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What Ever Happened to -E?

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> @"Tapri.1372" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > He/she is an Enigma.

> > > > E nigma

> > > > E. Nigma

> > > >

> > > > On second thought, we might be better off not corresponding with them anymore . . .

> > >

> > > Two Batman References in a row... Must be a record.

> >

> > Are we sure it's a batman reference ?

> >

> > It could just as easily be a Mystery Inc. reference from Scooby Doo.

> > Well the above is closer to batman than Mystery Inc, but i more mean the character.... http://scoobydoo.wikia.com/wiki/Mr._E


> E. (Edward) Nygma is the riddler from Batman.


Guys, i'm well aware of this. My point was it's just as equally plausible that they aren't using the OBVIOUS reference and have a slightly more obscure one.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Nowhere its stated that E needs to be one person...


That's a possibility too, like Fulcrum in Star Wars Rebels.




Fulcrum is the main characters source of information from inside the Empire. It's first revealed to be Ahsoka, then later turns out to be a code name used by multiple people, to make them even harder to track down.




Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think E only gets involved when events directly affect Kryta, which makes me think they're human, or at least associated with the humans (Marjory's description also implies human, or at least humanoid). Which would explain why we haven't heard from them for a while, but with Faren insisting (correctly IMO) that Kryta had to be involved in the assault on Joko E might make an appearance too.


I'm reluctant to go down the line of assuming the characters name (first or last) has to begin with an E just because that seems risky for them. If you're going to go to the trouble of hiding your identify then you should actually hide it, not hint at it every time you make contact. But I could be wrong.


And finally I suspect a big part of the reason we've not found out who they are yet is these topics. It's a lot more interesting when we don't know who E is, and it gives us something to discuss, speculate on and make up fan theories about.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> And finally I suspect a big part of the reason we've not found out who they are yet is these topics. It's a lot more interesting when we don't know who E is, and it gives us something to discuss, speculate on and make up fan theories about.


Yeah, I wished they applied that logic to other interesting NPCs as well, just to keep more of these mysteries alive.


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I also believe it is Evennia from GW1, we had an awesome blast from the past appearance of Livia, so why not Evennia, who just disappears during the GW1 prophecies story, who is also human to match it all. I don't think E is someone we've met, in GW2, and the whole Caudecus incident with the Mursaat had E leaving quite a few messages-- note Evennia joins you in the fight against the mursaat and would know firsthand the dangers of them, thus making Caudecus "to be eliminated with prejudice". You wouldn't say this unless you knew the dangers.

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In "One Path Ends" in LS3 the books at Shining Blade facility point to another individual, that might fill the role of 'E' - the previous master exemplar, Eive, who stepped down from the position but said that she'll still have her eyes on Kryta (quote not 100% accurate, couldn't fin it on Wiki).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> This may be a good time to reference the Lore thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/8307/speculations-on-e/p1 ... *toots her own horn just a little*


Thinking about it I actually kind of want it to be Faren just for how crazy that would be in my extended background for my main character. Since I assume most people don't care about that it's in the spoiler tag below. The short version is in my head Faren is something of a tragic figure and the turn-around of him being E would be amazing.




Faren grew up next door to my character (Dani) and her twin sister Deborah. They come from a long line of adventurers and it's something of a family tradition, so he watched them learning to use weapons and cast spells, and playing at being adventurers _knowing_ one day they'd get to do it for real.


He was their best friend and always wanted to join in with their games, but his parents wouldn't let him. They're a lot more...traditional and worried about him getting hurt so when he was allowed to play with them the girls were under strict instructions to keep him safe and came to think of him like a little brother they needed to protect. Eventually he was able to persuade his parents that he should learn to fight, but where his friends were learning real combat Faren got fencing lessons, again with strict instructions that he was not to risk so much as a scratch and (secretly) that it didn't matter if he was any good, just keep telling him he is so he'll be happy.


And so it went on. The kids grew up, Deborah joined the Seraph and went all over Kryta fighting centaurs and bandits, Dani became a ranger and went all over the world fighting everything from upset quaggans to dragons. And Faren...Faren stayed home. Even as an adult a lifetime of being told you're not good enough, that you can't do that, is a hard thing to overcome. His heart is absolutely in the right place, he may actually be more competent than he seems, and he desperately wants to help, but isn't quite sure how. But he keeps on trying - arguing against corruption in the Ministry, trying to draw people's attention to important causes, standing up to Scarlet, rallying the Krytans to help against Mordremoth, and now against Joko.


It would be amazing if behind all that he was actually this kind of spy master figure, the twist of him finding a way to make a really significant contribution whilst abiding by his parents wishes to keep himself out of danger would be a really interesting addition to the story. That and Dani just assumes that between knowing Faren his whole life and being a Lightbringer in the Order of Whispers he could never lie to her or keep a secret without her knowing. The look on her face if she found out he was keeping something that huge would be brilliant.




I doubt it's Evennia, just because there's no reason to think she's still alive. No we don't know what happened to her, but we do know she's a normal human and whatever happened to her was 250 years ago. Even if she escaped and kept herself hidden from then on she'd be long dead by now. I know Livia reappeared, but we knew all along she had the Scepter of Orr which could keep her alive (or at least animated and aware, I've never been entirely clear on how its power worked and the last wielder was a lich). For Evennia to reappear now they'd have to work in some sort of explanation of how she's alive...without it seeing like a massive ret-con. I suppose she could vanish into the Mists, and reappear shocked and confused that so much time has passed, or something like that, but it would still come across as extremely random.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > Nowhere its stated that E needs to be one person...


> That's a possibility too, like Fulcrum in Star Wars Rebels.




> Fulcrum is the main characters source of information from inside the Empire. It's first revealed to be Ahsoka, then later turns out to be a code name used by multiple people, to make them even harder to track down.




> Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think E only gets involved when events directly affect Kryta, which makes me think they're human, or at least associated with the humans (Marjory's description also implies human, or at least humanoid). Which would explain why we haven't heard from them for a while, but with Faren insisting (correctly IMO) that Kryta had to be involved in the assault on Joko E might make an appearance too.


> I'm reluctant to go down the line of assuming the characters name (first or last) has to begin with an E just because that seems risky for them. If you're going to go to the trouble of hiding your identify then you should actually hide it, not hint at it every time you make contact. But I could be wrong.


> And finally I suspect a big part of the reason we've not found out who they are yet is these topics. It's a lot more interesting when we don't know who E is, and it gives us something to discuss, speculate on and make up fan theories about.


Yeah, I don't actually need to know who it is, I was just wondering if we would get more. I hadn't considered the scope that E isn't out for protecting the world, or even human settlements, just Kryta and we've been very far afield of Kryta for some time.

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  • 6 months later...

I found this thread, it's from like 7 months ago, but I was working on the achievement for Letters from E and I found all but the third letter. I know where the third letter is supposed to be, but it's not there when I go to collect it. I'm very puzzled and cannot finish the achievement. I noticed after I picked up the other letters, they went into my achievement, but they also stayed on the ground. So, even if I picked it up before, it should still be there. It just isn't. I might be glitched? I haven't found anyone mentioning this problem yet.

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