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Collections are the worst thing in this game

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > I like collections


> That's fine. But can i, someone who likes to do challenging content made for coop have more than 1 skin? Or is everything supposed to be gated behind those who enjoy playing gw2 alt tabbed?


> A new LS is introduced, and everything is 1- behind gem store 2- behind collections. Where are the items that make you **play** the game???


I thought there was more than one skin locked behind instanced team play?

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Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.


> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.


Completely disagree. Some may call running elite dungeons for money/skins as chores, but in reality, that's not a chore, that's the endgame content of every mmo. When you play challenging content with a group, you're engaged in combat and aren't playing half asleep. Collections on the other hand... they're so easy, repetitive, uninteresting and boring that no matter how hard you try, you fall asleep while doing them, because there are **zero** excitement EVER. Doing collections is as exciting as watching news on tv.


This addition to the game has killed the replayabilty of content every other mmo has. It is not random that even six years after launch, you constantly hear "gw2 has no endgame". Of course there's no endgame. When a dev sacrifices dungeon runs for a list of chores, what kind of endgame is this video game supposed to have?


As someone who likes to **play a video game** instead of busy work/checking a list of chores, this is ruining everything in pve, and its been like that for years now.



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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> So, you're saying a minority likes collections, and the "solution" is locking the rewards behind content an even smaller minority participates in?


What is that even smaller minority? Dungeon runners? GW2 has no dungeons, we have no dungeon runners. The smaller minority doesn't exist. If this game had proper dungeons, the "smaller minority" would be larger than any pve community in the game.

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> @"xuse.6817" said:

> I'd rather buy Legs with gold. I wouldn't touch collections with a 2000000 mile pole.

> The masteries needing you to do achievements is worse than the collections by far, though. Or, rather, basically needing to buy the expansions to play the game, really. I hated HoT, why should I have to buy it just for fractals? Really?!


collections, masteries and achievements are all a poor, really poor time sink. You do not improve in the game while doing these chores. You do not take advantage of the awesome combat system the game offers. You simply shut down your brain, become a zombie, and read your list of busy work chores. You hate them, cannot stand them, but you're still doing em cuz there's nothing else to do in the game.


Poor game design.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Solution: Don’t do the collections and instead play the content that you enjoy.


Problem: Anet forgot to add content i enjoy, and instead put all their effort into collections. If every skin from the collections could be acquired by playing the game, collections wouldn't be a problem. But that's not the case. Every single time new content is introduced, its gated behind collections. You despise them? Too bad, you're not getting anything new for the next two years when a new expansion comes out, and even then, most things are behind collections AGAIN.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Solution: Don’t do the collections and instead play the content that you enjoy.


> Problem: Anet forgot to add content i enjoy, and instead put all their effort into collections. If every skin from the collections could be acquired by playing the game, collections wouldn't be a problem. But that's not the case. Every single time new content is introduced, its gated behind collections. You despise them? Too bad, you're not getting anything new for the next two years when a new expansion comes out, and even then, most things are behind collections AGAIN.


You mean quests? How would a quest be any different than several collection items strung together?


There are plenty of other skins that are introduced that are not tied to a collection. What tends to get tied to collections with every release are the token back items.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.


> Completely disagree. Some may call running elite dungeons for money/skins as chores, but in reality, that's not a chore, that's the endgame content of every mmo. When you play challenging content with a group, you're engaged in combat and aren't playing half asleep. Collections on the other hand... they're so easy, repetitive, uninteresting and boring that no matter how hard you try, you fall asleep while doing them, because there are **zero** excitement EVER. Doing collections is as exciting as watching news on tv.


> This addition to the game has killed the replayabilty of content every other mmo has. It is not random that even six years after launch, you constantly hear "gw2 has no endgame". Of course there's no endgame. When a dev sacrifices dungeon runs for a list of chores, what kind of endgame is this video game supposed to have?


> As someone who likes to **play a video game** instead of busy work/checking a list of chores, this is ruining everything in pve, and its been like that for years now.



Disagree all you like. What are dailies in WoW? Reputation? Any "endgame" pursuit not tied to instanced content? As to instanced content itself, I pay more attention in open world that I did half the time in WoW dungeons. Nor have I ever found content that was more pointless than the WoW gear chase. Ommv.


