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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> The size of it realty hide the rng of the skill with the the large aoe your only realy hitting 180 vs 3 targets your not realty hitting the full 360.

It needs a double-dodge to get out of it that's why size matters.


> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Cast time and the root of the cast goes a long way to holding the skill back things like CR can be done on the move realty most big hitting skills that are doing 12k dmg are very much on the move skills.

Sure. But not that insane DMG MS is doin right now.


> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Ele dose its big dmg spell or its cc not both at the same time.

My intention was to point that it is a really versatile class that has always a place in WvW zergs.... Static, Unsteady Ground, Shockwave in some secs whilst the other ele goes Meteor than switch roles, GG. Needs coordination, yes.


> @"Jski.6180" said:

> If your ganking an ele it cant set up its dmg making it a pointless class. Other classe are very much able to tank hits and use dmg skills. If your ganking an ele and its not casting spell that is effecly killing the ele for the fight.

Any zerg-class wich is focused has bad times, glass-canon especially. Positioning, reflects, invulns, teleport - you have choices to do your job.


> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Pirateship-meta is only due to bad drivers and fear. If you let ranged classes set up there dmg skill then you should never be able to push in but if you dont let them set up then they are nothing.

Lulz. Or, at least, I disagree. This would mean no choke-fights at all, if you cannot get the enemy zerg by surprise the only possibility left is portalbombing. Doing 10 fake pushes to make enemy eles wast all their MS takes a bit too long.... and if a minimum organized they can upkeep it. "Setting up" the ranged DMG doesn't take ages.



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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > > how can people possibly be defending 10k damage per meteor...this skill is literally better than siege equipment

> >

> > Siege has no cooldown, MS has 24. Rev hammer skills are much quicker, do same damage, on much lower cd and a lot harder to avoid. The only advantage that MS has over rev skills is aoe and hitting multiple times, but that aoe is pretty easy to avoid.

> >

> > 15-20k on every hit is unacceptable, but 10k is expected from such skill.


> no its not expected, cause its about to be brought down 60%


It will just go to it's pre-bugged state, which was hitting for 10k+ here and there.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > Ele has no survivability


> You lost me after that. Good yoke m8. How is mistform, blink, downsteadmistform.... no survivability. Good eles where first in dps meter before the meteor bug. Maybe you have to tryhard more and put some effort to do dmg and not just rely on one skill.


Seems like you’re unaware of the recent nerfs to ele, meteor bug was introduced at the same time so it’s kinda made up for that. Nerf to traits and lava font hurt ele pretty bad but it hasn’t really sunk in yet because meteor is so busted


And yea they have no surviveability, marauder armor gets you a solid 14k hp, get farted on and you’re dead...you can have surviveability or damage on ele, not both. Don’t get me wrong the utility skills definitely help but mistform is only good if you don’t get oneshot



Meteor needs to get fixed, it’s game breaking...but ele is going to be bad after it is. Scourge and hammer rev will do the same damage easier with more utility and surviveability



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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > The size of it realty hide the rng of the skill with the the large aoe your only realy hitting 180 vs 3 targets your not realty hitting the full 360.

> It needs a double-dodge to get out of it that's why size matters.


If you need to go right though it sure but that the point of staff AoE control. For a given amount of time you should not want to be in its aoe.


> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Cast time and the root of the cast goes a long way to holding the skill back things like CR can be done on the move realty most big hitting skills that are doing 12k dmg are very much on the move skills.

> Sure. But not that insane DMG MS is doin right now.


Right it is too much atm but 10k is ok to do. Any thing above 12k ish is too much for any skill in the game but say kill shot.

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Ele dose its big dmg spell or its cc not both at the same time.

> My intention was to point that it is a really versatile class that has always a place in WvW zergs.... Static, Unsteady Ground, Shockwave in some secs whilst the other ele goes Meteor than switch roles, GG. Needs coordination, yes.


Its very important to say if your able to attk or use cc at diffrent times its very much part of the balncing of big skills like MS.

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > If your ganking an ele it cant set up its dmg making it a pointless class. Other classe are very much able to tank hits and use dmg skills. If your ganking an ele and its not casting spell that is effecly killing the ele for the fight.

> Any zerg-class wich is focused has bad times, glass-canon especially. Positioning, reflects, invulns, teleport - you have choices to do your job.


No just ele has a hard time with it becuse its def skills are active def not passive def. If your attking any other class in the game they can tank though the hits and keep puting out there dmg ele must give up any type of offsite to live.

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Pirateship-meta is only due to bad drivers and fear. If you let ranged classes set up there dmg skill then you should never be able to push in but if you dont let them set up then they are nothing.

