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Time gating is NOT fun!!

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So I've been actively crafting my legendary precursor Dawn for little under a month now. I really wanted to have Sunrise since 2013. and since

I got the expansions on the latest sale, I finally had an opportunity to do the legendary precursor crafting.

In the past couple of weeks I went hard grinding out reagents for it. It took me some time to finish first and second collection, but by the time

I got to third collection, I was hooked. I had to have the Dawn by any and all means.


Three days ago, after a long day of farming, I finished the second collection around 10pm, and decided to start the third collection that night. I fell asleep over my keyboard, Woke up around 6am and continued. I played on and off whole next day and fell asleep at my keyboard second night in a row, but it didn't matter. Dawn would be mine by next dawn for sure. The next Dawn dawned and I woke up in front of PC more hyped than ever.

I finished the third collection just to find out that in order to craft the Dawn I needed an item obtainable only by spending Laurels, all of which I turned into T6 mats for Gift of Fortune and liquid gold needed to complete collections. Naturally i open the daily reward tab to check when I'll be getting more laurels, and guess what. In Week and a half...


After all my work, hype and euphoria, that I'll finally get THE weapon I yearned for since 2013 when I first saw it, a month of gameplay and almost a week of going all in, I find out that I have to wait an arbitrary week and a half to get the Sunrise, and there's nothing I can do to change it. No matter how dedicated or hard working I am. I hit a rock solid, stone cold wall of disappointment.


All this being said, I only hope that this has been a bad case of oversight on dev part, because I don't want to play or support a game in which this type of timegating is a core philosophy. Period.

Edits: grammar

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> But he talks about value, not "value".

All he said isn't true even besides your point. There are infinite ways to prolong the process while still offering a way for the most dedicated to keep working on it even under "ramping up costs". This cold time period is just unacceptable.


> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> You should've done your research lol


> Wouldn't have happened if you had used the wiki even once during this entire process.


Actually I lived on the wiki for the past week, but this being my first precursor crafting, and collections >< crafting and crisscross unlocks being very confusing reading just from the wiki and not in actual GW2 interface, I missed one little detail.


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There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:


#Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas


Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.


This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.


The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.


Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.


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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > But he talks about value, not "value".

> All he said isn't true even besides your point. There are infinite ways to prolong the process while still offering a way for the most dedicated to keep working on it even under "ramping up costs". This cold time period is just unacceptable.


People accept these time gates for 3 years already. It's very much acceptable.


Could you list those infinite ways to prolong the process and not destroy already pretty depressing state of game economy?



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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:




Hello there, nice comment, but I think that you are missing the point. When it comes to daily crafting, while it still may be annoying for some players to have to craft every day, you can still buy those mats straight from TP, for a higher price than if you crafted them your self daily, ofc.

But in my case, there is **NO THING** I can do, no price I can pay, no burden I can bear to bridge this week and a half to get to my end goal.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


> >


> Hello there, nice comment, but I think that you are missing the point. When it comes to daily crafting, while it still may be annoying for some players to have to craft every day, you can still buy those mats straight from TP, for a higher price than if you crafted them your self daily, ofc.

> But in my case, there is **NO THING** I can do, no price I can pay, no burden I can bear to bridge this week and a half to get to my end goal.


You can buy precursor from TP and not bother with collections.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> Could you list those infinite ways to prolong the process and not destroy already pretty depressing state of game economy?



One coming off the top of my head. Introduce "crafters exhaustion" where you increasingly make mistakes crafting (if you craft an extreme amount). Also make it obvious that it is not the normal way or profitable. I would be the first one to do it.


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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> > Could you list those infinite ways to prolong the process and not destroy already pretty depressing state of game economy?

> >


> One coming off the top of my head. Introduce "crafters exhaustion" where you increasingly make mistakes crafting (if you craft an extreme amount). Also make it obvious that it is not the normal way or profitable. I would be the first one to do it.



But you said they are infinite. Keep going, one example is nothing to support your rant and claims.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> You can buy precursor from TP and not bother with collections.


Yes but the items I was talking about are around 100 times cheaper, and still considered somewhat pricy. That counts for something.


Also, I believe my example was sufficient for the point I was making. That there are other ways to satisfy ambitious players without tilting economy.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> > You can buy precursor from TP and not bother with collections.


> Yes but the items I was talking about are around 100 times cheaper, and still considered somewhat pricy. That counts for something.


