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Awakened Inquest Cheat

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So, who hasn't realized playing any game, that sometimes you can stand on the right rock or in the right place and attack a mob and they can't hit you back? And yes...it's frowned up, but you've at least 'seen' it before. And, you've probably seen over the years good attempts to correct this, by taking the NPC out of combat so they regen and you can't really hurt them, until you put yourself in a position where they fight back?


Well...the Awakened Inquest, in the new area, are now cheaters like we used to be!


I swear, I'll shoot at one with my bow, in range, they are perfectly capable of engaging me by closing to range, and they just walk away, stay out of combat, and regen. If you get close enough to 'their' range, like maybe 900 for their pistols, 'then' they engage. Or if you are lucky enough to have a pet, they engage when the pet gets there.


In the words of Keenan Thompson: What's up with that? :#

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I assume it is just another bit of sloppy implementation in PoF. Just like other awaken mobs randomly going invulnerable for a few seconds.


Someone has also mentioned that the ambient rats at the farm has obstruction issue too. The path finding/LoS code is probably one giant ball of spaghetti.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> I assume it is just another bit of sloppy implementation in PoF. Just like other awaken mobs randomly going invulnerable for a few seconds.


> Someone has also mentioned that the ambient rats at the farm has obstruction issue too. The path finding/LoS code is probably one giant ball of spaghetti.


This is true, theres one rat i was standing on top of and had to switch to melee to kill. GG.

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