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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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Greeting everyone~


So far my biggest dream is riding the griffon. Here is my current status:

**Gold: 128/250**


Any help would be deeply appreciated and thank you very much in advance. I am in NA server if that matters.


Thank the 2 great people who sent me gold. I am really grateful. <3



Thank you everyone for helping me with my griffon. <3

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I love that this thread exists.


Created my first character Feb 6th, 2018, and am loving the game and the community. So far I've been able to grind out everything I need, but I recently leveled a Thief to 80 with the intention of playing Daredevil - Staff, and even though I have unlocked the Ascended Bo, the weapon model is pretty underwhelming.


What I would love is a: Berserker's Lightward Battlestaff (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Berserker%27s_Lightward%27s_Battlestaff).

This is a very rare drop from VB Cargo containers and Mordremoths chest, and I've used my fair share of crowbars over the past month to no success. It is up for sale in the TP, but at 240g, I can't afford it as I'm working on my Griffon.


I'm hoping some kind soul has one tucked away in a bank slot somewhere.




EDIT: as one generous player suggested in an in-game mail, this item is very rare, and that instead I should ask for gold and then buy it off the TP with a buy order. TY for the advice and the gold.


If the item does show up though, I'll gladly return all the gold received (I'll record the player names)


Gold : (40/183)

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Due to irl leaving me broke

Gearing and lvling leaving me in game broke as well xD

I would really like to have a new outfit to change how my characters look a bit. Since my main mesmer has been wearing the same Lyssa outfit since his creation year ago :smiley: I also have taimi outfit that my ranger and scourge are rocking those are the only 2 outfits I currently have.

My alts are also in the similar situation xD ( excluding my storm inspired ele who is rocking elonian outfits ), while I know there are a ton of customization within the game, since I am currently gearing and constantly changing my gear for better ones I just either waste my transmutations or end up without them ( I also dont have a lot of interesting looks unlocked yet ) xD This is also a huge prob on my PvP warrior since I just started to lvl her in PvE as well, I want to look pretty while being obliterated by those scourges :smiley:

Sadly I dont have a screenshot to show u my beautiful mesmer with his pink dreads and pink beard :smiley: I main mesmer for PvE and everything with alts asura scourge who is all in neon blue/pink sylvari male ranger who is all pink :smiley: I have a problem I know xD And I have a PvP warrior who I made to look very elonian with huge violet colored afro :D and I am super proud that 1st I snatched the name Okoye Munroe ( Okoye from black panther and surname of Storm from x men ) and 2nd that I am so loving her in PvP that I want to get her to lvl in PvE as well xD I never ever played a warrior class in my life! Untill now.


So If anyone wants to make my characters fashionable ty I really dont have a preferred outfit since I do like bunch of them, so sorry for not being specific I would just like to spice up my view while Im playing a bit :smiley: ( I changed the colors of my lyssa outfir 5 times this week on my mesmer ), so sorry that I am not specific. If not oh well I got to brag about my Dora Milaje PvP love <3

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> @"Qwin.1605" said:

> Halluuuu everyone ^^,

> First off...uhm....im not a good "writer" so....i'll just say what I...well...think........I think (Really bad....)

> I am searching for a bit of help....with the Shrine Fox Skin, wich is in the Gem-Store right now.....

> I looked at it and it was love at first sight...xD Im trying to get it from the Black lion chests....but its not working somehow....( Haha...me and my luck...), so a friend told me to look for a bit of help here......wich...i am just doing......jep.......so......i hope someone is reading that...( xD ) and is maybe even helping me with getting it....Joah.....

> I hope...you all have a good day...and.....joah....


> Heyyyy, just wanted to say that i got it ^°^ ...Just wanted to tell you guys that i really appreciate this Forum and of course you awesome people. ^^




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I am really glad this thread exists to help out everyone (including a nub like me) to achieve their goals or speed it up! The past few days I have been searching for a game where the community were active and helpful, so happy that I found GW2, which is exactly that and more.


Ever since I bought the PoF expansion, I have always been awe-struck by the various mounts available, all obtainable by questing. That is, apart from the Griffon. I pretty much spent my limited savings on getting the expansion, and have none left to spare for gems to trade in for the 250 gold that I need for it. I just need the Griffon mount to complete my mount collection! I would like to thank everyone who lends a helping hand, and I hope you will get good karma along your way.


TLDR Desire: 250 gold for a wonderful Griffon Mount!

