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Please don't devalue "The Blazing Light" title (killing Liadri)

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > > > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > > Why don't you try to stop the dawn next?

> > > > >

> > > > > All achievements and titles devalue over time, as more and more people manage to get them, with or without new specializations and balance changes, it will happen.

> > > >

> > > > It happens because nobody do anything to avoid it (like a proper balancing of new specializations in case of raids) but it's different here, if more people would manage to get this title, it would be fine, nothing to complain but here the point is that the great majority of them would manage to get it ONLY by using new specializations and it's not fair at all toward those who spent tons of time and energy attempting to get it in the old days.

> > > >

> > > > > There's nothing that will ever stop that.

> > > >

> > > > There could be, it's called "Anet's Intervention".

> > > > I agree with OP here, and it's not hard to do so: make a new title for beating Liadri from now on (as OP said) or forbid the use of elite specs in the Liadri fight.

> > > > Just look at all the fuss raiders do when people exploit a glitch to get cm kills, they even convinced anet to make a brand new title for W4 cm for that reason; sadly raids still follow that rule you said about "titles devaluing over time" no matter what (due to the introduction of new specializations and raising powercreep) but here there's still something that can be done to prevent that.

> > >

> > > Exploit for top tier challenging content= the same as getting a kill with power creep againts an easy 1v1 event boss 10/10 comparisson

> >

> > You're right it's not the same, in this case it's even worse. Glitches are unpredictable, this is announced.

> > So please anet, if you plan on bring back this title, don't make it as a freebie for new players with Elite specializations..


> Waaah let me keep my title so i can feel like a special snowflake, i say the more people can enjoy previously out of their reach content tje better, it motivates people to keep playing and potentially brings back inavtive players


A new title would have the same effect.

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These kinds of attitudes (re: only older players should have it) are one of the reasons why I've had trouble getting into other MMOs. I've played GW2 since beta, but I came very late to the WoW scene, for example, and I swear all I heard was older players whining about how vanilla was the best, or some really cool thing isn't obtainable anymore, or how some awesome fight/encounter is played out and boring.


I don't want my GW2 community to be like that. I don't want this game that I love (and have spent tons of time and money on) to be that kind of environment for people who are just now discovering it. When people talk about the old festivals, I want there to be a sense of, "I hope they bring it back so you can experience it and get the cool rewards, too!" I want to appreciate and cherish the magic of people who are excited about stuff I've already done, because the point isn't whether anyone has done it or whether how difficult it was to achieve should be some sort of status symbol for me. The point is that it was *fun* and now new(er) players can have that fun, too.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Stop trying to prevent newer players from getting opportunities to get older rewards.


This, seriously. They need to bring back the chance to get some/most of the things that were so short lived, like season 1. I burned out on the game so much at that time and now I can't get many of those things because I didn't make this game my job? Excuse me?

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> If they come back - that's cool. But the title for the first year should be separate, as should be the minis and all, as a nod to players who had it years ago before everything was trivialized with the elite specs.



It sorta sounds like it could already be cheesed before

And things get changed all the time. Map Completion used to require you to do all of the WvWvW maps too. If you didn't play on an active WvWvW server? You woulda been SOL


I got map completion when it was much harder. Do you see me complaining about it now? No

I brag about it sure, but it was a change for the better.


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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> Map Completion used to require you to do all of the WvWvW maps too. If you didn't play on an active WvWvW server? You woulda been SOL


> I got map completion when it was much harder. Do you see me complaining about it now? No

> I brag about it sure, but it was a change for the better.


Did one map completion while WvW was still required. Ugh. I wouldn't wish that on any player, as it was awful gameplay design.


And when WvW folks complain about having to do map completion in PvE? I don't try to fluff some needless ego. Nope, I fully support letting them trade in 4 Gifts of Battle for a Gift of Exploration, which is largely the only reason they'd care to do world completion in the first place. It's not going to chaffe my behind to see yet another person flail around with Twilight/Dusk/Eternity (except for the edgy fashion fail part), because I've already made 4 legendaries anyway. There's no "prestige" to be had.


Same goes for Liadri. I can't be impressed because the fight was "hard" (read as: cheap, insta-death, badly designed) or that it was easily cheesed by certain overpowered builds.


If I'm impressed by anything, it was the patience exhibited by some folks to blow through 100 tickets while waiting for their turn. ...Seriously ANet, can we have that part be instanced? It's bad design to have long wait times around cheap fails. Fail Faster, remember?



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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> To all of you who call it a "2nd chance".

> It's not a second chance! It's an easy mode with elite specs, call it with its the proper name please.


The video posted is from 2013. I remember the fight being that easy. That is pre-either expansion or "power creep".

There is no reason to withhold things from newer players. IF new players can get things they missed, they think are cool, they may play longer.

If they play more, it makes the game healthier. It's just pixels in a GAME. It is not going to make you a better person by having something new players can't get.

Seriously, get over it already.

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I'm tempted to try doing the Gauntlet again with the nearest I can manage to the build I had the first time around (it won't be exactly the same because of updates, but as near as I can manage/remember). Except that would involve crafting a bunch of exotic rabid equipment, which I'd then have to soulbind, just for this 1 thing.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Wait a minute. So does nothing ever move into meh territory or do elite specs trivialize content? You're contradicting yourself heavily here. Pick one.


No I don't. We're still lvl80, any drops are still relevant, no titles were removed due to trivialization of the check, nothing like that. Yet at the same time, damage has scaled up in a "soft" attempt to emulate the tabula rasa effect other MMOs get from increasing the player level and sending them to a different set of zones, only here it doesn't work well because while it **did** trivialize all previous content, it never **invalidated** it, since our actual level never went up (and a host of smaller factors such as crafting needing lower level materials and so on).


