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Stealth on F2


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Hey guys,


Does anyone succeeded going into stealth with deadeye stolen skills ?


I tried on golems in pvp....The stealth doesn't even seems to work. I'm not even failing it since I don't get the revealed debuff......


Any tips ? It might actually really be broken though......


EDIT: I'm stupid.....I forgot the marking threshold requirement....

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The delay on F2 skill at any malice level kills the entire patch for me. Atleast make it only that way IF you gain stealth from activating it because the boon that you gained was useful beforehand but NOT all malicious strikes will give you a dps increase which is another flaw with the overall design since the revamp (edit: on second thoughts that would also clash with mercy util since you want to stack malice but still not want the cast time. Maybe just make malicious strikes gated behind the dodge roll instead of stealthing which I suggested too. It would then function like mirage cloak into ambush skills for mirage). The only upside of this patch is the extra 20% on weakening charge. Rifle still sucks. Of ALL the changes made since revamp the only one that is positive is the reduction to dagger storm cool down and weakening charge mechanics.. Its been a net nerf **masquerading** as a BUFF. I now support the crew who have suggested to REVERT ALL changes to deadeye cause after 2 patches DE has gone backwards TWICE.




Let me elaborate on the problems of the 1/4s cooldown on F2 just a little. This causes problems when playing on high ping and lag can make the ingame cast time become 3-4s and during this cast you can cancel out of it using a different skill. Not only that but a lot of times it WONT activate for some reason. Now with 2 compulsory skills subject to lag i.e. mark + stolen power it makes DE chore to play. I bought up the issue of steal being unintentionally cancelled out of since DE spec was released and the problem has only gotten worse. What are anet doing?

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> The delay on F2 skill at any malice level kills the entire patch for me. The only upside for thief the the extra 20% on weakening charge. I figure that with ALL the changes made since revamp the only one that is positive is the reduction to dagger storm cooldown. Its been a net nerf masquerading as a BUFF. I now support the crew who have suggested to REVERT ALL changes to deadeye cause after 2 patches DE has gone backwards TWICE.


Exactly. The delay is horrible. Like why do this?

It is horrible that Deadeyes mark has such a long cast time where as steal is instant. Trying to make Deadeye a little bit good by Might/Fury sharing and Anrt decides to give stolen skills a delay.... great. Killed the whole purpose of a support Deadeye for burst Might generation. It feels horrible to play now.

Back to Daredevil, never gonna go back to Deadeye again I guess - They try to make it better, they make some things better but always do other things even worse (just why add a cast time on stolen skills...) Rip support thief.


Guess we thiefs are doomed to be selfish dps players with mediocore dps.

Let's see if Weakening Charge dmg makes for something up...

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the only purpose the delay has is to prevent what they did with silent scope, I'm sure many of you will be more annoyed by getting revealed when using the stolen skill than what we have now.

I think this change is really good for non-rifle builds and it's also good for rifle itself since you don't depend in the dodge that much to get stealth, yes the delay is annoying but what can you expect when every freaking ability in the deadeye has a cast time.

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> @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> the only purpose the delay has is to prevent what they did with silent scope, I'm sure many of you will be more annoyed by getting revealed when using the stolen skill than what we have now.

> I think this change is really good for non-rifle builds and it's also good for rifle itself since you don't depend in the dodge that much to get stealth, yes the delay is annoying but what can you expect when every freaking ability in the deadeye has a cast time.


Not having the cast time on the Stolen item was the one reactive clutch move and the one skill for rifle DE that we knew wouldn't get bogged down in lag inertia. We didn't depend on dodge before the two changes.

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The cast time on F2 is probably to prevent insta-stealth -> MBS combo at 5+ malice, which would land absurd damage with no windup. You could do a weaker version of it before with Blinding Powder -> (M)BS, but that came with a 40s CD, which in most cases meant it wasn't worthwhile.


That's not to say dagger MH would have been broken if F2 remained instacast. But I'm guessing ANet didn't want to leave this as a balancing landmine to be stepped on later.

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I have to update this. While I am still annoyed as hell about some changes after trying some stuff I have to say and admit some of the changes are quite good. The stealth on stolen skills opens up some utility slots to get better stealth access (non rifle builds). The dmg "nerf" from 10% flat to a 2% multiplied by conditions on the target semed very bad. I still think this is bad for solo play or group play with little to no conditions. Considering a raid scenario this is a buff. You can get about 20% dmg now (with 10 conditions on the target) or even more.

The kneeling feels really smooth now and also that "uselsess" skill with missle defense is also fast applied and can be used for combos (a little bit better).


The Weakening Charge dmg is actually huge. There is now a greater gap between the dmg of your auto attacks vs. Weakening Charge. That helps Daredevil to keep up with the dmg but Deadeye put now some serious dmg numbers on the table.


It seems the devs are kinda trying to put Thief in THE dps slot - if this is really the case then this is good. Thiefs lack group support by far compared to other classes so buff the one and only thing we can do for the team - dmg.


I will test some more stuff, try different builds and have to see how it works out. Guess judging too fast is always the wrong thing to do.


PS: Put some unrealistic buffs on me and debuffs/conditions on the training boss mob and got a 43k DJ shot. Yes this will never happen in real play but it is still nice to see these numbers. I think this could even get higher since I still missed some buffs, food etc.

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