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Meteor Wars!


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Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.


With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.


Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq

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Would have been interesting to see the META adjust to the overload of weavers if this had continued. People already started to swap around a thing or two. Going to miss playing a Soulbeast solely to pick off the Weavers through their Arcane Shield if they were cocky enough to forward cast MS. Back to using Scourges and the occasional Herald as ranged Power Damage now.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.


> With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.


> Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq


That point is irrelevant in WvW since every group has Firebrands, that's your main source of stab, Scourge also gives out a load of Barrier, Scourge like every other class can dodge, Scourge can also boonrip now a good group can time these bombs well with bubbles, shades and Weavers can Drop static fields on them and then drop MS down which is still punishing to the enemy.


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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.


> With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.


> Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq


Doesn't matter. We all know we'll keep seeing stacked scourges and only the special snowflakes will run weavers.


Also you're wrong about raiding - ele is trash there with MS fix. 34k high point on burst and 29k sustained is laughable. While necros? Guess what, they're still meta on dhuum cm.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.


> With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.


> Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq


If you think necro have no use in raids you’ve clearly never raided and probably only get your information from map chat or something. Even after the epi nerf necro can still be used to cheese certain bosses albeit not as well as before. Like Feanor said, now it’s a joke 34k burst and 29k sustain and it can’t do anything else, no cc, no buffs, difficult rotation and there are better healers. Would it make any sense to use a difficult rotation to get mediocre DPS when you can just spam 1 or 2 buttons on another class and do more?

Another thing is that this game is 6 years old. If you annoy people or do stuff which upsets them by taking away something they like and not giving anything adequate in return, they’ll just go play something else which is currently the case with a lot of people. They’re woefully out of touch with reality if they still don’t know what’s going on on the ground.

Nerfs to this extent are completely unwarranted. Before this patch you could reasonably get on any class and do endgame content be it raids, fracs, WvW, PvP etc. After the patch we’re looking at classes that are completely obsolete in certain game modes. They completely botched it and took the game backwards. It reflects nothing more than poor direction and incompetence on their part. It’s a disgrace.



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Ice spike is all that there is for weaver to use now (core ele is dead at this point) that dose good dmg and cant be hard counter by most of the effects in the game. So a WATER skill that has SUPPORT blast effect is the best DMG leaver weaver confused on its roll in wvw like always. That maybe its roll being confusing or there no real aim for the class at all its just happens to be a hold over from the older devs of gw1-gw2 that anet not gotten arone to comply deleting.

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Explain to me for a moment, why a easy to use skill, at 1200 range, in a massive area, should be doing better damage than a melee skill?


Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill. That is why Meteor Shower shouldn't be doing insane damage. It has a huge range and AoE, so it is extremely easy to use and should have moderate damage.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Explain to me for a moment, why a easy to use skill, at 1200 range, in a massive area, should be doing better damage than a melee skill?


> Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill. That is why Meteor Shower shouldn't be doing insane damage. It has a huge range and AoE, so it is extremely easy to use and should have moderate damage.


Eles are standing still ready to be killed for 3 seconds casting that just go get a thief or something on them

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:


> Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill.


That was ANet's philosophy when the game released but somehow it got thrown out of the window.


As someone who has been playing soulbeast for the past weeks I can only chuckle at the comment and I imagine deadeyes are dying of laugh as well.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Explain to me for a moment, why a easy to use skill, at 1200 range, in a massive area, should be doing better damage than a melee skill?


> Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill. That is why Meteor Shower shouldn't be doing insane damage. It has a huge range and AoE, so it is extremely easy to use and should have moderate damage.


the only skills that this argument can be made are warrior's hundred blades and ele's rust frenzy as those are both channeled melee with no evade frames and i agree it make no sense for these skills to carry so much risk while not doing enough impact & that's why they are basically never used.


now if you mean melee attacks in general including fast autoattacks then I'd argue it's quite stupid how most of the fast attacks are just flat out better than channeled ones and, of all the long channeled skills, basically meteor is the only one that's worth using because it does enough damage to justify it's risk -- until you remove its damage which is what you're suggesting.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Clearly patch notes are hard to read, condi scourge lost 40% of its total damage in wvw. And power scourge is glassier than weaver by far.


> LMAO. There is *nothing* in this game glassier than weaver.


S/d is literally one of the best bunkers in the game, and it's not like all of their bunking comes from the weapon set.


2 stun break evades, block, arcane block, mistform. If you're aren't using these effectively then yes, you are glassy are should probably git gud. Every weapon set has movement abilities on it to boot aside from sc/foc, which gets straight up invulnerable instead.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.


> With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.


> Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq


ROFL. I'm sorry. I think you are using incorrect numbers there sir! MS doing 500K??? I don't think so. MAYBE 25K like SOME people claimed, but I even have my doubts about that as well. Most I think I ever saw MS do was about 10 to 12K. Certainly NOT 500K! Oh, and also NOT from 2100 Range. Try 1200.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Let me put this into perspective: a good scourge can bomb for 150k, using half the skills on their bar, by portaling into melee range. They have no evades, 1 stab, no blocks.

