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Pub vs devs [suggestion]

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Take it easy on the devs and their posts you public posters. The devs aren't that bad, sort of hehe. You guys/gals are blowing things way out of proportion and are over reacting about certain dev posts. I understand that people aren't always nice but give them a break, maybe they had a bad day or something. Sometimes a little recourse is needed but take it easy with it.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Take it easy on the devs and their posts you public posters. The devs aren't that bad, sort of hehe. You guys/gals are blowing things way out of proportion and are over reacting about certain dev posts. I understand that people aren't always nice but give them a break, maybe they had a bad day or something. Sometimes a little recourse is needed but take it easy with it.


A bad day doesn't excuse that kind of behavior. You don't just throw around words like racism, or sexism. If you're going to call someone out for something they are not, or at least not acting like at the time, be prepared for backlash. People are quick to throw out hate words when someone disagrees, but maybe it has nothing to do with that, and the person accused of that hate just thinks you're stupid, or wrong, and has absolutely nothing to do with race, gender, orientation, IQ, etc. The thought process of instantly pulling out the race, or gender card is in, and of itself racist or sexist if nothing is ever hinted at the fact. Always thinking people that disagree with you are sexist because they are men, is sexist.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Take it easy on the devs and their posts you public posters. The devs aren't that bad, sort of hehe. You guys/gals are blowing things way out of proportion and are over reacting about certain dev posts. I understand that people aren't always nice but give them a break, maybe they had a bad day or something. Sometimes a little recourse is needed but take it easy with it.


Yet another person that refused to research what happened. It wasn't a "bad day", it's something this person has done to any criticism against her for years.

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Well, things like taking persons off of the team for personal posts and comments seems a little extreme doesn't it? Maybe barring them from posting for awhile or have some kind of check warning system might be a little less harsh would you say?

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Well, things like taking persons off of the team for personal posts and comments seems a little extreme doesn't it? Maybe barring them from posting for awhile or have some kind of check warning system might be a little less harsh would you say?


When she's been talking this way for *years*?

Uh...no. It wasn't harsh, it was *long* overdue. How long would you have been willing to implement that warning system? Another few years? Just keep forgiving, giving her a tiny mild slap on the wrist, and giving her second (third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chances, while she continues to fly off the handle at the slightest perceived insult, driving people away from the devs and the game? People don't learn that way, and this sort of behaviour demanded a response as swift and precise as ArenaNet's.

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> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> Nah, people with that type of toxic behavior needs to be held accountable. Being so forgivable and afraid to hurt feelings is what has permitted this political correctness get to these ridiculous levels.


You've got that backwards...removing the toxic behavior and holding people accountable is what created the political correctness, at one time this would have been ignored and left alone for the parties to deal with, but now you can't offend or say what ever you want because it might make someone squeamish or hurt their feelings, oh and it might make your employer look bad, as if people should care what you say in your personal life.

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