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Confessor Caudecus fight is garbage

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Seriously ArenaNet, why would you put a fight like this in the game? I thought some of the other story line fights were ridiculous, but I take it back, they were nothing compared to this mess. Google it, you will see dozens of posts of people saying the exact same thing. I finally beat it, not through any skill or even luck, through simple attrition. Die, go back in take 1% or so of his health off if I was lucky, rinse and repeat for 30 to 40 minutes until he was dead.


I know some of the great defenders are going to come out and say they single shotted it, which I seriously doubt, but even so, I had a horrible time with it and will not be doing the story line on any alts simply because I do not want to have to do that fight again.

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I hated the whole White Mantle Bloodstone part of the story because of the boss fights. Hit, get cc knock down, get up, get cc knockdown, get up, get cc knockdown, hit, die, get up, get cc knockdown, get up, get cc knockdown, hit, die, get up, get cc knockdown, try to cast stability, die. It goes on for a few bosses too. :#

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Maybe some ppl should overthink their 100% dmg 0% defense stats/strategie. Yes, Pve/Story mobs can be ouchie.

It was kinda hilarious when HoT were released and ppl just couldn't kill a single non-veteran smokescale.


Yes, you can do Caudecus (and other story bosses) with full dmg gear/build, but surprise, you have to learn their mechanics then. No boss was made to be unbeatable. And if you don't want or just can't do mechanics / avoid mechanics, take some defensive utility skills or get a more defensive armor. A full soldier set will cost 5g or so and you can reuse it on other story bosses (have fun with LS4 btw).


Especially for Caudecus, on release the fight was even harder, it was nerfed a few days later. So what you loosed against was already the easy variant.


Oh and just another tipp if a story instance is too hard, don't do it alone.

You can do story instances up to 5 ppl and the difficulty doesn't scale much (does it scale at all?) so it's quiet easier the more ppl you are.

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That is insane to me to hear that it was even harder at one point. The mechanics of it seemed simple, but there were just a lot of points where no matter what you did, he was going to get you. Once my armor went, he was pretty much one shotting me within seconds of me spawning in the room.


My blood pressure has come back down to normal and I am no longer slamming my keys.


Thanks all.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> Maybe some ppl should overthink their 100% dmg 0% defense stats/strategie. Yes, Pve/Story mobs can be ouchie.

> It was kinda hilarious when HoT were released and ppl just couldn't kill a single non-veteran smokescale.


> Yes, you can do Caudecus (and other story bosses) with full dmg gear/build, but surprise, you have to learn their mechanics then. No boss was made to be unbeatable. And if you don't want or just can't do mechanics / avoid mechanics, take some defensive utility skills or get a more defensive armor. A full soldier set will cost 5g or so and you can reuse it on other story bosses (have fun with LS4 btw).


> Especially for Caudecus, on release the fight was even harder, it was nerfed a few days later. So what you loosed against was already the easy variant.


> Oh and just another tipp if a story instance is too hard, don't do it alone.

> You can do story instances up to 5 ppl and the difficulty doesn't scale much (does it scale at all?) so it's quiet easier the more ppl you are.


It's not that it was impossible, it's that I don't like those kind of fights. Good for you if you like those. I personally don't.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> But that's not the games fault.


I'm not blaming the game I'm just stating what I like or in this case dislike in the hope enough players agree and Anet makes boss fights more like the dragons fights from the original story. I'm not a fan of fights where I spend more time avoiding mechanics than fighting. They should call those Boss mechanics avoidance rather than Boss fights. But eh, if more players like those, keep them coming don't ruin everyones' fun on my account plenty of stuff in game I like.

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The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.


That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:


- not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

- have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

- have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

- lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

- lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning


So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.


Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.


> That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:


> - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning


> So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.


> Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.


if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product

luckily , i dogded this bullet...i wont even TRY to do content like this

not worth the time and effort...and certainly not the money

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

> >

> > That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:

> >

> > - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> > - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> > - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> > - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> > - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

> >

> > So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

> >

> > Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.


> if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product


Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills.



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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > But that's not the games fault.


