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Most UP(Underpowered) class?


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Just like my OVER POWERED FORUM/POLL. So all around, in general, most UNDERPOWERED class in game to date (7/13/18)? This is for ANET to see what the community thinks of the classes in where to help which classes and which ones need balancing, thank you! Be fair! Leave a comment on why you voted for who you voted and why you think the other classes are poorly excecuted in there design.

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Scourge in wvw is still good. But Eles overpowered necro long ago. People just didn't notice.


In high-end pve necro is again back in the groupjoin = instakick. No other class bill be treated like this.


In PvP, well it's not fun to play. No real options to create a own build. And mostly idiots play it that yell about necro being op, because they can't facetank him (might be possible now though)

And complain about how many condos necro can put up at one, but that it's only up to 6 stacks on 2-3damaging conditions, while other classes can do the same amount of condis but with 10 or more stacks on dmging conditions, nobody cares about

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I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.

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> @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.


Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> > Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.


> Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?


The measure of a class is not only in it's DPS numbers. I would look at all game modes and how viable it is in each and with how many builds/roles. A one trick pony that achieves moderate to good DPS on a golem could still be an underpowered class when held up to other classes that may do similar DPS, but also have greater sustain or alternative builds available to them.

In my opinion, I have put enough hours into the game to be able to take any of the classes into open world PvE and feel comfortable with them with a relatively short adjustment period, I haven't been able to do that with Thief. Again, maybe it's me and not the class design, just my opinion.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> > Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.


> Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?


That's all it does though, or apparently so.

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Id say thief, cuz they can be only glasscanon class. No Variety.

Then i'd say Revenant, not because they are weak but because you are locked from some theory buildcrafting because legends)

And Necromancer because stats, lowest dps, lowest heal, worst tank/defence, slowest movement/casting.


I still dont get it why 1200 range classes are most mobile and gives biggest dmg while closerange clasess are slower and deal lower dmg..:D

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> @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > > I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> > > Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.

> >

> > Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?


> The measure of a class is not only in it's DPS numbers. I would look at all game modes and how viable it is in each and with how many builds/roles. A one trick pony that achieves moderate to good DPS on a golem could still be an underpowered class when held up to other classes that may do similar DPS, but also have greater sustain or alternative builds available to them.

> In my opinion, I have put enough hours into the game to be able to take any of the classes into open world PvE and feel comfortable with them with a relatively short adjustment period, I haven't been able to do that with Thief. Again, maybe it's me and not the class design, just my opinion.


Please tell me more about it. I happen to play a one trick pony that did less on a small hitbox and just got nerfed quite hard.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Feanor stop being tilted about ele; it's not actually the most underpowered class.


You can note that I did *not* vote for ele. However, voting for thief is outright ridiculous. They are blatantly overpowered. 39k on small, come on.

Same holds true for Mesmer which is not only by and far the most powerful support out there, but also have formidable roamer and excellent condi dps builds.

Same holds true for Scourge and Firebrand, on the basis of their complete dominance in WvW - although this might be a bit too soon to judge as there were changes in the patch intended to bring them more in line with other classes.


I'm not calling ele the most underpowered, although I'd argue its power is lower than it needs to be now. But I can't understand how someone can claim any of the above is with a straight face.

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I play and main necro and my vote is necro. Forget raid damage or getting 1v5 in pvp, though they certainly contribute. Two top reason i voted necro are:


1. core necro is not viable no matter how you slice it compared other core classes. Death shroud is **horrible**. Power build gets destroyed by cc and doesnt' do that much damage, condi build takes forever to get it's damage going.


2. **overboard** profession weakness. I get everyone has their short end of the stick. But necro's lack of stability is just atrocious. To add insult to injury necro is not a boon span class, so any boon (except might) that he looses to boonhate is a serious loss, and it's hard for him to shield his stab with a wall of other boons. Because of that necro's top tier play is not about you being a great necro. It's about you having great teammates that babysit your ass. Something other professions aren't forced to do...

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > Feanor stop being tilted about ele; it's not actually the most underpowered class.


> You can note that I did *not* vote for ele. However, voting for thief is outright ridiculous. They are blatantly overpowered. 39k on small, come on.

