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anyone else as happy as i am ?


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I'm running Wanderer's stats now (Power, Toughness Vit and concentration) with Sword Warhorn + Dagger Axe/Shield and it's absolutely awful but I love it and will not play anything else for a while.


Strength 1 3 2

Tactics 1 3 2

Spellbreaker 2 1 3


Utility spells:

To the limit/Defiant Stance

Break Entchantments

For Great Justice

Shake it Off



Just trying out the Strength for Might makes Right and the additional HP, I personally prefer Discipline, if I have to I take Defense, though today it wasn't much of an issue

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"reikken.4961" said:

> I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.


> (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)



We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.

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> @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> I'm trying full minstrel hammer sword/warhorn in WvW (for the lulz) with these traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDoyDszDwMEgZXskFY4Z4NcIO5EU1CBIDuCQAA-w


> Not sure if I should use defence or discipline. Any thoughts? I kinda hate losing fast hands





imo defense in big blobs is too valuable, you will get stuck or get low while casting bubble and thats where endure pain gives you time to use your big heal, also balanced stance trait can be vital to get into your enemy (if you go in before it autoprocs while pirateshipping ofc)

going discipline basically just for fast hands isnt worth it imo, you even got more to do on one set with the abillity to reset your f1 with fullcounter


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I'm running Wanderer's stats now (Power, Toughness Vit and concentration) with Sword Warhorn + Dagger Axe/Shield and it's absolutely awful but I love it and will not play anything else for a while.


> Strength 1 3 2

> Tactics 1 3 2

> Spellbreaker 2 1 3


> Utility spells:

> To the limit/Defiant Stance

> Break Entchantments

> For Great Justice

> Shake it Off

> Bubble


> Just trying out the Strength for Might makes Right and the additional HP, I personally prefer Discipline, if I have to I take Defense, though today it wasn't much of an issue


honestly concentration is a wasted stat on warrior imo, you just dont pump out enough buffs, you got like some might +vigor and swiftness from horn...no regen and no protection


honestly im not even sure what you are trying to achieve with this build (i guess zerging??), axe is a dps weapon but you got neither crit nor crit dmg and id rather swap out all that concentration for healing power and axe with a hammer, so you atleast provide alot more cc and with that more boonrips


> @"reikken.4961" said:

> I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.


> (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)


what exactly is bugged there?


> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:


> > I'm not sure it is a nerf. In heavy condition situations, you can now clear 10 conditions with those 2 skills (untrainted) vs 7 before (traited).

> The condi-clear bundles are .. okay. But they're also cognitive load on trying to remember what it is they do.

> Charge purges most movement-related conditions, and burning for some reason.

> Call to Arms removes . . miscellaneous. Many of which are low-concern conditions. I'd rather have the generalized 2 than a targeted 5. I'd even take 2-sec Resistance over what it does now. It also removed inflicting Weakness on enemies, which I'm unhappy about.

> It's definitely a WvW/raid-oriented change, and it leaves me weaker for it.


> If I were going to make those cleanse-bundles more consistent:

> Charge: Movement and speed-related: Cripple, Immobilize, Chill, *Slow*, Torment, *Fear*, *Taunt*

> Call to Arms: Most DoTs and action-related: Weakness, Poison, Confusion, *Bleeding*, *Burning*, Vulnerability, *Blind*

> With the right theme/alignment of cleansing, it's more instinctual to know what these do in combat.


> > With 9 people around, it is also 20 adrenaline gained.

> I don't raid or WvW, so that's not going to help me. And unless I get some serious alacrity from somewhere else, adrenaline generation hasn't been a problem for me.


> > It's a tradeoff, but now warhorn is certainly more usable without trait at least.

