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What could be the next expansion's mastery focus?

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I also think it's time to go underwater. Full underwater exploration, new mounts for faster movement, new allies to meet (visit a Largos city), the possibilities are great. Plus it's going to be new enough that we won't need to see old abilities, like bouncing mushrooms, updrafts and mount-specific jumps. Also, new elite specs specifically for underwater exploration/combat means we no longer have to balance the new content for old elite specs. It will be like Guild Wars 2.1

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:


> The story has had absolutely nothing at all to do with the deep sea dragon and the fact that we can't kill dragons anymore indicates that we won't be going after any more in the story any time soon.


What game are you playing, Pifil? GW 2 was based on the ELDER DRAGONS. It's been focused on the Elder Dragons up until LW S3 and even then it still frames the story around the Elder Dragons as the over-arcing plot. Bubbles is an Elder Dragon. The story has EVERYTHING to do with Bubbles and the other Elder Dragons.


So the only story we can have with the Elder Dragons is one in which we have to kill them? That's what dictates whether we can have any story about them? They ARE the story. This isn't GW 1 where the story was centered on multiple villains from different areas. This is about the far-greater threat of the Elder Dragons. It wasn't until recently that they felt the need to detour the main arc to explore lesser situations. The main story needs to be continued or completed before diverging.


> So why seek out a new dragon that doesn't threaten us at all when there are three that do (and whose minions are direct threats now).


After Kralkatorrik. Whom we should find a way to deal with by the end of LW S4's arc. The other two are inactive for the moment. Then WOOOSH!!! The seas rise! Massive tidal waves! Cities plunged underwater. Cantha reestablishes connection to the outside world. They call for aid! And with it comes... EXPANSION 3!


We didn't seek DSD out yet, but it made its first move on the world and we have to act. This is the REAL threat. Now comes a whole new experience and an answer for dealing with the Elder Dragons once and for all. Expansion 3 then closes the Elder Dragon story and rightfully opens the main storyline to the other stories of Tyria that we can NOW fully focus on. Like the Charr Homelands and other places.


> As for what's up there, charr allies, the flame legion, it's the origin of Kralkatorrik - which may be significant from the point of view of finding a way to deal with the dragons without killing them and destroying the world - and also it borders the far shiverpeaks and jormag. So charr allies threatened by two sets of dragon minions and the flame legion.


Those lands are not the origin of Kralkatorrik. They were its resting spot, nothing more. Unless it left something behind before leaving, there is no connection between Kralkatorrik and the Blood Legion Homelands. Unless of course, they make one in which we are again, following Kralk or whoever is after Kralk to another dry, mostly flat area of maps. Apparently, the Crystal Desert didn't give enough of that?



>Underwater content is neither new (it has been there since launch) nor industry changing (it's hardly the first game with underwater content, nor the first MMO).


You misunderstand. No one is claiming UW is new content in general. UW supporters are arguing that it's an untapped, unexplored part of MMORPG's that present a lot of potential. All it takes is for a truly creative, innovative, and experienced team (like Anet) to finally do what no other game has and make UW content something we can all enjoy.



> Again, the story so far has had nothing to do with either Cantha or the deep sea dragon. I appreciate that you like it but any trip to the sea to deal with some brand new threat that has literally never reared its head before is more of a detour than a trip to the North would be with its known enemies and threats.


The story has EVERYTHING to do with DSD and there are far more connections and references in the game and reasons to visit Cantha than the BLH. You may want more of the same and the Charr lands, but this is not the time for it.


Over 400 players on this forum alone desire Cantha:



Anet doesn't need any more detours, missteps, or PR failures right now. They need a WIN. Cantha and new game-changing content is a major win... if done right.


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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:


> I don't want dragon villains anymore. They need to find an original main villain.


Then finish the Elder Dragon storyline BEFORE you change direction. And find villains that are actually original.




> I don't like any kind of underwater content. I am pretty sure most players don't like it.