> Lulz. Or, at least, I disagree. This would mean no choke-fights at all, if you cannot get the enemy zerg by surprise the only possibility left is portalbombing. Doing 10 fake pushes to make enemy eles wast all their MS takes a bit too long.... and if a minimum organized they can upkeep it. "Setting up" the ranged DMG doesn't take ages.


Not choke but inv blocks stone bro stab resistances there are countless dmg mitigation in this game and MS is one of the most easily stopped in the game. Ele has no unblockable real dmg skills and no means to make there skills unblockable and that means a lot.




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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > Ele has no survivability


> You lost me after that. Good yoke m8. How is mistform, blink, downsteadmistform.... no survivability. Good eles where first in dps meter before the meteor bug. Maybe you have to tryhard more and put some effort to do dmg and not just rely on one skill.


you lost me m8- just wait for ele to burn through all get-aways then immob/ poison them- dead ele

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > Ele has no survivability


> You lost me after that. Good yoke m8. How is mistform, blink, downsteadmistform.... no survivability. Good eles where first in dps meter before the meteor bug. Maybe you have to tryhard more and put some effort to do dmg and not just rely on one skill.


... What am I reading?



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That MS is totally game breaking ! But remember that not the entire area is covered at all time... I mean there's a random meteor location every 025 sec.


WHile now it's preztty stupid since you get 1 hit ... once it will be nerfed it will be really bad especially if you need 3- 4 -5 meteor to go down and that they reduced dmg every time you get hit. While necros can tp bomb on target and make 5 ppl down instant .

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The meteors wars is a meme now. However truth be told, the damage reduction on their staff (which is their only long range weapon since ele is squishy AF) is a shit ton especially since it will probably render ele DPS useless on staff but I cannot foresee the future. But I gotta say it's always funny to see a noob try to face tank with a staff.

Meteor shower is their only large AoE that is totally avoidable and has a long channel time. Anet designed the game in a way that makes players demand the highest DPS. & what can ele do best? nothing beyond DPS. They have crap heal and decent sustain but only for themselves they're out sustained by FB and Scrapper as a whole. Anet is real good at breaking things, not so much at fixing. I swear they're just reading and bending their game around what reddit tells them to do.

Ele nerfs are almost unnoticed due to the meteor bug - once they fix it, they'll become more obvious. I have a full asc zerk ele with infusions and lava font might hit for 2k with out might and fury - it's best use is to place underneath you and use arcane brilliance to blast it to give yourself might. Meteor shower? Will literally become meteor sprinkle. You either take a risk and go DPS with 14k health w/marauder gear on ele or bunker - you cannot have both. You either do damage or you're hitting like a noodle and your sustain isn't even measurable. Ele after the meteor fix will be a glass cannon without the cannon part.


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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > > Ele has no survivability

> >

> > You lost me after that. Good yoke m8. How is mistform, blink, downsteadmistform.... no survivability. Good eles where first in dps meter before the meteor bug. Maybe you have to tryhard more and put some effort to do dmg and not just rely on one skill.


> you lost me m8- just wait for ele to burn through all get-aways then immob/ poison them- dead ele


Do you expect to be imortal?

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high risk, high reward.


Mesmer: no risk, high reward

Thief: no risk, high reward

Warrior: no risk, medium reward

Rev: medium risk, high reward


Ele: High risk, until the meteor 'bug' low reward. With bug: high reward.


so from those 5 the only class actually balanced is staff weaver WITH the bug.


If you want to nerf MS. Fine.


But make scourges not able to move when they do their corruption/shade stuff. Remove deadeyes stealth, Warriors perma blocks&invul and Mesmers stealth&evade&blink chains first.


Because those classes are actually broken.


If you do all that, yeah, MS is a bit overpowered. Until then: not at all.

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For a kitty's sake let's try already to make a difference between a solo staff ele (that can indeed be eaten quite easily - but hey everything depends on skill I killed some in improvised duels over the years I mained staff ele, and I am not even good) and 5+ (or ++) in a zerg when they, if positioned correctly, can do their BL job (in this case MS) without much of trouble. Cheers.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:


> Ele: High risk, until the meteor 'bug' low reward. With bug: high reward.


If by low reward you mean the sole quantity of bags you get, maybe (but seen skilled players being top DPS even in the midst of the condi-cancer). What about all the contribution to CC & heal? What about supporting the team so it can win a fight?


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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:


> > Ele: High risk, until the meteor 'bug' low reward. With bug: high reward.


> If by low reward you mean the sole quantity of bags you get, maybe (but seen skilled players being top DPS even in the midst of the condi-cancer). What about all the contribution to CC & heal? What about supporting the team so it can win a fight?



