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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> >

> > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.


> And there it is, thanks for posting this. I thought these claims of 15+ second stealths were embellished, but apparently they were not!


> Aside from Phantaram pointing out the 20 second stealth, I'll add that in conjunction with what my video displays in terms of what it takes to land 30k hits, this is a very curious situation indeed.



In the video you can clearly see him by the blue portal, he wasn't stealthed when Phantaram thought he was (Phanta's rando dodging around) and when Phanta goes up near the tree ledge you can even see the ranger's smoke field.


When phanta headed back to the node, I assume the ranger had already stacked his 8 ish seconds of stealth and then left the smoke field with gs leap, prebuffing his mystery stuff for damage (maul + sic'em and whatnot) en route to phanta, and caught up to him so fast by popping quickening zephr.


Watching the vid that seems to be one explanation.


Still the only thing not making sense about this ranger is the people claiming 60k worldly impacts; any vids of that?

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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> > >

> > > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.

> >

> > And there it is, thanks for posting this. I thought these claims of 15+ second stealths were embellished, but apparently they were not!

> >

> > Aside from Phantaram pointing out the 20 second stealth, I'll add that in conjunction with what my video displays in terms of what it takes to land 30k hits, this is a very curious situation indeed.

> >


> In the video you can clearly see him by the blue portal, he wasn't stealthed when Phantaram thought he was (Phanta's rando dodging around) and when Phanta goes up near the tree ledge you can even see the ranger's smoke field.


> When phanta headed back to the node, I assume the ranger had already stacked his 8 ish seconds of stealth and then left the smoke field with gs leap, prebuffing his mystery stuff for damage (maul + sic'em and whatnot) en route to phanta, and caught up to him so fast by popping quickening zephr.


> Watching the vid that seems to be one explanation.


> Still the only thing not making sense about this ranger is the people claiming 60k worldly impacts; any vids of that?


There are screenshots earlier in this thread in the OP statement, that shows 2x 60k strikes. But what Phanta was commenting on was a 20s stealth time in a short amount of time, not necessarily that it was all at once, but it was mostly all at once even at that. This is highly impossible on ranger, without rune of trapper and massive trap configuration.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > > > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> > > > >

> > > > > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.

> > > >

> > > > Hold up... that's at least 15 seconds of stealth, if not more. That's not possible. For a ranger that is utterly and completely impossible. You can reach max ~8-10 sec stacking stealth with daggers, warhorn, pets, etc. *that is not possble*

> > > >

> > > > **Edit:** sweet jesus, they're actually using dagger/warhorn + pig. That said, I tried it out myself to see how long I'd stay in stealth with tuft of hair + smokescale stealth stacking. I got to 12 seconds of totalth stealthed time. I can only assume the ranger was stealthed even longer than 15 sec because of how you cant see smokefield AOE, no pet, no ranger, no visuals etc.

> > >

> > > I gotta question... uh, has anyone sent the ranger a message and asked him how he does it?

> > > You can clearly see his name in the Phantaram clip.

> >

> > might wanna consider rune of trapper... gives 2~3 sec stealth upon applying a trap... so if ranger has 3 trap skills, hunters shot, tuft of hair, then.. but as he shows in the video, no traps

> >

> > you might wanna consider the ranger's allies too... if allies apply stealth to that ranger, it could've pulled off longer than 15 secs too


> I didn't see a single trap detonate on anyone and that ranger wasn't using a longbow. He was using GS and sword/dagger or dagger/dagger "you can see him evading with his dagger offhand a few times in the video." Even if he were using rune of the trapper, he would be missing out on too many important damage modifiers to land 30k to 60k hits as he would need 4x trap utilities to even benefit 8s of stealth. Also, if he were blowing his leap finishers to stack stealth on phanta, he then would not have been able to chase phanta with leap finishers because they would have been on cool down.


> The more I watch that video with an open mind, trying to figure out how he is doing it, the less it makes sense.



~~3sec stealth : hunter shot + lead the wind(longbow skills recharge faster) =>CD <12 sec~~


3sec stealth : smokescale + beastmastery Pack Alpha =>CD <16sec (now huntershot CD 9sec)

after 3 secs huntershot CD should be 6sec remaining... being optimistic, lead the wind reduces CD by 2 sec and remaining 4secs on hunter shot cooldown...


idk makes no sense... either the ranger used a rune of infiltration and dropped health by falling damage and that triggered 4 secs of health and that makes the hunter's shot available once again...


or tuft of hair from siamoth or other porcine? to extend the stealth


idk... im confused... wild guess


sorry didn't notice the comment... no longbow... edited :p


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Check out Ryan's explanation at bottom of page 5; that's probably the answer. Ridiculous amounts of stealth tied to the smokescale on top of the fluff and feathers from Siamoth; I'm seeing nothing wrong here other than probably people like Phanta are assuming he's stealth stalking them when really he's way out of range like in the posted video lol.


He -could- be teleport hacking while in stealth but I highly doubt it because I used to spectate the guy (years ago) and everything he did was legit. Ryan's explanation on page 5 gives you the answer to the stealthing.