Goal: 78/250 gold <--- Will edit accordingly


Thankuuuuu :) :P :D


EDIT 7/6/18: Any amount would help vastly to my experience! Currently farmed 5 gold, will update when I farm more

EDIT 10/6/18: OMG, Thank you so much to the person who donated me some gold! You are a really generous person and I LOVE U!!! I'm not sure if you wanted to be anonymous, so message me if you want your name here! :D

EDIT 22/6/18: Managed to farm some gold myself, doing Silverwastes and whatnot, but irdk what I am doing wrong, I WANT MY GRIFFON NAW!!!! xD

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Dear Users!

I dont want to ask for this item (cus I CANT - in the past someone already helped me with one glider, and Im not want to begging or exploiting the rules), but I really really want to know this:

Today I be able to topup my account with gems to purchase the ninetail mount skin, but I think IT will be out of the store (or already gone/removed).

- question: anyone know when it will be purchaseable again to buy it?


thank you for your reply!!! <3


Best MMO community ever :) <3

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I'm collecting the BLC chests in my bank for a while now with a plan to open them all together one day (on my birthday preferably)...and I realized I will never be able to afford to buy so many keys myself :/ So here goes my wish: I'd really really like 100 BLC keys to open 100 chests on 1st July (it's my birthday!) =) I do realize it might not be possible to get 100 keys until that date (or at all for that matter), but one can always dream! It would make my birthday absolutely awesome! <3


I'm on EU server :)

Current status:

40/100 Black Lion Chest Keys


EDIT: OMG...I got the very 1st key! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are amazing! <3 <3 <3

EDIT 2: I found 5 more keys in my mail today, whoever you are, generous person, THANK YOUUUUUU! <3

EDIT 3: 5 more keys arrived today with the wishes from another player - thank you so much, you're awesome!!! <3 <3 <3

EDIT 4: 7 keys I got from map completion so far.

EDIT 5: 2 keys from lvl 40 and lvl 60 personal story I finally did on a little revenant I have left behind ;)

EDIT 6: I just got a package of 10 BLC keys and 2 scraps in the mail! Thank you sooooo much kind stranger and happy Canada Day to you too (I had no idea I was born on Canada's national holiday - the more you learn! :D)! <3 <3 <3

EDIT 7: I bought myself 10 more keys :)

Only 60 to go! =)


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> @"nalladae.9208" said:

> I'm collecting the BLC chests in my bank for a while now with a plan to open them all together one day (on my birthday preferably)...and I realized I will never be able to afford to buy so many keys myself :/ So here goes my wish: I'd really really like 100 BLC keys to open 100 chests on 1st July (it's my birthday!) =) I do realize it might not be possible to get 100 keys until that date, but one can always hope! It would make my birthday absolutely awesome! <3


> I'm on EU server :)

> Current status:

> 0/100 Black Lion Chest Keys


You could also sell let say 75 of those chest now when they arent worth 2 coppers anymore.

Just a though since 100 keys are alot bud. ( sold over 400 chests myself and now I see that they drop alot less, so having trubble getting more chests for the random keys I got =) )

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> @"nalladae.9208" said:

> I'm collecting the BLC chests in my bank for a while now with a plan to open them all together one day (on my birthday preferably)...and I realized I will never be able to afford to buy so many keys myself :/ So here goes my wish: I'd really really like 100 BLC keys to open 100 chests on 1st July (it's my birthday!) =) I do realize it might not be possible to get 100 keys until that date, but one can always hope! It would make my birthday absolutely awesome! <3


> I'm on EU server :)

> Current status:

> 0/100 Black Lion Chest Keys


That is a lot of money, anyways. I always found map completion a rather good source to get keys. I usually have about 50% chance to get a key as a map completion reward.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"nalladae.9208" said:

> > I'm collecting the BLC chests in my bank for a while now with a plan to open them all together one day (on my birthday preferably)...and I realized I will never be able to afford to buy so many keys myself :/ So here goes my wish: I'd really really like 100 BLC keys to open 100 chests on 1st July (it's my birthday!) =) I do realize it might not be possible to get 100 keys until that date, but one can always hope! It would make my birthday absolutely awesome! <3

> >

> > I'm on EU server :)

> > Current status:

> > 0/100 Black Lion Chest Keys


> You could also sell let say 75 of those chest now when they arent worth 2 coppers anymore.

