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Wishful Thinking Attribute Spreads

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Been looking through the prefixes on the wiki over the years just because I'm fond of build experimenting and the like, and I've always wondered. Would anyone else like the game to have readily available access to the two obscure, neigh unobtainable prefixes throughout the rest of PvE?


**Forsaken**-- (Power), Toughness, Healing Power

**Apostate**-- (Condition Damage), Toughness, Healing Power


And maybe even some PvP-only attribute choices like:


**Barbarian** -- (Vitality), Power, Precision

**Seeker** -- (Power, Precision), Concentration, Ferocity


I was hoping that at least the first two could be chosen with legendaries, but sadly no. Or might you feel these prefixes would be OP in PvE? (And by extension, WvW)

(Also wished PvP Sigil of Misery was a PvE thing as well, but... y'know... Balance)

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The system needs an overhaul at this point, really. It's not the cleanest form of progression and I expect we'll see some changes in the next year or two. They need to find a way to consolidate the options while also making the system more flexible for players. It currently manages to be both too limiting in terms of build customization AND overwhelming in terms of choice & collection.


As one potential option, I'm a fan of getting away from the "dominant stat" paradigm and just having all stat bonuses be equal with 3 or 4 options. That would allow them to reduce the total number of different combinations while also increasing flexibility for players in how they gear.


Another option would be to allow grouping on dominant stat so you can freely swap around the subordinate stats and only need to collect gear based on the primary stat or stats.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> The system needs an overhaul at this point, really. I expect we'll get one in the next one-two years. They need to find a way to consolidate the combinations while also expanding on the options available. The system currently manages to be both too limiting and overwhelming in terms of choice/collection.


That's on my wishful thinking list.

I'd really like to see a better set of more elegant stats, and the ability to slot Major and Minor of our own design.


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There are a lot of things I'd love to see changed with the stat system, currently I just find it too complex for next to no benefit/depth. Unfortunately I think it is more work than what ANet is willing to put into it, and also, it would probably reduce the amount of gear changing people have to do, thus less activity on things moving through the TP.


* Removal of dominant stats, all stats have same number so a Clerics have the same power/tough/heal.

* Equalize stats on all gear pieces, helm, chest, amulet, and backpack all giving the same amount of stats, for ease of math.

* Remove stats entirely from Weapons/Armor, instead move all stats into Trinkets as it is their only role anyways. (Leaves weapon for damage, skin and sigils, armors for defense, skin and runes, and trinkets for all the stats. Obviously trinkets get more stats in general to compensate.)


Lots of QoL there, if you want to try new stats, swap out the trinkets, no need to buy new armor+weapon+runes+sigils and waste transmutation charges to change them all around again. Easier to make small changes, less pieces to worry about for a new player (6 pieces with stats instead of 14-16).


I'm partial to a "make your own stats" system as well, but that seems even less likely.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > The system needs an overhaul at this point, really. I expect we'll get one in the next one-two years. They need to find a way to consolidate the combinations while also expanding on the options available. The system currently manages to be both too limiting and overwhelming in terms of choice/collection.


> That's on my wishful thinking list.

> I'd really like to see a better set of more elegant stats, and the ability to slot Major and Minor of our own design.



I definitely feel that it's limiting. And I'd definitely love slotting in our own attributes. Like @"joneirikb.7506" said, maybe putting attributes ONLY on trinkets (and doubling or maybe tripling their values) and having them swappable like infusions, with the potency of them scaled depending on the quality of the trinket (fine to ascended), that'd be nice. Existing trinkets with names would already have their infusions in them. Though to not be confusing, instead of Infusions, they could be called Enchantments.


So, Red Ring of Death


- Superior Enchantment of Power +250

- Major Enchantment of Precision +180

- Major Enchantment of Ferocity +180

- (Open Enchantment Slot)


Maybe Celestial would be it's own, unmodified special case. Now, I know this would probably lead to some serious power creep (like having entire trinkets of condition damage) and would also trivialize the existing +5/+9 Fractal infusions, but, hey! This is all just wishful thinking. :)


And I'd totally make a "(Power, Condition Damage), Expertise, Ferocity" build if I could. And call it Onslaught's.

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Why on earth would you increase the amount of stats on any item? There's no good reason for doing that. And it would be very simple to limit the amount of power creep to a manageable degree - make stat enchantments unique per item, so you can slot a given stat only once into an item. That way, the only power creep we'd get would be the one from more optimised stat combos that those we currently have. Which would probably be an acceptable price to pay if we get away from receiving a random, but always useless stat combo every few months.

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Well, we're not really talking about power creep. I just threw that out there as a possible flaw in an idea. I know I don't personally care much about it, but for the sake of argument, it'd bother those who are more into balance and the like.


The increase in stats on trinkets was in compensation for removing stats from weapons and armor, and having trinkets be the sole thing to handle attributes on equipment, as @"joneirikb.7506" mentioned, since trinkets have no other purpose but doing that.


Making them unique per item is fine, and is the more accepted way for it. (I agree that the newer combos are useless). I was just mentioning the possibility/ dream of more attribute freedom, a "what if" regardless of the consequences. I good and well know something like a "(Condition Damage), Condition Damage, Condition Damage" stat combo would be crazy. ... But I'd definitely explore it. For SCIENCE.

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