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A big thank you

Jack Redline.5379

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> @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> lmao condi thief mains qqing, wonderful maybe you need to play a build that actually requires some skill now


Agreed. This patch was aimed to nerf D/D condi and S/D condi. The power builds took a bit of hit for it but we will live.


And for those still "qq" about the nerf to thief then you should go to the necro and mesmer forum. They got a hit harder then we did.


Thank you Anet for all their efforts to make this a balance game as a whole. It's not perfect but they are listening and trying.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> well i overall got buffed by cd remove from silent scope , aftercast reduction from backstab ,stealth on stolen skill and better freeaction/kneel, i got nerfed by no more malice on heal and cast time on stolen skills.


> the malice on stealth attack is not really usefull to me as i expect my opponent to be in downed state after it. so i might drop malicious intent tho both other options i dont really need for WvW


i guess they found a place to put a dagger damage boost that i brought up a while back. not where I would have liked it lmao

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > well i overall got buffed by cd remove from silent scope , aftercast reduction from backstab ,stealth on stolen skill and better freeaction/kneel, i got nerfed by no more malice on heal and cast time on stolen skills.

> >

> > the malice on stealth attack is not really usefull to me as i expect my opponent to be in downed state after it. so i might drop malicious intent tho both other options i dont really need for WvW


> i guess they found a place to put a dagger damage boost that i brought up a while back. not where I would have liked it lmao


yeah well i still wont run DA so no buff for me there and i think it will be used more in PvE , not in PvP. maybe for some oneshot builds that do no include DE and therefor cant take SA.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > and buffed perma stealth DE even more. Eye for an eye then?


> how about us ppl who dont want to play stealth but want to play condi? we can go to hell?


yeah pretty much, since condi builds are cancer and cater to noobs

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> @"AegisFLCL.7623" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > and buffed perma stealth DE even more. Eye for an eye then?

> >

> > As someone who played condi thieves (and DrD's) looking at the notes, it lost 1s of confusion and bleed and a bit of cripple. Its not that big of a change. I can see if they changed the venoms as well as that would be a nerf.


> Lost 13% additional poison damage.


> "Potent Poison: This trait has been split and will now grant 20% bonus to poison duration and damage in both PvP and WvW, with PvE remaining at 33%."


> I don't think the changes they made will have much affect, idiots are still going to complain about dying to the confusion and poison ticks because they keep spamming skills and wasting condi cleanse at the wrong time. I guess all they really did was completely neuter any sustain you can get from poison damage, condi thief burst will remain relatively the same imo.


13% less poison damage isnt that great of a loss (esp where poison is the 2nd weakest damaging condi). They didnt even "neuter" the poison sustain, more like "slightly trimmed" it. I agree that the condi burst will pretty much be the same.

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From what I gather the OP plays condi trapper. Try DA 321 trickery 133 daredevil 322, trailblazer gear, trapper runes, draining and venom sigil on shortbow and just immob people in choking gas. Nothing has changed about that build.


Alternatively play power AND condi so when one is nerfed to oblivion you still have the other.

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> @"Synstylae.2751" said:

> > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > lmao condi thief mains qqing, wonderful maybe you need to play a build that actually requires some skill now


> Yeah, because backstabbing someone from stealth for 30k requires skill


Let's say it doesn't but it still requires far more skill than Condi venom trash

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I guess I should be thanking Anet as well, I now go and focus spending more time making music instead of making u all cry about how "OP/skill less/braindead" condition damage thief was. DA/TR/DD, DA/TR/Acro hybrid/condi builds are indeed dead for now, but that can all change within another balance patch or two. When it does, ill be back to make u all cry again.

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> @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> I guess I should be thanking Anet as well, I now go and focus spending more time making music instead of making u all cry about how "OP/skill less/braindead" condition damage thief was. DA/TR/DD, DA/TR/Acro hybrid/condi builds are indeed dead for now, but that can all change within another balance patch or two. When it does, ill be back to make u all cry again.


DA/TR/DD is still kicking and alive dont you worry about that. While i am alive that one wont go down. So go ahead and still make ppl cry about condi being OP ;) also what kind of music?

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> @"Synstylae.2751" said:

> Then why is skill a factor in anywhere, if neither build requires skill?


It's just a figure of speech dude. Pretty sure anyone can land a back stab with de/sa but it isn't like doing it on meta d/p though most of the time it's better to use head shot/shadow shot anyway.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> The build I was running before the deadeye rework is gone too (acro trick DE S/D rifle perma quickness boon tank build). You get two choices in life, complain and do nothing useful or adapt and move on.


You can get even more Quickness in your builds using PAYBACK. Obviously if in Rifle you have to make the hard choice of silent scope over payback but if you do want to focus a quickness build and you CAN kill things, trait payback with haste on the utility bar. Haste will come off Cooldown much quicker and can be used again. I posted my own Boon duration build a little while ago and went all out for boon duration and am liking it better with the changes.


The ability to stealth off stolen items allowed me to free up Utility slots that I used to use for stealth. That stealth also kicks in the added VULN from my sneak attacks dovetails nicely into a quickness enhanced PW. Given the build can easily ramp up malice One in the Chamber Is taken over MI has it becomes another stealth source.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > The build I was running before the deadeye rework is gone too (acro trick DE S/D rifle perma quickness boon tank build). You get two choices in life, complain and do nothing useful or adapt and move on.


> You can get even more Quickness in your builds using PAYBACK. Obviously if in Rifle you have to make the hard choice of silent scope over payback but if you do want to focus a quickness build and you CAN kill things, trait payback with haste on the utility bar. Haste will come off Cooldown much quicker and can be used again. I posted my own Boon duration build a little while ago and went all out for boon duration and am liking it better with the changes.


> The ability to stealth off stolen items allowed me to free up Utility slots that I used to use for stealth. That stealth also kicks in the added VULN from my sneak attacks dovetails nicely into a quickness enhanced PW. Given the build can easily ramp up malice One in the Chamber Is taken over MI has it becomes another stealth source.


Yeah, I'm planning on testing boon builds again soon, I've been playing MUDse's build for a little while and just enjoying 28k backstabs lol. I'm finding stealth and stupid high spikes a lot better for roaming than daredevil or sword builds at the moment, but when I get bored I'll give your build a go if only for 1v1's. I'm building a hybrid rifle set at the moment but I used to main S/P so your build would probably appeal to me ^^

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