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Inventory Wars 2

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The more I play the game, the more I'm facing my toughest challenge yet: inventory wars! Right now I have 5 20-slot bags, so I do have a little room to expand, but I'm honestly not sure how much it would help. I've got 20 slots reserved for alternate gear so I can swap between condi/power builds, I've got silverwaste keys/shovels/maps, I've got ley-anomoly finders and seekers and trinkets and baubles galore! I've got teleport to friend, black lion merchants and tickets, gold fractal tickets and black lion chests! There's bloodstone batteries, and energy crystals, and bloodstone dust pouring out of my ears! There's ornate rusted keys and regular rusted keys, and ascended salvage kits too! Fractal encryptions and boom boxes, ley-matter converters and harvesting sickles! Tomes of knowledge and writs of experience!


I typically have 60-70 out of my 93 slots full at any given time, along with an essentially full bank and 3 alts with full inventories. Almost all of it is comprised of these "one-off" items that are useful, but not "that" useful. Things like the ley-anomoly finder, or teleport to friend...I don't really want to destroy them since I will definitely use them, but I don't exactly use them all that frequently. This makes things like raids/fractals a pain sometimes. While my group is rushing to the next boss, I'm spending 5min salvaging all the drops and trying to destroy the sigils one by one to make more room! I cringe when I get the monthly Black Lion rewards, since I know it's one more thing I'm probably going to have to delete to save space.


Does anyone have any advice? Should I just do a mass-destroy of all of these items clogging my space? My only worry is that some day I'll probably regret it. I did the same with empreal crystals recently, and had to farm them for 2 weeks when I wanted to craft some new ascended weapons. Some of those items, such as gold fractal tickets, are a little more rare and can't be obtained as easily if I destroy them.

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The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.


and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.


> and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.


The key I meant is the key of greater nightmares, which isn't counted as a currency. I have considered a bank expansion, but it's sooo many gems, and there are so many other things I want that are less expensive. I'll buy it if the frustration outweighs my desire for the lute or griffon mount!

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> @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.

> >

> > and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.


> The key I meant is the key of greater nightmares, which isn't counted as a currency. I have considered a bank expansion, but it's sooo many gems, and there are so many other things I want that are less expensive. I'll buy it if the frustration outweighs my desire for the lute or griffon mount!


How many slots come with a bank tab expansion? Is it the same number of slots as the regular tab? My bank is super-small, so I'd rather buy the 6th inventory slot over a bank tab if its the same size.

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> @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.

> > >

> > > and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.

> >

> > The key I meant is the key of greater nightmares, which isn't counted as a currency. I have considered a bank expansion, but it's sooo many gems, and there are so many other things I want that are less expensive. I'll buy it if the frustration outweighs my desire for the lute or griffon mount!


> How many slots come with a bank tab expansion? Is it the same number of slots as the regular tab? My bank is super-small, so I'd rather buy the 6th inventory slot over a bank tab if its the same size


its one extra tab in the bank, but if you have all your hcaracters slots maxed out and need more


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.

> > > >

> > > > and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.

> > >

> > > The key I meant is the key of greater nightmares, which isn't counted as a currency. I have considered a bank expansion, but it's sooo many gems, and there are so many other things I want that are less expensive. I'll buy it if the frustration outweighs my desire for the lute or griffon mount!

> >

> > How many slots come with a bank tab expansion? Is it the same number of slots as the regular tab? My bank is super-small, so I'd rather buy the 6th inventory slot over a bank tab if its the same size


> its one extra tab in the bank, but if you have all your hcaracters slots maxed out and need more



What does a tab mean? Right now I have 3 rows with 9 slots each. Is a new tab an extra 9 slots (aka 1 row)? Or is it an additional 27 slots, aka double what the initial bank is?

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> @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > > > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

> > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > The Silverwastes keys can be stored in the players currency bank.

> > > > >

> > > > > and honestly you may want to look into expanding your bank a little? I have no real issues storing all the stuff i need in the bank and it includes most of the items you listed up there.

> > > >

> > > > The key I meant is the key of greater nightmares, which isn't counted as a currency. I have considered a bank expansion, but it's sooo many gems, and there are so many other things I want that are less expensive. I'll buy it if the frustration outweighs my desire for the lute or griffon mount!

> > >

> > > How many slots come with a bank tab expansion? Is it the same number of slots as the regular tab? My bank is super-small, so I'd rather buy the 6th inventory slot over a bank tab if its the same size

> >

> > its one extra tab in the bank, but if you have all your hcaracters slots maxed out and need more

> >


> What does a tab mean? Right now I have 3 rows with 9 slots each. Is a new tab an extra 9 slots (aka 1 row)? Or is it an additional 27 slots, aka double what the initial bank is?




