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hey arenanet__can u give us some decent hairstyles please?? comeon

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I'd be satisfied if we just had more Anime or fantasy game hair for humans and other races. I mean, damn, would it really be so bad for them to give us some Cloud Strife hair?

And I guess there are still a lot of normal generic hair looks that aren't even in game yet, too.

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@"acelara orion.4210" - Your request is equivalent to people at my work saying "Hey can you put more stuff in the online shop?" I'd look at that and think "Sure, hypothetically I could, there are items which exist which are not currently in our shop, but I assume you don't mean literally anything in the world and when I look at it I see a pretty great range for our market so I'm not sure what to pick." My options are to go back to you and ask for more information or to ignore the request until I can find out more about it.


So lets go with option one. What _exactly_ would you like to see? Is there a specific race and/or gender you think is lacking? And what's wrong with the current options? Do you want bigger? Smaller? More highly styalised? More natural and simple?


There's some good examples in this topic - one person wants less weird styles for charr which I assume means smaller/flatter and less styled (a lot of them are big, complicated piles of curls on top of their heads that would take a heap of hairspray to achieve). Another person wants anime style hair for humans. Before PoF someone pointed out that there were no natural or afro hairstyles for black human females, everything available was based on starting with straight or slightly curly hair and styling it.

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What I would like is, now that PoF has been out for awhile, is for the remaining four races to receive some new faces and hair. Because the PoF hair and faces are fantastic, but as a norn main I felt rather left out. I think what they created for the humans is great, but could the rest of us get some love?


My personal request: I love the long braided female norn hairstyles in the makeover kits. Could we have one where the bangs are pulled back and not covering half her face? I just could not see her running into battle with all that hair flopping in her eyes, when the rest is neatly braided at the back. Please. Just one with a really long braid with all the hair pulled back into it.

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That would be cool, honestly i guess I would rather have a update on character creation then a new LW episode...more hair options for male/female, horns options for Charrs, more Tattos for Norns, more options on general, its Fashion Wars afterall.

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Well, when I get around to making my male norn engineer, I will probably be wanting more beards too. Preferably non-silly ones. ☺ But my female norn ranger wants a really long braid with nothing blocking her vision. Bangs make aiming her bow difficult.

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I'd love to see more hairstyles that don't resemble an 80s hair band yet were stylish. Like seeing things like this:

![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JPESTl5vzmM/maxresdefault.jpg "")

for long hair styles would be cool. I don't like the hairstyles at all for charr so my girl is unfortunately, always bald. I'd love to see something like hairstyles for each legion.


Some more faces would be cool too.


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Speaking of which.... Sylvari could always use more hairstyle options with nature itself being the inspiration... different kinds of flowers, thorns.... even fruit would be an interesting thing to see growing from a sylvari hairstyle! =D

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