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When are Alliances?


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I was reading the massive 2k reply thread but no mention of ETA...


Does anyone have anything on this? It's the only thing that's keeping me in the game at the moment is waiting on this alliance as they killed my fun in PvP by removing team queue. Would love to continue battling enemies with my guildies as I'm getting bored playing on my own in an MMO.

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Comparing the number of months it took them from the announcement to completing a single small back end item.

Their statement of how many large front end things needed to be done, compared to the back end time frame indicates it will be next spring at the earliest.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Comparing the number of months it took them from the announcement to completing a single small back end item.

> Their statement of how many large front end things needed to be done, compared to the back end time frame indicates it will be next spring at the earliest.


It depends, they may have moved developers around for other priorities. LW4 episode 3 was _very_ ambitions in terms of what it did with the engine. It was also delayed because it was ambitious enough to cause other problems. With that done, the engine is capable of doing more things. This might also free up a developer or two for the wvw project.


If they put the resources towards it, it could be done in 2-3 months. If it's not a big priority or something else comes up (they must be working on another expansion), it'll take a lot longer.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I was reading the massive 2k reply thread but no mention of ETA...


OP, if you are looking at the 2K reply thread, which Anet originally posted in January, then you are **not** looking at the latest official thread Anet created on World Restructuring. (There is a newer thread with only 200+ replies.)


Below, I've listed links to the January 2018 (World Restructuring) and July 2018 (World Restructuring Update 1) threads.


The World Restructuring Update 1 thread **DOES** have a "When" section from Anet Dev - Raymond Lukes:



At this time, we do not have a date to share with the community but we are actively working toward internal milestones. We plan to post periodic updates when we have interesting or relevant information to share."


So, as others have said, there is no set date atm. However, I thought it a good idea to show you where you can find this information provided directly from Anet. And there's a lot of other details in this July thread from Raymond -- he also responds to some of the questions posted in this thread which you might find of interest. Lastly, I'm guessing in 3 to 6 months there will be a World Restructuring Update "2" from Anet. So keep an eye out for it.




[World Restructuring]( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1 " https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1")

[World Restructuring Update 1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45856/world-restructuring-update-1/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45856/world-restructuring-update-1/p1")


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> And this is why they don't want to tell us anything...


Because morons like me get impatient waiting 6 months to a year or more?


I personally think it hasn't been shipped yet due to Anet knowing how much money they're going to lose in the long run by removing transfer costs to servers, I'm guessing they're working out a way to maintain the cash flow from WvW players like some system to pay to be on other alliances or something.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > And this is why they don't want to tell us anything...


> Because morons like me get impatient waiting 6 months to a year or more?


> I personally think it hasn't been shipped yet due to Anet knowing how much money they're going to lose in the long run by removing transfer costs to servers, I'm guessing they're working out a way to maintain the cash flow from WvW players like some system to pay to be on other alliances or something.


You can still pay and transfer with alliances. That cash flow stream won't be gone

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last time an overhaul was planned it turned out they "changed" priorities shortly after. Expectations: once games with RealmvsRealms are launched and put pressure on gw2 wvw. So probably the later portion of 2019 once most games have come out and anet can get a sense if they even need to implement it.

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