> Not every "change" is good. A lot of players don't like underwater content.


Then make it a good change. As long as you restrict something's potential to what it once was, it will never have the chance to be anything good. Let go of the past and envision the future or this game will never introduce anything truly new and interesting.



> They've done Elona to please the GW1 fanbase. It's time for something new. It will be a dead-land and full of Afflicted-Risen anyway.


They traveled to Elona for many reasons as they mentioned in the interviews. It was not just to please the fanbase. What do you consider new? We don't know what is going on over there which is what presents so much intriguing mystery. The Emperor locked down the continent. You don't completely lock down a continent with afflicted and non-afflicted still inside and prevent any help from the outside continents. There is more to these lands and the events of the past 250 years than just another Joko land.



> And Blood Legion Homelands aren't "random lands". The land is the base of the freaking Charr army. There are a lot of lands at North which aren't used.


They are certainly random for the current direction of the story. Kralk isn't there anymore. Even then it was just a rest stop. A very long rest stop mind you, but just a rest stop.


Yes, seeing more of the Charr army and lands would be amazing, but when the time is right or as a part of the next campaign/LW Season. Not the main location of the next campaign/LW Season.



> Why expand the map more if you haven't used the existing map fully?


Yes. Why expand the map when a far larger portion of it, being UW, hasn't been fully or even integrally used?


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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:


> What game are you playing, Pifil? GW 2 was based on the ELDER DRAGONS. It's been focused on the Elder Dragons up until LW S3 and even then it still frames the story around the Elder Dragons as the over-arcing plot. Bubbles is an Elder Dragon. The story has EVERYTHING to do with Bubbles and the other Elder Dragons.


> So the only story we can have with the Elder Dragons is one in which we have to kill them? That's what dictates whether we can have any story about them? They ARE the story. This isn't GW 1 where the story was centered on multiple villains from different areas. This is about the far-greater threat of the Elder Dragons. It wasn't until recently that they felt the need to detour the main arc to explore lesser situations. The main story needs to be continued or completed before diverging.


Yes, it's based on the ELDER DRAGONS, but we have had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Deep Sea Dragon, as in, we haven't seen a _single_ DSD minion. You want to add another, hitherto unseen, villain rather than actually deal with the threats that we currently face because the Elder Dragons are the only story that you think is worth telling? I disagree, there's been more than _just_ the Elder Dragons in the Story, the White Mantle and the Mursaat were dealt with (in an unsatisfying way, IMO), the gods have left, in many ways wrapping up the human story line. HoT was Sylvari, PoF was human, it's time for another race to have some time in the spotlight.


If we're not going to confront and kill the DSD then why enter its domain? What we've seen with Jormag and Primordus has proven that the Elder Dragon threat can be dealt with remotely, in fact Jormag was "dealt with" without us ever even seeing him. The same could happen with the DSD; the DSD problem could just as likely be "solved" as a side effect of dealing with Kralkatorrik. All 4 remaining dragons neatly wrapped up freeing us up to move onto other story lines. Who knows.


> After Kralkatorrik. Whom we should find a way to deal with by the end of LW S4's arc. The other two are inactive for the moment. Then WOOOSH!!! The seas rise! Massive tidal waves! Cities plunged underwater. Cantha reestablishes connection to the outside world. They call for aid! And with it comes... EXPANSION 3!


> We didn't seek DSD out yet, but it made its first move on the world and we have to act. This is the REAL threat. Now comes a whole new experience and an answer for dealing with the Elder Dragons once and for all. Expansion 3 then closes the Elder Dragon story and rightfully opens the main storyline to the other stories of Tyria that we can NOW fully focus on. Like the Charr Homelands and other places.


They already did the "massive tidal waves" stuff when Orr rose, I don't see them doing it a second time.


Also, you assume we will have dealt with Kralkatorrik by the end of S4, maybe we will but that's one heck of an assumption. I'd be surprised if they "finish off" a dragon outside an expansion, I'd say we'll spend the rest of the season setting up how we're going to deal with him in the next expansion, or tying up loose plot threads like in S3. We'll see.