What class dose not have heals or cc agen?

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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:


> > What class dose not have heals or cc agen?


> What 1200 ranged class have access to all the hard/soft CC, waterfields and blasts that often than a staff ele?


Mesmer has pull (1500 range) and multi cc with grav well. Necro has fear, cripple and chill at ~1100 range on average. Rev has chill and knock down with hammer skills at 1200. Guard has line and f1 pull (a bit lower range, but high enough).


Water fields arent even blasted and they heal for 1300, which is lower than any FB heal, mesmer's mantra or scourge's barrier. Not to mention that water 3 is never casted on weaver. With same logic you can say that rev can always equip ventari and heal allies, provide cleanses and reflects.


Staff ele has 2 blasts which are often used as dps. Earth blast is so slow that fields disappear before blast even goes off.

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> @"steki.1478" said:


> Mesmer has pull (1500 range) and multi cc with grav well. Necro has fear, cripple and chill at ~1100 range on average. Rev has chill and knock down with hammer skills at 1200. Guard has line and f1 pull (a bit lower range, but high enough).

You mention different classes to do different jobs when a staff ele, rotating, can do all of these or same kind (well not the pulls :D ) Chill, cripple, stun, knockback, line, immob.... what else ya need?


> Water fields arent even blasted and they heal for 1300, which is lower than any FB heal, mesmer's mantra or scourge's barrier. Not to mention that water 3 is never casted on weaver. With same logic you can say that rev can always equip ventari and heal allies, provide cleanses and reflects.

The heal on a blast of a WF depends on the Healing Power of the dude(s) who blast it. YW for the info.


> Staff ele has 2 blasts which are often used as dps. Earth blast is so slow that fields disappear before blast even goes off.

yay know your stuff... Earth2, Water2, THAN you put a field and get double blast (managin' to do that even with clickin' skills soooo.. yeah). But the Blast Finishers have to be put before the field since, hmmmm, ever if I remember well. If you just spam your stuff in a nobrain mode sure you won't have it when needed, sorry...


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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:


> > Mesmer has pull (1500 range) and multi cc with grav well. Necro has fear, cripple and chill at ~1100 range on average. Rev has chill and knock down with hammer skills at 1200. Guard has line and f1 pull (a bit lower range, but high enough).

> You mention different classes to do different jobs when a staff ele, rotating, can do all of these (well not the pulls :D )


> > Water fields arent even blasted and they heal for 1300, which is lower than any FB heal, mesmer's mantra or scourge's barrier. Not to mention that water 3 is never casted on weaver. With same logic you can say that rev can always equip ventari and heal allies, provide cleanses and reflects.

> The heal on a blast of a WF depends on the Healing Power of the dude(s) who blast it. YW for the info.


> > Staff ele has 2 blasts which are often used as dps. Earth blast is so slow that fields disappear before blast even goes off.

> yay know your stuff... Earth2, Water2, THAN you put a field and get double blast (managin' to do that even with clickin' skills soooo.. yeah). But the Blast Finishers have to be put before the field since, hmmmm, ever if I remember well.



lmao if ele is that versatile why aren't all the zergs running 100% eles. I mean you get big dps + heals + ccs, all aoes, all from one profession if you just learn your rotations and combo fields. Can stack and blast might & fury & not to mention ez access to boons by just swapping attunemnts! Who needs firebrands scourges and mesmers am i right?

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:


> lmao if ele is that versatile why aren't all the zergs running 100% eles. I mean you get big dps + heals + ccs, all aoes, all from one profession if you just learn your rotations and combo fields. Can stack and blast might & fury & not to mention ez access to boons by just swapping attunemnts! Who needs firebrands scourges and mesmers am i right?


Good question, indeed!!!!!

Maybe because they are good in a role not on all. BL support. Noo boonrips/corrupts, no sustain to push (auramancer was nice tho as auras cannot be corrupted just as Dwarf but the main thing was heal/cleanse which is taken by Fb now). Perfect to pirateship. So yeah they are still versatile and most fun to play I ever had on a class - the only issue is this MS bug which is a BIT broken atm.


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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:


> > What class dose not have heals or cc agen?


> What 1200 ranged class have access to all the hard/soft CC, waterfields and blasts that often than a staff ele?


Is waterfield even a point of balancing at this point in the game?

Ele dose not have all the hard and soft cc in the game.


Gurd, and ranger i am not sure about the others.


Eng has a lot as well.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:


> Is waterfield even a point of balancing at this point in the game?

Hmmm... always handy. But hey, ask your guards stuck in Tome another-than-2 on a fast regroup, or your BL buddies caught out of position.