> Indeed! I can lament my personal nerf and still be happy for the folks who got new reason to pick up warhorn. The changes were more sensible for the game at large.



why dont you swap horn with mace offhand, you get instant 10vulnerabillity, which is 10% dmg instead your 7 from cull the weak and you also get a 3sec aoe knockdown

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> @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> I'm trying full minstrel hammer sword/warhorn in WvW (for the lulz) with these traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDoyDszDwMEgZXskFY4Z4NcIO5EU1CBIDuCQAA-w


> Not sure if I should use defence or discipline. Any thoughts? I kinda hate losing fast hands


Huh, that's what I tried last night for the lulz, it kinda works. I need more practice with not having heal sig equipped, because that 1 sec cast time on a shout main heal cost me a bit because I try to push it to make sure I don't waste the heal because the shout hits me for about 14.5k heals. I haven't quite math'ed it out yet but shake it off if you're wanting to actually do shout heals feels lackluster now since you have 40 seconds between charges, and warhorn not being able to clear all conditions from allies around you feels meh.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:


> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I'm running Wanderer's stats now (Power, Toughness Vit and concentration) with Sword Warhorn + Dagger Axe/Shield and it's absolutely awful but I love it and will not play anything else for a while.

> >

> > Strength 1 3 2

> > Tactics 1 3 2

> > Spellbreaker 2 1 3

> >

> > Utility spells:

> > To the limit/Defiant Stance

> > Break Entchantments

> > For Great Justice

> > Shake it Off

> > Bubble

> >

> > Just trying out the Strength for Might makes Right and the additional HP, I personally prefer Discipline, if I have to I take Defense, though today it wasn't much of an issue


> honestly concentration is a wasted stat on warrior imo, you just dont pump out enough buffs, you got like some might +vigor and swiftness from horn...no regen and no protection


> honestly im not even sure what you are trying to achieve with this build (i guess zerging??), axe is a dps weapon but you got neither crit nor crit dmg and id rather swap out all that concentration for healing power and axe with a hammer, so you atleast provide alot more cc and with that more boonrips



Axe is purely for cleave. The idea behind the build was permanent swiftness (duration matching the warhorn 4) and might purely from For Great Justice while just having as much HP as possible. GS instead of axes works perfeclty fine of course. I just wanted to get all the HP to break 30k. If there were more fights yesterday I would have used the GS and the GS trait of course. I wasn't trying to make a good build, just one that would be as tanky as possible while maintaining *some* damage and pumping out lots of boons.



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:


> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > I'm running Wanderer's stats now (Power, Toughness Vit and concentration) with Sword Warhorn + Dagger Axe/Shield and it's absolutely awful but I love it and will not play anything else for a while.

> > >

> > > Strength 1 3 2

> > > Tactics 1 3 2

> > > Spellbreaker 2 1 3

> > >

> > > Utility spells:

> > > To the limit/Defiant Stance

> > > Break Entchantments

> > > For Great Justice

> > > Shake it Off

> > > Bubble

> > >

> > > Just trying out the Strength for Might makes Right and the additional HP, I personally prefer Discipline, if I have to I take Defense, though today it wasn't much of an issue

> >

> > honestly concentration is a wasted stat on warrior imo, you just dont pump out enough buffs, you got like some might +vigor and swiftness from horn...no regen and no protection

> >

> > honestly im not even sure what you are trying to achieve with this build (i guess zerging??), axe is a dps weapon but you got neither crit nor crit dmg and id rather swap out all that concentration for healing power and axe with a hammer, so you atleast provide alot more cc and with that more boonrips

> >


> Axe is purely for cleave. The idea behind the build was permanent swiftness (duration matching the warhorn 4) and might purely from For Great Justice while just having as much HP as possible. GS instead of axes works perfeclty fine of course. I just wanted to get all the HP to break 30k. If there were more fights yesterday I would have used the GS and the GS trait of course. I wasn't trying to make a good build, just one that would be as tanky as possible while maintaining *some* damage and pumping out lots of boons.




hammer is a better cleave in that sense that you hold them in your teams damage and strip boons, with that low numbers you are pushing out with your build its like nothing compared to what caster do

imo shoutwarri should be dedicated to rip boons, cc, cleanse condis and some sustain with shouts


id say my go on the build has more sustain than yours while still dishing out way more dmg and providing more cc/boonrips


not rly what i understand under pumping out boons tbh, also for great justice already has 15sec duration on it, do you rly think it sticks that long ? it will get ripped anyways before it runs out on its own...no reason to stack duration on top.

gs with forcefull gs wouldnt do kitten because you need critchance to get the might, you have like 20% with fury...



> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > I'm trying full minstrel hammer sword/warhorn in WvW (for the lulz) with these traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDoyDszDwMEgZXskFY4Z4NcIO5EU1CBIDuCQAA-w

> >

> > Not sure if I should use defence or discipline. Any thoughts? I kinda hate losing fast hands

> >

> Huh, that's what I tried last night for the lulz, it kinda works. I need more practice with not having heal sig equipped, because that 1 sec cast time on a shout main heal cost me a bit because I try to push it to make sure I don't waste the heal because the shout hits me for about 14.5k heals. I haven't quite math'ed it out yet but shake it off if you're wanting to actually do shout heals feels lackluster now since you have 40 seconds between charges, and warhorn not being able to clear all conditions from allies around you feels meh.


shouts are not meant for healing matters only...why does everybody think that those are meant for heal purposes, the heal is just a nice thing on top of the stuff you get, especially with shake it off, its a 7 condi cleanse on 5 ppl that you can use every 20sec basically...i just use it when i see lots of condis on my group and not for heal...for great justice is more of a healing shout in that sense, because its alot more spammable and only gives might, which is always needed, so you wont lose cleanses while spammig that one...


horn 4 cleanses all life threatening condis already, the 2 big hitting condis burn and torment and all movement condis that make your party stick in the enemies dmg...bleeding alone is not life threatening...not with reaper bleed nerfed...the only thing is fear, but cmon leave something to do for your guard ;)

now if horn would pump out regeneration to all 10ppl i might go full healstats aswell, but not like it is now, i like my 6k hits on hammer and even more on sword 3...

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > > I'm trying full minstrel hammer sword/warhorn in WvW (for the lulz) with these traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDoyDszDwMEgZXskFY4Z4NcIO5EU1CBIDuCQAA-w

> > >

> > > Not sure if I should use defence or discipline. Any thoughts? I kinda hate losing fast hands

> > >

> > Huh, that's what I tried last night for the lulz, it kinda works. I need more practice with not having heal sig equipped, because that 1 sec cast time on a shout main heal cost me a bit because I try to push it to make sure I don't waste the heal because the shout hits me for about 14.5k heals. I haven't quite math'ed it out yet but shake it off if you're wanting to actually do shout heals feels lackluster now since you have 40 seconds between charges, and warhorn not being able to clear all conditions from allies around you feels meh.


> shouts are not meant for healing matters only...why does everybody think that those are meant for heal purposes, the heal is just a nice thing on top of the stuff you get, especially with shake it off, its a 7 condi cleanse on 5 ppl that you can use every 20sec basically...i just use it when i see lots of condis on my group and not for heal...for great justice is more of a healing shout in that sense, because its alot more spammable and only gives might, which is always needed, so you wont lose cleanses while spammig that one...


> horn 4 cleanses all life threatening condis already, the 2 big hitting condis burn and torment and all movement condis that make your party stick in the enemies dmg...bleeding alone is not life threatening...not with reaper bleed nerfed...the only thing is fear, but cmon leave something to do for your guard ;)

> now if horn would pump out regeneration to all 10ppl i might go full healstats aswell, but not like it is now, i like my 6k hits on hammer and even more on sword 3...


