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Legendary Trinket Aurora is unfair...

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I just wanna point out something about the Legendary Trinket Aurora. We all know that making this legendary trinket is a pain.

I will be honest, i had so much fun crafting, farming, and doing all the achievements needed to make Aurora but i just wanna point out something that is very unfair regarding with the Aurora visual effects and aura in terms of different races, especially "Asura".

I have tried wearing Aurora with bigger races (ex. Human) and the visual effects (Aura) are really stunning and obvious. But, "Asura" race does not have the same effects.. in fact, it is almost invisible except for the 4 orbs floating around.

This screenshot is the example of it:


We all know the pain and the amount of time making the Legendary Trinket Aurora and i just wanna feel comfortable, accomplished, and proud of finishing it by seeing visual effect (Aura) on my character (Asura).

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I wish it had no visual effect so I would be interested in making it.


> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> I wish we could turn off the aura.


I guess the moral of OPs story is... play an Asura. ?


But OT, Asura are generally notorious for lack of or lesser effects because effects scale down with them.

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I made this mistake with Howler--the only legendary I ever created--which I intended to use on an Asura. Then I realised that you could barely see the aura or the footprints on them whereas on large characters like Charr they were spectacular, I never made a legendary again.


Legendaries will never work well for Asura, because they scale down to obscurity.

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I dislike Aurora's smoke/glow aura, and I wish I could disable it. I made this trinket only for those flying, glowing objects (well, stat swapping is a convenient bonus, too.)

When I created it, I used Aurora on my asura character and the aura was okayish as it was barely visible, but since I've changed my main to human it's become quite an annoyance at times.


So I've got a little different opinion on Aurora's aura: it's unfair that asura have a small, bearable aura while big races have to bother with a huge one. :wink:



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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> To put more salt into the wound if you turn into a small spider you actually get a decent effect out of it:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Kabw6gt.jpg "")


> But yes, I agree with the OP. They should increase the visual effects on asura, what we have rn is way to underwhelming.



> Also lol @ all the OT spam.


Ugh!!! You're good! Well, everything on Asura looks super small when it comes to visual effects. Revenant's legendaries and other skill animations, cosmetic items effects, legendary auras, even new storm glovers!

Except "fiery items"

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/eKTrEpR.jpg "")


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