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Dead eye rifle vs Ranger longbow

Chyanne Waters.8719

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I am a fan of both Thief and ranger I want the best for both but one thing is unfair. Rangers long bow and Thief's Rifle have the same distance, but ranger can move around and the deadeye has to kneel. Now if Deadeye does not kneel they get 300 range taken away and the damage drops quite a bit. Most fractal bosses and some world bosses make you move a lot sometimes way too much. You move to a clear spot just to find there are circles all over after u get there. What I am saying is increase the range for deadeye while standing to 1500 increase the mark and kneeling to 1800 or 2000. Rangers bow should never be as far ranging as a bullet, The effective range of a longbow it less than 250 yards, where the effective range of a basic rifle is slightly over 1,000 yards. The rifle is very underpowered in range so please change that and make any movement for a thief to release kneel except for dodge put another rifle damage skill there since deadeye only has 3 damage skills I put this in this forum so more people can see it; Please do not move it to thief forum or at least copy it to thief forum.

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plus ranger longbow actually shoots quite a lot further than a crouched deadeye. ;)

even though both say the same range.

arcing projectiles have a 15% range increase from what they state, so the true range of ranger longbow is around 2300.

straight-line projectiles (like bullets) simply vanish at the exact range they state.

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> Rangers long bow and Thief's Rifle have the same distance

Not quite the LB has actually more, it says "1500" but the effective range is more like 1700-1800. But yes, a sniper rifle should definitely have more range then a bow and no, I'm not saying that the range on the LB sould be nerfed.

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The Deadeye needs to be buffed in relation to other rifle wielders. If that's your specialization, you should be AWESOME at it and tag foes at a much longer range than a person who uses the rifle as another tool. Kneeling is a much more stable platform than standing and should increase effective distance by 25-33% from similar standing shots. That way the character can stand off, out of normal range by a decent margin, and snipe away.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> There is already a [lengthy discussion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20387/thief-1500-rifle-range-and-ranger-1500-lb-range-video-evidence-now-included "lengthy discussion") on this topic in the Thief sub-forum. I recommend reading through that thread for further discourse.


I wanted to bring this to the main discussion so others can see it Again it should be for all rifle bearers in the standing position and a bit extra for deadeye in kneeling position.

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No, it absolutely does not need to be similar compared to RL. There is no reason for that to happen. What happens in RL is not a compelling reason to change ANYTHING in an MMO. It's close enough that it doesn't break immersion ... that's as good as it's got to be.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> You've made the mistake of associating real life effects into an MMO. It's irrelevant and it's not a compelling reason to 'fix' those MMO/RL inconsistencies.


They may not need to be consistent between rl and the game, but there should be consistency between the “same” values in a game, ie 1500 should equal 1500 not “1500” is greater than 1500.

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Difference between deadeye rifle and ranger longbow, a ranger longbow isnt 2 shotting people from stealth. there has to be compromise to balance them somewhere. Moving deaths judgement from kneel 4 to stealth skill gave deadeyes more mobility while keeping their burst, but they sacrifice range. If deadeyes had high burst, high mobility AND the longest range, there would be no reason to play ranger except to heal or play with mediocre pets that keep getting nerfed.

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Soulbeast vs deadeye for open world killing, deadeye wins hands down (same is true vs druid and core). Deadeye kills mobs in about 1/3 less time, can heal themselves with every attack, trait to stun/daze targets on attack (dead before they can fight back), and can stealth pretty much at will.

For open world, there is literally no comparison, so I hope it stays the way it is. Stupidly fast farming, with ZERO downtime...ever.

I have 1 of each class, and despite mostly playing wvw, have map completion for every map on every character. Deadeye is by far the fastest killing machine in the game.


Edit: and I never kneel, because there is never a need...things are already dead.


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lol thief players still asking for more buffs


in that case, why does my lava font do shit damage, i mean enemies are standing 5 seconds in fucking lava right? that has to do more damage than anything in the game. How about a meteor fallin on your head? That should be instant death per meteor.

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> but they sacrifice range

Which makes no sense since range is one of the most defining features of a sniper class, as of right now rifle is nothing more than P/P 2.0 while P/P keeps getting hammered down by A-Net for no reason.


> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> If deadeyes had high burst, **high mobility** AND the longest range

Well good thing that deadeye doesn't have high mobility then.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > but they sacrifice range

> Which makes no sense since range is one of the most defining features of a sniper class, as of right now rifle is nothing more than P/P 2.0 while P/P keeps getting hammered down by A-Net for no reason.


> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > If deadeyes had high burst, **high mobility** AND the longest range

> Well good thing that deadeye doesn't have high mobility then.


yea right. deadeyes dont even have to kneel to fire deaths judgement anymore. plus they still have the mobility from core thief skills which outshines those of rangers. compared to a daredevil or a mesmer you could say that deadeye doesnt have good mobility, but compared to every other profession they are a cut above.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > but they sacrifice range

> Which makes no sense since range is one of the most defining features of a sniper class, as of right now rifle is nothing more than P/P 2.0 while P/P keeps getting hammered down by A-Net for no reason.


Here I was thinking 1200 (1500) rifle range is 33% (66%) more than 900 range of pistols.


> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > If deadeyes had high burst, **high mobility** AND the longest range

> Well good thing that deadeye doesn't have high mobility then.


Shadowstep, ambush, sword 2, shortbow 5. Rangers have a choice of whopping 0 teleports and cannot disengage as easily.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > You've made the mistake of associating real life effects into an MMO. It's irrelevant and it's not a compelling reason to 'fix' those MMO/RL inconsistencies.


> They may not need to be consistent between rl and the game, but there should be consistency between the “same” values in a game, ie 1500 should equal 1500 not “1500” is greater than 1500.


I must have missed something ... unless the physics of the rifle bullet is different from the arrow in this game. Where are these differences occuring? What is the actual difference we are talking about?

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> yea right. deadeyes dont even have to kneel to fire deaths judgement anymore

But that's not an argument against anything I just said. Quite the contrary and unlike rifle LB is a weapon with less focus on single target damage so of course it's going to do less damage in that regard.



> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> they still have the mobility from core thief skills which outshines those of rangers. compared to a daredevil or a mesmer you could say that deadeye doesnt have good mobility, but compared to every other profession they are a cut above.

Many things "outshine" the mobility of rangers, that's not a good benchmark to use. Deadeye is definitely not "a cut above" stuff like a holosmith.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > You've made the mistake of associating real life effects into an MMO. It's irrelevant and it's not a compelling reason to 'fix' those MMO/RL inconsistencies.

> >

> > They may not need to be consistent between rl and the game, but there should be consistency between the “same” values in a game, ie 1500 should equal 1500 not “1500” is greater than 1500.


> I must have missed something ... unless the physics of the rifle bullet is different from the arrow in this game. Where are these differences occuring? What is the actual difference we are talking about?


Longbow shoots much farther than Rifle regardless of elevation yet they are both “1500” Range.


This is showcased in a video on the first page of the Thief Sub forum.

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