> >

> > With the MS bug, a new weaver in exotics could do 500k with one skill every 24s. From 2100 range with teleport. With blocks, and evades.

> >

> > Necro also can't pve raid. Ele still brings more damage. Qq


> ROFL. I'm sorry. I think you are using incorrect numbers there sir! MS doing 500K??? I don't think so. MAYBE 25K like SOME people claimed, but I even have my doubts about that as well. Most I think I ever saw MS do was about 10 to 12K. Certainly NOT 500K! Oh, and also NOT from 2100 Range. Try 1200.


They meant 500k in total. You can also use burning retreat and flash with meteors to "extend" the range.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> ...Going to miss playing a Soulbeast solely to pick off the Weavers through their Arcane Shield if they were cocky enough to forward cast MS...


I agree, Henry. My SoulB will miss having the new **Public Enemy #1** target to kill --> Ele with a Staff. :trollface:

Oh well... back to murdering Scourges. :+1:

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Explain to me for a moment, why a easy to use skill, at 1200 range, in a massive area, should be doing better damage than a melee skill?


> Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill. That is why Meteor Shower shouldn't be doing insane damage. It has a huge range and AoE, so it is extremely easy to use and should have moderate damage.


Well what your crit dmg power and crit chase?


Its fair to say that but your going to have to ask for ranged classes to have the same armor and hp and def skills as melee classes if your going that way of balancing.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > Clearly patch notes are hard to read, condi scourge lost 40% of its total damage in wvw. And power scourge is glassier than weaver by far.

> >

> > LMAO. There is *nothing* in this game glassier than weaver.


> S/d is literally one of the best bunkers in the game, and it's not like all of their bunking comes from the weapon set.


Actually it does. And nobody is talking about s/d, as it is useless in zerg fights anyway.


> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> 2 stun break evades, block, arcane block, mistform.


Yeah, no, unless ele magically has 4 utility slots. And it's not exactly like necro doesn't have stun breaks, or survivability. 50% more HP and barrier spam like there's no tomorrow. Please.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Explain to me for a moment, why a easy to use skill, at 1200 range, in a massive area, should be doing better damage than a melee skill?


> Melee should ALWAYS be better damage than range, because melee simply requires much more skill. That is why Meteor Shower shouldn't be doing insane damage. It has a huge range and AoE, so it is extremely easy to use and should have moderate damage.


Deadeyes oneshotting people are having a huge laugh right now, I bet

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Clearly patch notes are hard to read, condi scourge lost 40% of its total damage in wvw. And power scourge is glassier than weaver by far.


> LMAO. There is *nothing* in this game glassier than weaver.


That is untrue. Any class without armor (naked) is glassier that weaver.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > Clearly patch notes are hard to read, condi scourge lost 40% of its total damage in wvw. And power scourge is glassier than weaver by far.

> >

> > LMAO. There is *nothing* in this game glassier than weaver.


> That is untrue. Any class without armor (naked) is glassier that weaver.


I stand corrected. :lol:

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > Clearly patch notes are hard to read, condi scourge lost 40% of its total damage in wvw. And power scourge is glassier than weaver by far.

> > >

> > > LMAO. There is *nothing* in this game glassier than weaver.

> >

> > S/d is literally one of the best bunkers in the game, and it's not like all of their bunking comes from the weapon set.


> Actually it does. And nobody is talking about s/d, as it is useless in zerg fights anyway.


> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > 2 stun break evades, block, arcane block, mistform.


> Yeah, no, unless ele magically has 4 utility slots. And it's not exactly like necro doesn't have stun breaks, or survivability. 50% more HP and barrier spam like there's no tomorrow. Please.


Mistform, twist of fate, arcane block or lightning flash, arcane block trait, downstate vapor form.


That's 3 utilities, arcane trait, downstate. Throw in burning retreat for funsies, since a competent ele can combo it with MS to extend their range out to 1600, or 2500 with retreat+teleport. If you get focused, arcane block gets up long enough for you to finish the cast and mistform back into your melee ball. If you do go down, vapor form back to your healers. Shits not hard man.


Zerg necros run 1, or if you're bad 2, stunbreaks. No way to mitigate damage other than facetanking. If you get focused, you die. Immob? Die. Randomly dropped by 4 meteors landing in the same choke, die.


Barrier!11 is not a viable alternative to actual damage mitigation, it never has been. It's a little something on top. This is why you always focus the necros first in every pvp format. How many times have you pvped and gone for the ele first?

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The problem with meteor shower is that it only lands where people can stand. No other aoe in the game reduces it's effective area, while still maintaining all the damage, JUST because it is cast in certain places. This is what needs to be fixed.

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