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Counter to Winds of Disenchament?


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> @apharma.3741 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > gear matters a lot actually. =) thats why a few good guys can beat many.

> >

> > skills being similar.


> It matters up to a point, no amount of toughness and vitality gear will save you if you get stuck in an enemy push no matter which way you cut it. Only an invuln or stab+resistance will get you out of that which won’t because WoD completely negates it leaving stunbreak and invuln.


> I know the response people will say in a snark fashion “don’t get caught in an enemy push hur durr” but it’s not so easy if you get stripped by a scourge, even worse if you are TheMightyTeapot and get com focused with full boon strip, moa, pull etc. Let’s be clear here, PoF massively increased the boon strip and when most 30-50 man groups are 40% scourges that’s an aweful lot of corrupts.


stat matters per composition but will be efficient if in the hands of a decent player to bring out the effect caused =)


unfortunately guard scourge pirate ship is the meta. hehe.


we join them if we cant beat them. all dire set here we go

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > @apharma.3741 said:

> > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > gear matters a lot actually. =) thats why a few good guys can beat many.

> > >

> > > skills being similar.

> >

> > It matters up to a point, no amount of toughness and vitality gear will save you if you get stuck in an enemy push no matter which way you cut it. Only an invuln or stab+resistance will get you out of that which won’t because WoD completely negates it leaving stunbreak and invuln.

> >

> > I know the response people will say in a snark fashion “don’t get caught in an enemy push hur durr” but it’s not so easy if you get stripped by a scourge, even worse if you are TheMightyTeapot and get com focused with full boon strip, moa, pull etc. Let’s be clear here, PoF massively increased the boon strip and when most 30-50 man groups are 40% scourges that’s an aweful lot of corrupts.


> stat matters per composition but will be efficient if in the hands of a decent player to bring out the effect caused =)


> unfortunately guard scourge pirate ship is the meta. hehe.


> we join them if we cant beat them. all dire set here we go


Show us how you can dodge out of an unsuspected wod in a 30v30 clash . As long as the as the enemy has more numbers and uses SB the other lower numbered squad will get crushed in most cases, or wipe out enough for the of them for a full re grp. I have seen 20 person guild grps get rekt in seconds vs organized pug blobs which can be dome before POF, but nothing like now) when 3 or 4 of there's are dropped on them, it isn't even funny

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Not much counter to it tbh. If you push in, even if fake push, it wouldn't force them to cast it. Even if they do cast it, it has a casting time thus they can cancel it. The most you can do is movements or positioning but if you gonna push into tight space, you have to be prepared to lose people who get caught by CC due to lost of stabs in the dome. The best you can do to push into tight space is to bait their bombs so they have less bombs to use for the golden dome.

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I'm still hoping it leads to a more radical rethink of the blob strategy, which exists solely because of support range and aoe cap.


I appreciate the disruptive nature of the skill, and hope that it supports more spread out play (e.g. cloud, dispersed squads) and that it creates more opportunities for under utilized classes in large scale play (e.g. rangers, engis, and teefs).


Large scale isn't where I spend most of my time (less than 5%), but it sure would be nice to see a major shakeup from the usual mode of wvw combat.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > @apharma.3741 said:

> > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > > gear matters a lot actually. =) thats why a few good guys can beat many.

> > > >

> > > > skills being similar.

> > >

> > > It matters up to a point, no amount of toughness and vitality gear will save you if you get stuck in an enemy push no matter which way you cut it. Only an invuln or stab+resistance will get you out of that which won’t because WoD completely negates it leaving stunbreak and invuln.

> > >

> > > I know the response people will say in a snark fashion “don’t get caught in an enemy push hur durr” but it’s not so easy if you get stripped by a scourge, even worse if you are TheMightyTeapot and get com focused with full boon strip, moa, pull etc. Let’s be clear here, PoF massively increased the boon strip and when most 30-50 man groups are 40% scourges that’s an aweful lot of corrupts.

> >

> > stat matters per composition but will be efficient if in the hands of a decent player to bring out the effect caused =)

> >

> > unfortunately guard scourge pirate ship is the meta. hehe.

> >

> > we join them if we cant beat them. all dire set here we go


> Show us how you can dodge out of an unsuspected wod in a 30v30 clash . As long as the as the enemy has more numbers and uses SB the other lower numbered squad will get crushed in most cases, or wipe out enough for the of them for a full re grp. I have seen 20 person guild grps get rekt in seconds vs organized pug blobs which can be dome before POF, but nothing like now) when 3 or 4 of there's are dropped on them, it isn't even funny


if both can bomb as one, then the unsuspecting foe dies. else, team with more condi necros wins

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> hope that it supports more spread out play (e.g. cloud, dispersed squads) and that it creates more opportunities for under utilized classes in large scale play (e.g. rangers, engis, and teefs).


Actually the opposite happens. Players will simply avoid the open field areas which are necessary for a more spread out play and favor trying to bait players into chokes because it is more difficult to get players caught in this bubble in the open. As for rangers, engis, and thieves, the skill absorbs projectiles too.

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> @Chaba.5410 said:

> > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > hope that it supports more spread out play (e.g. cloud, dispersed squads) and that it creates more opportunities for under utilized classes in large scale play (e.g. rangers, engis, and teefs).


> Actually the opposite happens. Players will simply avoid the open field areas which are necessary for a more spread out play and favor trying to bait players into chokes because it is more difficult to get players caught in this bubble in the open. As for rangers, engis, and thieves, the skill absorbs projectiles too.


Oh man, the hurts.... :(


In terms of an expanded role for rangers and the like, I was thinking more if WoD made people spread out. Sorry to hear they just hide in chokes now.

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One or a combination of these would help:

* Reduce the bubble radius to 300 or 240. This way it is still useful and promotes skillful play;

* Reduce the number of affected targets from 10 to 5;

* Reduce the bubble duration;

* Increase the interval of pulses from 0.5 to 1s or 2s;

* Increase its cooldown to 120s.

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Just don't stand in it!


You lose one boon every 1/2 second. It's not like it instantly rips all your boons off. Just Full reverse, You've lost 2 boons at most, reapply boons as needed. Are you just standing in it without trying to leave?


How is this even a question? Every clash there is going to be at least one, fight in yours don't fight in theirs, try to draw idiots who like to stand in them into yours. Win.


How do you counter any ground target AOE? Get the fuck out of it!

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It comes down to outplaying your enemy like it always did. You can bait them, fake-push them, one-push them in the right moment, try to-outposition them. Use the strength of your squad composition and prefered commander fighting style to your advantage. The better commander and squad will still beat the worse one. The better spellbreakers will get off the better boon strips and the better scourges will have the better bombs.

The only **real difference** to before PoF is **the mechanic to deny any boon reapplication inside of WoD**. This almost always gets your squad killed while before you might have gotten out of some terrible position when you got caught and "only" had to deal with necro well bombs. Getting pushed into a corner is now a death sentence most of the time while before you could actually use it to your advantage.

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