This is fine to a point - sure, slowly the relative income of the population rises so your economy might buckle, but those issues are really minor by comparison. But you also run into some issues, and this is one where I'd personally mind if something I could so far cherish as "legacy" (I don't have anything form it other than the mini, and that's perfectly fine, I lack a host of things from other unattainable contents, too - **and I like it that way**) is brought back and trivialized in the process.


Now of course, if it isn't trivialized because it was re-scaled for PoF power levels, then in a way, cool! Although... that'd also be a bit cruel because for people without the expansions it'd serve as a solid rock wall in front of them.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > Wait a minute. So does nothing ever move into meh territory or do elite specs trivialize content? You're contradicting yourself heavily here. Pick one.


> No I don't. We're still lvl80, any drops are still relevant, no titles were removed due to trivialization of the check, nothing like that. Yet at the same time, damage has scaled up in a "soft" attempt to emulate the tabula rasa effect other MMOs get from increasing the player level and sending them to a different set of zones, only here it doesn't work well because while it **did** trivialize all previous content, it never **invalidated** it, since our actual level never went up (and a host of smaller factors such as crafting needing lower level materials and so on).


> This is fine to a point - sure, slowly the relative income of the population rises so your economy might buckle, but those issues are really minor by comparison. But you also run into some issues, and this is one where I'd personally mind if something I could so far cherish as "legacy" (I don't have anything form it other than the mini, and that's perfectly fine, I lack a host of things from other unattainable contents, too - **and I like it that way**) is brought back and trivialized in the process.


> Now of course, if it isn't trivialized because it was re-scaled for PoF power levels, then in a way, cool! Although... that'd also be a bit cruel because for people without the expansions it'd serve as a solid rock wall in front of them.


With all honesty, all this seems to me like an arbitrary distinction made only because of nostalgia. PoF power levels? Someone posted a video of a core warrior bursting down Liadri in literal seconds. What do you think "PoF power levels" are going to change? Kill her with one auto?

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"SpaceRaccoon.9684" said:

> > I hope this year someone does the fight naked on a core spec just to crush all these fragile egos.





> has been done already on multiple classes


Wow, the game really sounds terrible in another language :D

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> "Our community is the best community. So helpful and inclusive."


> "Don't let newer players get rewards from older content."


Still better than some. People have posted similar topics on my other MMOs forum and the consensus there is very much with the OP - that games should have lots of limited-time items and those **must** remain "exclusive" no matter how they were originally obtained or even why they were removed - even if it was actually a bug.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > "Our community is the best community. So helpful and inclusive."

> >

> > "Don't let newer players get rewards from older content."


> Still better than some. People have posted similar topics on my other MMOs forum and the consensus there is very much with the OP - that games should have lots of limited-time items and those **must** remain "exclusive" no matter how they were originally obtained or even why they were removed - even if it was actually a bug.


You know that most exlusivity,skin wise at least, was removed months ago with the bl chest wardrobe unlocks? I never played festival of four winds or crown pavillion and i already own 2 sovereign weapon skins from said unlocks, hell you can even buy some season 1 skins with laurels and gold. Clearly arenanet doesnt share the same opinion as people who like to feel special because they happened to play the game a bit earlier than someone else and i am happy that they are open minded

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > It's the hardest challenge I came across in all my gw2 experience (harder that both raid and fractal cm) and on top of that, it couldn't be sold.

> > Now with Elite Specs and newfound powercreep, it could be done much more easily [...]


> Since they reworked all boss mechanics to fit the current level of difficulty and even added new opponents, it is _highly_ unlikely that the title will be "easy" to achieve.

Considering that the difficulty of Liadri fight was always in the parts of the mechanics no elite spec can help with, i really doubt difficulty has changed even if Anet didn't touch anything.

Seriously, it's all about snowflake feelings of some players, nothing else.


> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> Now of course, if it isn't trivialized because it was re-scaled for PoF power levels

Why anyone would need to rescale it? Notice that core power spec in 2013 was able to burst her down in 2 seconds after invulnerability phase ended. If PoF power creep reduces it to 1.5 secs, noone is even going to notice.



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Are you sure we will be able to fight the same bosses like we did the last time?


„We’ve also added a new tier of challenges to the Queen’s Gauntlet, five one-on-one bosses that players will be able to challenge in any order once they’ve beaten the first normal tier. These bosses are tuned to be obstacles for even players who’ve been diligently training their skills since the last Gauntlet, and I’m looking forward to seeing them in action from the spectator ring!“




I‘m no native speaker, so does this mean we get 5 new bosses (replacing the old ones)? Or in addition? So maybe it will be completly new with new titles etc.?


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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Stop trying to prevent newer players from getting opportunities to get older rewards.


Agree,and I am no new player. GW2 is trying to walk a very thin line between being a completionist friendly MMO and a platform to "show off".

It is the playerbase you need to choose. To appeal on both is very hard. Either you want players who play against the game or players who play against other players.

And I mean that not literally (PvE or PvP)

It is more like, you are playing to "finish" the game by collecting all the stuff and doing everything while ANET adds more and more to keep you coming back.

Or you are playing the game to have more, finished more than other players. Then you want ANEt to add stuff which translates your invested time or whatever into a "value" which can be compared to other players.

I think ANET need decide to go one way or the other.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> It's the hardest challenge I came across in all my gw2 experience (harder that both raid and fractal cm) and on top of that, it couldn't be sold.

> Now with Elite Specs and newfound powercreep, it could be done much more easily, so please, if you consider to bring it back with next week's release, do so with new mechanics and ESPECIALLY a **new title**, leave old title for those who earned it back then when core class and old powercreep were the only option.


Back in my days, I had to walk fifteen miles in the snow! Barefoot! Uphill!

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