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Deadeye is broken OP

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Deadeye is broken OP. No spec should be allowed to have 30k burst in 2 seconds, stealth, teleports and unblockable 20k hitting 1 shot skill. This class is most broken thing in PvP and needs seriously toned down. I guess that everyone who have faced this boosted class, will agree that Deadeye is most broken OP thing atm and needs nerfed ASAP.

Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..





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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> >

> > Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and **he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..**

> >


> You are hilarious.


dunno if they can 1shot or no, i was watching Sindrenner one hour ago and he had a deadeye in the match, S/d and rifle, altought he doesnt have the mobility of S/d SB , was really hard to take him down and had a nice damage plus a nice amount of stealth , S#2 is focking good for mobility, enter hit , back in invis (not due to the skill itself) , use rifle , GG, dunno about OP or not, but seems viable in the current meta.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > > @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> > >

> > > Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and **he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..**

> > >

> >

> > You are hilarious.


> dunno if they can 1shot or no, i was watching Sindrenner one hour ago and he had a deadeye in the match, S/d and rifle, altought he doesnt have the mobility of S/d SB , was really hard to take him down and had a nice damage plus a nice amount of stealth , S#2 is focking good for mobility, enter hit , back in invis (not due to the skill itself) , use rifle , GG, dunno about OP or not, but seems viable in the current meta.


regardless of what DE is capable of or not, I just find the "he did x; I reported him but he's still in ranked" quite amusing.


I think it's probably to the community's determent but I actually can't tell if srs.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> >

> > Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and **he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..**

> >


> You are hilarious.


No he is not..& so is deadeye & jumping in out Condi SD thief. Neither are hilarious!

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Yeah those numbers are impossible, especially at the same time. A rifle build either specialises on opening burst with BQoBK, or on buffing DJ into a serious threat with M7, both traits are grandmasters. If I could do 30K opener with a 20K DJ right after, that would be **deadeye-heaven**. But guess what, the rework right in the middle of last season killed rifle deadeye, and we went into **deadeye-hell** instead, doing half of your stated damage(25K with opener+DJ within 3 seconds) requires you to go full glass with signet, also all the stars have to align for you: no protection on the target, no weakness/blind, no dodges etc...

Also if anything jumps a glass deadeye, it dies in 2 hits. And decent players will go for the enemy DE, even my rifle is pointed at them, and only after that am I going for necros.

Even if a dev reads your post, and takes it into consideration, what do you hope to achive with this? They wont be able to nerf the "50K damage in 3 seconds" build cause it doesn't exist.


Learn to dodge/distort/fullcounter/shroud/LoS DJ, learn to focus the enemy deadeye. You won't get rid of it by crying about fake numbers.

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IT is true that DE is quite strong especially retarded p\p build (i made it up and ppl copied it i appologize for releasing the plague) BUT imo it is balanced well enough. My point is. Almost every class has some condi cleanse = makes work as condi DD harder (so far Trapper works fine for me in this case), Secondly most of the classes buffess their butts with tons of boons like i havent seen anyone lately who would have full might fury stability swiftness (not to mention Mesmers BLEH) Thirdly cripple spam every necro has, stun spam every warior has, bilions of clones every mesmer has, damn smokescale every ranger has, revenants blinds, engineers stun build, guardians that drop more burn stacks tahn elementalists. I mean dont you tell me other classes are not pain in the behind as well. DE can kill you quick yes but with all the defensive possibilities you other classes have you shold be able to withstand a poke from DE.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > he 1 shotted me as FB


> If you've been 1 shot from a range weapon as a guardian then that is a L2P or L2B issue. The core guardian offer so much counter to burst and range attack that you don't even need to be smart or skilled to survive a range attack with a guardian (And it's e-specs).


Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.


However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

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