> I'm not blaming the game I'm just stating what I like or in this case dislike in the hope enough players agree and Anet makes boss fights more like the dragons fights from the original story. I'm not a fan of fights where I spend more time avoiding mechanics than fighting. They should call those Boss mechanics avoidance rather than Boss fights. But eh, if more players like those, keep them coming don't ruin everyones' fun on my account plenty of stuff in game I like.


Making more boss fights like zhaitan?????

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Oh boy just be glad you don't have to face the eater of souls pre-nerf. For some people it made Caudecus seem like killing a skritt. But yeah boss battles are getting really unimaginative, it's just a clsuterfucc of AoE markers on the floor, spell effects going ham and 3 flippin NPC's talking at the same time (which you cannot stop to appreaciate because your brain is working on 110% to dodging the stupid mechanics).



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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

> >

> > That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:

> >

> > - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> > - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> > - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> > - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> > - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

> >

> > So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

> >

> > Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.


> if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product

> luckily , i dogded this bullet...i wont even TRY to do content like this

> not worth the time and effort...and certainly not the money


I've already explained why the fight is not well implemented. Unlike you, I can look at the fight seperate from lack of player skill and rate it based on its mechanics and design.


I personally had no issue finishing the fight without using any guides and while the fight seemed tough the first time around (pre nerf too) it was nothing new or undoable. Then again, I had fractal and raid experience and a basic understanding of my class to help me out.


Calling something bad because you lack the skill to overcome it is only valid if the actual fight is unfair or very bugged. That is simply not the case.

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has this something to do with NOT using the special action key?

if i remember correctly there was some kind of mechanic to it? a bloodstone fen mastery ability?


i can also remember fighting him on an alt account without having that said key available, which made the fight a bit harder (but i could still kite him to death with a full glass build)

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Keep moving, kite the adds, keep throwing the bloodstone shards at him until the breakbar is down(2-3 shards will do), attack him, don't miss the button prompt to press your special action key, rinse and repeat.


Yes it is one of the harder fights until you figure out the mechanics, from there it's easyy going. Did it with all my toons and its perfectly possible to beat him w/o taking a hit/going down. I'm sorry, but it's a l2p issue. We all need to l2p some times, or do ppl these days expect to be expert at everything without even trying?

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> has this something to do with NOT using the special action key?

> if i remember correctly there was some kind of mechanic to it? a bloodstone fen mastery ability?


> i can also remember fighting him on an alt account without having that said key available, which made the fight a bit harder (but i could still kite him to death with a full glass build)


If you don't use the special action key, he pounces and hurts you. If you do, he pounces and he's CCed (dazed or stunned, I can't remember). It makes a pretty big difference if you're already having a hard time, maybe even the difference between wiping multiple times and making it by the skin of your teeth.


The special action key used like it that, as it was a lot in season 3, was a terrible mechanic though. It was basically just mixing in a game of whack-a-mole with the regular GW2 fight mechanics, adding nothing worthwhile to it. It was just an extra reflex test of the most simple variety: press a button, quick!

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > has this something to do with NOT using the special action key?

> > if i remember correctly there was some kind of mechanic to it? a bloodstone fen mastery ability?

> >

> > i can also remember fighting him on an alt account without having that said key available, which made the fight a bit harder (but i could still kite him to death with a full glass build)


> If you don't use the special action key, he pounces and hurts you. If you do, he pounces and he's CCed (dazed or stunned, I can't remember). It makes a pretty big difference if you're already having a hard time, maybe even the difference between wiping multiple times and making it by the skin of your teeth.


> The special action key used like it that, as it was a lot in season 3, was a terrible mechanic though. It was basically just mixing in a game of whack-a-mole with the regular GW2 fight mechanics, adding nothing worthwhile to it. It was just an extra reflex test of the most simple variety: press a button, quick!


Well to be fair in gw2 everything boils down to pressing a button/s or do/do not stand in a circle.

i personelly like the special action key, its also an easy way for devs to impliment something fun/frustrating (or as the name suggests, special) to a figh.