The only thing that doesn't make sense is 60k wordly impact, and I'm guessing it to be from Colosseum buffs. It -might- be a bugged modifier that nobody seems to be able to find, but I doubt it. Altogether it does seem fishy but I think it's a case of him just having perfected a unique play style and being better at it than any of us lol

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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> Check out Ryan's explanation at bottom of page 5; that's probably the answer. Ridiculous amounts of stealth tied to the smokescale on top of the fluff and feathers from Siamoth; I'm seeing nothing wrong here other than probably people like Phanta are assuming he's stealth stalking them when really he's way out of range like in the posted video lol.


> He -could- be teleport hacking while in stealth but I highly doubt it because I used to spectate the guy (years ago) and everything he did was legit. Ryan's explanation on page 5 gives you the answer to the stealthing.


> The only thing that doesn't make sense is 60k wordly impact, and I'm guessing it to be from Colosseum buffs. It -might- be a bugged modifier that nobody seems to be able to find, but I doubt it. Altogether it does seem fishy but I think it's a case of him just having perfected a unique play style and being better at it than any of us lol


You can't seriously expect people to properly analyse something and pick it apart!


7. Keep Learning - There is always more to learn. Shame people keep forgetting this part lul.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> I was in the game with the OP..


> I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:


> https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis


> .


Look at the last 11-12 seconds of the video while your death log is open. He is running into a wall and then like teleports 10 feet ahead of himself. Is that normal?

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> I was in the game with the OP..


> I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:


> https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis


> .


If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > I was in the game with the OP..

> >

> > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> >

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> >

> > .


> If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


Youre right the motherfucker is fucking teleporting.

This makes this situation very fishy.


Atleast action for teleporting should be taken.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


Before the initial strike, I see the sword icon on the mini-map way outside of the fight. Does it just sit still when the affected player enters Stealth? Or did the player instantly teleport from that far away?


Also, does this ranger spec have teleport/shadowstep capability? The overhead sword icon/nameplate went rather wonky on those last few seconds you mentioned. Could it be lag induced? At first, I was watching the Thief, thinking it was the Ranger... because the Ranger didn't visibly appear until nearly half a second after the downing.

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


> Before the initial strike, I see the sword icon on the mini-map way outside of the fight. Does it just sit still when the affected player enters Stealth? Or did the player instantly teleport from that far away?


> Also, does this ranger spec have teleport/shadowstep capability? The overhead sword icon/nameplate went rather wonky on those last few seconds you mentioned. Could it be lag induced? At first, I was watching the Thief, thinking it was the Ranger... because the Ranger didn't visibly appear until nearly half a second after the downing.


If it were lag, how did he keep consistently landing those abilities without any issues at all against our team in not just 1 game, but every game I faced him?

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > I was in the game with the OP..

> > >

> > > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> > >

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> > >

> > > .

> >

> > If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


> Youre right the kitten is kitten teleporting.

> This makes this situation very fishy.


> Atleast action for teleporting should be taken.


Yup, this video explains it. I've learned to choose my words carefully in this forum, so I'll say nothing else other than Arenanet should be looking into it.




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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> If it were lag, how did he keep consistently landing those abilities without any issues at all against our team in not just 1 game, but every game I faced him?


No idea whatsoever. I'm just wondering if it could be a factor at all because I know my Thief has been reported several times because of my poor, poor internet connection. I've teleported halfway across a map while downed and also double teleported when downed due to massive lag spikes.


I'm just wondering if lag could explain why the sword icon jumped so far for the first kill (or if Stealth made it appear that way), or could explain the wonkiness of the sword icon on that last jump... also about not being revealed instantly on the killing shot. And if lag could have done such a thing, would it have been from the Ranger's side or from Chaith's side? If it were Chaith's side, it could explain the delayed reveal and the Ranger's teleports... but all the other players aren't jumping around, so that doesn't make much sense. And if it were on the Ranger's side, even though that would explain the teleports, I don't know how to explain the delayed reveal.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > I was in the game with the OP..

> >

> > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> >

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> >

> > .


> If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


> Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability


It's seems that I was right about the "tp on player" hack, using stealth to not be detected.


It was strange that he landed so well his 1hit strike everytime in steatlh.


As a long experienced thief, I know that it's not always easy in stealth to hit a randomly moving target.


In the video of phantarasm, you can see where he was using his stealth. Behind the cliff. OK, but you see the distance he moved to reach the elem ?


I think that now Anet can take care of this cheater, for a very long time I hope.

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you can see the rangers field at 1s in (16-17seconds left in video). the icon stays in place where he went stealth. this gives him plenty of time to walk over (or GS in). he hits about 4 seconds after his last field.


As for the 60k damage, i'm thinking it's either outsides sources increasing damage (things like +crit dmg from rev) vuln applied by necro ect.


Or perhaps an old bug

(double damage from reverant hammer comes to mind)

or double damage due to terrain differences. but both of those bugs where fixed a long time ago.