> Ele dose not have all the hard and soft cc in the game.

YEAH NEEDS KNOCKDOWNS ALSO!!! Yay it has enough to contribute a lot to the fight.

> Gurd, and ranger i am not sure about the others.

Multiclass then a bit and come back to the discussion later.



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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:


> > Is waterfield even a point of balancing at this point in the game?

> Hmmm... always handy. But hey, ask your guards stuck in Tome another-than-2 on a regroup.

Its not that usefull if ppl are not using blast just the passive water field effect not that good eng clear light field is far better.

> > Ele dose not have all the hard and soft cc in the game.

> YEAH NEEDS KNOCKDOWNS ALSO!!! Yay it has enough to contribute a lot to the fight.

No fear no slow no boon hate.

> > Gurd, and ranger i am not sure about the others.

> Multiclass then a bit and come back to the discussion later.


These classes have cc and your water field that you asked for as well as eng.




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> @"Jski.6180" said:


> These classes have cc and your water field that you asked for as well as eng.

Are. They. Doing. It. With. A. 1200. Range. ? Since when do they have all the CCs staff Ele has, on multiple targets?

Mate, I stop here arguing with you because either 1-your knowledge lacks a bit or, 2-you're just lobbying for something. Both ways it's pointless.


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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:


> > These classes have cc and your water field that you asked for as well as eng.

> Are. They. Doing. It. With. A. 1200. Range. ? Since when do they have all the CCs staff Ele has, on multiple targets?

> Mate, I stop here arguing with you because either 1-your knowledge lacks a bit or, 2-you're just lobbying for something. Both ways it's pointless.



Yes some of them but ele not doing all of these at 1200 ranged. Where the ele boon hate where ele fear where ele slow where ele unblockable dmg where ele quickness where ele resistances where ele tanklyness where ele support stab or any support strong boon. Where ele hidden attk that do not make rings and are hard to see at all points of the game. Where ele revial where ele stealth. Where ele fexabitly of skills melee vs ranged. Where ele blocks real blocks not 3 hit blocks.


Your argument is because ele can do thing at a ranged on one of its wepon means its the end all be all class in the game? Its silly at best if that was the case every one would be playing the ele class in wvw and there was a major fall off after scorge hit the game and there going to be a big fall off once MS is fixed.


Fields are not good in the game any more and should not be looked at as point of balancing. Most ppl do not blast leap etc.. as skills are far better and much easier to used.


There significance more valuable on melee skills that strip boons then any 1,200 ranged soft or hard cc with all the counter effects in the game to do with such things. One stack of stab stirp not going to cut it at any ranged but a full boon strip at 300 ranged will.

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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:


> > Mesmer has pull (1500 range) and multi cc with grav well. Necro has fear, cripple and chill at ~1100 range on average. Rev has chill and knock down with hammer skills at 1200. Guard has line and f1 pull (a bit lower range, but high enough).

> You mention different classes to do different jobs when a staff ele, rotating, can do all of these or same kind (well not the pulls :D ) Chill, cripple, stun, knockback, line, immob.... what else ya need?


> > Water fields arent even blasted and they heal for 1300, which is lower than any FB heal, mesmer's mantra or scourge's barrier. Not to mention that water 3 is never casted on weaver. With same logic you can say that rev can always equip ventari and heal allies, provide cleanses and reflects.

> The heal on a blast of a WF depends on the Healing Power of the dude(s) who blast it. YW for the info.


> > Staff ele has 2 blasts which are often used as dps. Earth blast is so slow that fields disappear before blast even goes off.

> yay know your stuff... Earth2, Water2, THAN you put a field and get double blast (managin' to do that even with clickin' skills soooo.. yeah). But the Blast Finishers have to be put before the field since, hmmmm, ever if I remember well. If you just spam your stuff in a nobrain mode sure you won't have it when needed, sorry...



Other classes can also do damage while providing CC (every meta class has cc from range besides warr) and heals (barriers, lifesteal). They can also cleanse more often, corrupt/generate tons of boons, apply stealth, revive fast, reduce incoming damage etc. Almost all from range (you seem to like that argument).


I know that blasting scales, but nobody generally blasts those waters besides you, and even of they do, it's either a waste of dps skill, or a waste of cast time since there's much efficient heal or better field to blast (like light, which is easier to blast as guard since you know when and where you're placing it, just like ele only blasts its own water fields).


Yes, you can precast blasts to heal for amazing 2600 hp, but you do no significant damage for 8+ seconds* because of those blasts. Necro still shares barrier (which is higher than a blast heal anyway) or cleanse on same skills that damage and corrupt enemies, with no cast time.

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