Best way i can explain!

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There are many ways to expand storage, if desired:


Bank Tabs, up to 17 now, I believe

Additional Bag Slots, per character

Larger Bags, up to 32 slots

Additional Character Slots, as mules

Material Storage Expansions, up to 2000, I believe

Shared Inventory Slots, up to 21 slots

Guild Banks

(and some use the Trading Post as storage)


Good luck.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> You have to let some of the things go.. or buy inventory expansions ;)


> I bought some bank tabs and I am glad I did. I have all my sigils and runes, crafting items and some trinkets + all black lion items daiily log in gives me.


character slots are cheaper though

1 bag slot = 400 gems

1 bank tab = 600 gems

1 character slot = 800 gems, gives you 5 bag slots


dont forget you can get it cheaper when on special

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > You have to let some of the things go.. or buy inventory expansions ;)

> >

> > I bought some bank tabs and I am glad I did. I have all my sigils and runes, crafting items and some trinkets + all black lion items daiily log in gives me.


> character slots are cheaper though

> 1 bag slot = 400 gems

> 1 bank tab = 600 gems

> 1 character slot = 800 gems, gives you 5 bag slots


> dont forget you can get it cheaper when on special


A bag slot, a bank tab and a mule character are far from exchangeable in practical use. They each fill their own niche in storage.


I'd never use a mule for stuff I get/need every day - far too much hassle relogging all the time. Mules are for *long term* storage, like crafting materials you're saving for an upcoming project.

Also, remember that vendors and crafting can use items in bank but not on alts.



When finding yourself short on inventory space, first look over

**What do I actually need to keep *on* the character?**

* You don't need to keep space for materials - if material storage is full either process, sell or destroy. *Look into what it's for* if that's not obvious.

* The gizmos telling you when something spawns - are you working on whatever those are for? If not, why keep them in inventory? Bank or mule!

* Black Lion Tickets, Gold Fractal Relics etc - these definitely don't need to be on a character - to the bank with them!

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The vast majority of "inventory wars" can be "won" by getting rid of stuff. People have a tendency to hoard more than they realize. Increasing capacity alleviates the symptoms, but not the underlying issues... and for some people, it can cause more problems, because now you have to keep track of where stuff is stored.


GW2 Timer has a great tool that sorts items across all characters and groups them by inventory management categories: stuff to salvage, bags that can be opened, foods, consumables, skins to use (or discard), recipes (use or discard), guild decorations, and so on. It's about 80% as effective as having a personal mentor to walk you through sorting things out.



(requires an API key from [here](https://account.arena.net/applications); directions are on gw2 timer's website, too)

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Bank tabs, Inventory slots and storage expanders are some of the most useful items you can find on the gemshop. I have bought some of them and never regretted it for a second. So if you have some money to spend on the game, think about investing it in inventory space rather than a skin that you might lose interest in a few weeks later.

A skin is for the moment, inventory space lasts forever. ;)

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> I typically have 60-70 out of my 93 slots full at any given time, along with an essentially full bank and 3 alts with full inventories.


I always wonder how people do this. Do you guys keep every crap item? I've been playing since beta and here's a pic of my main's inventory, my bank tabs and my only banker alt, lol. Nothing I hate more than a messy invo. :D In fact, I have to organize my banker's, the order of the items annoys me. x_x


![](https://i.imgur.com/laJA7xn.jpg "")

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I think alot of us hang onto our stuff simply for the reason that we might (one day) use it again.... however I find that (all too often) thats not the case & it ends up collecting dust in the bank vault. Best advice (that I personally can offer) is only scrap things if they are easily replace-able, otherwise keep them....

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> i had until recently been holding onto every lore book we've received because...


> One day we might get that QOL bookshelf in our home instance so we can store them and read them whenever.


I did that until ... I don't remember the exact festival or update, but I just got tired of trying to store it all. So now my fingers are crossed that if we have an achievement/skin, any bookshelf will also get the relevant tomes added. (And if not, then... sigh. But in the meantime, inventory management is so much easier, it will be worth it.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > i had until recently been holding onto every lore book we've received because...

> >

> > One day we might get that QOL bookshelf in our home instance so we can store them and read them whenever.


> I did that until ... I don't remember the exact festival or update, but I just got tired of trying to store it all. So now my fingers are crossed that if we have an achievement/skin, any bookshelf will also get the relevant tomes added. (And if not, then... sigh. But in the meantime, inventory management is so much easier, it will be worth it.)


I had to do the same. Still, I mostly have my bank filled, and my inventory is at 180/260. Every time I get more space, it seems to get occupied by more things.

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