rules for discussion that Gaile put up.

> Also how can you speak for others with your "totally incorrect"? You can't, I believe, so your statement is not based in logic.

> She has numerously stated that she sees a difference between being in her personal twitter feed and corporate one and she acted accordingly. Mo then treated it as a professional CEO quelling a PR disaster. But the disaster has come out of some people in the community who got offended over her words, rather than her words themselves. And no you can't be back on the clock for mentioning the work you do, as I said you don't get paid for it. As I said she wasn't paid for it. It was not on company time, it was not on clock. Do you understand that term?



After running my own business for 23 years.. I Think so.


As for logic.. you appear to lack the understanding of what it means.. if you want to discuss work related content to your customers you are representing your employer that is a clear undeniable fact, something you seem to be overlooking.

Whether it be in work or out of work if an individual advertising their employer and choosing to promote or converse work related content with customers.. yes the community is ANET's customer, whether they have bought the product or simply keep track of the product.. they are a potential customer or an actual customer, that individual is representing their employer.. If you don't want to use your private time, your private space in which to conduct work related ideas and conversation then it's that simple.. don't put it out here for public consumption, keep it private or you know.. conduct yourself in the professional manner and act like the experienced professional that you (in this case JP) claims to be... alternatively don't say anything at all use the ignore/block tools that are there for a reason..


A s for ANET stepping in.. your absolutely right there was a PR disaster waiting to unfold.. but you or I have no clue what went down the next day back at ANET and you do not know what else might of also happened internally leading up to that point and you have nothing more than heresay and conjecture to base your assumption on that it was in the reddit brigade that got JP and PF fired, as sad as that is for them and the rest of the company.. fact is it was all self induced consequence.


One last thing.. When choosing to fight against injustice or intolerance.. firstly determine if there is a battle to fight in the first place and then conduct yourself in a way that doesn't make you out to be or paint others unjustly to be the very thing your fighting against.. makes sense AMIRIGHT!

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > > @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> >

> > > Second, I can't refute your claim on specific laws in France, even if it sounds unlikely to me. But in Norway, you need to issue at least two warnings (IIRC) before you're allowed to fire someone, one of which needs to be in writing. There's a lot more to it than that, also. So, just to be clear, this sort of thing would most definitely be illegal over here. True, we don't know what happened behind closed doors but MO presented it a certain way in his post and that's what I'm going off.

> >

> > Australia requires 3 written warnings.

> >

> >


> Same here in Germany (as posted a bit earlier), but the third one is already the termination, so actually it's 2 warnings. Also, you can (but not have to) decline that warning and dispute it. If you poker too high and fail, you gotta pay the cost of the trial, so if it's a clear case, you should accept a warning. Of course, it depends on severity, but "firing" means to leave immediately and without compensation. I am sure they get/got something, because the word "fired" has never been used. Just "not with the company anymore".


> Looks like Denmark and Australia have sane labour laws. But as said before, even though I am wildly guessing, that at least the guy (forgot the name) did not just leave without anything. Even his Twitter does not say "I am fired" or "I need a job". The first tweet of him was about people wishing him to have a happy jobhunt or that EA hires "despicable" people and should try it there. That's too hazy in my experience.


> Whatever, I am done with that topic now, but I think it's the right way that no moderator stopped it nor that Mr. O'Brien came back to pour more gas into the fire with further statements. Told Mrs. Grey once that shutting down these threads will flood them all over the internet uncontrollable, but having it here to die out is much better.


> Excelsior.


Pretty sure things like gross misconduct are grounds for instant dismissal in most modern businesses these days.

Lets say I am in Germany and I stand outside the building of my largest customer with a flag saying so and is a so and so, I don't have to pretend to like you, f'off don't try conversing with me, I am out her on my own time, this is how the things I do should be done so your opinions on it as customer are meaningless and unimportant.. by the way so and so must be sexist cos he is a man and dared to be respectful and apologetic to me just now. I work in a sexist place, which I dared to invite other women to join, my bad I feel terrible for doing so.