> Same holds true for Mesmer which is not only by and far the most powerful support out there, but also have formidable roamer and excellent condi dps builds.

> Same holds true for Scourge and Firebrand, on the basis of their complete dominance in WvW - although this might be a bit too soon to judge as there were changes in the patch intended to bring them more in line with other classes.


> I'm not calling ele the most underpowered, although I'd argue its power is lower than it needs to be now. But I can't understand how someone can claim any of the above is with a straight face.


Scourge is in a worse spot than weaver in WvW. It's in a worse spot than weaver in PvE. The only thing it has is PvP; where it hasn't been dominant or overbearing except to low rated players for a long time.


If all these classes aren't even an option, why add them as options?


Weaver is the most overpowered and dominant class in WvW right now; more overbearing than scourge.


If I look at the strengths of each classes the way you do, there are no underpowered classes. Weaver most dominant in WvW zergs. Chrono irreplacable for pve. Thief too good dps. Druid irreplacable for PvE. FB too good for pvp / wvw sustain. Rev and holo have great dps specs, great pvp specs and great WvW specs right now. You'll never get rid of necros in pvp and wvw completely because the only large scale corrupt option. Warrior has BS in pve and spellbreaker everywhere else.


Did I forget anything? Doesn't matter; they have great builds somewhere. If you "can't vote for X or Y because they have a good build here or there" then frankly - nothing is OP or UP. That's why these blanket statements without specifications of gamemode or situation aren't particularly useful.

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Fir me there is apparently none. There is no class that is just bad all over the place performance wise.

There are professions that need serious mechanic overhauls like ranger pets, rev skill systems and engineer kits but thats it. Mechanics are more the issue than just straight up performance.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > Feanor stop being tilted about ele; it's not actually the most underpowered class.

> >

> > You can note that I did *not* vote for ele. However, voting for thief is outright ridiculous. They are blatantly overpowered. 39k on small, come on.

> > Same holds true for Mesmer which is not only by and far the most powerful support out there, but also have formidable roamer and excellent condi dps builds.

> > Same holds true for Scourge and Firebrand, on the basis of their complete dominance in WvW - although this might be a bit too soon to judge as there were changes in the patch intended to bring them more in line with other classes.

> >

> > I'm not calling ele the most underpowered, although I'd argue its power is lower than it needs to be now. But I can't understand how someone can claim any of the above is with a straight face.


> Scourge is in a worse spot than weaver in WvW. It's in a worse spot than weaver in PvE. The only thing it has is PvP; where it hasn't been dominant or overbearing except to low rated players for a long time.


> If all these classes aren't even an option, why add them as options?


> Weaver is the most overpowered and dominant class in WvW right now; more overbearing than scourge.


> If I look at the strengths of each classes the way you do, there are no underpowered classes. Weaver most dominant in WvW zergs. Chrono irreplacable for pve. Thief too good dps. Druid irreplacable for PvE. FB too good for pvp / wvw sustain. Rev and holo have great dps specs, great pvp specs and great WvW specs right now. You'll never get rid of necros in pvp and wvw completely because the only large scale corrupt option. Warrior has BS in pve and spellbreaker everywhere else.


> Did I forget anything? Doesn't matter; they have great builds somewhere. If you "can't vote for X or Y because they have a good build here or there" then frankly - nothing is OP or UP. That's why these blanket statements without specifications of gamemode or situation aren't particularly useful.


I don't really see how weaver suddenly became any better in wvw, but nevermind. I can probably agree that the necromancer is a tad underpowered now that they also lost the epi bounce. My point still stands for the mesmer and the thief though. They are *the* most overpowered classes in the game right now.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > Feanor stop being tilted about ele; it's not actually the most underpowered class.

> > >

> > > You can note that I did *not* vote for ele. However, voting for thief is outright ridiculous. They are blatantly overpowered. 39k on small, come on.

> > > Same holds true for Mesmer which is not only by and far the most powerful support out there, but also have formidable roamer and excellent condi dps builds.

> > > Same holds true for Scourge and Firebrand, on the basis of their complete dominance in WvW - although this might be a bit too soon to judge as there were changes in the patch intended to bring them more in line with other classes.