We've already had this conversation, and have different opinions. While shouts or warhorn cannot give constant regen, banner can give constant regen, and additional heals. I think you can make warrior shout heal build viable, especially if you're playing with banner as well. You can make each shout heal for as much as some profession's main heal. You jobs on this build for allies are heals, condi cleanses, might generation, field blasting, while your job on enemies in this build are for CC, aoe boon removal, aoe boon denial, projectile destruction. I believe you can make this a viable build.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > > > I'm trying full minstrel hammer sword/warhorn in WvW (for the lulz) with these traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDoyDszDwMEgZXskFY4Z4NcIO5EU1CBIDuCQAA-w

> > > >

> > > > Not sure if I should use defence or discipline. Any thoughts? I kinda hate losing fast hands

> > > >

> > > Huh, that's what I tried last night for the lulz, it kinda works. I need more practice with not having heal sig equipped, because that 1 sec cast time on a shout main heal cost me a bit because I try to push it to make sure I don't waste the heal because the shout hits me for about 14.5k heals. I haven't quite math'ed it out yet but shake it off if you're wanting to actually do shout heals feels lackluster now since you have 40 seconds between charges, and warhorn not being able to clear all conditions from allies around you feels meh.

> >

> > shouts are not meant for healing matters only...why does everybody think that those are meant for heal purposes, the heal is just a nice thing on top of the stuff you get, especially with shake it off, its a 7 condi cleanse on 5 ppl that you can use every 20sec basically...i just use it when i see lots of condis on my group and not for heal...for great justice is more of a healing shout in that sense, because its alot more spammable and only gives might, which is always needed, so you wont lose cleanses while spammig that one...

> >

> > horn 4 cleanses all life threatening condis already, the 2 big hitting condis burn and torment and all movement condis that make your party stick in the enemies dmg...bleeding alone is not life threatening...not with reaper bleed nerfed...the only thing is fear, but cmon leave something to do for your guard ;)

> > now if horn would pump out regeneration to all 10ppl i might go full healstats aswell, but not like it is now, i like my 6k hits on hammer and even more on sword 3...


> We've already had this conversation, and have different opinions. While shouts or warhorn cannot give constant regen, banner can give constant regen, and additional heals. I think you can make warrior shout heal build viable, especially if you're playing with banner as well. You can make each shout heal for as much as some profession's main heal. You jobs on this build for allies are heals, condi cleanses, might generation, field blasting, while your job on enemies in this build are for CC, aoe boon removal, aoe boon denial, projectile destruction. I believe you can make this a viable build.


yes, the only thing that would make this a healing build is regeneration, shouts alone are not good enough to go for healing power....sure thing if you want to carry around a banner go ahead (while losing defense line), but in my opinion then you lose too much for your utility slot, you already have 2 shouts and then there is either balanced stance (to get your bubble through in publics) or break enchantments for guild play (that one is WAY to strong to let it go in guild play because of the bursty amount of boons you rip, making bombs via cc/dmg viable)

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> >

> > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)


> Heyo,

> We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.


Could you give the reasoning behind the heavy handed (pve/raid) power warrior nerfs to both peak performance and attacker's insight?

If you were running off the Snowcrows benchmarks I sincerely hope you're aware that those aren't realistic for dagger 4 to 100% hit a non-attacking target.


Power Spellbreaker might not have had a piano rotation but it has to upkeep 3 different buffs through consistent gameplay to maintain it's damage modifiers, I'm baffled as to how much it got nerfed compared to Deadeye who is now top dps with a rotation of auto attacking with cnd backstab.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> >

> > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)


> what exactly is bugged there?


The spellbreaker version of flurry doesn't have the last two buffs

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> >

> > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)


> Heyo,

> We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.


I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty damn bad for PvE.


Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:


1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

2) Remove self-root from Flurry

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > >

> > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> >

> > Heyo,

> > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.


> I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty kitten bad for PvE.


> Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:


> 1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

> 2) Remove self-root from Flurry


while at it look at hundred blades and compare it with axe 5

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > > >

> > > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> > >

> > > Heyo,

> > > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.

> >

> > I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty kitten bad for PvE.

> >

> > Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:

> >

> > 1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

> > 2) Remove self-root from Flurry


> while at it look at hundred blades and compare it with axe 5


Nah. Hundred Blades shouldn't be as good as Axe 5. GS isn't supposed to be as strong as Axe, because it has mobility. Off-hand Axe provides ONLY damage, so it should better bring it.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > > > >

> > > > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> > > >

> > > > Heyo,

> > > > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.