> Just a though since 100 keys are alot bud. ( sold over 400 chests myself and now I see that they drop alot less, so having trubble getting more chests for the random keys I got =) )


I know they're practically worthless (the chests I mean) and could sell most of them, it's more of a dream than anything else to do the "grand opening" ;) And I don't expect anyone to gift me like a bunch of the keys, not to mention the 100 of them - I'm hoping more for 1 here and 1 there, so combined with what I can afford/will get from map completion, I can get at least 25 total to open them on my birthday :)

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"nalladae.9208" said:

> > I'm collecting the BLC chests in my bank for a while now with a plan to open them all together one day (on my birthday preferably)...and I realized I will never be able to afford to buy so many keys myself :/ So here goes my wish: I'd really really like 100 BLC keys to open 100 chests on 1st July (it's my birthday!) =) I do realize it might not be possible to get 100 keys until that date, but one can always hope! It would make my birthday absolutely awesome! <3

> >

> > I'm on EU server :)

> > Current status:

> > 0/100 Black Lion Chest Keys


> That is a lot of money, anyways. I always found map completion a rather good source to get keys. I usually have about 50% chance to get a key as a map completion reward.


I know, and I'm doing map completion as well in hopes to get some :) It's more of a slow goal, who said it has to be done this year birthday? :D If I can get one here and there and collect them slowly, that will be cool too :)

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To preface this request, I've been working on nevermore for a while now, and finally finished the last of the four collections, only to see the daunting task of collecting a stack of both mystic coins and amalgamated gemstones.

I know this is a fairly hefty request, as I need to collect a little over 200 of each currently, but if anyone would be willing to contribute even a little to that huge task I would be immensely grateful.

Additional edited request: I've run into the problem of collecting crystalline, luminous, and radiant dust, and need 250 of each. If anyone out there has some spare they wouldn't mind parting with I would greatly appreciate it! (40/250 luminous, 40/250 radiant, 20/250 crystalline. Thank you so much to the third person who donated so much of everything!)



Holy cow thank you so much to the two kind individuals who have donated! You both are absolutely amazing <3

You amazing third person! Thank you so much for your generosity!

Mystic Coins: 80/250

Amalgamated Gemstones: 50/250


Hopefully Penultimate Edit:

After 20 days of gold farming, map farming, mastery point farming, and even more farming, I've bought most of the mats for nevermore and am getting close to being able to craft it, but am just over 50 amalgamated gemstones off and 75 mystic coins off. Above values are now just showing how generous the community is, no longer what is required! I'll update the values in this edit as and when I buy the mats (if any are donated I'll update this edit and the values above). I would be immensely grateful if anyone would be able to donate either gold for me to buy the mats, or the mats themselves!


Final Edit:

Thanks for the three who donated, I've finished crafting my staff so no longer need any more materials. I really appreciate the generosity, and your contributions significantly sped up my progress!

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Anyone who can provide me assistance in creating ‘The Juggernaut’ I would be forever in your debt. The Jugg is possibly my favourite legendary apart from maybe Twilight, hard choice as I adore both, but I’ve heard Twilight is hard to get. So Jugg is my goal to have.


Any help fulfilling this goal even just a little will be amazing.


**Thankyou for the coins JHL. I really appreciate the help and it’s a small step closer to achieving my first legendary!!**


**Thankyou to the wonderful individual that gifted me such a large amount of gold to move this project literally months ahead!! Please let me know if i can credit you by name!!! Im so grateful im stunned. Thank you!!!!**


~ Jazzie, EU.

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Let's give this a go :) I've recently started aiming for my very first set of Ascended Armor (bc Legendaries are just too daunting atm) and I would immensely appreciate the help of benevolent players. I'm crafting them with the Grandmaster's Marks (it's Medium armor for my Thief), so no special ingredients for the insignia, just buttloads of mats, specifically ~~Thick Leather~~, ~~Silk~~ and ~~Ectoplasm~~. Those are the main ones I need as they go in the thousands, everything Else I can feasibly farm myself.


~~**Bolts of Silk**: 2000/2000~~

~~**Cured Thick Leather Squares**: 2300/2300~~

~~**Globs of Ectoplasm**: 200/200~~


You're all amazing, thanks for the kindness you show everyone!


Oh and I'm on the EU server :)


EDIT: Thank you so much to the lovely people who gifted me some of the needed materials so far, it's deeply appreciated! <3

EDIT2: As @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" suggested, I added a counter!

