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Do you prefer to play a single build, or to change builds all the time?

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I have one main-character which I play actively, all my other characters are mules/gatherers/crafters. On this character I currently have two sets, working on the third atm, with a unique core-build related to each. Depending on the siutation, I adjust traits and skills as I please.


Example: Last friday I was draged into a T4 level 100 fractal run by a few guildmembers. I have never done such a high level before and had no clue about the mechanics in the fractal on T4. For the first boss I started with my basic condition build. After the 3rd or 4th wipe, I was forced to adjust my traits due to the massive overkill of cc attacks I had to face. On the second boss we also wiped a few times. I once realized that I was overwhelmed by conditions, so I switched to my power-build which is good for cleansing conditions. It worked ok, but I was still overwhelmed by conditions, so I had to adjust a few traits and skills. The asura proved to be extremely difficult. After the first wipe I adjusted my build to condition-damage again. During the next wipes I adjusted my traits according to the circumstances of my deaths. The final version was a mix of my basic condition-build and the 3rd I am still developing.


Luckyly my group had enough patience. Some of my party-members did the same with their builds during the adventure. It was fun, exciting and I learned a lot. But I think this playstyle is a little too stressful and complicated for some people. I totally understand everyone who just goes to metabattle, picks the one with the best ranking and sticks to that until the next patch. To each his own ^^.

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I primarily play the same build with minor tweaks as the situation calls for it, though not entirely by choice. It's partly due to familiarity but mostly because I don't have the items needed to swap. I would very much like to try a myriad of different builds and would even find it fun if I could choose 5 or 6 builds and then select one of them at random! (though would never advocate for such a niche feature to be implemented). Until I can make an account-bound Power, Condi and Support set for each armor weight I will likely stick to one build 'type' per character and use new characters when I wish I try another.

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I very rarely change my 'main' build for a character, only when a major balance patch ruins what I'm using (like when ranger traps lost their ground targeting) or when I get bored with the skills I'm using (which, with 11 characters, doesn't happen often).

> >

> > But I do switch easy to change things for certain situations. Most of my characters have at least 1 spare weapon set and I'll swap skills and traits to suit the situation. For example when I was doing the Ley Anomaly event I swapped a ranger spirit for the speed boost signet, because I knew we'd be moving too much for a spirit to be useful and I'd need the increased speed more.

> >

> > Also I do have a 2nd elementalist and engineer because I wanted to use both elite specs and could not be bothered swapping everything over each time.


> Ranger traps no longer being able to be thrown is one of my 'Top 5 most disappointing changes that negatively affected my enjoyment of the game'. :\


> (elaboration on this disappointment expressed below)

> >! Considering the foundation of high mobility seems to be the most highly-praised aspect of the game's combat (instead of being locked in place while you use skills like in pretty much every other MMORPG I've played), why they have progressively begun to remove this mobility from select aspects of professions leaves me perplexed and progressively more disappointed.

> >!

> >! I think I had 12 or so ranger characters when the change happened and it had been my favorite profession since the game launched (despite its forced pet use). I mostly stopped enjoying ranger-play after the change as it essentially removed traps from the profession for me, which I really enjoyed using as an integral aspect of my gameplay. This pretty much left me to rely solely on weapon skills for combat while playing on them, which made combat with them very monotonous, very fast.

> >!

> >! I still do not understood why they feel the need to force changes to the PvE version of skills if it is being changed entirely for the sake of PvP balance. They've started to split balance changes in separate game modes more lately, but these tend to be very minor alterations to cooldowns and tweaks of percentage values that are barely noticeable. This kind of 'balance' leaves me wondering why they bother to split these extremely minor and pretty unnoticeable changes, but then go and force large, profession-altering changes like ranger traps being neutered to be game-wide - something that essentially gutted the profession of almost all its enjoyment for me. :\



> Bow range being chopped in PvE due to it getting 'balanced' for the sake of PvP is also in my Top 5.


On your elaborated section, I believe the Devs have stated that large changes to mechanics would be kept the same across game modes, but smaller changes like damage coefficients, boon durations, or cooldowns would be split for the sake of balance. This keeps the skills mechanically and thematically the same, so playing with them still feels the same from a functionality standpoint in all game modes.

