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Why not creating a poll about balancing?

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A poll wont help balancing it correctly. Cause people's opinion about what is op is generally based on their own class, ranking, playstyle.


Of course people would shoot out the most overpowered class ... but they will also claim things to be overpowered caused by their lack of skill. So there would be tons of stuff suggested that isnt worth to be balanced.

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> @"wwDefuser.2056" said:

> A poll wont help balancing it correctly. Cause people's opinion about what is op is generally based on their own class, ranking, playstyle.


> Of course people would shoot out the most overpowered class ... but they will also claim things to be overpowered caused by their lack of skill. So there would be tons of stuff suggested that isnt worth to be balanced.


yeah m8 45% of the roamers in wvw are mesmers and 35% warriors so i meet those classes all the time cause i lack skill it isnt obvious they are overpowered or something

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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> ![](http://i.imgur.com/vjYUC7B.jpg "")


> Well... ;^)


Wasn't meant like that :smiley:

More like including more the community instead of only balancing what they think might be wrong


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> if they need a poll to figure out things then something is seriously wrong.


Nearly everyone is complaining about the balance patches, also when you check every second post here

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Players are pretty good at pointing out what is a problem in terms of what doesn't feel "fun" to play against.

Players are generally bad at fixing the underlying problem.


I would at least like to see developers acknowledge these problems and state their overall goals far in advance of balance patches. That way, we at least know they tried. Without that, it seems like a dart board.

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While it is true that sometimes the public makes wrong decisions, I feel like it would be a good idea to have a monthly poll based on what players feel is under performing and/or over performing. This could then be used as an indicator for devs to make a proper decision. In other words, we should have a say on what goes on in pvp. We are the players and Mike specifically said "we make this game for you". Besides, we have a large community of veteran players who have been in the pvp scene for so long that it is fair to say a lot of us do know what is balanced and what isn't.

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They could simply have a test server. Point is they don't want their terrible ideas to get shot down by the players over and over before they have a chance to force them on us in live.


The balance team is what is killing this game. They time and time again prove they have no clue what they are doing or even how to begin balancing the classes. It's such a shame that every other part of this game is amazing and yet can be taken down to such a low population because the balance team can't do their jobs properly.


No poll is going to help them, they just need a whole new balance team that might actually do the job properly. I seriously would be pissed if I was working on any other part of this game and they single handedly are destroying it and driving more and more players away with poor balance changes.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> They should at least explain themsefs because some of these changes don't make any sense. But failing to present a valid reasoning would undermine their decisions so of course they're not going to do that.


Let's be honest, any explanations that they can give will not change most people's opinions on whether the changes are good or bad. On the other hand it would be pretty hilarious to see a written explanation for shield of wrath cool down reduced from 36 to 35 seconds.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > They should at least explain themsefs because some of these changes don't make any sense. But failing to present a valid reasoning would undermine their decisions so of course they're not going to do that.


> Let's be honest, any explanations that they can give will not change most people's opinions on whether the changes are good or bad. On the other hand it would be pretty hilarious to see a written explanation for shield of wrath cool down reduced from 36 to 35 seconds.


Probably because 35 can be reduced by 20% and get a clean integer cooldown, while reducing 36 by 20% gets a bizarre 28.8 cd.



Why is cleanly reducing a cd by 20% important? Cuz this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Focus_Mastery

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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> ![](http://i.imgur.com/vjYUC7B.jpg "")


> Well... ;^)


Op, cuz of this. It will make much more sense to use the data from sPvP games, aggregate them in bell curves. Figure out the highest winning compositions. Then utilize feedback for what specifically cause something to overperform/underperform.


Honestly, I think anet usually knows that something is not working correctly. Figuring out what the issue is exactly requires either detailed reading of feedback or playing the game (or both). Anet probably does neither, and thus much of the changes seem to be driven by random number generator.


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yeah getting spvp history data after the balance patch and comparing which class performs without difficulty and consistently against which classes and what could be the counter against such spams could improve balancing.....






what if anet looks at the report in a different way?


improving fun might not increase playerbase... anet might manipulate the balancing system and tip it in favor of some classes in one pvp season and tip it the other way the next season to get players involved in community to post complaints about the other classes and keep the fire going... then player will switch professions and find some interesting stuff in new professions that they haven't explored before and they won't leave GW2 and wont move to other mmo's coz they got distracted and now they got a new OP profession/class/build ... you catch my drift? might be possible... but... in anyway, whatever anet does to tip the scales to make a class op or nerf another class altogether, i won't mind... coz i love GW2 and its content, and the people who participate in events, meta, fracs, pvp team, party, the graphics, the vista, the way skritt and asuras talk, funny npcs, the dialogues, the story, the jumping puzzles(could improve the reward after reaching the JP without the help of a mesmer though.. coz i do it every time) and most of all, **__I love my Soulbeast Ranger no matter what happens__** and no matter how much depth anet goes to nerf the profession period. ;)

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> @"MasterChriss.8574" said:

> Since everyone is complaining about balancing here, why doesn't Anet creates something like a poll, where every player can vote which class/profession/ability is overpowerd or to weak and the devs can check it and still decide?

> Or does something like this already exist?



Cause that kind of thing helped in the past.


90% of people don't know or are invested enough to care to know and make an informed opinion.

Having a poll like this broke PvP, balancing by popular opinion would break the whole game.

But they certainly need to cycle the balance team a bit. Not saying fire them, just move them around a bit, get new perspectives into the team, because balance has been lacking, for certain.

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> @"MasterChriss.8574" said:

> > @"Rym.1469" said:

> > ![](http://i.imgur.com/vjYUC7B.jpg "")

> >

> > Well... ;^)


> Wasn't meant like that :smiley:

> More like including more the community instead of only balancing what they think might be wrong


> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > if they need a poll to figure out things then something is seriously wrong.


> Nearly everyone is complaining about the balance patches, also when you check every second post here


"Including the community" sounds nice, but then if they completely ignore what we say, then it's even worse than had they never asked. The best form of government is a competent dictatorship, not a democracy, and unfortunately incompetent dictators are rarely willing to give up their power. That's a large part of the issue here.

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> @"MasterChriss.8574" said:

> Since everyone is complaining about balancing here, why doesn't Anet creates something like a poll, where every player can vote which class/profession/ability is overpowerd or to weak and the devs can check it and still decide?

> Or does something like this already exist?

Mixed feelings on this.


The last major poll we did got team queue for ranked removed from the game, so I'd be wary about letting mob opinion dictate balance on its own. We whine about a whole lot generally without letting the meta settle.

This isn't to say the balancing devs are perfectly prudent, but mob opinion can easily lead to things becoming useless just because they're annoying.

Plus they tend to ignore us even when there's documentation that something might be game breaking. (or, at the very least, they try to solve it in increments so drawn out that it feels like they arent listening.)

That being said, they also seem to draw from metabattle to decide which builds may be overperforming, so... perhaps for really specific details, and only for data aggregation.



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> @"Marxx.5021" said:

> PvP balance is harder to test than PvE balance. It relies much more on player feedback. Unfortunately PvP balance issues aren't addressed when they become obvious . I guess the balancing team is more concerned with PvE balance.


yet they also destroyed scourge in pve so i don't think this balancing team know what they are doing at all

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