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Is Eater of Souls supposed to be near impossible?

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Hi, i am stuck on this one and read the thread.


2 things: totally agree with @"Flatley.1620" WE.ARE.NOT.ALL.HARDCORE.GAMERS


If i came on GW2 it is beacause of 3 things: It's good, It runs on Mac (even if not as good as on windows but did improve) It's one of the only MMORPG were you can enjoy playing when not playing often.


I am what you could call a sunday's player. does't play much, doesn't have all the gamer jargons (so i can't understand half of the advices here) and i find it double frustrating to be looked down instead of helped by much more experiences players.


So if anyone has a good english help for a Guardian on this boss, thanks

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Don't melee it. Range it. Stay as far as you can. As soon as you see a red circle appear, turn and run. The further you are from it, the less it's life steal does. Doesn't matter how much damage you do, if you do it this way you'll eventually kill it. The thing is, if you're right on top of it, not doing enough damage, it'll heal more because you're closer. The key is, don't wait around, soon as you see the red circle, he's going to jump then attack a cord to you which drains your health. You should always be able to get father enough away where he gains zero health

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thanks i’ll try that. i get shield thing i think - if it is the one i think doesn’t last much but repeal most physical attacks. cc on dragon hunter would be... i need to check. remember the one arrow that send the enemy back on ranger but don’t remember on dragon hunter. i’ll check. Thanks a lot for all your advices for a small player. ??

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> @"lilins.7103" said:

> @"segman.3560" ? sorry for being slow should i say? and what’s nerfed?


his damage was nerfed, his CC phase was increased, and i think he got some other nerfs as well.


Just stay away from him in melee range, run when he leaps at you, or use a CC skill as soon as you see his bar turn blue.

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> @"lilins.7103" said:

> @"segman.3560" ? sorry for being slow should i say? and what’s nerfed?

I've only done this boss before the nerf, but it had practically impossible breakbar timing without strong CC and basically fully healed if you didn't avoid its life siphon.


A real kitten of a boss if you went in unprepared with a less than ideal build...



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On a necro, do what my zerkzerk power Reaper did... Equip a ranged weapon (I used Axe/Focus) and as many minion spells as you can carry. Then stay far away, outside your weapon's range, but try to hit him with your basic attack. Your minions will rush over and attack him, and his AI is broken and doesn't know to rush you, so he never launches the drain thing. He won't die quickly, but as long as you stay away and you keep basic-attacking, he *will* die. You have to keep basic-attacking because otherwise your minions get bored and stop attacking, and you don't want that to happen.


My zerkzerk powertrap DH equipped a longbow and plinked him from near maximum range, kiting as necessary to stay at range. (OK, on that one I did mess it up once by trying to use GS, but once I switched to LB, it was merely a case of plink-plink while staying away.)

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I think as a DH, when I fought him (pre-nerf) I went scepter/Shield and GS. When he jumped me, I would either use the spirit hammer or bane signet to start the breakbar, and shield of absorption to finish it. At the time I was in full soldiers for some dumb reason, so the fight took forever, but it was doable as long as you can break the bar every time.


I had a bit more trouble on my tempest. Think I used focus for CC, and I cheated a bit by swapping in technobabble for extra cc. I mostly just kept my distance and DPS'ed as hard as I could. I think there are some bundle items laying around with cc if more is needed.

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I cheesed it with full berserker staff tempest. Played at average 300 pings at that time, timing was not a very good idea. Problem was I had to do the whole story again to get into the fight which IIRC about 20-25 mins, too long and boring.


So I cheesed it. Who care about legit victory? I would love to cheese again in the future story fights if there are ways to cheese. I just want to get over the story as soon as possible.

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In the end, after restarting the story 2 times, taking time to test my skills on him i blocked him behind the cell and 4+5 took ages but eventually i passed. ?? thanks for everyonés advice, but really, even when reading you like it’s so easy and even more easy now, that guy was a pain. ?

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> @"FallenSentinel.9065" said:

> I've heard some people say "oh, that was super easy beat it no prob lol" but I haven't heard anything else about HOW they do it. I've seen a couple of people beat it, but they seem to be decked out in pretty kitten good gear whilst I (I cheese'd it and got it done, but I have a couple of friends who are trying to do it legit and I'd like to be able to do it) have mere exotics. All I'm seeing is to get him stuck and use ranged attacks to cheese it.


> Surely something is off balance-wise? You get a 1 second window to break his bar and anything I do that hits in time seems to put a small dent in and nothing more. Is this fight broken? Can you only cheese it or use a few specific builds? Do you need ascended gear?


> This is hugely frustrating and I can't tell if it's just terribly designed/busted or if I'm missing some huge obvious tactic or something.


I died to it my first attempt, had a pure power burst build going (DragonHunter), which lacked cc...

I saw what i was doing wrong, changed to scepter, added a few cc skills, and killed it easily at the second attempt.


It is easy, all story fights are easy, and if you're stuck in one step, you really should reconsider your approach, because it's likely you are doing something wrong.

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> @"lilins.7103" said:

> Hi, i am stuck on this one and read the thread.


> 2 things: totally agree with @"Flatley.1620" WE.ARE.NOT.ALL.HARDCORE.GAMERS


> If i came on GW2 it is beacause of 3 things: It's good, It runs on Mac (even if not as good as on windows but did improve) It's one of the only MMORPG were you can enjoy playing when not playing often.


> I am what you could call a sunday's player. does't play much, doesn't have all the gamer jargons (so i can't understand half of the advices here) and i find it double frustrating to be looked down instead of helped by much more experiences players.


> So if anyone has a good english help for a Guardian on this boss, thanks


As I recall, the fight is pretty straightforward. He will leap at you and channel a strong life- leeching attack. At the same time, he becomes vulnerable. Use stuns, etc. To break his defiance bar (the blue bar beneath his health bar). This will stop the healing and damage so you can finish him off.


The fight only took about 30 seconds in trailblazer stats. Just be ready to break that bar and it should be no problem.

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> @"FallenSentinel.9065" said:

> I've heard some people say "oh, that was super easy beat it no prob lol" but I haven't heard anything else about HOW they do it. I've seen a couple of people beat it, but they seem to be decked out in pretty kitten good gear whilst I (I cheese'd it and got it done, but I have a couple of friends who are trying to do it legit and I'd like to be able to do it) have mere exotics. All I'm seeing is to get him stuck and use ranged attacks to cheese it.


> Surely something is off balance-wise? You get a 1 second window to break his bar and anything I do that hits in time seems to put a small dent in and nothing more. Is this fight broken? Can you only cheese it or use a few specific builds? Do you need ascended gear?


> This is hugely frustrating and I can't tell if it's just terribly designed/busted or if I'm missing some huge obvious tactic or something.


Im not going to read all the comments on this but I will say that I did the Eater of Souls around day 3 of POF release (so before they nerfed it the first time) on my Dragonhunter. Greatsword, Torch/Scepter. I had no problem with this at all in full exotic armor with some exotic/ascended trinkets. Im not sure where the problem is in taking him down. I fought him like most other baddies just dropped some traps and ranged him.


Good luck to you and your friends on kicking his arse!

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