> Those lands are not the origin of Kralkatorrik. They were its resting spot, nothing more. Unless it left something behind before leaving, there is no connection between Kralkatorrik and the Blood Legion Homelands. Unless of course, they make one in which we are again, following Kralk or whoever is after Kralk to another dry, mostly flat area of maps. Apparently, the Crystal Desert didn't give enough of that?


When I say they are the origin of Kralkatorrik I mean that's where he came from; it's where he woke up this time. We may not know of any connection but that doesn't mean there isn't one, perhaps something related to the unique resonance that binds his branded to him. The only way to find out is to go there.


Also, I don't know what game YOU were playing if you think that the Crystal Desert was flat but I think it's odd that you keep bringing up flat maps when terrain in an underwater expansion would be largely irrelevant as you simply float over it.


> You misunderstand. No one is claiming UW is new content in general. UW supporters are arguing that it's an untapped, unexplored part of MMORPG's that present a lot of potential. All it takes is for a truly creative, innovative, and experienced team (like Anet) to finally do what no other game has and make UW content something we can all enjoy.


Yeah, MMO developers have repeatedly discovered people don't tend to enjoy underwater content, given how little underwater content they've added since launch I think that ArenaNet have learned that too. I think that ArenaNet are doing a fantastic job but I don't think that there's some magical formula that the developers of WoW, DaoC, Everquest, RIFT and numerous other MMOs missed and they're going to somehow discover.


> The story has EVERYTHING to do with DSD and there are far more connections and references in the game and reasons to visit Cantha than the BLH. You may want more of the same and the Charr lands, but this is not the time for it.


> Over 400 players on this forum alone desire Cantha:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19095/so-cantha-would-you-like-to-explore-cantha-in-the-next-expansion/p1


> Anet doesn't need any more detours, missteps, or PR failures right now. They need a WIN. Cantha and new game-changing content is a major win... if done right.


Well, that's really a separate issue, isn't it? Cantha is not the Deep Sea Dragon and the Deep Sea Dragon is not Cantha, you may have mentally connected the two but it's more than possible that we can go to Cantha and not have underwater content.


There's more than enough lore and content in Cantha for an expansion on it's own without the Deep Sea Dragon being involved and the DSD is _not_ involved, after all it was _Zhaitan_ and his undead fleet that cut Tyria off from Cantha it was _not_ the DSD.


Regardless, you're obviously a huge fan of underwater content, I'm not.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:


> Yes, it's based on the ELDER DRAGONS, but we have had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Deep Sea Dragon, as in, we haven't seen a _single_ DSD minion.


How do you know we haven't seen a single DSD minion? How do you know the mysterious Largos (arguably the coolest race ever) is not one of DSD's minions? There is so much mystery surrounding Bubbles, we have no idea how much it IS already a part of or influencing the world. How much it has been factored in and effected the design of content already experienced.


> You want to add another, hitherto unseen, villain rather than actually deal with the threats that we currently face because the Elder Dragons are the only story that you think is worth telling?


YES! Absolutely. Because they are the story and are the only story worth telling and finishing right now. They were the current threats we were facing until the devs diverged. I want to see it continue and completed properly. So much of our time and story focus has been developing the Elder Dragons's story and we need to finish what we started. No more detours. Finish, then move on.



> I disagree, there's been more than _just_ the Elder Dragons in the Story, the White Mantle and the Mursaat were dealt with (in an unsatisfying way, IMO), the gods have left, in many ways wrapping up the human story line. HoT was Sylvari, PoF was human, it's time for another race to have some time in the spotlight.


There will always be more than just the ED in the game. But they should not detour the main plot. EVER. Connect other plots to it or focus on them later, otherwise, you get short, unsatisfying detours like the White Mantle/Mursaat plot and the Joko plot.