Pretty sure that's grounds for gross misconduct and a very swift boot aimed squarely at both cheeks.. don't slam the door on your way out!


Or maybe I am wrong, perhaps it should of been a quiet chat over tea in a private room whilst politely asking not to do it again please cos its a bit silly and ever so slightly naughty cos our customer might be sad, now lets crack on we have wolves to feed, bravo (thumps up smiles)

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> > > Second, I can't refute your claim on specific laws in France, even if it sounds unlikely to me. But in Norway, you need to issue at least two warnings (IIRC) before you're allowed to fire someone, one of which needs to be in writing. There's a lot more to it than that, also. So, just to be clear, this sort of thing would most definitely be illegal over here. True, we don't know what happened behind closed doors but MO presented it a certain way in his post and that's what I'm going off.

> >

> > Do you know how many other warnings she got before being fired? Was there ANY reason at all for MO to tell us about any other such warnings? No there wasn't. You are assuming she's been fired only because of that twitter post, but judging by how hateful the rest of her twitter posts are I'd imagine she already got multiple warnings in the past.


> Mo couldn't tell us anything specific because he chose to withhold the identities of the people involved, which is doing them a favor if anything.


Yes he acted like the professional he is and should be.. shame JP couldn't keep that same professional approach.. she went straight to the local internet gamerjourno's to continue what she does best.. narrative, only I find it hard to take her narrative seriously now having seen just how she conducts herself.. and that is a real problem when tackling these real issues imo

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> This thread needs to get locked.


While I tend to agree, I think it's left open on purpose so that people can 'vent their feelings' on the matter. I'm certain that they are monitoring the discussion closely for any misbehaviour.

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > > > >

> > > > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> > > >

> > > > Illegal? I understand who you are replying to, and what they said, but the situation still had nothing to do with actual law. They were employees acting like kitten. More so Price since from what I saw of the other guy, crap was tame. I don't know if you know how businesses work, but normally you don't want employees attacking your fans/customers unprovoked. Also censor yourself? no. Just don't act like an kitten for no reason in this case. Unless the person is naturally an kitten, then yes, self-censor.

> > >

> > > Yeah but they weren't acting as employees. Remember those were their personal accounts. My point isn't that she wasn't acting noxious, my point is that it should have no bearing on her employment. And also if someone didn't put it on reddit, most people wouldn't be offended by it because they wouldn't have known about it. Because what is said between individuals should sometimes just stay between individuals.

> >

> > No.. sorry your incorrect imo.

> > When someone openly advertises their workplace publicly and then puts out material that is absolutely work related then by their own choice they are putting themselves and the company into the public eye.. by offering out her pro tip AMA she decided, no one else, to put herself on the clock.. what ensued was a lack of professionalism and an abhorrent attack on a respectful community member, a content partner and a person who less than 24hrs previous was calling this person a God, someone he admired for her work.

> > Simple fact is she let both herself down and the company in the way she acted and the things she decided to accuse the poster and similarly ANET of.. and continues to do so reading some of here journo interviews.. which hopefully no one in their right mind would take seriously knowing her history.


> As you may have admitted in the end, it's more about her than what she said, isn't it? No really, I've gotten to the point of feeling that her most dedicated haters are all about what she is or said before than really what she did now. But that aside, I can talk about my work in my free time, can't I? It didn't put her on clock, because she wasn't paid for it. Yes, she has acted noxiously, but tbh who cares? She's a prickly person, sure, but the only reason we're having this discussion is because someone popularized it. Otherwise I doubt her twitter followers would have cared (probably because they know her). You do realize that what you're saying is that nobody basically has free time, they're always the company employee, that nobody really has any privacy, because they have to keep representing. And I'm pretty sure this works for politicians, but why should it apply for ordinary people.


> Have some wisdom, please, this all can turn against all of us, eventually.