> > >

> > > I'm not calling ele the most underpowered, although I'd argue its power is lower than it needs to be now. But I can't understand how someone can claim any of the above is with a straight face.

> >

> > Scourge is in a worse spot than weaver in WvW. It's in a worse spot than weaver in PvE. The only thing it has is PvP; where it hasn't been dominant or overbearing except to low rated players for a long time.

> >

> > If all these classes aren't even an option, why add them as options?

> >

> > Weaver is the most overpowered and dominant class in WvW right now; more overbearing than scourge.

> >

> > If I look at the strengths of each classes the way you do, there are no underpowered classes. Weaver most dominant in WvW zergs. Chrono irreplacable for pve. Thief too good dps. Druid irreplacable for PvE. FB too good for pvp / wvw sustain. Rev and holo have great dps specs, great pvp specs and great WvW specs right now. You'll never get rid of necros in pvp and wvw completely because the only large scale corrupt option. Warrior has BS in pve and spellbreaker everywhere else.

> >

> > Did I forget anything? Doesn't matter; they have great builds somewhere. If you "can't vote for X or Y because they have a good build here or there" then frankly - nothing is OP or UP. That's why these blanket statements without specifications of gamemode or situation aren't particularly useful.


> I don't really see how weaver suddenly became any better in wvw, but nevermind. I can probably agree that the necromancer is a tad underpowered now that they also lost the epi bounce. My point still stands for the mesmer and the thief though. They are *the* most overpowered classes in the game right now.


It's called "bias".








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If it is also called "bug" then there's no reason to even bring it. Bugs get fixed. The only legitimate reason I've seen for MS to suddenly start dealing more damage is lowered protection uptime. However, this benefits similarly the hammer revs. Or any power builds really. IIRC in the past necromancers had a usable power well build in wvw.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > > > I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> > > > Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.

> > >

> > > Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?

> >

> > The measure of a class is not only in it's DPS numbers. I would look at all game modes and how viable it is in each and with how many builds/roles. A one trick pony that achieves moderate to good DPS on a golem could still be an underpowered class when held up to other classes that may do similar DPS, but also have greater sustain or alternative builds available to them.

> > In my opinion, I have put enough hours into the game to be able to take any of the classes into open world PvE and feel comfortable with them with a relatively short adjustment period, I haven't been able to do that with Thief. Again, maybe it's me and not the class design, just my opinion.


> Please tell me more about it. I happen to play a one trick pony that did less on a small hitbox and just got nerfed quite hard.


I'm not sure where all this negativity is coming from? Which class do you feel is most underpowered, and why?

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> @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> > > > > I've gone with Thief mainly on how it's either bad or simply a non-discussion in PvE. I love the thief stylistically and thematically but I've just never been able to get to grips with it. Maybe it's just a bad match for how I play but I don't have this issue with other classes. Even against AI opponents I can struggle with Thief.

> > > > > Whether this is a design issue or a git good issue is debatable.

> > > >

> > > > Lol, thief joins the meme club. Seriously, 39k from basically autoattacking is underpowered?

> > >

> > > The measure of a class is not only in it's DPS numbers. I would look at all game modes and how viable it is in each and with how many builds/roles. A one trick pony that achieves moderate to good DPS on a golem could still be an underpowered class when held up to other classes that may do similar DPS, but also have greater sustain or alternative builds available to them.

> > > In my opinion, I have put enough hours into the game to be able to take any of the classes into open world PvE and feel comfortable with them with a relatively short adjustment period, I haven't been able to do that with Thief. Again, maybe it's me and not the class design, just my opinion.

> >

> > Please tell me more about it. I happen to play a one trick pony that did less on a small hitbox and just got nerfed quite hard.


> I'm not sure where all this negativity is coming from? Which class do you feel is most underpowered, and why?


I'm not sure, which is why I haven't voted. But it very clearly is neither thief, nor mesmer.

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i will say this for shure the best classes are for any game mode are the mesmer, war, gurdion, and ranger hands down. i thnk for skill this be classes you need to work with to be good but are hard and good are as follows necro, ele, and engi. this leaves a few classes that need work on. this is rev and thief they in a state were we do not fit the right roles or our dps is just way to low with full zerker stuff. this has been changed a little but i still see this.

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