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> @"Yrch.5491" said:

> That is insane to me to hear that it was even harder at one point. The mechanics of it seemed simple, but there were just a lot of points where no matter what you did, he was going to get you. Once my armor went, he was pretty much one shotting me within seconds of me spawning in the room.


> My blood pressure has come back down to normal and I am no longer slamming my keys.


> Thanks all.


But what is the problem? When you go down, you just restart with 100% life? And you don't even have to restart the fight. Just take full dps build and he goes down within a 2-3 minutes. I did it solo, went down 2-3 times I think but no big issue there. And that was even before the nerf of the boss.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

> > >

> > > That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:

> > >

> > > - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> > > - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> > > - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> > > - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> > > - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

> > >

> > > So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

> > >

> > > Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.

> >

> > if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product


> Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills.



those "uninspired bots" paid for the game, if you think they would had invested this much for a niche population , then you dont know how business works

without the casuals to fund it, this would had gone the same way as wildstar

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

> > > >

> > > > That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:

> > > >

> > > > - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> > > > - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> > > > - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> > > > - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> > > > - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

> > > >

> > > > So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

> > > >

> > > > Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.

> > >

> > > if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product

> >

> > Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills.

> >

> >

> those "uninspired bots" paid for the game, if you think they would had invested this much for a niche population , then you dont know how business works

> without the casuals to fund it, this would had gone the same way as wildstar


You give the casual player not enough credit here. You can be casual and still know your class. You can be casual and still adapt to a given situation. I like that GW2 is a very casual friendly game but that doesn't mean there can't be some kinda demanding content every now and then. A casual friendly game does not need to be like candy crush or fruit ninja to be a casual game. Casuals have dem skillz too u kno.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > The Caudecus fight is actually quite well crafted. A well played build on a player who knows what they are doing will have no issue clearing the fight.

> > > > >

> > > > > That is the main issue though. 90% of all players will:

> > > > >

> > > > > - not know what to do and are lacking or unwilling to spend the time to understand the fight (or at least read up about it online if you can't be bothered to figure it out yourself)

> > > > > - have craptastic builds or copied raid/fractal builds not understanding how to play them or adapt them to the fight

> > > > > - have been breezing through the personal story, living story and open world content without ever being exlposed to challenge

> > > > > - lack a seveer understanding of their class and game mechanics (partly because some are never explained or never needed before this fight)

> > > > > - lack understanding of visual clues about attacks and proper positioning

> > > > >

> > > > > So yes, the fight is not well implemented for a majority of the player base. It would have required a lot more build up and practice to bring casual players up to speed. The actual fight though is quite well designed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Luckily there is an ambudance of guides, videos and hints on this matter by now and the option to have people help you.

> > > >

> > > > if 90 % of the consumers have trouble with it . that would make it a BAD fight/product

> > >

> > > Problem is before HoT anet breeded the community of uninspired bots who only care about autoattacking and looting, with 0 awareness of combat mechanics or the ability to read boss animations. It's good they stepped up their game with HoT and so on but many players are too lazy to adapt. It's good Anet works on some tutorials in the background, maybe finally some people will learn how to use their skills.

> > >

> > >

> > those "uninspired bots" paid for the game, if you think they would had invested this much for a niche population , then you dont know how business works

> > without the casuals to fund it, this would had gone the same way as wildstar


> You give the casual player not enough credit here. You can be casual and still know your class. You can be casual and still adapt to a given situation. I like that GW2 is a very casual friendly game but that doesn't mean there can't be some kinda demanding content every now and then. A casual friendly game does not need to be like candy crush or fruit ninja to be a casual game. Casuals have dem skillz too u know


you are missing the point, and you are wrong too

whenever i chose to adapt and get better(if its even possible)..im not a casual anymore, since the game has MOTIVATED me to IMPROVE

that is the exact OPPOSITE of casual

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Fact is: when I see other players 90% are auto-attacking rangers with no idea how the game mechanics work. They don't know anything, even when leveled to max. A good indicator for this is the Point Blank Shot on Longbow, kicking mobs out of other's AoE attack. It just shows total ignorance towards gameplay, neglecting the most obvious and hitting all skills just on cooldown. The downfall of gaming.

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