Don't like collections? Stick with raids and fractals. Ignore collections in the open world. Maybe they're not made for you, just like raids/FotM and the goals obtainable by playing them are not made for everyone who plays GW2. You'er not the only one starved for content you enjoy. Ask for more, then be prepared to stand in line. We all do.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Collections are a cheap excuse for proper questing system that GW2 tried to avoid like fire, adding nothing but typical fetch tasks everywhere in the world.


> As opposed to talking to a specific NPC to start it, then having to go all the way back to that specific NPC when you're done, and on every character? The problem with most quests is that they're usually only good for one pass as an actual experience..... and having to repeat that with no alternate outcome is completely pointless outside of getting duplicate rewards.


It's funny because beetle collection and heart quests since PoF are the definition of fetch questing. Anet does nothing innovative with these tasks yet removing from them any flavour that we would get with properly made quest system.



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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > > I like collections

> > >

> > > That's fine. But can i, someone who likes to do challenging content made for coop have more than 1 skin? Or is everything supposed to be gated behind those who enjoy playing gw2 alt tabbed?

> > >

> > > A new LS is introduced, and everything is 1- behind gem store 2- behind collections. Where are the items that make you **play** the game???

> >

> > I'm sorry, but you're the one spoiling yourself.

> > I enjoy all the collections **playing** the game, exploring, killing champs, etc.


> That is way too easy. I want challenge, killing random stuff in the open world is so simple you can watch a movie while killing.


You're creating a new problem every post just to support the point of what you exactly wants.

"More instanced content to unlock things instead of collections".

This is not debate, this is you trying to prove your point, no matter what.


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The last time people complained too loudly about the game being too easy or too boring, ANet hit us with LS1.


In case you weren't around for LS1, let me explain. You know the recent events with Joko's Awakened raiding parties appearing in various maps? Imagine that happening every fifteen minutes ALL OVER THE WORLD. At one point there were no less than three overlapping story lines with their associated groups appearing, which made normal open world PVE ridiculous. People were going into WvW in droves just to get a break. And then ANet wrecked Lion's Arch, which from a RP perspective was arguably the most traumatic event in GW history since the Searing.


Then finally, they dropped HoT on us, with all its impassable terrain, pocket raptors, and Mordrem "trash" as tough as Orr veterans (and wait til you see the Mordrem veterans!). HoT is still regarded as the hardest content in the game today, with good reason: because ANet made it that way to teach us a lesson.


So when asking for more challenging content, be VERY careful what you wish for. Because ANet has a history of giving it to us, much more than we really wanted.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> They're chores, chores worse than killing 10 rats for 5xp. You made em so people solve riddles and such, but who's really doing that? One out of thousand of players? Most will be alt tabbed searching the wiki. How is this fun? How is this content? Everything new is behind collections aka chores. These same skins could've been implemented in challenging content made for team play (because its an mmo, and that's what you do in mmo's), but instead, they're made for you to be alt tabbed doing chores while watching youtube videos. This is why your expansions run out of content in under a week, while GW1 expansions kept you busy until the next exp comes out, literally. People want to play content, and that content is not being wikipedia.


I'm not a huge fan of collections, but they do function as larges scale quests. I will say, if they would have thrown these in dungeons as "quests", there would be one less dead aspect of this game. People would actually dungeons if the skin they want is behind items they need, or enemies they have to kill in dungeons. They could have even extended the life of dungeons by adding an extra path every now and then. Dungeons in this game make me sad, because they are so much wasted potential, ignored by the devs, resulting in the playerbase also ignoring them.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> The last time people complained too loudly about the game being too easy or too boring, ANet hit us with LS1.


> In case you weren't around for LS1, let me explain. You know the recent events with Joko's Awakened raiding parties appearing in various maps? Imagine that happening every fifteen minutes ALL OVER THE WORLD. At one point there were no less than three overlapping story lines with their associated groups appearing, which made normal open world PVE ridiculous. People were going into WvW in droves just to get a break. And then ANet wrecked Lion's Arch, which from a RP perspective was arguably the most traumatic event in GW history since the Searing.