I, for one, am not saying that no one has free time. I am, however, saying that if, on your free tiime, that if you actively present yourself as a representative of your employer to your employer's customers and business partners you are making a choice that can have consequences.


If I worked for you, and on my day off I wore my company uniform, and carried a sign that I had made with company name and logo, and stood on the sidewalk in front of the business yelling and screaming racist and sexist epithets at your customers and business partners as they approached the business...


Would you want to continue to associate with me?

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> @"Jukhy.2431" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > This thread needs to get locked.


> While I tend to agree, I think it's left open on purpose so that people can 'vent their feelings' on the matter. I'm certain that they are monitoring the discussion closely for any misbehaviour.

This, and maybe more importantly, they'll do their venting here, where only paying customers can post.


If they drive players to more public places to discuss this, like Reddit, they might inadvertently fan the controversy fires with the crowd that doesn't care a bit about to game and is just there for the drama.

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> @"Lanhelin.3480" said:

> There are lots of native speakers here, so I have a question. In a face-to-face communication if one wants to say "one", one would say "one" and not "you", right? Because Deroir wrote in his Twitter conversation with JP:


> "When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)" - could it be possible that JP took all the yous in this sentence personal and not understood them as "one" like Deroir most likely meant?


> "When you want ... then yes, by design you are extremely limited ..." - What would my design be? To be a woman, ofc. And JP as a story writer most likely is much more sensitive with words and wording than people who do not work with language that way.


> Couldn't this just have been a big misunderstanding?


Assuming you are not a native speaker :)


'one' is generally considered rather a pompous way of speaking and is rarely used - you would get some very odd looks from native speakers if used a lot! Where it is used in often a preluded to a joke, for example, ('One does not simply walk into the gates of ..) meme.


This does present 'you' with a problem - seldom present in other languages - when it comes to the internet, but native speakers tend to handle it very well, naturally, both peeps here are native. Sometimes taken 'you' the wrong way is just a poly to personalise and/or redirect/dodge an argument you don't have a response for, it's lazy thinking. It would be quite rare for a native speaker to make this sort of mistake giving the length of the correspondences - it's only really tricky with very sort messages with low contextual clues.


In Old English 'youse' and 'yous' were used for the plural and this is true today in many spoken UK dialects, but the educationalists stamped this out in the writing form.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > > @"MorrisG.3681" said:

> >

> > > Second, I can't refute your claim on specific laws in France, even if it sounds unlikely to me. But in Norway, you need to issue at least two warnings (IIRC) before you're allowed to fire someone, one of which needs to be in writing. There's a lot more to it than that, also. So, just to be clear, this sort of thing would most definitely be illegal over here. True, we don't know what happened behind closed doors but MO presented it a certain way in his post and that's what I'm going off.

> >

> > Australia requires 3 written warnings.

> >

> >


> Same here in Germany (as posted a bit earlier), but the third one is already the termination, so actually it's 2 warnings. Also, you can (but not have to) decline that warning and dispute it. If you poker too high and fail, you gotta pay the cost of the trial, so if it's a clear case, you should accept a warning. Of course, it depends on severity, but "firing" means to leave immediately and without compensation. I am sure they get/got something, because the word "fired" has never been used. Just "not with the company anymore".


> Looks like Denmark and Australia have sane labour laws. But as said before, even though I am wildly guessing, that at least the guy (forgot the name) did not just leave without anything. Even his Twitter does not say "I am fired" or "I need a job". The first tweet of him was about people wishing him to have a happy jobhunt or that EA hires "despicable" people and should try it there. That's too hazy in my experience.


> Whatever, I am done with that topic now, but I think it's the right way that no moderator stopped it nor that Mr. O'Brien came back to pour more gas into the fire with further statements. Told Mrs. Grey once that shutting down these threads will flood them all over the internet uncontrollable, but having it here to die out is much better.


> Excelsior.


While it is true that in Germany it requires 2 written warnings before termination, there is also a thing called extraordinary termination or

termination without notice.