EDIT3: Aaaaaa So many amazing people gifting me things!!! I'm getting closer :3

EDIT4: Woohoo, Silk is done as well!! Thank you everyone <3

FINAL EDIT: Everybody, thank you so so much! I have all the mats I need! Now I only have to do some more fractals and I'll finally call a complete set of Ascended Armor my own!! YOU'RE AMAZING!

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I'm a retuning player, been doing the army thing for the last 8 years havnt had much time to play. got injured in iraq and now, i am on diability my va check covers most thing but would like to get POF but really cant afford it right now if some one could help me get it id repay in the future ty

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I wish to get a few inquest mark II weapon skins, to both complete the rest of the set for those sweet black lion tickets(i already have scepter GS staff torch and dagger at the time of writing this post) and to be able to pimp my new renegade and scourge builds plus eventual other new characters. If i don't ask here, i'll probably never be patient enough to get my first legendary without throwing gold at shiny scifi weapons.

I'll list them in the order i'll probably use first:

1/1 Warhorn

1/1 Focus

0/1 Axe

0/1 Mace

0/1 Shortbow

0/1 Hammer

0/1 Shield

0/1 Sword

0/1 Rifle

0/1 Longbow

0/1 Pistol

Ty in advance!

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> Let's give this a go :) I've recently started aiming for my very first set of Ascended Armor (bc Legendaries are just too daunting atm) and I would immensely appreciate the help of benevolent players. I'm crafting them with the Grandmaster's Marks (it's Medium armor for my Thief), so no special ingredients for the insignia, just buttloads of mats, specifically **Thick Leather**, **Silk** and ~~Ectoplasm~~. Those are the main ones I need as they go in the thousands, everything Else I can feasibly farm myself.


> You're all amazing, thanks for the kindness you show everyone!


> Oh and I'm on the EU server :)


> EDIT: Thank you so much to the lovely people who gifted me some of the needed materials so far, it's deeply appreciated! <3

> I am now **half-way on Silk**! TYSM <3


Adding a running total of Silk and Thick Leather to your thread will help those of us with extra mats to spare, see what you need. :)

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Hey im pretty new to guild wars still started about a month ago.....came here from eso lol but this thread is similer to something doen on the eso forums wich i think is prety cool

my wish( although i really doubt it will happen unless there is a really really kind soul out there) is for the brahams bitter frost frontier pack....if that is asking too much the brahams costume alone or a total makeover kit would also work just really like that costume though lol

I play on the eu server (ruins of surmia...something like that)

name is Night Wolf.7016

Thanks for gift if someone decides to gift me :)

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Feeling a bit like i'm begging for walfare but ehh >.< I'm sorry!


I've read that you're only allowed to wish for one thing yet there are two kind of things I truly desire.


Desire #1 is the Wedding Attire Outfit

I just love how that outfit is not only changing for ever race so fitting with both elegance and cuteness but also changes for your gender. I just love that outfit, it fits every char so well and is not one but somewhat 10 outfits in one! >o< It's amazing! And it kind of reminds me of Guildwars because the human skin of the outfit looks like the one from the original Guild Wars! My Stepdad used to wear it out of fights but Ahhhhh i'm already talkign to much >w<


Desire #2 are Agony Infusions.

I've came back to GW2 a while ago and sitting on my Ascended gear rn (damn timelimit, one thing per day =3=) and rn the only thing stopping me from going to higher level fracs is my Agony Resistance. So far I only got 70 of those lvl 1 thingies but I need so much more to be able to get higher v.v Feel free to dump all of your lvl 1 Infusions on me >.< So far I got 281 fracs done so I'm not like "This looks nice I may try it if I get the stuff for it" but i'm rather like "I'Ve done this a lot already but want to get even mroe intense! >:3"

So yeah, basically I would be totally amazing and I'd be super happy if someone could help me out! >o<

Thank you for reading ...all..of..my...wahtever you wanna call it o.o Text?


Playing on EU servers, Abaddons Maw.

Not sure if that's needed but yee >w< If someone wants to do something just add me! Tho I have no idea of anything that came after Zhaitan.. ._.

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Hey everyone. I want to craft Howler because it was the only legendary that really called to me (a year ago).

If anyone has 150 cured hardened leather squares that would help me out a lot :)

Also if anyone has any piles of crystalline dust (230) or vicious fangs (400) that would also help but the leather is what kills me.


I'm on the NA server.


Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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