> > >

> > > I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty kitten bad for PvE.

> > >

> > > Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:

> > >

> > > 1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

> > > 2) Remove self-root from Flurry

> >

> > while at it look at hundred blades and compare it with axe 5


> Nah. Hundred Blades shouldn't be as good as Axe 5. GS isn't supposed to be as strong as Axe, because it has mobility. Off-hand Axe provides ONLY damage, so it should better bring it.


yea super mobile, standing in place swinging my sword with dmg that unrewarding that a guard can rezz a downed one more than a full zerker warr does

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > > > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> > > > >

> > > > > Heyo,

> > > > > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.

> > > >

> > > > I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty kitten bad for PvE.

> > > >

> > > > Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:

> > > >

> > > > 1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

> > > > 2) Remove self-root from Flurry

> > >

> > > while at it look at hundred blades and compare it with axe 5

> >

> > Nah. Hundred Blades shouldn't be as good as Axe 5. GS isn't supposed to be as strong as Axe, because it has mobility. Off-hand Axe provides ONLY damage, so it should better bring it.


> yea super mobile, standing in place swinging my sword with dmg that unrewarding that a guard can rezz a downed one more than a full zerker warr does


It has GS3 and GS5 though...

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > > > > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > > > > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Heyo,

> > > > > > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.

> > > > >

> > > > > I really enjoyed some of the changes you made, Karl. Like buffing Defiant Stance, buffing Warhorn and making it viable. But I have to wonder, why was Peak Performance and Attacker's Insight nerfed? The changes were good for WvW warriors, and pretty kitten bad for PvE.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, do you think in the next patch you could look at doing these things, if you agree they're reasonable:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) Remove aftercasts from Eviscerate and Kick

> > > > > 2) Remove self-root from Flurry

> > > >

> > > > while at it look at hundred blades and compare it with axe 5

> > >

> > > Nah. Hundred Blades shouldn't be as good as Axe 5. GS isn't supposed to be as strong as Axe, because it has mobility. Off-hand Axe provides ONLY damage, so it should better bring it.

> >

> > yea super mobile, standing in place swinging my sword with dmg that unrewarding that a guard can rezz a downed one more than a full zerker warr does


> It has GS3 and GS5 though...


which was good mobility back in vanilla and maybe hot, many things changed and other classes have gotten alot more mobile

also more stunbreaks have gotten into the game so its hard to setup a stun to then hundred blades onto

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> @"Jzaku.9765" said:

> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > I appreciate the sword changes. It's almost like they read the topic I posted a couple months ago.

> > >

> > > (psa: spellbreaker+flurry is even more bugged now)

> >

> > Heyo,

> > We're currently tracking issues with Flurry that have been reported (the [bug section](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47416/flurry-when-used-with-spellbreaker-is-missing-buffs-from-two-patches "bug section") of the forums is pretty great, thanks for the report), as well as the Final Thrust bleeding not being affected by Blademaster in the Arms line.


> Could you give the reasoning behind the heavy handed (pve/raid) power warrior nerfs to both peak performance and attacker's insight?

> If you were running off the Snowcrows benchmarks I sincerely hope you're aware that those aren't realistic for dagger 4 to 100% hit a non-attacking target.


> Power Spellbreaker might not have had a piano rotation but it has to upkeep 3 different buffs through consistent gameplay to maintain it's damage modifiers, I'm baffled as to how much it got nerfed compared to Deadeye who is now top dps with a rotation of auto attacking with cnd backstab.


Agreed on the power spellbreaker nerfs. Definitely feels bad man. Its end DPS after a long rotation video will be probably close to other power classes, but its burst is so slow that it doesn't really make it worth it.


Maybe like 10-15% nerf on attackers insight and a change in Peak Performance from 5->8s could have worked. With 8s you may have been able to run a single Physical skill.

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