I understand that pattern of the race-focused expansions, but patterns should never be the guiding principle of a story. The natural and organic progression of the story should always be its lead. (that and the financial plan of Anet).


The Sylvari were a new race to GW 2 and are the only playable race we know of, that are creations of a particular Elder Dragon. The Humans were always the first and central race in which the GW story was first and most experienced. Those two arguably have the most importance to the GW 2 story warranting an expansion focused on those races. The Charr, Asura, and Norn simply don't have the same focus as these two races in the GW 2 story so far. Not to the level of the Sylvari or Humans.


I'd rather they explored all of these 5 races and their origins in the 3rd expansion. Have some backstory on the BLH, the Far Shiverpeaks, and the Asura's hidden places. Complete the Elder Dragon storyline, the Eternal Alchemy, and how the EDs connect to the world. Have most of this take place on the 3rd and final major continent of Cantha. Let the current story come to a satisfying conclusion in this trilogy. THEN start fully exploring new lands and possibly new worlds.



> If we're not going to confront and kill the DSD then why enter its domain? What we've seen with Jormag and Primordus has proven that the Elder Dragon threat can be dealt with remotely, in fact Jormag was "dealt with" without us ever even seeing him. The same could happen with the DSD; the DSD problem could just as likely be "solved" as a side effect of dealing with Kralkatorrik. All 4 remaining dragons neatly wrapped up freeing us up to move onto other story lines. Who knows.


Apparently, we are not supposed to kill Bubbles, but we do need to confront it with whatever our (more like Taimi's) plan is. Jormag and Primordus have been put on hold. Nothing has been definitively dealt with yet. But Bubbles seems to be the only ED that has built up more mystery and intrigue than any other.


This dragon has so much story potential, not just for itself, but for all the EDs and everything connected in Tyria. To wave that and the entire ED story off with a "remote solution" would be an enormous mistake in every sense. If that happened, the entire GW 2 story would be contradicted, ruined, wasted, and a massive let down. I don't even want to imagine such a horrible outcome. No DSD? No nightmarish battle in the deep sea? No largos explanation? No fitting end to the ED? That's a big, gargantuan-sized slap to the face from Anet.



> They already did the "massive tidal waves" stuff when Orr rose, I don't see them doing it a second time.


They did the whole dead taking over thing with Zhaitan. They did it with Joko in the Crystal Desert. I can see them doing anything as long as it serves the story, makes sense, and has its own definitive execution. Maybe it's our mission to prevent any further submersions or maybe those cities submerged are now protected by magic making it possible to still be on them despite being under the sea... hence... UW content!



> Also, you assume we will have dealt with Kralkatorrik by the end of S4, maybe we will but that's one heck of an assumption. I'd be surprised if they "finish off" a dragon outside an expansion, I'd say we'll spend the rest of the season setting up how we're going to deal with him in the next expansion, or tying up loose plot threads like in S3. We'll see.


I hope Kralk becomes the first working result of Taimi's new plan and is ultimately no longer a threat. Our mission then becomes about stopping the threat of Bubbles the same way, but Bubbles twists the story once again and makes things incredibly difficult.


The way I see it, Kralk was in an expansion and had a lot of story and screen-time dedicated to it. To do ANOTHER major expansion featuring Kralk again would seem far more redundant. Its story will have spanned plenty of story content after this arc and I wouldn't expect or ask for any more time dedicated to one dragon, even for when Bubbles comes along. An expansion and a LW season are enough for one dragon.




> When I say they are the origin of Kralkatorrik I mean that's where he came from; it's where he woke up this time. We may not know of any connection but that doesn't mean there isn't one, perhaps something related to the unique resonance that binds his branded to him. The only way to find out is to go there.