A reason for that can be a betrayal of trust, which includes:

* gross insults directed at your employer or partners of your employer (which happened in this case)

* xenophobic statements

* particularly serious disturbances of the company peace

* imprisonment

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> @"lilypop.7819" said:

> > @"Lanhelin.3480" said:

> > There are lots of native speakers here, so I have a question. In a face-to-face communication if one wants to say "one", one would say "one" and not "you", right? Because Deroir wrote in his Twitter conversation with JP:

> >

> > "When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)" - could it be possible that JP took all the yous in this sentence personal and not understood them as "one" like Deroir most likely meant?

> >

> > "When you want ... then yes, by design you are extremely limited ..." - What would my design be? To be a woman, ofc. And JP as a story writer most likely is much more sensitive with words and wording than people who do not work with language that way.

> >

> > Couldn't this just have been a big misunderstanding?


> Assuming you are not a native speaker :)


> 'one' is generally considered rather a pompous way of speaking and is rarely used - you would get some very odd looks from native speakers if used a lot! Where it is used in often a preluded to a joke, for example, ('One does not simply walk into the gates of ..) meme.


> This does present 'you' with a problem - seldom present in other languages - when it comes to the internet, but native speakers tend to handle it very well, naturally, both peeps here are native. Sometimes taken 'you' the wrong way is just a poly to personalise and/or redirect/dodge an argument you don't have a response for, it's lazy thinking. It would be quite rare for a native speaker to make this sort of mistake giving the length of the correspondences - it's only really tricky with very sort messages with low contextual clues.


> In Old English 'youse' and 'yous' were used for the third person and this is true today in many spoken UK dialects, but the educationalists stamped this out in the writing form.

I actually only use "one" instead of "you" when I'm passive-aggressively calling someone out for something they did, sarcastically pretending I'm not talking about them but in general.

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The sad reality is that JP and PF freely made choices that put themselves and others in the difficult position they find themselves in today. Not Reddit users, not D, not MO, not GW2 Forum users. Had PF stayed out of it publicly, he would still have a job. Had JP responded politely or not at all, she would still have her job.


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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:


> I actually only use "one" instead of "you" when I'm passive-aggressively calling someone out for something they did, sarcastically pretending I'm not talking about them but in general.


One does no simply need such foppery, when one is Scottish :)


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> @"Lanhelin.3480" said:

> There are lots of native speakers here, so I have a question. In a face-to-face communication if one wants to say "one", one would say "one" and not "you", right? Because Deroir wrote in his Twitter conversation with JP:


> "When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)" - could it be possible that JP took all the yous in this sentence personal and not understood them as "one" like Deroir most likely meant?


> "When you want ... then yes, by design you are extremely limited ..." - What would my design be? To be a woman, ofc. And JP as a story writer most likely is much more sensitive with words and wording than people who do not work with language that way.


> Couldn't this just have been a big misunderstanding?


It's possible. Deroir is Danish after all, so English probably isn't his first language. However, he speaks it pretty well. Regardless, it's a huge over-reaction on her part, in my opinion. Obviously she didn't react over nothing. She perceived something. It might even be as simple as feeling dismissed. She spent a long time posting something that she not only firmly believed, but is something that most professionals would know and agree with and here's this kid just coming out and saying, no that's not what I think.


I think her reaction was who cares what you think. You simply don't know. I agree with what she said. The footprint for an MMO is really too high to have branching story lines. It's not like a single player game where if everyone ends up in a different version of the world it's okay. The more branches, the more things you have to remember moving forward.


A single player game is programmed and released and generally doesn't have more story coming out every 2-3 months. So yeah, I believe what she was saying was correct. Again, how she reacted is over the top without understanding her specific reasons, but since she never elucidated any reasons and just reacted...well the whole thing snowballed. That kind of escalation is, in my opinion, not usually healthy. There's plenty of it.


The more people that start coming to the defense of Deroir, the more she was likely to feel attacked personally, or ganged up on. I get that all the time, but I just don't care.