> Then finally, they dropped HoT on us, with all its impassable terrain, pocket raptors, and Mordrem "trash" as tough as Orr veterans (and wait til you see the Mordrem veterans!). HoT is still regarded as the hardest content in the game today, with good reason: because ANet made it that way to teach us a lesson.


> So when asking for more challenging content, be VERY careful what you wish for. Because ANet has a history of giving it to us, much more than we really wanted.


Wow, now I'm really tempted to ask for more harder content, because I loved all that!


Regarding topic: I don't enjoy collections so I just ignore them, can't remember a single collection with anything I wanted anyways, so no big loss. I just pretend the collection tabs doesn't exist. Not like any new items are important since I already have all the exotic and ascended items I care for, And for my personal tastes 90% of the good skins was released at launch, and everything hidden behind collections looks like clown-clothes anyways.

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I like some collections, but am just glad that Dulfy did them before me. There isn't a hope in hell that I'd be able to figure out what to do in most of them otherwise. Recently, I started the fashion collection "Emperors new clothes" without consulting Dulfy. Easy! I thought just get a med/light/heavy armor item for each armor piece in every cultural tier for... that is only 150 gold, sure I can do that and then I get my mastery point! But.... Oh Nos! turns out that was only tier one and in reality you have to get every piece of cultural armor in the game... Woops strike 150 gold. Actually, wasn't a total waste as I quite like some of the human cultural armor.

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> @"roqoco.4053" said:

> I like some collections, but am just glad that Dulfy did them before me. There isn't a hope in hell that I'd be able to figure out what to do in most of them otherwise. Recently, I started the fashion collection "Emperors new clothes" without consulting Dulfy. Easy! I thought just get a med/light/heavy armor item for each armor piece in every cultural tier for... that is only 150 gold, sure I can do that and then I get my mastery point! But.... Oh Nos! turns out that was only tier one and in reality you have to get every piece of cultural armor in the game... Woops strike 150 gold. Actually, wasn't a total waste as I quite like some of the human cultural armor.


You need eighteen pieces from each race which ends up as a full set from each tier. This means doing the first tier for each armor weight will only count as six and not eighteen.


You don’t need every piece. Figured I’d let you know so you don’t waste gold doing that.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"roqoco.4053" said:

> > I like some collections, but am just glad that Dulfy did them before me. There isn't a hope in hell that I'd be able to figure out what to do in most of them otherwise. Recently, I started the fashion collection "Emperors new clothes" without consulting Dulfy. Easy! I thought just get a med/light/heavy armor item for each armor piece in every cultural tier for... that is only 150 gold, sure I can do that and then I get my mastery point! But.... Oh Nos! turns out that was only tier one and in reality you have to get every piece of cultural armor in the game... Woops strike 150 gold. Actually, wasn't a total waste as I quite like some of the human cultural armor.


> You need 18 pieces from each race and must also have a full set from each tier. You don’t need every piece. Figured I’d let you know so you don’t waste gold doing that.


Thanks - appreciate it. Actually I'd pretty much suspected that, but really it is a stretch too far since I only have human characters. I'm off to kill the crimson head (my last head!) of the great jungle worm and try to get barfed by the amber head, which should keep me busy for a bit :).

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I actually like collections, if only to serve as a checklist. Do I have all the Auric weapons? What am I missing? Look at the collection. What weapons am I missing for my ambrite collection? check the collection. I wish there were more collections for stuff like astral and stellar weapons, mystic weapons, and corrupted weapons, if only to make my inner completionist happy as I check off boxes.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> I actually like collections, if only to serve as a checklist. Do I have all the Auric weapons? What am I missing? Look at the collection. What weapons am I missing for my ambrite collection? check the collection. I wish there were more collections for stuff like astral and stellar weapons, mystic weapons, and corrupted weapons, if only to make my inner completionist happy as I check off boxes.


Tbh that would give me months and months of content.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.


> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.


> Completely disagree. Some may call running elite dungeons for money/skins as chores, but in reality, that's not a chore, that's the endgame content of every mmo. When you play challenging content with a group, you're engaged in combat and aren't playing half asleep. Collections on the other hand... they're so easy, repetitive, uninteresting and boring that no matter how hard you try, you fall asleep while doing them, because there are **zero** excitement EVER. Doing collections is as exciting as watching news on tv.