I see. I just think it's time for something new. BLH is another piece of land that feels like an extension of Ascalon. We have so many Ascalon maps. Whereas the ocean is a completely different place to go. This expansion comes out in a year or more and by that time, other MMORPG's will be exploring new things, while we are still on land, dealing with Kralk for another expansion. That means we won't get anything truly new for another 3-5 years :/



> Also, I don't know what game YOU were playing if you think that the Crystal Desert was flat but I think it's odd that you keep bringing up flat maps when terrain in an underwater expansion would be largely irrelevant as you simply float over it.


Lol. By "flat" I just mean how there isn't the consistent, steep verticality of Maguuma or the 360 endless void of the sea. We definitely should not be floating over these oceans. We need to go deep. Very... deep. That's where the story and the mystery lies.




> Yeah, MMO developers have repeatedly discovered people don't tend to enjoy underwater content, given how little underwater content they've added since launch I think that ArenaNet have learned that too. I think that ArenaNet are doing a fantastic job but I don't think that there's some magical formula that the developers of WoW, DaoC, Everquest, RIFT and numerous other MMOs missed and they're going to somehow discover.


They don't enjoy it because it's never been done well. That's what the argument of UW content is all about. Make good content - Change player's minds on what UW content experiences are and can be. I believe there is a way to make UW content fun. From making depth and distance clear and evident. Movement and control smoother, precise, and more beneficial than traversing land. Making ALL abilities usable on land and in water or giving UW their own separate but equal abilities. By using the exclusive elements and factors of being UW something that entices and make us want to be in that type of area consistently. There is a way. It just needs a vision.



> Well, that's really a separate issue, isn't it? Cantha is not the Deep Sea Dragon and the Deep Sea Dragon is not Cantha, you may have mentally connected the two but it's more than possible that we can go to Cantha and not have underwater content.


In terms of going to the BLH next expansion, it’s not a separate discussion. Most chose Cantha.


Going to and being around Cantha is the perfect opportunity to introduce UW content and DSD. The Jade Sea is or has liquified and the new environments you can make and connect to the aftermath of that event could be some of the most interesting maps in the game. The amount of exploration possible on such maps is endless.



> There's more than enough lore and content in Cantha for an expansion on it's own without the Deep Sea Dragon being involved and the DSD is _not_ involved, after all it was _Zhaitan_ and his undead fleet that cut Tyria off from Cantha it was _not_ the DSD.


The story I imagine possible isn't about Bubbles cutting off Cantha. It's about Cantha being the first one to experience its wrath.



> Regardless, you're obviously a huge fan of underwater content, I'm not.


It shouldn't be about what either of us is personally interested in. It should be about where the story naturally progresses to, what the masses are desiring to explore, and what is the most profitable direction.



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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > They really seem to be preparing for Underwater content, so time to bring some underwater mounts or vehicles.


> Where? What indication do we have that they are preparing for such? (Other than a few fan-made ideas on the forums?)


Swim Speed infusions.

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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > They really seem to be preparing for Underwater content, so time to bring some underwater mounts or vehicles.


> Where? What indication do we have that they are preparing for such? (Other than a few fan-made ideas on the forums?)


People still ask that huh.


Underwater infusions, huge underwater ability patch after ignoring it since launch, constant additions to it like Necros being able to use their golems finally and Revenants having a 2nd weapon, Deep Sea Dragon being the only awakened Dragon after Kralkatorrik right now, what seems to be his visage in the Kesho vision.

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I think the next expansion will be focused on player housing. But since anet hate to copy / paste from other mmo straight away, there will be a slight difference.


Instead of immovable stack of bricks, the house will be some kind of large moving vehicle. Like zeppelin, galleon or even submarine?

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As for the ''_HoT was for Sylvari theme and PoF was for Human theme, it's time for a new race theme..!_''

Well, Cantha! As Tengu getting playable and we'll finally be knowing what they've been up to and their backstory, lore and why Cantha banish all non-humans!


The next expansion mastery focus should be a new playable race; the Tengus, voilá! :D



-It's fresh, new, a 6th playable race would be the best thing ever.

-Lore behind the Dominon of Winds after so many years of undiscovered history.

-New weapon mechanism (land-spear!)