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I love playing with different builds and set ups. But it is a lot harder to do than it was in GW1, since Anet (very understandably) are using the addition of different builds as a progression mechanic and make it hard to swap stats and runes. Am an alt player anyway and already have multiple builds, but likely will end up with a lot more. Having a lot of builds is one thing, being able to play them effectively is another and it takes me some considerable time to be happy with a build and engrain its rotations.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> Could use an "I have alts and give each one a specific build/purpose." option. I picked the closest match. Or maybe "biased" was the right choice. :p


Same, do switch up builds on toons but if I find a build and playstyle I enjoy/need for a role I will lock that one down and do another toon. Example: have 3 rangers and will probably create 2 more. 3 Neco, 3 Wars etc etc.

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I don't really see my option but I have different build for different characters. Each of my 35 characters have their own unique one. But mainly I use meta raid builds and adjust these builds on the characters that play the top tier meta if it changes. There are a few exceptations of course but the characters who use the other builds use them for specific reasons such as the own concepted lore of the OC or the very nature of the character.

But to say at least: I always go with the most useful builds like any other skilled player who wants to achieve something and not slack around for hours because they can't kill that one boss in a few minutes only because their build isn't optimized for content like this.

(Oh and yes, I have own lore and concepted stories for characters but still participate in content you wouldn't expect from a RPer)

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I don't really see my option but I have different build for different characters. Each of my 35 characters have their own unique one. But mainly I use meta raid builds and adjust these builds on the characters that play the top tier meta if it changes. There are a few exceptations of course but the characters who use the other builds use them for specific reasons such as the own concepted lore of the OC or the very nature of the character.

> But to say at least: I always go with the most useful builds like any other skilled player who wants to achieve something and not slack around for hours because they can't kill that one boss in a few minutes only because their build isn't optimized for content like this.

> (Oh and yes, I have own lore and concepted stories for characters but still participate in content you wouldn't expect from a RPer)


Different characters for different builds is what I do as well.


Fighting a boss for hours is baffling because the longest I've gone is probably 20 minutes and that is already with one of my lowest damage character. The only one lower would be if I used a healer and soloing with a healer would only make sense if it was some sort of minion build.

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Usually you should kill a raid boss easily in 4 minutes (preferred would be even less but that's the most acceptable time). But if you have a group who doesn't know what their doing and have s hitty builds then it can take longer. A reason why I avoid pugs and LFG for raids in general aside from my social anxiety.



(I don't know why there was a "kitten" in the text. I didn't type that word wtf)


Edit 3: Yes I know it's the filter but it's stupid to censor words because sometimes you have to say things head on so noobs can learn how to play properly!

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With gear stats being so intimately tied to builds, I seldom change up a build beyond switching up a utility skill. I'd definitely do it a lot more frequently if all gear stats were easily modifiable (like legendary gear), but it ends up being overly complicated to carry extra armor sets or continually MF ascended gears to change them, and on top of that, losing the Runes and Sigils often makes that route unnecessarily expensive. Instead, it's often much easier to just make a new alt, insta-level it to 80 via ever-growing stacks of scrolls and/or tomes, and gear it up as needed for the new build.

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Every character has it's build, and if I happen to have two characters of the same class, you bet they'll both have the same build...especially since once I find and armor look I like that's what the character will wear practically the rest of her life, same with the skills/traits, unless ArenaNet goes and does a job on them that forces me to redo the setup.

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This poll is evidence enough of what I've said in another discussion thread about how people want to play what they want to play, not what others dictate to them what they should play. Everyone has a favorite class and it's really frustrating when you're unable to use said class because of it's lack of viability in certain content. From a position where you could reasonably get on any class and it would have viability in endgame content, now you're looking at even more classes that are strongly overpowered compared to others and are forced to play other things. I don't mind switching here and there for different things when needed but at the end of the day I want to use my main most of the time, that's why it's my main. So much for balancing.

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If there was a save option for builds, I'd probably be more likely to change them more often. The way it is, I usually stick to one build for the given game mode (and only change when there have been balance patches that require changes or new available armor/weapon stats that are more efficient).

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Same build, with tweaks (extra condi cleanse for certain bosses, etc).


If there was a template system to save builds, I might consider changing more often, but it's too much of a PITA to remember every trait and utility and gear slot to bother swapping them around.

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