> This addition to the game has killed the replayabilty of content every other mmo has. It is not random that even six years after launch, you constantly hear "gw2 has no endgame". Of course there's no endgame. When a dev sacrifices dungeon runs for a list of chores, what kind of endgame is this video game supposed to have?


> As someone who likes to **play a video game** instead of busy work/checking a list of chores, this is ruining everything in pve, and its been like that for years now.





You mean the - - Enter Elite content of choice, run past as many mobs as possible, get to a corner, huddle, buff, kill what followed you, run through stealth, open portals, run some more careful to not aggro too many mobs, get to boss face plant it to 10%, open LFG, sell spots.. get gold, open chest, loot shinnies - win

Rinse, repeat..

Yep challenging content can even be repetitive after the first 10 or so runs before breakfast, I guess.


Keep collections please, nerf the spot seller content..



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.

> >

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > Chores are the primary content of MMO's. At one time, ANet may have thought they could make the anti-MMO MMO. However, the habits of MMO players meant that ANet needed to give players stuff to do over time. This meant that while GW2 may do a lot of things differently than other MMO's, it was not possible to have an MMO business model without using "chores," or whatever else you may want to call longer-term pursuits.

> >

> > Completely disagree. Some may call running elite dungeons for money/skins as chores, but in reality, that's not a chore, that's the endgame content of every mmo. When you play challenging content with a group, you're engaged in combat and aren't playing half asleep. Collections on the other hand... they're so easy, repetitive, uninteresting and boring that no matter how hard you try, you fall asleep while doing them, because there are **zero** excitement EVER. Doing collections is as exciting as watching news on tv.

> >

> > This addition to the game has killed the replayabilty of content every other mmo has. It is not random that even six years after launch, you constantly hear "gw2 has no endgame". Of course there's no endgame. When a dev sacrifices dungeon runs for a list of chores, what kind of endgame is this video game supposed to have?

> >

> > As someone who likes to **play a video game** instead of busy work/checking a list of chores, this is ruining everything in pve, and its been like that for years now.

> >

> >


> challenging..

> You mean the - - Enter Elite content of choice, run past as many mobs as possible, get to a corner, huddle, buff, kill what followed you, run through stealth, open portals, run some more careful to not aggro too many mobs, get to boss face plant it to 10%, open LFG, sell spots.. get gold, open chest, loot shinnies - win

> Rinse, repeat..

> Yep challenging content can even be repetitive after the first 10 or so runs before breakfast, I guess.


> Keep collections please, nerf the spot seller content..




Or maybe anet could be smart for once and make it until X mob is dead, you cannot go any further. Cheese is avoidable if devs don't want it being part of the dungeon runs........

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> They're chores, chores worse than killing 10 rats for 5xp. You made em so people solve riddles and such, but who's really doing that? One out of thousand of players? Most will be alt tabbed searching the wiki. How is this fun? How is this content? Everything new is behind collections aka chores. These same skins could've been implemented in challenging content made for team play (because its an mmo, and that's what you do in mmo's), but instead, they're made for you to be alt tabbed doing chores while watching youtube videos. This is why your expansions run out of content in under a week, while GW1 expansions kept you busy until the next exp comes out, literally. People want to play content, and that content is not being wikipedia.


pretty much everything in the game is optional, it's your own choice to put in the efforts to obtain them


I still got 2/3 of PoF skins to collect, so why don't I do PoF contents to get them? because I dont feel like to


the fact that you are looking up wiki on the how-to and youtube clearly shows something wrong with your approach to the game, because these how-to guides are all written/made by player figured them out, anet did not send them a 'how-to' guide


you want the skins to be locked behind challenging content? just take a look the skins locked behind raids

and what happens? people complaining about "OMG!!! Raid is so hard, so toxic, so elitist" "Give us easy mode"


Just as PvP and WvW exclusive skins, you need to put in efforts to earn them


so please stop making these ignorant complaints to dumb down contents and put some efforts in, half of the fun of the game is figuring them out

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