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I'm very pleased with how ArenaNET chose to handle this situation. It's unfortunate that respect and politeness are extraordinary virtues instead of common sense these days. Be that as it may, I have returned after several years of inactivity and made several purchases to support the company for having baseline decency and ethics about how people deserve to be treated by their employees. We could use a lot more professionalism and courtesy in the world these days. Well done.

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Darn. I came to the forums to see what was new in the way of threads, and this on, not only is still open, but it has made 50 pages !!!!!




Have not read all 50 pages as I do not have oodles of time right now, but I am amazed this is still here and postable.


Somebody important must be holding it open.


Lisa slurping her coffee.

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> @"Cryoguard.7942" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

> > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > >

> > > > So are the 43 pages of people mostly defending Anet all "mobs" and not the players?

> > > >

> > > > Also, you do realize that each account profile shows the date of creation in their profile right? Isn't it a bit strange for someone who just joined to know better who are the players?

> > >

> > > I do know that. With thousands of hours in GW1 and hours in GW2 climbing, I could say I've been around here even before I created this forum account.

> > >

> > > And yes. Angry mobs of players who don't like some certain people or how they talk to their "gods", might go out there and escalate the drama even further to get what they want. Kitten as in GG hasn't gone anywhere. It's only evolved in a way that now it's targeting not only journalistic professionals, but also professionals anywhere.

> > >

> > > And all the members are not even Poorchan-crew.

> >

> > The only people I see escalating the drama are those who refuse to see how one employee's behavior was unnacceptable and try to twist that into somewhat a wrong-doing from an evil community.

> > All these journalistic professionals are failing to represent situation from both angles and instead choose to be one sided. So yeah. Sorry but its a bit easy to blame a community over this. The "wips" like WP are the only one so far actually presenting the problem as it happened.


> I would suggest looking into more of the Twitter feeds regarding people outside the initial interaction, and it will give you a brief glimpse into the life of female game developers. The amount of blatantly sexist remarks being made by individuals reveals what these devs deal with constantly and often don't tell us. You don't need access to archives of psychological research to tell that it takes an impact, and this was apparently the breaking point.


> Sure she could have handled it better. And sure devs get toxic remarks in general. But female game devs definitely get their unfair share of toxic backlash, and oftentimes the criticism is purely based on sex and not even the work they do. As a result, this has really opened up a can of worms that ANet can't close now. All we can hope for is a more established response in the coming days better detailing their thoughts and plans moving forward.


This is what's bothering me immensely, I may not agree with how she conveyed herself and would have been shocked if I had been on the receiving end myself, but the one blind spot even people like WP seem to have in all of this is that there is some aspects of sexism in this, many many comments on reddit ( and here) over that 24 hours were casually or blatantly sexist, some dodgy subs that dont give a fig about GW2 took interest and joined in, and frankly the reddit community appeared to accept them in. And now they are all crying that games journo's are claiming there was a hunt when there wasn't.


There was a witch hunt and the reddit community fanned the flames - no matter how biased their reporting, there is no way this should have got the amount of heat that it did, the biggest outrage in the community for 7 years is some dev having a pop at a content maker - really??


And if we are going to talk about a blatant disregard for the fact that sexism does exist in gaming ( and everywhere else) even WP makes a breast joke about clearly being a woman because he has to take heat from commentators sometimes, as if the occasional grief he gets is the same as the death threats and rape threats, to say nothing of the second guessing etc they have to put up with, as if GG was a completely baseless.


Just because the original comment from Deroir was likely not based in sexism doesn't mean that this whole clusterkitten is squeaky clean.

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I support the actions taken by arena net. I do not support Jessica and her "i got your back" friend. She made a poor choice of morals when she started this. No matter what you say, nothing is private, and responsability of ones words and actions does not stop when youre "off the clock". if you hurt and bully people, that is who you are, representing a company is always, and especially true if you are holding a banner of the company you work for, behind you in your insults...

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