> Also, I believe my example was sufficient for the point I was making. That there are other ways to satisfy ambitious players without tilting economy.


you said there are infinite ways, list them


also, just because buying precursor is expensive, it's still an option for you, which proves that your claims of having "no options" to skips time gate are, indeed, false :)

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So can I summarize your complaint as:


Person wants to rush a legendary which is designed to takes weeks and/or months and is frustrated?


Here is the culmination of your mistakes:


A.) you did not inform yourself on which approach best suits your desire/need. Even one random google search would have net enough people complaining about precursor crafting and how long it takes


B.) you did not do any research on the item you want to craft or the process to get the require materials. Gw2efficiency, multiple guides, multiple reddit and forum threads all of which would have been useful to read up first on


C.) the item you are trying to craft is not meant to be rushed in 1 day or 1 week. The fact that people can or do can be attributed to either them buying gold with real money and getting it over the trading post, or accumulating materials/gold/value over a longer period of time before crafting the item


D.) all T1 legendarys can be acquired as fast as one desires. You can buy the entire item, you can buy a precursor off the TP and craft it or you can do the precursor crafting collection. The time it takes to make said item varies


E.) time gating serves a purpose in this game. Yes many people dislike it and yes it is an unfun mechnic. It beats a ton of other even more unfun mechanics which would have to replace it. Funny enough, most people who plan ahead or are fine with not getting everything right away are fine with time gating


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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> You're actually completely missing the point.


The point is, you are ignoring why time gates exist and the option to skip it. You failed at the stage of researching how to get your dream legendary the fastest way and now you are inventing excuses on the fly trying to justify your rant.

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I believe I informed myself as well as one can the first time going into precursor crafting. Right now I have 6 wiki pages bookmerked just on Dawn, and additional GW2 Spidy page on Dawn as well.

Also, I have been working on my legendary for years, and just this month shifted into 6th gear.

Also I am not complaining about time gating in general but about this specific instance of time gating.

And also, stop pretending like buying precursors from TP is gameplay. Only people who ever do it are those who whip out credit card.


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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> Also I am not complaining about time gating in general but about this specific instance of time gating.


which situation is your fault only, you didn't do proper research, burnt your currency on mats you could get other way and now you are stuck, there's a lesson for you to learn from


> And also, stop pretending like buying precursors from TP is gameplay. Only people who ever do it are those who whip out credit card.


even more evidence you have 0 knowledge to provide constructive argument about time gating


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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> @"Cyninja.2954"

> I believe I informed myself as well as one can the first time going into precursor crafting. Right now I have 6 wiki pages bookmerked just on Dawn, and additional GW2 Spidy page on Dawn as well.

> Also, I have been working on my legendary for years, and just this month shifted into 6th gear.

> Also I am not complaining about time gating in general but about this specific instance of time gating.

> And also, stop pretending like buying precursors from TP is gameplay. Only people who ever do it are those who whip out credit card.



You'd be surprised how many people rather farm gold in game and buy the legendary than self craft it. Why do you think there is a market for legendarys in the first place?


My first legendary was Twilight and it took me over 1.5 years. There was no precursor crafting back then and the only way to get the precursor was to either gamble the mystic toilet (I spent close to 300 gold back then with no luck) or buy the precursor for 750g of the TP.


You now have a choice to self acquire the precursor devoid of all rng. That is all that precursor crafting is.

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It's not an oversight. Time gating is a deliberate part of the process and is involved in many of areas of high end crafting and collections. Opinion will always be divided on its necessity, but ultimately it is a planned implementation. I can't say I'm always a fan, but I've accepted it in MMO gaming. GW2 is certainly not alone and def not the worst culprit


I am however going to challenge one point - "buying precursors is not gameplay". Everyone I know who has bought a precursor has done so via saving gold from gameplay, rather than whipping out the card for gem conversion. Some will, some wont, but it is incorrect to everyone who does it only does via their card. Many do so via gameplay even if it indirectly from selling loot to fund it


May I ask what item you are trying to obtain via laurels?

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Fair points @"Randulf.7614" Item is called "Mystic Binding Agents" used for Dimensional Destabilizer.

And please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about items like Deldrimor Steel Ingots or Fractal dailys etc. I am mainly bothered by this specific instance.

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Why would I bother with a precursor collection when I can literally buy the damn thing already crafted for less gold than the combined materials required for all collection steps would cost me?


Just hop onto Istan train for a day or two (jusdging by the "sleeping on the keyboard is no problem" I assume you can easily spend vast amounts of time online) and grind yourself an average of 20g/hour and buy a precursor.

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