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Coming Tomorrow 7/10/18 – Balance Patch

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Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.


I totally read, 'skill splitting' as, 'skull splitting'... :o

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’ve got a balance patch releasing tomorrow.


> Since the last update targeted underwater balance and the deadeye in particular, we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those. There has also been a broad effort to target outliers traits and abilities on each profession.


> We look forward to seeing you in game!

Hiya, Irelio.


There's been a lot of discussion about the state of the revenant in GW2. Besides being generally underpowered, there's some core problems with the profession as a whole (energy management is too restrictive and leads to boring rotations) and to renegade specifically.


Is this being investigated by Anet? Are there any future plans for it?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.


We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.


* A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

* A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.


The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.

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Big changes can be:

Rework Renegade, rework Scourge's grandmaster traits, nerf mirage, delete/change Epidemic


Small changes can be:

Buffs to holo sword, Weaver sword, Ranger g.sword, may be Reaper, some small changes to Deadeye, may be DH's longbow but not sure


I have big hopes Anet, pls dont break my heart.





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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> > Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.


> We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.


> * A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

> * A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.


> The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.


As it should be IMO> Thank you.


Knowing that when I tap my number 4 key while wielding a specific weapon it will always do X is very helpful in maintaining reaction time.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.


> * A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

> * A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.


> The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.


Some of the "pvp nerfs" done a while ago, like the nerfs to Dragon Hunter's longbow and Herald's shield, should be reverted to their original state for PvE.


Guardian's scepter outshines longbow, which is unfair, considering that DH is an elite spec while scepter is a baseline weapon that's already useful for core guardian and firebrand.


For Herald's shield, it was almost never taken over axe (at the time), but it was still a good sustaining option for solo open world, before the nerfs to its healing came up.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> Some of the "pvp nerfs" done a while ago, like the nerfs to Dragon Hunter's longbow and Herald's shield, should be reverted to their original state for PvE.


Same for the Celestial Avatar. The druid has lost his ability to correctly burst heal when needed in PvE. It brings heal, indeed, but not enough in a short amount of time.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’ve got a balance patch releasing tomorrow.


> Since the last update targeted underwater balance and the deadeye in particular, we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those. There has also been a broad effort to target outliers traits and abilities on each profession.


> We look forward to seeing you in game!




Hopefully you guys fix reverant bugs too.

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