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Will be sad but not surprising if the hack explains his ability to land it so consistently, though I still assert that amount of stealth is possible and with quickening zephry he could theoretically catch people; but yeah the easiest answer to his consistency is definitely a tele hack. Still no explanation of the 60k tho ( I still think it's Colosseum)


I will also add the same thing a previous poster said, that for me personally, I have also been told I blink around a lot (250+ ping in Asia) so that -might- be a contributing factor, though I doubt it because no one's ever said my blinking around had caused them to die lol; I do wish my lag magically helped me land all my skills tho!

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If this person was lagging in the way that some are questioning, he wouldn't be performing such elongated skill cycles that must be done "perfectly" or the gimmick falls apart, and then actually landing the hit flawlessly, over and over.


For those of us who actually experience inordinate lag spikes, it is well known that lag causes:

* Extreme difficulty knowing where your character is actually at.

* Extreme difficulty seeing where other players are actually at.

* Extreme difficulty getting skills to respond after clicking them.


Whatever is going on here, is not lag. His key stroke executions and precision in targeting is too accurate for him to be lagging. I'll guarantee you that.


For the sake of an interesting experiment, I'll test run the theorized build that we seem to be agreeing on in this thread, and do a good record of it:

* Marks/Mastery/Soulbeast

* D/Wh with GS

* Berserker or Valk "Max Power/Feroc" because that's the only way you'd be hitting these WI numbers

* Heal as One for some kind of might stacking, will need Strength of Pack for stability when going in, and then of course Sic'Em.

* Smokescale


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> > > >

> > > > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.

> > >

> > > And there it is, thanks for posting this. I thought these claims of 15+ second stealths were embellished, but apparently they were not!

> > >

> > > Aside from Phantaram pointing out the 20 second stealth, I'll add that in conjunction with what my video displays in terms of what it takes to land 30k hits, this is a very curious situation indeed.

> > >

> >

> > In the video you can clearly see him by the blue portal, he wasn't stealthed when Phantaram thought he was (Phanta's rando dodging around) and when Phanta goes up near the tree ledge you can even see the ranger's smoke field.

> >

> > When phanta headed back to the node, I assume the ranger had already stacked his 8 ish seconds of stealth and then left the smoke field with gs leap, prebuffing his mystery stuff for damage (maul + sic'em and whatnot) en route to phanta, and caught up to him so fast by popping quickening zephr.

> >

> > Watching the vid that seems to be one explanation.

> >

> > Still the only thing not making sense about this ranger is the people claiming 60k worldly impacts; any vids of that?


> There are screenshots earlier in this thread in the OP statement, that shows 2x 60k strikes. But what Phanta was commenting on was a 20s stealth time in a short amount of time, not necessarily that it was all at once, but it was mostly all at once even at that. This is highly impossible on ranger, without rune of trapper and massive trap configuration.


For starters, the exaggeration on phantas part on how long the Ranger was in stealth.

Phanta said "15 seconds"....then you said 20. More exaggeration. It wasn't 20 seconds.


The Ranger doesn't need traps to do any of this. It's been explained. Please read and RE-READ the responses.

> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> Check out Ryan's explanation at bottom of page 5; that's probably the answer. Ridiculous amounts of stealth tied to the smokescale on top of the fluff and feathers from Siamoth; I'm seeing nothing wrong here other than probably people like Phanta are assuming he's stealth stalking them when really he's way out of range like in the posted video lol.


> He -could- be teleport hacking while in stealth but I highly doubt it because I used to spectate the guy (years ago) and everything he did was legit. Ryan's explanation on page 5 gives you the answer to the stealthing.


> The only thing that doesn't make sense is 60k wordly impact, and I'm guessing it to be from Colosseum buffs. It -might- be a bugged modifier that nobody seems to be able to find, but I doubt it. Altogether it does seem fishy but I think it's a case of him just having perfected a unique play style and being better at it than any of us lol


@"Trevor Boyer.6524" You keep talking and wondering, how about you read the explanations before you call Alex Jones in.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.


> He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> BM 3 2 1

> SB 1 ? 3


> Smokescale / Siamoth


I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"



MM 322

BM x2x

SB 123


GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

Berserker scholar

Siamoth smokescale


Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.


To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.


After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.


To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.


To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.


I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.


You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).


Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> >

> > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > BM 3 2 1

> > SB 1 ? 3

> >

> > Smokescale / Siamoth


> I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"



> MM 322

> BM x2x

> SB 123


> GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> Berserker scholar

> Siamoth smokescale


> Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.


> To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.


> After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.


> To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.


> To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.


> I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.


> You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).


> Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.


He is not using signet of the wild proven by 1. His F2 on pet taunts people, and 2. he has access to superspeed. You can't have both traited, thus quickening zephyr. Strength of the pack (obvious icon is obvious). I'm not interested in running this build, just finding out the details needed to figure out how to replicate those numbers to see how legit this truly is (oneshot out of stealth on otherwise untouched target).

I'm well aware how it should actually be excecuted, i'm a ranger main so I can figure that out.


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