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I have a non-common idea. Maybe there should be none at all. I think that mastries in PoF came at a price of actual content. I would rather anet just focus on producing more maps with more content.


I kind of want to agree with this. Movement in Guild Wars 2 is better than ever, so I don't see why we would need any new masteries in that area. Xpac 3's masteries would probably be tied up with its content (like the language masteries with HoT). Or maybe they could enhance the existing mount movement even further with new masteries, like wall-climbing abilities or something. Or no new masteries at all, let LS4 cap the max mastery level at 300 and leave it at that.


I personally loathe the idea of an underwater expansion, so none of that for me please. I'd like to venture further north into the Shiverpeaks, or go north of Kryta for some more beautiful countryside and rural farmer towns (I absolutely loved Lake Doric, would be amazing to see more of that in a more grand scale).

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I very much doubt we will ever see an underwater expansion the way apparently many players imagine here. Think about it, you will have to rebalance and partially redesign all classes and elite specializations to be somewhat meaningful underwater. That would be more akin to creating a new game than an expansion. Atm, everyone more or less accepts the abysmal state of underwater skills and combat because it is a niche barely anyone cares about. That of cause would not fly with an underwater focus. If we are going to explore the oceans, we will probably see most content on islands, on ships and in underwater domes, with just some occassional underwater excursion. (PS: to prevent misunderstandings - I am not against an underwater expansion)

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> new Underwater trait lines for UW combat. Like Ranger can have lines for Spear, Harpoon gun, UW version of Beastmastry etc.....

I like this idea. To say more, i would like to have seperate Underwater Trait build, like WvW seperate from PvE.


For ex. in underwater expansion Arena.net can introduce full set of underwater trait-lines opened for expansion owners. You choose 3 of 5 possible trait-lines to enhance underwater play. Once you go underwater, those trait lines, in other words underwater build, activates. Once you back on the ground, trait lines switch to regular ground ones.


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Underwater masteries won't do: Masteries should be usefull for all expansions, and the core game. E.g. using a Springer in HoT gives a player more ways to beat the map. And thus an extra reason to buy the new PoF expansion. I don't see this happen with underwater masteries. Personally I hope for new land content and teleportation masteries (also usable underwater).

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> @"Albadaran.1283" said:

> Underwater masteries won't do: Masteries should be usefull for all expansions, and the core game. E.g. using a Springer in HoT gives a player more ways to beat the map. And thus an extra reason to buy the new PoF expansion. I don't see this happen with underwater masteries. Personally I hope for new land content and teleportation masteries (also usable underwater).


There are underwater areas in the core game and technically in both expansions., though barely in HoT, and in PoF more as something to bypass with the Skimmer.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I like big boats and I cannot lie...


> But if Cantha is next it'd probably make more sense to get parkour masteries.


That would be sweet. Personally, I would love it if they gave more thought to co-op platforming. Something a little more subtle than mesmer portals.


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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> WoW failed because of an underwater expansion. Just saying.


It would never be a full "underwater-only" expansion. But it might get a decent amount of underwater action, which I welcome, because swimming and exploring underwater areas in GW2 is beautiful and fun, and it doesn't give you any nausea like you mentioned.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > WoW failed because of an underwater expansion. Just saying.


> It would never be a full "underwater-only" expansion. But it might get a decent amount of underwater action, which I welcome, because swimming and exploring underwater areas in GW2 is beautiful and fun, and it doesn't give you any nausea like you mentioned.


Thankfully it does not, however it is incredibly boring to do. Its slow(not really the movement speed) but the combat. It really feels like it jerks you out of the game, which is one of my biggest issues with it. It feels out of place. So unless they revamp how underwater movement and combat works, i hope they dont go that route. Id love to see a Charr expansion, id *love* to see a norn expansion just as much, weve done human and sylvari, and asuras been sprinkled inbetween all of them both in LW and the story itself, lets go North for a bit more, back to the northern Shiverpeaks.

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