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Any new weapon types planned? New Expansions?

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Basically, I'm asking because I feel there's some neat weapons that would fit certain professions and such that are sadly not represented in-game, such as great-axes/battle-axes, polearms, crossbows, and perhaps curved swords (Be they Katana, Scimitar, or other curved blades as opposed to traditional double-edged swords, outside of skins).


In particular, polearms such as spears, halberds, and voulges would be great for Warriors, Thieves, Guardians, and Necromancers, and possibly also fit Rangers, Mesmers, and Revenants.


Katanas or other curved/finesse-centric blades would definitely fit Thieves, Elementalists, Necromancers, Mesmers, and perhaps Revenants.


Great axes, obviously, would fit well with Warrior, Guardian, and perhaps Engineers and Rangers.


There's a LOT of new and fresh build diversity with adding some new two-handed weapons such as these as well as Crossbows. Curved blades/Katanas being two-handed rather than one-handed would also be a good bit of variety to two-handed weapon styles.


As far as ideas for new one-handed weapons, maybe flails (As in a heavy weight on the end of a chain as opposed to maces where the weight is basically on a rod), short-swords (An intermediary between a Sword and Dagger type weapon), and perhaps cestus/knuckle weapons.


I know these would all take significant time and resources to make animations, skins, and everything else for, so I'd presume if any new weapons are ever going to be added they'd be based in a paid expansion similar to Revenant or the Elite Specializations adding weapons to classes that weren't able to use them before.


Ultimately, I'm coming back to the game and I'm very excited to see where the game goes from here, especially having been able to purchase the expansions during the June sale. The game is ultimately every bit as fun as I remember, and I'm happy to be coming back.

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While I want new weapon types more than anything else in the game, I'm not holding my breath on seeing them.


Something that might be doable, however, is creating new animations for current weapon types and being able to equip animations like you would weapon skins. Heck, they might even make them tied to a specific weapon skin. Want to use scythe animations over staff animations? Buy this weapon skin and accompanying animations. They'd probably have to make them not usable in pvp/wvw. I'd still vastly prefer new weapon types, though.

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Warriors being allowed to wield Focus (Focii?) as melee weapons would be amazing given the vast diversity of skins there are out there:


Everthing from brass knuckles to cat o' nine tails whips!


And Warriors would naturally be able to dual-wield them.

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